What would be the unintended consequence of nationalising all (((banks))) worldwide? I can see how savings accounts are a service but (((mortgage))) and (((lending))) is near parasitism.
The nationalisation of Ukraine PrivatBank
they just don't care to hide anymore. good.
hopefully we get back owning our central banks again, or for the first time, depending on where you're from.
Ukraine is ZOG.
Trump too, sadly
Didnt mean to sage
fucking pathetic. Is their anything these jews don't own and subvert?
False. His daughter is not jewish. She got denied jewdomness from some big rabbi in israel.
Genes don't give a fuck about rabbis. Her child still has Jewish genes.
If anyone can Free Ukraine from the Jews that occupy it since Maidan, that someone is Mommy Russia.
I have white trash relatives too, but that doesn't mean I identify with White Trash.
Shills have no power here. Leave this domain.
Ok, I love state now
nigger azov was kikes from the beginning, they subverted nothing. In the bigger picture it's nothing but kikes
Kikes will be gassed.
Actually she is by now.
You're right that the first time she tried to convert some jewish court nulified it afterwards since the rabbi that did the convertion, Haskel Lookstein, tried to marry some jew to an american, and pissed them off with it.
She had to redo all of it under a differnet rabbi.
its still considered a gentile you fuck.
So the whole color revolution was just the kikes' plan for a bank robbery?
It was all about gas and pushing NATO closer to Russian borders.
The bank thing is a good example of how the Jewish eastern european oligarchy operates. They're a different sort of Jew, in the sense that they are much bolder and more blatant, rather than being sneaky and subtle. Kolomoisky gave himself a shitton of loans from the bank, then defaulted on the loans, then convinced a buddy in the government to nationalize the bank and take over the bad debt. Rather similar to a micro version of the 2007/2008 thing in the US. The corruption in the government systems in Ukraine is frankly beyond what is believable to anyone who hasn't lived here.
Ukraine's government is ZOG, the people are good decent people who got tricked. On the whole, Ukrainians are less cucked than Americans. Most people in Ukraine at least know they're getting fucked by Jews. The population isn't subverted, they're just largely powerless to do anything about the problem.
t. American in Ukraine
The stuff I've seen come out of Azov has been good, there has been a big false-flag effort against them. Also Kolomoisky gave them free food for a day, then when he tried to claim they owed him something, they told him to send them a bill so they could shove it up his kike ass.
Russia is full of Jewish oligarchs too. It's not a simple equation.
Nah, it was the Americans flipping the gov't to fuck with Russia, coupled with the fact that people are fed up with shit like the government stealing everything that isn't bolted down.
Truth hurts, Ukropitec?
1. Ukrainians are decent people that burnt alive their own brothers at Odessa. Quite decent of them.
2. They got tricked because they are stupid. Stupidity comes from their Mongolian genetic background.
3. Ukrainians are more cucked than Americans because they actually accepted to die for their country to come under full influence of EU and NATO, which are tools of the Jew.
4. Most of the people in Ukraine are still blaming Russia for their problems, including for their gold that was stolen by the Jew. That goes to prove how intelligent those apes really are.
5. The population is subverted as fuck and it has been so since it was invented by Bolshevik Jews during the early stages of the USSR.
6. When they had a bit of power, they preferred to burn their own brothers alive. I can't feel sorry for them.
Putin kicked out the anti-Russian oligarchs for quite a while, before even Georgia took place. You should pay more attention to what happens in a country, before deciding to speak about it.
Ukraine sucks, but Russia isn't any better. You can get jailed up to 5 years for Holocaust Dena and Putin is an avid fan of Israel and loves Jews.
Fuck off Катсап. Putin has done some good things, but claiming that he "kicked out the Jewish oligarchs" is bullshit and you know it.
I bet you're even more triggered over UPA. Bandera did nothing wrong.
Also, Moscow was the administrative center of the Mongols when they conquered Kyivan Rus, yet your argument is that it's the Ukrainians who are mongolized?
Ukrainians would probably hate you less if you spent less time claiming that they don't exist and that they're your "brothers" while constantly shitting on them. Every Russian speaker I've met here has been way more of a shitbag than the Ukrainian speakers. It's a remarkably effective way to tell if someone is going to try to cheat me or just have a shitty attitude.
Now can you quit derailing a thread about the bank nationalization to rant that your pile of tires is somehow so much better than the Ukrainian pile of tires?
Russians are also more Mongolian than Ukraines. Americans way stupider too.
T. Burger
Never heard of that website. You should have posted an Archived link or break the link.
How affected are the western Slavs like Poles and Czechs by mongol blood?
To clarify, I'm not trying to turn this into a 'is X white thread' but about the extent of mongol admixture present in the Poles. I'm curious since my parents are Polish.
Not as much as Russians.
It's actually a pretty small percentage even in Russia (among white Russians), and when you get to Poland or Czecha it's effectively 0.
He either kicked out the anti-russian jewish oligarchs who decided not to kiss his ring or he sent them to prison (Khodorkhovsky for example) and he probably assassinated a couple of those of who were in exile. The jewish oligarchs who are still in Russia are the ones who kiss his ring.
I'm not anti-Putin. He seems to be doing a fairly good job of leading Russia, all things considered. I'm just anti "PUTIN IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WHITE RACE!"
And kissing Putin's ring doesn't mean the Russian oligarchs are doing anything good for the Russian people, just that they're not trying to subvert the government.
You know, I honestly have no problems with the Ukraine. There's a lot of European Traditional/Nationalists, the only reason they want to join NATO is they're scared of Russia with good reason (see holodomor), STALKER takes place in it, and lots of anti-fags Christians. Putin is booty blasted over these fascists in the Ukraine because they're not his brand of Traditionalism and they don't like Stalin.
This, he's a Zionist, anti-racist Soviet apologist, but at least he's not retarded. sometimes
So Ukraine IS ZOG after all.
Holla Forums was right again!
What should I look out for in slav names?
Ukraine is not fully ZOG, but it has seen better days.
-ic, -ovic is yugo (Subotic, Ivanovic)
-sky or -ski/-ska is polish/jew, but means "from" (Amerifatsky, Yuropoorski, Mierzejewski, Kzyzyzubdski) used by plenty
-ili, -ia or -vili and -dzeis georgian
-in is ruskie or northern georgian (Lenin, Stalin, Putin)
-ev and -ov is bulgarian, although many macedonians use for some reason, and some other russians
-ek is bulgarian
-u, or -scu / -ru are gypsies
-ko is ukranian
Hungarians have their name the other way like gooks, and with z's and k's, instead of John Doe it is Doe John, instead of Ferenc Puskas it is Puskas Ferenc, instead of Michael Jackson it is Jákzos Mihály
It is has -shi or sh's, ti's or li's, and there was some x's and j's, it is non-human and should be ignored
There's a couple more that escape my memory, watching international sports will make you familiar with it
This. It's like everyone forgets that Russia has, and always will be GRU, top to bottom, inside and out. The politburo has been replaced with an oligarchy, but the man behind the curtain has always been military intelligence.
Post-Tsarist Russia is probably the most successful counterintelligence state.
Burger, pls.