Are xenoestrogens from diet, pollution, and birth control influencing the physical appearance or behavioral tendencies of men or women in the modern world?
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Next question?
I tend to think so but i have no proof. Im just looking at each generation of boys getting softer, rounder, and faggier. Certainly degenerates raising kids has something to do with it, speaking from experience there.
Fuckin swear
I should tag on: HOW are they doing this, and in what way?
I find myself fighting to maintane a masculine appearance just from food intake alone, not to mention the GMO's. With my shit it's either work out and suffer or gain weight on a slow, consistent rate regardless of how you eat.
Fuck everything.
Look at the shampoo, food products, water bottles, etc etc The chemicals are all there. I have a pastebin about it but I'm out of state right now. So you'll just have to take my word for it.
get your shit together baka
It's not that deliberate.
It's more a consequence of materials, processes and chemicals we use and rely on.
Along with an unwillingness to properly clean things like liquid waste due to the huge costs associated with removing the problem compounds.
Since they don't have immediate and serious effects we just ignore the long term effects.
To deal with this issue would require us to essentially redesign the entirety of modern civilisation.
Most plastics would be gone.
Birth control would cease to exist for the most part. Especially things like the pill.
Many pesticides would be gone or very strictly controlled, really we'd have to completely change from traditional agriculture to highly controlled industrial agriculture using controlled sealed environments.
Food packaging and preservation would be a lot more difficult.
Cars would be gone, coal and gas power would be gone.
Many preservatives used in wood and buildings would be gone.
Ships and air travel would have to change massively and air travel might not survive at all.
A lot of dyes and textiles compounds would be gone.
And of course water treatment would become massively expensive.
The costs and disruption are simply too high for our society to be prepared to do anything
Women nowadays get their first period at an age as early as 10 years.
If they cause tits to git that big I wouldn't complain
Is the op pic even a real human bean or some kind of cgi, because those tits are banging?
Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Of course none of this will be implemented in a world owned by kikes. We need to protect ourselves from exposure to their poisons and stay strong so we can take the world back when their system inevitably collapses.
Yes, and Phytoestrogens since the Agricultural Revolution.
There are tons of stuff Xeno/Phytoestrogen related out there.
They're poison
Humans were not supposed to consume those, our dietary guidelines should follow that of our Hunter-Gatherer ancestors or even Indo-European ones:
Egg, Meat, Fish, Milk/Dairy
Vegetables are a Russian-Roulette, RESEARCH A LOT before eating them - often only their good stuff is presented, but almost universally they also have bad stuff. More information at:
I meant on women
The government could distribute, or make legally available, anti-estrogens or pro-androgen compounds.
You'll have to be a good goy and buy a shitload of (((supplements))) in order to get bigger.
real. i'm something of a titty connoisseur
GMOs do not work that way.
the best things in life are always boobs
Bra shopping must be a bitch for that last girl, not to mention back pain.
I'm sure having free and unlimited clothes, painkillers, dick, money and attention is terrible.
I could seriously post these all day. My collection is tremendous.
And if she didn't give birth yet, there is also a chance of them getting even bigger but when she gets older she's gonna look like an orangutan.
Problem is those have horrifying side effects of their own and require careful control and monitoring of their use to minimise the risk.
Self medicating with them or poorly monitored use is guaranteed to cause problems.
When I was in 8th grade, there was a girl in my class who already had tits like in OP's pic. At the time I thought it was just a one-in-a-million chance that a girl that young would develop so fast, but I've seen more than a few girls like that in my time. I don't think it's natural or coincidental that this start happening in the first world at the same time that all these weird chemicals start getting into the food and water.
So you're telling me there's no way, outside of diet, exercise, and avoiding whats possible to avoid, to mitigate the effects of xenoestrogens?
I know multiple teenage girls with boobs like that. Honestly its what first sparked my interest. Its becoming quite common, really. I'd take a wild guess and say that a D cup on a skinny girl is average these days
Pretty much. But even then you won't be able to do much to avoid them due to how common they are.
Porn typically involves genitalia
All women depreciate to an extent. Some are more generally desired, but end of the day tits are tits are tits. Bitch has it made in the shade for life if she has a lick of sense.
sauce on third pic? Holy shit.
tits are not politics, news or current events.
It's about the effects of xenoestrogens on *today's* people. It's entirely current events.
wew lad.
Oh come off it, what part of this would require transportation to be fucked like that? People aren't being estrogenized by driving a fucking car nigger, it's (((birth control))), plastic food/drink containers, many (((prescription drugs))), MKULTRA-tier mindfucking. Gas yourself for being a disinfo agent.
Okay user-kun
Kinda depressing. I'm worried about the health of my future sons. I know for a fact that xenoestrogens are especially damaging in utero. A researcher delivered a presentation at my university outlining exactly how xenoestrogens cause symptoms of physical feminization (specifically of the male genitalia, hypospadias to varying degrees, the worst of which involves almost total absence of penis or testicles) coupled with mental autism (estrogens actually masculinize the fetal male brain, excessive estrogens hypermasculinize resulting in autism.) She demonstrated this with certainty in mice and made a very strong case for this applying to humans.
Well. The only real option is to find a non-agricultural rural area and move there.
Or at the very least ensure any pregnancies take place there with a preparation period of a month or two living there prior to the pregnancy.
Since agricultural areas are thick with pesticides you can't go anywhere where anything is grown commercially.
Worst part is the increase in breast/testicular cancer can be attributed to this as well.
It's a huge problem. But the only solutions are just more than our governments can do.
We need an autocracy to make it happen.
Any anons have that list of companies/products to avoid?
This thread is the first I've heard of pesticides containing xenoestrogen. Not casting doubt, just thanking.
How does one avoid xenoestrogens?
What are xenoestrogen found in?
What food should I be eating?
Trs degenerates fucking leave
Xenoestrogen is not one particular compound.
It's a category of compounds which work like estrogen when in the body.
Not even the human body just in general as many creatures use estrogen or similar compounds for the same purpose we do.
gas yourself
Yes. Lurk the fuck more.
Source: I had massive tits as a kid that I'm just now finally getting rid of through starvation and ideological change. Part of it was fully environmental and part of it was my father leaving the family when I was only 8. If you're around only women during your formative years, you get overestrogenated just from that.
How fucking retarded are you?
Nigger, what. Get the fuck out.
how about you guys keep posting tits?
And instantly dropped. This is vegan shit. I'd say vegan cocksucking shit, but that goes against their diet.
In fairness, organic vs GMO is okay with this one.
Did you even read the document, you fucking mongoloid?
It says no industrial-produced meat, only organic/free range one.
That's what I meant by "how you eat", it's generally understood you shouldn't fill your fat face with loads of food.
I thought it was a cool picture, I got tired of video games and every time I get nostalgic and look back It's now all filled with SJW/Jewish shit, no thanks. If anything I play strategy games and not even the one from pic related.
I am still in the suffering phase as I said because I am still fighting the mindset of procrastination. It's weak of me but I am nearing the edge.. It's so stupid of myself.
Baka ass nigga. thanks for the reply though.
thought I got rid of the reddit spacing
I'll pick up for the other anons' slack.
If anything it was a reminder for myself too. A lot of people deal with the same shit. Getting called and calling people on it is a good thing.
Tits or GTFO!
you require assistance
You can't avoid it all, but maybe 80 percent if you are good.
The worst xenos is those you take up through your skin, so beaware more of those.
As a leg man, I'm fine with this. More girls with big titties just fuels the inferiority complexes of those without.
You still shouldn't cheer this on, because it's also driving girls to hit puberty faster (and thus be more likely to have sex early and be biologically wired into sluts), and of course the effect it has on boys.
I think the effect of xenoestrogens on boys pales in comparison to that of their socialization. Boys don't get to run around in the woods any more, and the country and small suburbs where regular people could afford woods or have them available are either dying or being flooded with immigrants and liberals. There are no "cool" physical outdoor activities in school, just pussified versions of sports in your mandated weekly PE class. No camping trips, no shooting BB guns, no working with your hands. They're lucky if they get recess. Sit down and shut up and be a good little girl goyim, or we'll have you expelled and your life ruined if you couldn't sit still. Unless your name is Jamal or Ahmed, of course, in which case you'll be allowed to stick around and terrorize the children well into your 20s.
It really is no wonder that modern boys are so drawn to Minecraft. It is the only thing resembling the freedom of the outdoors available to them.
The pill was indeed designed to do what it does.
But nobody anticipated it getting into the water supply through them.
Because people are idiots.
It's not filtered by water companies because it can't be filtered. You can't just slap a filter in your water supply and go "HAHA PROBLEM SOLVED!"
These compounds are typically too small for filters and have to be removed or neutralised via other means. Expensive and time consuming means. Which is why they're not removed/neutralised.
Pesticides, food preservatives, etc. They're all just incredibly useful. Which is why nobody paid much attention to the side effects.
And cars, ships and aircraft all use petrochemicals in huge quantities.
Anything derived from oil is xenoestrogennic and the fumes from its combustion are also xenoestrogennic.
Ha women biologically need men to function properly.
Desperate? Don't mistake me for acting like a nigger. Speaking of niggers, you don't need to be impulsive either, I started off explaining my ailments, not defending them.
Ew, bad taste user. What the hell?
in reality tits and those that posses them are the only reason any thing happens at all.. politics ect ect . so very related to current events. what was that that Karl marx said: "revolution cannot happen without tits"
Nothing but excuses you fat losers.
Contrary to your autism I posted to have something at least in the respect of not to have other Holla Forumsacks say "oh wow ur so stronk", where the fuck do you actually see that ever happening?
I knew it, I knew tit lovers were communists all along. Get the fuck out >>>/leftitpol/
Who cares what some neckbeard kike said about anything?
Ass over tits is fucking nigger-tier.
Man the premise of that series was just beyond absurd
count your calories you degenerate fuck. Xenoestrogens might be fucking with us all, but weight gain is as easy as not gorging yourself on "diet foods" at every opportunity to open your gullet.
Not everyone's metabolism is that low.
Breast nigger.
Eh, I don't know if humans were meant to drink other animals' milk. Some people are in fact intolerant to it. And what about getting all the nutrients and minerals and what not from veggies? How would one avoid things like scurvy from a diet of just meat and eggs. That sounds like those protein sparing fasts that athletes use, but only for a short period of time. They become dangerous after awhile.
I should, and I don't even go for specific died foods, maybe that's a problem itself. I tend to not eat a lot often, in the sense that each meal isn't huge, I know I don't take extra steps that I should but pessimism and being a lazy unwilling procrastinator gets emboldened, in this phase it really is hard to say 'fuck it' and finally just do it.
Thank you.
'fuck it' as in the other things, not counting calories, but I can certainly do that.. Don't know why I need to have other people call me out on those things for it to hit me.
Source on this anime please, that I may enlighten myself more completely as to the massive inferiority of those who prefer asses.
>Prefer ape's taste to that of civilized beings that walk on two legs
>Given a choice between literal nigger/ape tastes and refined tits, you'd choose the way of the ape
Top fucking kek
I'm surprised we aren't in the butt category or in the "thunder thighs" one.
those first three pictures are pretty gross
Ass is the body part of freedom and liberty. Breasts are the body parts of servile cucks.
Agreed. Just wanted to post the biggest I could find.
Sorry jamal, your low-iq rhetoric isn't any good.
sorry, i didn't realize you were gay.
Enjoy a zero fiber diet. Revolting.
Why don't you go back to sucking on mommy's tits you little geek?
That doesn't look like a volleyball ball to me m80.
One day we won't need this anymore, but threadly reminder that liking asses also makes you attracted to men. Be it by trap card or not, you have a lust over dudes.
What else would it be?
Go back to Africa jamal.
That skeleton looks more like a man than any other girl in this thread.
Go back to the womb kike.
A rugby?
I want TRS to leave.
This. People seem to think you only get one or the other.
nice digits, looks like you have been blessed enough to learn who early Shyloh is. Use this opportunity wisely.
My autism sucked me in.
Yes but can I smoke.
Xenoestrogens are a big problem. I wonder what is worse, the physical side of the cucked West with xenoestrogens and such or the mental with libtardation, feminism, equality and so on?
If you are that hungry for nicotine, switch to vaping or at least to pipe smoking. Cigarettes contain more heavy metals and other poison than an open-air quarry.
One would not exist without the other. Get rid of the physical reasons and mental ones will sort themselves out soon after. At the moment the two are boosting each other like yeast feeding on the nutrient.
I don`t fear debate, that`s how sure I am of my position.
Smoke pipe tobacco
Get your boogeymen in order.
Your shitty image isn't helping you blend in.
Nobody honestly cares how you feel or sympathizes with your autism.
Everybody knows you're probably Holla Forums anyway.
It's really that obvious.
You're a shitstain and a retarded kike faggot to boot.
I couldn't help myself.
Xenoestrogens are fucking everywhere. Do not use styrofoam (except if you're into poor man's napalm). Try not to drink from plastics. DO NOT MICROWAVE YOUR FOOD IN PLASTICS.
From some conversations I remember with some chemistry PhD., the frozen veggies and fruits, as far as xeno-e goes, are fine as long as they stay frozen and are removed cold.
Every Indo-European descent can drink milk normally. People who can't are race-mixed.
Never said to not eat vegetables, but to be aware of their bad effects as well. Fibers are important, yes. Really, you people have read comprehension of 5 year old's.
Bullshit. Estrogen doesn't just magically increase due to your environment alone.
Then why do women start cycling together?
Because it's a nice little myth we believe.
Myth like (((control))) over the media, maybe.
If you are not receiving your father's pharamones during formative years, your body assumes you are fatherless and will try to mature you extra quickly. You will likely go through puberty earlier. And your body will produce way more estrogen.
Men have a different chemical reaction. When boys go through their formative years without fathers, their bodies assume that the father is at war or dead. In either case, the male body needs to toughen up big time. Either little Johnny has to protect his family out in the cold world or there's a war going on and Johnny has to prepare for that and fast.
I'm guessing regular exercise will strongly mitigate the effects?
So you believe that womens' bodies send invisible signals to each other to synchronously begin their periods?
Source on that?
So it's a mechanic to 'make boys into men' faster by giving them bitch tits and extra estrogen? Talk about a failed fucking mechanic.
funny how a phillipino animated picture board is so versed in the cucking of men.
not what i said cunt. i'm saying that it does happen, not how. spend less time on user's dicks and more time around women. smiley
I might be a cunt, but you're the one believing in wireless signals these evil wimmins are putting out making boys have bitch tits and girls starting periods at the same time.
It's more like
This is why the old tribal method of the genders being mostly segregated is probably best.
you argue like a kike and suffer from dunning-kreuger. hope that helps you improve your life, fellow volk. unless you really are a kike, then just ignore me.
That is a far more reasonable explanation than the "estrogen through osmosis" excuse.
Calling me a kike won't erase your bitch tits, floppy.
Not driving it but the production uses lots of chemicals that's how the great lakes become so polluted during the 50s and 60s
There was a Molyneux video that went into some depth on it. I can't find that right now, though, so here's a quick article
hddb;\\ healthland time com/2010/09/17/another-cause-of-early-puberty-in-girls-absent-dads/
No, no…
projecting now too. smh fam. you're a mess user. sort your shit.
I guarantee your a jew shill being controlled by aliens in orbit right now and you're going to have post evidence proving otherwise.
Men are fat and faggy because they eat shit and don't move around enough.
Not a Jew, but you're right about the aliens parINTERRUPT TRANSMISSION RESET HOST
I'm definitely not being controlled by aliens.
Ass men are definitely nigger tier.
Big asses are a sign of being able to retain water well in dry hot environments (Africa, Middle East, Latin areas). Classically white areas have no use for this dynamic so child rearing is most important – thus healthy tits. The motivation to preserve the white race is the same motivation that leads one to be more attracted to tits.
Looking into that menstrual cycling thing:
mystery, isn't it?
Truly God has blessed this Earth with wonderful things.
I think it's just weird coincidence. I do wonder though, if they examined the mental state of the women who were synchronous.
Pretty sad actually.
Most degenerated races prefer ass and Holla Forums should know this.
While one can like both, it takes a true gentlemen to acknowledge that nice tits have priority over ass.
Gonna go ahead and /thread this here.
Well, take this into consideration:
You can probably do some truly next-level Freudian shit with that if you dig deep enough.
This is the first time I have seen a thread get derailed by the symptom of the topic itself.
You've never milked an ass before?
What about cigars?
please take this shit to /hnt/
we need the activity
As a great man once said: "Psychology is largely a jewish invention."
If you're a kike, yes.
Cigars are made of high quality tobacco leaf, which makes them ridiculously expensive. Most cigars you see on sale are counterfeit or made from leftovers. However, here's the trick. A single cigarette has ~1mg of nicotine. A single cigar has from 100 to 200mg. It's like smoking a whole block of cigarettes over an hour or so.
With a pipe, you can choose tobacco for yourself and one bowl rarely contains more than 2-4mg of nicotine. However, it is absorbed much slower. A good pipe smoke will last you a day or two and it does not help feed the addiction.
Still, while there is no "safe" way of consuming tobacco, cigarettes are the worst thing you can possibly smoke. It's like drinking rotgut - of all alcoholic beverages, you choose to drink leftovers that destroy your body faster than heroin.
Yep. Gender integration turns boys into pussies and girls into whores and faux-men. Gender segregation alone doesn't solve the problem though, you need the right culture and environment otherwise the kids turn into hypersexual homos.
In general kids spend too much time around other kids isolated from reality in Lord of the Flies situations, and need to spend more time in the real world around well adjusted adults.
To be fair pheromones are "transmitted invisibly" and I wouldn't discount their effect completely, but I would put pheromones low on the total pole compared to the social situations that accompany their imbalance.
Again I'm sure pheromones play some part in letting the most primal parts of our brains know what is going on, but at the end of the day not having a father around causes girls to develop ASAP to attract some other man to protect them, and also that single mothers are likely to bring more shitty men into their lives that will set a bad example at best, and actively fuck their stepdaughters at worst
Clearly we are the ones with the superior preferences. Clearly infantile obsession with mommy's tits is not correlated with low birthrates, and manly obsession with child-bearing hips is not correlated with high birthrates.
Take this into consideration:
We all know how much you look putting your dick in places where brown things come out, Jamal.
I want to slap that ass tbh lads.
We all know how much you love not reproducing, fag.
This is coming from someone who fucks the wrong hole . . .
here's a pic, make sure you don't chap your dick.
Pic shows leaked Planned Parenthood memo from the 60s considered ways to reduce the U.S. birth rate did think about 'Fertility Control Chemicals in Water Supply' as a way to reduce the birth rate so maybe they allowed xenoestrogens to be used instead of finding a safer substitute.
Guys, I figured it out. Traps never get the tits right, but with asses you never know. So if you're an ass man, you could be getting arousal from a dude and not know it. Liking asses is literally post-modernist, critical-theory with your sexuality.
Frankfurt school strikes again, this time in your dick.
True, I became an ass man out of nowhere one day when I used to jerk it to exclusively tits
I find big breasts disgusting.
I like small shoulders and breasts but thick thighs.
Am I degenerate Holla Forums?
As long as you don't racemix or have casual degenerate sex then it literally doesn't matter.
In thirty years from now you'll be a pedophile.
My contribution. Reminder that women probably won't look like this anymore once the xenoestrogen issue gets solved. But men won't be effeminate crybabies anymore, so overall I'd call it a win.
Jesus Christ, I like boobs as much as the next guy, but that's just fucking overkill.
hurr ur a feggit
Yes, you're finnish.
Gook detected.
No, you're a normal man with a healthy preference for child-bearing hips. Your dick is guided by a desire to impregnate and procreate.
You fucking idiot, the skeletal structure, especially the pelvis, doesn't change because of slight changes in diet. "Nice asses" as you refer to them are a product of squats.
A Toxic Affair: How the chemical lobby blocked action on hormone disrupting chemicals
Over 40,000 lbs of pussy and ass!
Endocrination - Documentary HD
DENMARK - One in two boys develops breasts
New research indicates that more than half of all Danish boys develop breasts during puberty. This is a source of worry and embarrassment for many of them.
Then they die in their 30's due to breast cancer.
I'm becoming more of a tit guy now. Ass will lead you down the long windy path to jungle fever.
These fish started life as boys. Now scientists aren’t sure what sex they are
Based on the latest U.S. Geological Survey on intersex fish, 85 percent of male smallmouth bass in waters in and around national wildlife refuges in the Northeast have developed "characteristics of the opposite sex." That's in addition to 90 percent of the species in some West Virginia waters and 50 percent to 100 percent in the southern stretch of the Potomac River. All of the affected fish had eggs where their testes should be, according to previous studies.
kek, no its not, what the fuck is going on there.
I also remember some research from other nations that tells that teenage boys no longer have chest hair.
Meanwhile I'm a skeleton and I have a proper lawn.
Thank you for that link my dude.
Can we keep it in women's products at the very least? Big beatiful breasts is a sign of God's covenant and love for mankind.
Danish will never admit there's anything wrong in their country. Have a read:
I have some skinny boobanimals at work with c and d-cups, i somehow try to figure out a subtle way to feed them so they put on 10lbs and a couple of cupsizes.
I don't know but I want to turn into a desk right now.
Reading it now, and it feels like its another south korea, another psychological test made by the rothschild, and soros. You could probably even find the links in the leak of a couple of months back.
Read both the short ones, will read the longer ones right now. Holy shit, stupid question, is this real ?
Is shit on my ancestrals homeland THAT bad ?
I don't even have bitchtits, what the hell
Yea it could be that bad, a lot of behavior for males, does have an effect to testosterone.
Like body language. And increasing stress to males by not allowing them to exhibit their natural behavior also can lower test.
So south korea had a crazy super feminism cult experiment made by the rothschilds, and denmark has a what? Not entirely feminism, but rather homogenous disarmament of the mind towards everyone?
Lack of hair is supposedly a sign of high testosterone
Kek, I have 4 chest hairs after 2 years of lifting, eating clean, eating enough cholesterol, one year on the sendpace link program in another post
For some strange reason all of these 4 chest hairs are on my right side of the body. I also have some hair around my belly button to the penor. So I almost have normal amounts of test. Also on my hands, the hair started to grow much longer and no longer just on the upper side.
On my legs also more hair manage to get covered.
My fat is near 10%, I have some muscle mass, all natural too. I also include 3 times a week running (not too much so I dont raise cortisol), I even have kefir and probiotics since it also helps. Try to walk every day at least half an hour, even got a SAD lamp to replicate sunlight, for 1 hour a day.
I honestly dont know what else I should be doing…I think, though I am not sure, that I should have male friends. I mean strong ones. A year ago I tried to go into the french foreign legion, I was 3 weeks into that but ultimately got rejected…BUT my time in there was glorious.
I think that test massively increases if you are in a warband of men. Because when I got back, and I didnt fap back then, because no personal space lol…I got leaky cum just from looking at females…
But where the hell do you find a warband outside of the army? Fucking biker gangs?
Biker gangs, at least in Burgeristan, are drug-dealing, kiddie-diddling degenerates. These are the last people you want to associate with.
I have lived there for over 8 years. These observations gave me and my friends always a good laugh.
The best were the stories about literally showing evidence of something unsettling happening in Denmark and the Danish person in question would just freeze in "Cannot compute. Emergency shutdown" kind of a reaction.
They did either blatantly deny anything without any further discussion or simply ignored the question. The latter was a bit unsettling, because you could see their brain entered such a strong cognitive dissonance, it simply shut down.
I wonder if there are other nations like that still somewhere. Fucking soros.
Body hair is more linked to DHT, not free testosterone.
Want a warband, either do it the raw way and find some criminals or on a more sophisticated way networks without any cunts or cunts that are likeable.
What a stupid question OP.
Jewgle 2mins research, it also depends on your receptors, that is why certain baldening products block your dht so your shitty genetics wont attack your main hair.
In principle it is the same with big tits, you need the receptors for that.
Damn, I wonder what I'm doing then. I have hair everywhere, and now it's starting on my back.
a difficult topic to get into, especially since a lot of evidence may be related to a time before recorded science. Many of the factors that could have led to an increase of DHT, could have been present before the industrial revolution (alcohol most prominently) (also explains the baldness in the beer drinking monks, though hard to tell to which degree)
Il have to abstain from this topic then. But I vaguely remember some research and some people talking about body hair being natural. I really dont think that DHT is the cause for bodyhair.
dont take that anons "evidence" at face value, it may not be really accurate. Its a new topic so going into it myself would require some effort. But I bet that if given time some other user will produce counter evidence. Could even perhaps ask my local doc lol.
oh yea, that was the thing,
meaning that beyond genetic abnormalities, it should be true for most men.
and since user here is addressing the average, he is wrong.
DHT is a testosterone derivate, it is responsible for deepening of voice and bodyhair, not exactly a difficult topic if you touch it on a superficial level.
In principle dht+dht receptors = bodyhair.
Free testosterone = muscle mass and behaviour.
yea I dont wanna go the crime route. There is the generation identitaire thing a bit further away, but not sure if they have these fight places.
And I am not sure if the local neo nazi chapters are open for this, kek.
so boxing clubs? There might be shitskins there.
I am fit enough now to get into the FFL though, so perhaps I could try that, but that would mean no women, or ugly sandnigger women for 5 years at least lol.
September Carrino, unknown, Julia (Yulia) Nova.
For your convenience.
How big and hos full?
Like gyno, or a set of knockers?
All the better, you will get to beat them up for sport.
Still, if you are that eager to be in a community that attracts only White men, try parachuting, paragliding, rafting or skiing. Anons above mentioned pipe smoking, so if you want something calmer, try pipemaking. It's a noble craft, and almost 99% White. Pretty much anything that involves manual labor has solid male communities.
Fucked up the post.
meant for
Depends on how hardcore you want it, but the way you write, i guess the local football/soccer club would be just right.
yea… its not just white communities, you need to be around males who are high violence, white males who are high violence (but not degenerate low IQ). I still have that feeling with me of what is right, and judging the other people around me with that warband sense, I do not sense strength in them.
Whats more important is the willingness to murder (and also be prepared for the consequences of that). I was actually thinking of getting a dog for that very reason. If I cannot find a warband of men, I can create my own with animals that still instill some companionship spirit of cooperative murder with me.
I wish there was a product that only blocked it on my scalp without affecting my dick.
lol fug you, I aint low IQ, football is boring and so is beer and drinking.
What's wrong with gun clubs?
Also, violence and capacity for controlled violence are two different things. If you conflate them, you might as well join a nigger gang because there's no one in your immediate vicinity who's more violent.
As far as i know your libido isnt subject to dht. Rather free testosterone.
I dont think sports and iq are exclusive.
If you want some excitement you either search for criminal group or a political "extremist" group or a network to go up the ranks.
You are talking to someone with slav blood…and the violence thing, just violence even is one of the biggest differences between our race and yours. Only the best of your race ever get to become so high violence as I am.
Though I havent been in crime or arrested for anything like it. But to us violence, dreams of violence, desires of violence they are bottled up in one giant violence bottle. Only the best of us who have enough IQ points can keep the cork well enough on it.
The white race simply is somewhat low test, and high IQ. The slav race is more low IQ, and high test.
The most weirdest of the minorities of both of our races sometimes can come together and look quite alike though.
sad to say, when I tried proscar (same chemical as the key ingredient in hairloss pills) it made my dick stop working for a month. Don't use it.
to add to that: not exactly low IQ, more like medium to high, but you get the point…hopefully.
But then again you could try last but not least the police squad and if you "aint loq iq" you could join the intel friends. :^)
I do not have male pattern baldness (god bless).
I'm Russian, m8. You can chill with showing off.
I m always on point.
I envy you.
It wasn't my choice to be born half-jewish with a cut dick. Thank god the nordic side of my family gave me height and a good metabolism.
why would I want to work for the jews? I cant control my profanities against people either, bad PR stuff.
so what problem do you have against glorious displays of gopnics in moscow, beating up niggers for no good reason other than that they are niggers?
Gopniks are cowardly scum, and so are the skinheads. We need intelligent, ultimatum-based violence, not just lashing out like thugs.
Prison School
no thats bs, that hostile and violent atmosphere keeps the nogs out. They go back to their nog nations and then tell other chimps that they be killed over there, and so less chimps come over there. Those gopnics and the cops who protect them are heroes.
You dont know real violence, you are just another PR cuck. Probably some russian shill who thinks that "lol we took the cuckranian thing without blood, we so cool ecks dee"
What do you mean by "i cant control my profanities against other people", give me an example.
youtube link related
Lowering levels of testosterone is a global goal, not only for europe, in general, low test males are more complacent, weak of will, don't defy authority, so on.
Losing weight to fast can lead to baldness. Ketogenic diet too ( because you lose weight to fast if you are really fat ).
I traded my hair for a fit body in a methaphorical way.
I grew up on the chan boards and I no longer have the ability to censor my speech. If I want to tell something bad to someone, I will. I have zero subtlety. I once used to have it (since I am not socially retarded), but my sense of that society is so wrong (which it is), makes me just want to blatantly tell the world about the uselessness of women, niggers, jews and other bad things. I am too jaded to play this bullshit PR game.
Well, you're not blind user.
Mate, I've been to Serbia, Poland and Belarus. Very few people act thuggish there, but the hostile atmosphere is so thick you could cut it with a knife. It's the promise of violence, not violence itself, that scares nogs and shitskins. I call this ultimatum-based violence: "better behave or we will fuck you up so badly not even your mother will recognize you, and remember, you are not welcome here".
This is what we need, not gopnik garbage or dumb skineads who only make another excuse for the government to say "see how bad these people are, we need more multiculti to make them disappear"
Well you are not getting paid to play the PR game, so why would you in the first place?
If you have enough pull, people wont see this as a bad think and rather imitate you, wouldnt they?
You think wild animals care about a promise? You think a bear will care if you look mean at it?
You need both things, the promise of violence against the more clever nogs, but also the actual violence against the less clever ones. And sometimes it doesnt even matter what their intelligence is. The level of fear only gets enhanced by actual application of violence. So instead of 10 chimps coming over and "feeling the atmosphere". You get 2 chimps coming over and "Actually being afraid for their lives for their entire stay there"
Like I said, who cares about PR, at the end of the day it all fades away into history. There is nothing wrong by allowing the gopnics to do as they please.
The trick is that gopniks almost never attack the nogs or shitskins. On the contrary, they often see them as "brothers" due to shared low IQ and prison culture-like mentality.
Russian skinheads also avoid serious targets. Beat up a defenseless fruit seller from Uzbekistan? Sure. Assassinate a Chechen drug dealer? Nopenopenope, too dangerous, too scary.
How can they imitate me if it takes things like this to imitate me?
people need to go to school for about a year to learn about all of this to get even the smallest clues of racial realism, kek.
I really dislike the obnoxious veins. It's like there's too much fat crammed beneath the skin that it's pushing the veins out. Tits should not be veiny like my cock or forearms. This is why I like flat chested women. The tits should not be covered in veins.
I like the veins. But if those women really want their tits to be smaller they could just lose weight.
But they'd rather undergo expensive, scarring surgery than attempt something as difficult as "eating less".
that is not what I heard, some other russian mentioned that nogs get killed and removed regularly over there.
and I believe him because there is one thing that we highly intelligent, and the lower scum fagets have, its that of learned racial realism, and borne into racial realism.
Dumb people are much more sensitive to other races lol. Anywhere you go.
What the fuck? Really? Can some one run a check on that Kurt Kristensen fellow? Sounds like a goddamn kike.
That was the case in 2007-2009. People are way too afraid today - most nationalist groups are fully infiltrated by the FSB, and harming a nog easily lands you into prison. Even posting shit about harming nogs on vk can land you into prison.
If by "dumb" you mean "not having been pozzed by western colleges", I'll take dumb people over smart ones any day.
I'm just gonna go watch fat chicks fart.
You fags are fucking boring.
You are not making any sense so please clarify your post to me.
My point was: If you like using profanities, why not use them if you like it? After all you are not getting paid for PR.
If using profanities has a negative impact on your social circle, you might stop that, if you have enough pull in your social circle that wont be problem, people rather imitate it.
Being sensitive to other races isnt exactly being dumb, it is more a sign of intelligence if your whole point was sensivity. How you use it or how you react to it is a whole different ball game.
Remember a year ago when some south korean user came and told us about the super feminist cult?
Well that spiraled that whole nation into chaos, perhaps partly thanks to US here. No kidding. I still remember that thread.
Now think about this lead here, there is some small amount of evidence that denmark may be another soros/rothschilds psychological testing playground.
Do you want to potentially influence a nation user?
Women should be fit, before anything else. Height matters, too. Don't want to be raising dwarfs.
You're not supposed to inhale pipe or cigar smoke though.
The conclusions of the video are scientifically valid though.
Most girls hit puberty faster because they raised without a father figure, or a strong one, thus prepping their body for a new secure mate asap.
I thought that was common knowledge.
I can tell that you are a filthy r selected faget, my point of sensitivity was that the dumber fags are on their guard around other races by default. They treat them specially, and usually with violence. Which is good.
really? Such a shame then. Guess thats another reason to hate putin, sorry FSB guy.
Ahmed detected.
Sorry, I meant mehmet.
What makes me an Ahmed/Mehmet, may I ask?
Just get a hormone test, then get a subscription for steroids or just ask what the recomended dose is if roids are over the counter. Follow what the guy recommends since you're primarily counteracting the excessive xenoestrogen content the roids will simply be a booster and not mean't for gains to get you a head start while you exercise, eat foods that promote testosterone, don't eat anything soy or shit like that, don't drink tap water or if you do get a chemical filter, go to the fucking farmer's market in your area and bulk buy and cook your own food, etc., etc. Tons of shit is unavoidable but at the same time tons of even more shit is avoidable.
Then there is regional concerns in some places it's even worse if you're Canadian you'll have to dig a lot more because the ingredients list outright lies to you through omission, you have to check a specific number on the package of food you buy and look up that number for some database or whatever I forgot what exactly it is for the proper accurate ingredient listings.
Na, people will run to their nice little boxes, i think the word is called ethnocentric if i recall.
That doesn't even make sense nigger.
also to add to this:
People outside of this board are basically humongous retards. Presidents, government agents, corporate leaders etc.
Not a single entity in this world besides us has actual in depth racial realism lore. I basically would want to gas 99% of the world, at least mentally speaking, because they are such dumbfags.
There are some agents, some young adults who then by being forced to monitor boards like this, finally became a little bit red pilled. But its as if carl the cuck commander, who governs over them detects this subtle change, and then re-indoctrinates, fires them or does something else.
And if its one thing that they have, to racial realism, then they are cuck in regards to jews. or in regards to mudslimes.
I honestly doubt if other people outside of this board even have souls. The DNA inventor guy, david duke, perhaps even stephan molyneux are not like that. But I doubt that there are enough of them to form roving bands of murderous right wing death squads.
Not leaving this quads unchecked.
It is a matter of emotional investment, i personally do not give lots of fucks if blacks are dumber on average or not. Usually i treat people if i know them personally on their merit, aka: how they appear to me. Well this is a different thing on a statistical scale.
Carl the cuck commander indoctrinates because he thinks it is a big deal and it is vital to social cohesion and quelling social unrest once these ideas gain tractions and he isnt wrong about that since they are emotionally ampt up. And the whole thing is very complex from all the little waves it creates.
To give you a simple example: Look at the refugee thing. Noone is allowed to say anything about it since the "left" (they arent really left, just a bastardized version of it) has the intellectual superiority about this topic, and then once the split is great enough amoungst the "intellectual elite" and the common goyim it will slowly and then more rapidly change.
And then you have a moral dilemma, on the one side the "moral" thing and on the other side the "pragmatic" thing.
The moral dicates that every fuck no matter if he accepts the basic principles of the society he wants to migrate to should be allowed to, which is a contradiction in itself because the people that come here are poor and have a adverse beliefe structure. So in a sense to put it blunt you put in a bunch of people that are in no way competetive to the native population and do not even share "their" basic belief structure and then they hope this will work out.
On the other hand you have the pragmatics that warn about those people but yet feel repulsed by the measures that would be neccessary to keep them out or to contain the situation because it will also create friction within their belief structure which is pretty similar to the moralists.
Dubs have spoken. You know the drill.
if you start a thread with tits don't be surprised when it devolves into a tits thread
Not to any significant extent compared with politics and parenting.
stop trying to get women off the hook for failing to be proper mothers
holy crap
Her puberty most have been like throwing a dry sponge into a bucket of warm water.
fap fap fap
Over a decade later I still look back
Forgot pics.
That 80s theme is awesome.
Can you explain posting this Kazakh mongrel?
what's her name again?
Isn't it obvious?
I don't usually expect knockers like that on Holla Forums, but when they show…
Tessa fowler, she is also really energetic and fun to listen to, usually if i watch other shit i switch off the sound esp. refering webcamgirls.
One time i had a nightmare of mothers of big breasted girls talking their well endowed daughters into breast reduction, next day i listen to a webcam vid and here she talks about her mother wanting to pay for her breast reduction when she turned 18…
3d can't be a waifu
you listen to pornstar vlogs? like on youtube?
No you fucktard, i sometimes download webcam shows of big boobed girls and i always turn off the sound but i like hers with sound on because she is charming. What kind of stupid question is that?
She is a really likeable boobanimal.
like on TV?
It's getting kind of lewd in here.
Holla Forums it is a matter of balance between the tits and the ass.
You can search for your favourite boobanimal here and download their previous camshows.
You arent fucking with me are you?
I think it's more related to the postmodernist agenda of turning the kids into special snowflakes that turns them into fat cunts.
It is more like you can only sow crops on fertile lands.
Most people will not understand the explanation, but here it is.
C'mon user share them please
Ok, not to shit on those guys i think what he says is pretty correct, but it is also just a spike and it is reversable and i also think there is a certain rebound effect to it.
But god damn, the guy on the far right speaking remindes me of a really worked up imersed sperg, the guy to his left is on all kinds of drugs judging from his eye movements and his motorics and the guy in the yellow t-shirt is "i sit here to sit" to enforce the rhetorics.
So in order to not be biased in any kind of way, do you have a link to the whole video?
This is mongol/slav
The guy in the red t-shirt is really interesting,
the knights, man of steel written on his shirt.
Somehow it tells me he really likes the intellectual immersion the man on his left creates and his eyes (besides from the possible drug use) tells me he really likes the focus and power he derives from that particular knowledge and the worldview and overamplyfication he enjoys from most men being bitches due to the intellectual facts stated by the man to his left.
So sorry they offended your flamboyant homosexuality.
So 3/4ths of classical art is porn?
If you're going to tripfag say something worth saying.
Speaking turkroach while worshiping your moondemon.
Her being half roach is more of an issue.
theres so much porn
am I on Holla Forums?
Given that it's naked women you can be sure it ain't TRS.
STOP with the porn threads. We are manipulated by pictures of tits, it de-activates are brains and makes us unthinking drones willing to do anything to get laid. It plays games with our root instincts to want pussy - making our brains think there is a real naked woman for our enjoyment … but it is only a picture. This PORN crap is a trick and we should wise up about it and avoid it.
kys yellow fever faggot
It's true most people on here do have the reading comprehension of a kid or some autistic sperg. They mis-read one thing and they'll wrote you a whole paragraph about that one thing they mis-read.
I don't disagree that integration with your own sex is of utmost importance. But are you actually saying that's the only means to influence masculinity in the body chemistry? 'Cause if you are you're a huge faggot or a Jew.
Take it to /hnt/.
I mean it, that board is amazing if you're a tit man.
It does not seem like such a huge problem to me though. Christian orthodoxy has some room for racial realism. If one is willing to let go of your dumb, falsely created dilemma. One could educate his people into its ways.
I think this works because I am one of these people. Surely I cannot be the only one who is so special that he can recognize the difference between an indian and a nigger for example.
All of you cuck commanders have thrown up such a dumb and idiotic limitation to yourself, completely forgetting that evolution, of language, habits and even peoples always exists. Every nation can improve itself, there is always a path to betterment. To be so stuck in your ways is just a sign that you are meant for the graveyard, rather than the future.
Mods are literally hiding this bread
Anyone still remember that massive leak about the companies that soros owns/gave money to?
I want to go through it and see whats up in denmark, but I dont have this link anymore.
That's an interesting observation. I've noticed this myself. My theory is that it's because low IQ faggots don't have the intelligence required to override their base instincts, the tribal instincts that tell them that same is good and different is bad. Low IQ faggots just act as genetically programmed, and know to stick with their tribe. Higher IQ people, on the other hand, have the capacity to override base instinct with intellect, and thus are susceptible to being Jewed. It is an intellectual burden to suffer egalitarianism, to maintain a pretense that everyone and everything is of equal value, to fool oneself into believing that the world is other than it is.
For high IQ people, making the choice to ditch egalitarianism is a relief. Freeing oneself of pretense is liberating; it cuts through indecision, and permits one to address the problems one faces quickly and with precision. Low IQ faggots just know that different is different, and never give it a second thought.
Everything you just said is wrong and you have obviously never procreated. Women's hips widen when they get pregnant. IF they eat more HGH inducing foods their hips will widen even more.
It's called a militia you filthy mongrel.
S-source? I knew their breasts enlarged, but do their hips also widen? What foods are HGH inducing?
Checked it out, board is too damn slow.
The best thing of being high IQ but also true to your correct instincts is that you can refine them.
A low iq faget may hate other races, but he wont know exactly what kind of development they went through, how they think, what kind of history they have. When dealing in international trade, this kind of knowledge would come in very handy. I have seen the documentary about chinks in africa and you can see medium to high IQ chinks struggling with the fact that their egaletarianism lore does not work.
I cant even think of how much money was wasted because of unrefined or just unpresent racial realism.
Xenoestrogens are scary for men. I'm 22, and when I got my T tested, I had the testosterone level of an 80 year old man. My doctor put me on Clomid and Anastrozole, and my T levels are now normal, but when I come off in a couple months, my T levels could easily drop right back into the gutter.
I eat pretty healthy, and only drink out of glass bottles, but the entire food chain is contaminated. I'm trying to get a degree right now, so I can't afford to eat exclusively organic and grass-fed meats.
This is an excellent guide on how to increase your testosterone:
This will result in more energy, muscle mass, hair, a manlier musk, aggression, confidence and erections.
Yes, absolutely.
Also in my opinion, this fetishizing massive cartoonishly large breasts is a sign of an infantile mind, a handful should be enough with a well toned ass is good.
Anyone looking for a new guide to living manfully for 2017:
Her name is chloe vevrier, not denise.
Here have a excellent specimen of the big boob faction.
Are shitposters from cuckchan, reddit, and freech control influencing the physical appearance or behavioral tendencies of men or women in the modern Holla Forums?
low quality threads with clickbait images are not welcome
Well, modern technology is essentially Jewish. I mean this in a metaphysical sense. Rule of techne, quantity, and the Jew.
I got lucky and live innawoods with well water and away from smog. My T was 850 or something at 24, which was pretty good. I wonder if there is any data on a correlation between test and living in urban or rural areas.
How does one measure his T level?
Blood tests.
You can walk into any lab and pay out of pocket to have it done. I did it a while back and I think it was like $60
oh fug I forgot were at not at /fit/ here.
Reminder to report all porn posters. This isn't fucking Holla Forums.
And OP you are clearly retarded if you can't google that on your own.
"It's everyone elses fault that I can't be ripped with my sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise! Wah wah wah"
Hormones are signaling molecules. VERY small amounts are needed in the human body to signal huge changes.
Now imagine we're making these hormones on an industrial scale and willy nilly throwing them into the air and water.
This is a IG whore named himiwako. She's dutch
Checked gigantic tits
tbh, the braid has me more excited than the tits. Not the the tits are bad. But women braiding their hair warms the cockles of my heart for whatever reason.
thanks TRS
People fed themselves well enough before Monsanto and we can do it after; stop subsidizing seas of corn and soy to force people to grow actual food, stop feeding the third world and stop mono-cropping and you're most of the way there.
You don't have to enforce segregation, though, simply don't enforce inclusion; give them gender-specific responsibilities and make sure that boys do most of their playing outside. Most girls are as enthusiastic about turning over rocks and gutting small animals as most boys are about playing tea party and dress-up.
Also, beauty is based on A E S T H E T I C S. It's all about proportionality, not size.
White women are supposed to have big tits.
Not big asses though.
Niggers have tiny tits unless they're mixed with whites.
She's black. She lives in the Netherlands. But she's not fucking Dutch. It doesn't work that way.
The purpose of "Tits or GTFO" is for stop women from mentioning there gender when it is not relevent, which is not the case here.
There is nothing wrong with narrow bodies or small fat tissue breasts, but thick thighs sounds a bit disproportionate.
A > D for me
Genuinely surprised its that low, tbh.
And why are niggers so attracted to ass?
Giant asses on women ensure that the children they carry have a better chance at surviving pregnancy due to food reserves.
Niggers are so shit at stabilizing the environment around them, that their women have adapted to instability.
Tits are sexual, status symbols that indicate the overall health and fertility of the woman.
The modern hyper-tits displayed in this thread aren't healthy, but mutations caused by an over-abundance of empty calories and a complete lack of exercise.
I still like big tits
Why? Get a multi-stage filtering system to cleanup tap water, solids ppm tester to verify how clean, mine filters water down to noise, matches what I've measured my rain water at, measured 10-20x improvement over tap. Don't forget the shower, supposedly we absorb more from that than ingesting. If on the go, use a thermos, otherwise hold out until getting back home for a drink, going for hours without is no biggie. Be big on making your own meals with clean ingredients as well. Only thing left is air filtering, without going the asian route of wearing a mask, get some air filtering plants for the home, office, even the car.
I call bullshit. Skin is a barrier to the outside, it's on you do stop things going inside, as opposed to the intestinal lining.
but that's wrong
Slav is white you negroid.
tl;dr Permanent breasts evolved to fake pregnancy, because that helped the female in question to be a slut, as males around her thought that she is currently breast-feeding, and therefore infertile. Then as permanent breasts became more common the instinct was switched in many males, and so they found breasts to be attractive.
Apparently atrazine is used on half the corn fields in the US.
Pesticide atrazine can turn male frogs into females
"Atrazine, one of the world’s most widely used pesticides, wreaks havoc with the sex lives of adult male frogs, emasculating three-quarters of them and turning one in 10 into females, according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, biologists.
The 75 percent that are chemically castrated are essentially “dead” because of their inability to reproduce in the wild, reports UC Berkeley’s Tyrone B. Hayes, professor of integrative biology.
“These male frogs are missing testosterone and all the things that testosterone controls, including sperm. So their fertility is as low as 10 percent in some cases, and that is only if we isolate those animals and pair them with females,” he said. “In an environment where they are competing with unexposed animals, they have zero chance of reproducing.”
The 10 percent or more that turn from males into females – something not known to occur under natural conditions in amphibians – can successfully mate with male frogs but, because these females are genetically male, all their offspring are male.
“When we grow these guys up, depending on the family, we will get anywhere from 10 to 50 percent females,” Hayes said. “In a population, the genetically male females can decrease or wipe out a population just because they skew sex ratios so badly.”
Though the experiments were performed on a common laboratory frog, the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), field studies indicate that atrazine, a potent endocrine disruptor, similarly affects frogs in the wild, and could possibly be one of the causes of amphibian declines around the globe, Hayes said. […]"
Selective pressures. Bigger breasts to store more fat for a colder climate.
OP did you get that picture from irelandball's chubby wife on Krautchan?
Before 1935 men did not use soap, deodorant or shampoo!
Men used to have an odor with them and if a man was healthy some women were attracted to their distinct smell. This has been reconfirmed in studies done in the early 2000s that men still exert some kind of hormones as part of the attraction process. Men still took baths and or showers to wash the grime and other dead skins from their bodies on a daily basis but they would not mask themselves with fake scents. While women would take baths with certain self grown herbs and spices to induce a certain 'flowery' smell much like lavender, mint and such.
Bottling for short term and canning for long term storage in glass jars/bottles is superior to anything else. The problem is that if the factory used a detergent to clean the glass before packaging; there's a high probably it would have a xenoestrogens. This could be fixed by using a natural organic pre-wash.
Obesity was EXTREMELY uncommon before the 40's and gynecomastia or male tits was almost unheard off and only described in literature for rare cases. Nowadays male tits is a common disorder, i wonder why. There is no escape and the governments are choosing to do nothing and fully ignore the problem so that the chemical products companies can earn hundreds of billions. Israeli Chemical Products [ICL] is one of the big boys in this scam with their bromide used in flame retardants, seizure medication and so forth. People think the alex jones 'turn the freaking frogs gay' is a joke, well it's not. The only solution would be to seize and halt most chemical product production as well as all anti-contraceptive. Only allow the usage of chemical products in stringent controls and only when it would be absolutely necessary while never allowing it to seep into the environment through the soil or get dumped into the water.
Remember that most farmers spray their crops to prevent only 5 to 10% crop loss to pests, bolds etc. It's a shit profit margin for the devastation that it's costing future generations. This is one of the things that your great great grand children will curse you out over for the fact you were such primitive shits that u burned fossil fuels and used it everything that u could and that you even buried it to prevent water from seeping away. Our waters are filled with microscopic plastics that also indirectly leach chemicals that leach xenoestrogens. Most farmers can't even afford their pesticide's and herbicide's at this point anymore, but the farmers have starved their land so much in their idiotic mono culture growing for decades is that they are seeing massive declines in crop yields. Even while dumping massive amounts of potassium on their fields to replenish the lost hydrogen. Plenty of thirld world farmers are going back to permaculture as these prove to be far more effective compared to the overpriced scam of pesti/herbicide's.
I work for a governmental agency in The Netherlands and every study we do i recommend halting and severely limiting pesticide and herbicide's as well as the lacing of food storage containers but i am told the effects are minimal and only impact less then 1/4th of the population and that we mustn't alarm the public for fear of public outcry. The author noties and recommendations get removed upon publication to the public. The data presented are half truths, missing information or blatent alterations of actual numbers. The trend of faggotry, homosexuality and transgenderism is a direct outcome of government not doing anything.
This, I've always found it really attractive for some reason
You need some oestrogen to keep yourself healthy, just a little for your joints, and cholesterol levels.The problem is that (((Natural levels))) of E2 are going through the roof, and doctors just let this shit happen.
Solution: Just pop 1 Nolvadex cap every day, it has side effects (stiff knees/elbows and possible hairloss), but it's worth it
C'mon Holla Forums, don't let yourself be contaminated by the semitic chemical, get /fit/
tl;dr: This shit is for people with breast cancer, not for insecure faggots with masculinity issues.
So, what you are saying is, switch to an agriculture based economy with the base plant that can produce literally everything you listed: Industrial Hemp?
By far the most interesting post of the thread, in the middle of all the monster tits lover degenerate faggots.
Thanks Tor.
Permabro here, checking in.
The only reason cigars are expensive is because egotistical twats are stupid enough to pay for the stuff. Otherwise, they're really cheap to produce. The cost comes, really, from transport and shipping.
t. Cuban cigar smuggler
why do people insist on this faggotry
just post a broken link if you want to cite a source you double nigger
ey lmao ain't this the bitch that refuses to have her obviously severe case of macromastia treated because she thinks mother nature's decided for her to "look anime character", and get "oppai"
Thing with roids is you have to be careful. Look up guides on taking the shit intelligently, ask the doctor about risks. You need to counter gyno and watch out for certain shit that can cause sterility, especially if you're going outside prescriptions and doctors. 'Tis the poor moron who stumbles into the world of roids for shredded gains only to find 2 years down the road he starts developing bitch tits, and 5 years down the road he's balding, lactating, and his sperm are no longer motile.
If your breasts explode in size like that, you'd think going to a doctor would be a priority.
Though admittedly, her ass has also ballooned as well. Maybe she just thinks she naturally packed on the weight?
Either way, that's not healthy.
I'm going to advise against it as well.
Go the diet route if you're more or less normal, but if your case is more severe, please speak with an endocrinologist.
If your hormones are already fucked, you don't need to make things any worse by self-medicating.
Nope. She's fully engorged in the belief that her flat-chest hath been blessed by mother nature into slowly growing big ass anime tiddies by Spring of year two-thousand-and-thirteen of our lord.
The hormones causing her condition in the titty department are also responsible for the widening of her hips. She's basically going full hyper, and is actively resisting the urges of the excess chemicals rushing into her feeble negroid mind pushing for her mating ritual by posting lewds for instant gratification, while attempting to maintain whatever purity is possible, for a possible lineage, along the way.
i like women with a or b cups, never understood why you'd want those giant tits on your girl. flat chested girls are superior, you can play sports with them, the sex lasts longer, they don't complain about back or chest pain, they often go braless and you see cute perky nipples, and it triggers a little bit of latent homosexuality we all have. Win on every level. Not to mention the tits still look good 30 years later, whereas your fetish turns to shit once the skin sags to the belly button.
What in the fuck? Why are asians so ugly? Like, 1% of their women have nice bodies, but damn… How could you ever get past that face?
Wait wait wait…
So why not continue exposing SOME male frogs to the chemical, to cause them to become "female" and reproduce as female. Thus, never producing female offspring to begin with, having them mature as males, then become capable of reproduction as if a female and create more male children
Why would the frogs even need females at all at that point?
Now.. if only we could figure out a way to apply this to humans, we could get rid of the weaker sex entirely, and just select the weaker males to "become women" in order to bear children, but still having grown up AS males and thinking like males rather than emotional insane cunts
It could work.. couldnt it?
There are some who do not look to faces, or personalities, but instead seek the flesh, and nothing else.
It's a great idea, but that sort of thing really only happens in Jurassic Park. Applying a wholly different genetic paradigm to a completely separate creature would be as crazy as trying to interface with the alien computer in Independence Day.
You'd have to be in a movie, is what I'm trying to say here.
ya know, I've actually gotten to the point I dont use DO or soap much at all, I know I'm going to get called a fairy or degenerate for this, but I shave my pits and just a quick wash with a rag before I get dressed is more than enough to keep me from smelling "bad" all day. As for soap, I just rarely find reason to use it, water alone gets pretty much everything off your hands, unless I touch something truly disgusting in which case I'll use soap because .. ya know.. germs.
As for shampoo though, I still shampoo my hair daily. I dont use scented crap though, I just need SOMETHING to get the oil out of my hair. But ya know, I think I might try going a week and only using water to wash it, I'll just be more thorough and getting it all in there and drying it out after ward
Not that this would have a big impact or something on my test levels.. I doubt at 31 anything is going to fix what is surely a life long problem at this point.. but it cant hurt them either so eh. I've already taken to avoiding drinking from plastic containers for the most part (need to get a good glass picture for making tea in though, can never seem to find a good one at the store) using glass or stainless steel containers.
Wonder how much exposure to these things you get from normal plastics though.. like packaging for chips or frozen foods. I thought I remembered reading that heat is the main component that releases xenos from the plastic into the food, so cold or room temp food would be less harmed right? And you would want to avoid at all costs putting plastic into the microwave with food in it… but yeah wonder how bad it is for frozen foods
This is how I felt, I mean I'd rather fug the big tiddy negress the one user is posting at this point than touch that disgusting looking downie-face. Still, white women all the way, best average facial structures and body ratios on the planet.
There are far more interestingly aryan specimens than that groidette, user.
Who is that?
And what language is she speaking?
Is she retarded?
Read the filename.
Mudtongue of the miserly variety.
Probably so, with her ethnicity taken into account, but she's definitely lighter than most of her kind.
Fucking source on Owasha, I googled her name and nothing came up.
Even when it comes to being bloated hypersexual monstrosities, white women do it better.
tumblr filenames because you can only find her pics either there, or on instagram
Polite sage for a porn derailled thread.
I thought they were fake
List your habits!
So, is fapping once a week ok then?
Stay a slave
[quacking noises]
Without porn, yes I would say it is ok.
No, there doesn't exist such scientific correlation. Link a research journal that actually find a positive correlation. Because there are not any.
Xenoestrogens like BPA are bad. There are all sorts of weird chemicals in drugs and cosmetics that are bad. Those are the ones you need to worry about.
The thing that isn't much of a real threat are phytoestrogens in plants. They actually tend to raise testosterone unless you eat obscene amounts of them. If your diet consists of mostly whole unfermented soy and flaxseed meal, you might have enough of them in your diet to have a legitimate estrogenic effect. They tend to be very shitty estrogens, and tend to block the effects of your own actual estrogen than have an estrogenic effect themselves. Many phytoestrogens have other effects, such as resveratrol, which has PPAR effects and may extend lifespan. There are people that avoid seasoning their food with rosemary, because its essential oil contains phytoestrogens. Thats awfully extreme.
I don't understand what is meant when people say that xenoestrogens make you appear more feminine. A man is always going to look like a man, you can't fucking change that. Faggots cover themselves in makeup, and scarify their faces and bodies, but they'll never look like a woman or even feminine. Hormonal imbalance can cause all sorts of problems, but not when it comes to appearance.
These people are known to die after having some random fuck in a residential basement do "butt augmentation" by injecting silicone from a home improvement store into their gluteal subcutaneous fat (and probably muscle) using a caulk gun. Seems legit, amirite? Saves thousands, not counting the funeral expenses.
The amount of in fighting the right experiences, is paralyzing. The left doesn't have this problem.
You're a riot
It's just another amateur self-shot of an indo-aryan from the MidEast. There's nothing else to be had, man. Sorry.
If it is of any sympathies to you, >>>/egy/158375 didn't have much luck in finding anything out about her, either.
i stick to my self if i dont shower.
at least a water wash daily is mandatory imho.
yeah sure people in past centuries didnt wash. disease was rampant and life expectancy topped out at 40.
Now to research organic soap as the base idea of commercial soap being stuffed full of xenoestrogens has me paranoid…
I won't consider those to be real, for even a second.
This is bullshit, friend.
Annnnnnd bullshit.
F-, See me after class.
It looks like someone sewed her head to her ass.
Try eating some of the cheaper foods that have high ?zink I think? I think it's zinc. Anyway, I know spinach is great, and it's super cheap. Also, your body can only absorb a bit at a time, so it's better to eat a bit each day rather than a whole bunch once a week. High-cholesterol foods like eggs are also good.
zinc makes peepees bigger during development, and you can get it from chicken, which also has the highest protein of like any food
eat moar chicken
Kek. But she aint dutch, she does live in Holland.
being more prude than the pope
The cow-worshippers and the ass-niggers are both wrong. True nirvana lies in squat-trained thighs topped with a slight layer of fat. And heaven itself lies in the heart of a faithful woman whom you love.
Het was maar een neger.
What do you mean by removed cold? You eat them without cooking them?
You gotta go back, Achmed.
Get rid of your microwave oven. I haven't used one in almost half a year and I'm doing perfectly fine.
I only buy ready-made "home food" from markets at supermarkets. Or I boil some of the ingredients if need be. The cost is higher, but we're talking about our physical and mental health, which are interconnected, so it absolutely is worth it.
Also, if you drink milk regularly, you really don't need it and its even more of a harm to your health, at least milk that you get from general stores.
Photo related for inspiration.
1st test of the year, still nofap2017
Yeah. That's gigantomastia for you. Funny little condition, it is. More of a burden, than a blessing, but something tells me that if you work with it, you can make the benefits all the more worthwhile.
Charlotte mckinney.
What a bunch of incoherent horseshit. It is always a spectrum. A "feminine" man will look like a man but more feminine.
I dont really know but you either sound like those butch lesbians that get territorial about feminity or you are musculinist/reactionary. It is funny how that overlaps. It is really hard to tell.
I cant really stand those citydwelling anorexic cunts that diet once they hit puberty and their little innocent blessing goes to the gutter and peer pressure says she has to diet since the imbecile next to her thinks it is a good idea to stay really skinny when the best thing they could do is to listen to their body.
Good post.
Governments are knowingly downplaying and ignoring the effects of our contaminated water and food supplies.
Try women and their insistence on acting like sluts.
Where the fuck do you think the estrogen comes from, dipshit? You pick it up from direct or indirect contact with a woman and it permeates the water supply.
All so that princess can slut around with Chad instead of marrying a good man and having children.
Fuck you TRShills diversion from the #2 thread to civilization after Jews.
Western countries are now nothing more than amusement parks for women, who live in a blissful state of entitlement without responsibility, paid for by wealth transfer from men.
No, muh sluts.
Their kind will never want to leave. The men, for their mission to spread the word of Allah, and their women, for their lust of the invaded country's male stock.
Eh. That whole "listen to your body" thing never tends to end well, when attempted. You'll just get fat chicks, from that.
It's best to get them lifting, rather than anything else. Strongfat gfs for EVERYONE.
Women exist outside of cities, you know.
What a worthy contribution to this thread that post was.
All you're telling me is that this thread must persist, for the sake of intelligent discussion. I shall see to that.
Here's another image of a woman. Spoilered, for your safety.
What'd you think? That was my own? Frankly, I'd be surprised if I could find any good images for sex symbols of women without some website being linked to it. Hard enough, finding amateur references, as is, that aren't blurred and smudged to high heaven.
If you've any suggestions for a better place to find references for pure female bodies, then it's beyond me.
Somewhere white?
Pic related, the thread.
posting hot fish nudes
Xenoestrogens are indeed a worthy topic. It's just too bad you aren't actually discussing them, instead opting to post porn like a degenerate. Have an actual on topic contribution.
My contributions:
spoiler it
They don't produce milk. There's no need for a spout. Those are chest pouches for their spare fishbits.
Yes, because mudskins aren't known to lust after white women.
Dammit /monster/ not now!
Postmodern filth.
No. This is an NSFW board and I'm not spoilering shit, nigger.
It's called a bump, retard. I've nothing to contribute, that has not already been mentioned, and want to combat the sliding of this thread with convenient imagery of the estrogenic form.
Be glad I am not like the fool above me posting multiple unspoilered images while shouting obscenities towards everyone else. He most certainly is the shitposter, in this situation.
Why don't you post less and read more so you actually have something to bring back to us and contribute beside something Holla Forumsacks should be cutting out of their lives entirely? If you want to go on about "muh imagery of the estrogenic form" why don't you post some actual art instead of camwhores? The other poster didn't start until you set the precedent of this being a porn thread.
If you've got such effeminate art, why don't you post it?
Do it, faggot.
going to need a source on that user
I've already fapped to this. Unfortunately, I found out later that those are fake and it is a man. The buttocks gives it away.
Have you guys ever compared the current male talent in Hollywood to past names? Namely the ones who fill "action" roles? Can't help but notice baby-faced twinks being passed off as "macho" and "badass" these days. Is there a shortage of talented manly men or are they just not marketable to newer generations?
It's just the cultural zeitgeist of the moment for men to be "sensitive," or what we would have called "wimpy" 20 years ago. In the 80s, guys like Kurt Russell, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone were starring in action movies because the culture of the time admired men who were masculine, strong, experienced, maybe a little rough around the edges, and willing to get violent when violence was absolutely necessary. Since then, masculinity itself has been relentlessly pilloried by feminist teachers in schools and smug Jews in universities and media. It's no pure coincidence that the young men of today seem a tad more squishy than those of yesteryear.
a common mistake, I noticed. I guess for some people the world really did end in 2000. i sympathize,
Cancer. They cause mammary cancer.
This reminds me of a kink someone has.
How do you lose a fetish?
Fifth pic is a girl who has/had cysts in both breasts. According to her, the internal pressure kept them round and painful.
Stop feeding it, actively discourage yourself from it by using logic, and slowly your brain will rewire the neural pathways. It's like habit forming, basically a form of behavioral therapy through desensitization . I'm not saying you'll ever get 100% rid of it but you can make it barely noticeable.
Do you have any proof that her hips have widened? Does she do hip/ass/thigh pics? I've never heard of gigantomastia causing wider hips.
Never… and I mean EVER… have your dick in hand while surfing a chan. 1 in 3 pics is a tranny.
Raw garlic + vitamin C is one of the cheapest/best combinations out there for this kind of stuff
That I've encountered anyway.
Three cloves of raw garlic and 2000mg of vitamin C will boost nitric oxide production in your blood by 200-300%, clean the plaque out of your arteries (be careful, don't eat a lot more than three cloves, especially if you spend lots of time sitting, as megadoses of garlic can free bloodclots and potentially cause strokes. Very rarely.) It also gives you energy throughout the day better than a cup of coffee as it basically makes your vascular system more efficient. Some studies show a significant boost in testosterone, using rats as test subjects. Personally I can attest to the ROCK HARD BONERS and general increase in manly vigor.
This explains a lot.
am I the only one who likes girls with pretty face and good personality and her breasts/ass doesn't really matter
Das me, saved all 5. Their butts and breasts still need to be firm/proportional though but face is king.
you can control what you eat and how fit you get
do this while we fight the mega battle of this millenium
I'm slow; what does it explain?
Another thing you should know is to never take a claim on an imageboard at face value. Unless they've got proof, take whatever's said with a grain of salt.
I'm of the opinion that any girl can be attractive, provided that her features all balance out. All these girls are beautiful. The face is where you'll be looking most of the time if you're serious about her.
Redheads are hot no matter what. Especially when they have freckles.
Except for the one with dyed hair and the one pretending to do a man's job.
Come along, Pond.
I have gynecomastia and a high-pitched, but I know it's my fault for being fat in puberty, and not much else.
IMO, I think that the chemicals contribute somewhat, but not enough to override the way you're raised/health during puberty/inherent genes. It's mostly the culture that's at fault.
Come on, now. Don't tell me you're getting so peeved at that, alone.
Yes, I've always had a taste for tall women with nice faces. Developed features. Probably because my genes are telling me to not have ugly manlet sons.
I see, but their genetics should not be the final judgement, as important they are to your decision for a mate. You should also look to their personalities. Mainly, if they have bias towards males through any "daddy issues", and if they lift.
I cut all the xenoestrogens I knew of out of my life and my facial hair has finally started to get thicker agian after years of stagnation
Thanks for posting that user. Almost broke my nofap for a sec.
the point is that plastic + heat + food = xenoestrogen contaminated food
so as long as the frozen veg has stayed cold for the entire time it has been in contact with the plastics it should be minimally contaminated from the plastic container. Growing harvesting and processing methods they use may or may not contaminate the veg
Temperance, my friend. Resist the urges. If you're already past being some teenager who's hormonal libido runs the risk of wet dreams, you've got no excuse to commit such acts.
I got some spare bitcoins and i'm temped to buy some testosterone. Just use it a couple of months. Anybody got any experiences? Is roids really that bad or can they be used if you know what you are doing?
I'm more turned on by the fact that she can make her bed and keep her room clean than those thighs
Okay guys, we know there is estrogens in our diet etc. But what i want to know is how to reverse the effects. I remember when i was researching this and i found several studies that said it is possible to remove the estrogen or alter it so it stops being effective. I don't remember much more than that B-vitamins helped a lot. There is also contradicting sources about the effects of pommegranate.
I'll post what i found when i have time later.
Posted without comment.
Yep. Definitely wife material, right there, for that, alone.
Is that a man or a woman?
I'm detecting some possible mid-eastern heritage from the physical features of the woman you posted
I hope you weren't attracted to the woman from the previous image posted, as they are in fact the same indo-aryan.
Can you post more pictures of the girl in OP? I need it for a paper.
Better to suck on tits than to suck on asses.
Eat red meat
Why does any of this have to do with sucking, anyway? What does that mean, if one prefers hips over all of this. I want to suck on clits?
He's been posting more of them.
As long as they're the white ones, and not the nigger or chink ones.
The irony is that porn is part of the problem. Porn, xenoestrogens, and debt — the three amigos of white demographic decline.
Eh. It helps to have some models for beauty, but I'm sure you know what a women's meant to look like. Don't you?
It's bullshit really. If you're so testosterone deficient that a little bit of xenoestrogens from plastics/food/external causes fucks you up, there's a larger problem with you instead of the
effects of external xenoestrogen.
The whole point isn't that grabbags cause you to singlehandedly become a freak of nature.
It's that this, and the estrogenic compounds lurking in what you eat does the job together.
This. If you start lifting and fix your diet and sleeping patterns your body produces enough testosterone that any xenos are a drop in the bucket.
Drops fill buckets, friend.
Just because you're leagues away doesn't mean you'll be immune forever. You've got to keep sharp, and lay off the cheetos.
These help with the health of the body but will NOT heighten your testosterone. They will, however, help you not to lose what testosterone you have so quickly as you get older.
However, it's inevitable that you will lose T the older you get, with a big loss slamming you in late 30's to early 40's.
Healthier sperm, healthier physique, etc. do not make more testosterone but they DO mitigate the damage from the natural loss of testosterone.
Such is why we still need lewds. To discourage the ugly from persisting in life.
After all. Who do you think is meant to be chased away into oblivion, once the Jews, Niggers, and Gooks are dealt with? The inferiors.
I need to stop working in an office environment, I've probably been consuming stevia for the the last 120 days with my morning black tea.
Not if you roll your own cigarettes with pipe tobacco son.
A man can not look like a woman. This is common sense. Only savages believe that man and woman are not separate, like the East Asians or the Ancient Greeks. It can cause mental anguish, as all hormonal imbalances do, but physical change is impossible.
Holy fucking shit that whole pic is horrifying
No, but tits are fantastic.
jeez chuck e cheez she's cute
stop leading me astray, moloch
prosciutto and other such preserved meats are not good for you
Late to the party here, but xenoestrogens are defeintely affecting us.
A 2007 study found men today, across the population, have about 20% less testosterone than men the same age did just two decades ago.
It's even causing boys to be born with urethras in the shaft on the penis and not the tip.
nytimes .com/2012/05/03/opinion/kristof-how-chemicals-change-us.html?_r=0
Stop drinking out of plastic, eat more eggs, and for the love of Apollo, lift heavy.
those people are called degenerates, user
literally none of these except the cantaloupe and raspberries go together
Its ok user, your post was sextuplet worthy
Holy shit this chick is like ideal gf tier, cute and dresses decently. Wouldwife/10
Fuck eggs. Be a man and eat grass fed red meat, game meat and fresh caught fish. Don't forget to eat liver and bone marrow and plenty of fat.
Have anymore of this goddess?
These weird signals are called pheromones
Join a wrestling/mma gym. Work as a bouncer. Join a militia.
Famed Trump friend and supporter Tom Brady's nutritional regimen in the graphic. Some stats from this year:
39 years old
12 games played
28 touchdowns 2 interceptions
11-1 win/loss record
I am going to start doing this.
That documentary is the one I was looking for a couple months back, but couldn't find it. Thanks, user.
Estrogen is not bad for you in small quantities. Most people are just looking for an excuse as to why they are whiny cunts when in fact they have a shit diet and are not physically active. Try eating more red meat and exercising at least 3 days a week at a high intensity before you blame birth control for you being a faggot.
Isn't that just a new hip word for Raw Vegan? Are there any real studies on the Alkaline diet?
Does that faggot with his emu meatballs and activated almonds count?
was just drinking my lager when reading this. no way Im quitting my daily beer - relaxes me, makes me sleep, good for my stomach (I had stomach problems and it helped tremendously with digestion)
You have a problem, user, and drinking is not the solution to it.
Lol didn't catch that.
You won't hear me say that fresh, organic meat is a bad thing, but because eggs are a good source of HDL cholesterol, eating whole eggs is a great way to incorporate testosterone-boosting foods into your diet.
Why is the acronym "bsfacts"?
having a beer with food is a white thing, are you white? small amounts of alcohol are also good for health (and Im not abusing the term "small")
Being so attached to beer, that you cannot give up a daily glass of it, however, is degenerate. Especially when it is a known source of estrogen. Say hello to the bitch tits!
I can bro, but right now since year or two I had some serious problems with digestion - im not fat and never was but had hemoroids and stomach pain.
havent even drank during that period. tried everything and decided to have a beer after a meal one time and I was surprised how it calmed my stomach and helped me sleep (sleep problems were caused by slight pain in stomach) - its not about the alcohol (I dont remember last time i got drunk), but beer generally helps digestion, for now its here. that is all.
Fix your fucking diet.
Test post
Thats likely the carbonation settling your stomach down. Try drinking a seltzer or club soda with lemon, thats basically alka seltzer, or just try an alka seltzer.
Xenoestrogens don't do anything, this argument has been debunked before.
They're small traces of chemicals that *mimic* estrogen, they aren't any stronger than the natural estrogen we produce. Kids are more gay because of our unfortunate culture.
so more estrogen in your body doesnt increase estrogen levels?
That doesnt add up user
Get of BTFO checked
http s:[email protected]/* *//2017-end-of-estrogelion-4eb2fd5c7f2d
Entire thread being
slid by one fucker
spamming tits and
all the children
replying because
the topic is earmarked
by all of the typical shills using
typical tactics like this guy here.
Interesting, thank you. I'll put more zinc in my diet.
It's not hard to lose weight faggot.
That also includes fatties, so I wouldn't count on that being reliable.
Checked my estradiol levels
Is there a connection?
t. nu-male cuck