What a good leftist movie ?

what a good leftist movie ?

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Wind That Shakes the Barley

Land and Freedom
They Live
Motorcycle Diaries

The Matrix

The K-On! Movie

Zeitgeist the movie *no, I'm jesting*

Fight Club
Battleship Potemkin
The Plague Dogs

Last two are dope as fuck

Che gets a bit boring at times, but the first once is rad


The Trotsky
Grapes of Wrath

dat ending tho

Doctor Zhivago.

lots of godards films are leftist

i would also strongly recommend;

A New Babylon. a soviet film about the paris commune with my favourite soundtrack of all time by Shostakovitch.

Can Dialectics Break Bricks. A Détournement of a bog standard king fu film dubbed with characters who speak in situationist aphorisms


They Live
V For Vendetta

I was watching it recently and forgot how class-conscious it was.

The protagonist even goes from Pure Ideology mentality like "we just all have to work harder" to full class consciousness.


Baader Meinhof Complex, in German but English subs are a-okay.

The Wind that Shakes the Barley

I loved Apocalypse Now when I was a teen. It's not necessarily leftist I think, but is a brilliant cultural and social critique. Only the Directors Cut though, that scene on the French plantation is one of the best.


It's SocDem in the end, though. Fight me. :^)

Two army Comrades.

ayy, I watched this in Spanish class back in high-school with a teacher that I'm 90% sure was secretly a Marxist. She was really qt, as well.

Eh, I didn't interpret it that way, but I guess you could.
I know that it was constantly labeled communist propaganda, but the right-wing in the U.S. is really politically ignorant.

It's especially surprising how overtly socialist it is given that it's an American movie made in the late 80s. Literally the height of the "triumph" of capitalism.

A lot of movies and music were influenced/conceived in opposition to this though. Carpenter said in interviews specifically the one he did with Robert Rodriguez that they live was made because of his dislike of the Reagan 80's.

Sieg heil!

How is this one leftist? I still plan on watching this cus come on, who doesn't like a zombie flick? Just curious.

Surprised "A perverts guide to ideology" and "Zizek!" haven't been mentioned yet. Not to jerk him off too much, but I enjoyed both films.

Dawn of the Dead is commonly interpreted as a satire of consumerism since the movie takes in a mall full of very mindless hungry zombies that will consume anybody in the way. Specifically the zombies are usually interpreted as the mall shoppers.

Just general anti-consumerism. A lot of late 70's 80's horror was feeling the sting of capitalist rape.


Is he slightly class conscious?

Honestly? American Psycho gets the point across.

Yes. I suspect that he's closet leftist, and not in the "American Liberal" sense.

Thanks, makes sense.

"Look who's back," it's on netflix

His mom was good friends/neighbors with Howard Zinn and was part of many teachers union/general strikes.

Good movie.


How is that leftist? Seemed like a pretty standard slasher to me

I hated this movie. Unfunny and insulting. Can't remember exactly why.

My top leftist movie is Land and Freedom. I cry every time.

Rampage: Capitol Punishment is somewhere between crimson and bright pink.


Somewhere between socialist and edgy social liberal.


The Conformist
Come and See
Paths of Glory
My Super Sweet Cohabitation Life HD - Starring Rio/Tina Yuzuki and Aino Kishi [IPZ-127]

Does Holla Forums approve this movie?

no, but it is above average, and there are many parts of the message that can be appreciated with it. Bong Joon-ho may not be a socialist, for lack of vocabulary, but he is a timeless ally to the working-class.

I remember reading a review of this movie somewhere, and they guy was saying he was kinda sympathetic to what Bill Williamson talked about, and he mentioned that Obama is criticized in the movie. The first comment was somebody blasting him for being a right wing retard for criticizing Obama.

That was the straw that broke the camel's back in turning me from a left-liberal into a radical.

Taxi Driver is reactionary af and fascist esque. It's about an autistic polyp raging against degeneracy and murdering lumpen.


it's a classic, by Bertolt Brecht, 1932
the english wiki gives a good summary
beginning is quite slow but i still like its rusty charme
the ending scene in the train ride is spot on and it brought one of my favorite songs, the solidarity song

The Fall of Berlin film 1
The Fall of Berlin film 2

soviet perspective on how berlin went down
say what you want
the actors are on fucking point
churchill being portrayed as the ugly fat shit he was, hitler being the pathetic clown going mental
roosevelt on the other hand drawn as the best friend of the soviet union on western side

fuck, i love that movie

Is Snowpiercer orthodox Leftist? No, but it's just about as class conscious as a big-budget mainstream action flick can get and it's immensely gratifying to watch authoritarian porkies get BTFO.

Эрнст Тельман-сын своего класса-1 часть

i love the german original
somehow the actors in socialist countries always were so much more better and had such an awesome resemblance of the characters they played
this is an oldschool russian translation being talked over, but the translator is really into it

in case there's some russian speaking comrade on here who'd be interested in our german communist party leader Ernst Thälmann

Feels good.


Why don't you return to being a liberal until you can find a less shitty reason to become a radical.

A Bug's Life has some revolutionary undertones
Ants are the proletariat
Grasshoppers are the bourgeoisie

It's really not the reason why I became a radical, it's just the point where I stopped identifying myself as a liberal.

Not necessarily leftist but Brazil (1985) and Falling Down (1993) are movies I'd recommend.

In Falling Down there is two particular scenes of interest, one with the baby boomers playing golf which i don't have and this scene.

On second thought.. I'll have lunch.

Glengarry Glen Ross is a great movie but it was written by a Lolbert and is basically just an edgy practice in moral nihilism it's not leftist

I'm aware of Mamet's change in political stances over the years, but I think the movie can also be seen as an attack on capitalism, how ravenous and desperate it makes people. Alec Baldwin's character is basically a propagandist who spews pro capitalist memes and lies that keep the system going.

It's not too far off from real life salesman and everything bad that comes with the job and the commodification of everything including values.

battle for algiers

Actually Taxi Driver was based on a real life autist and guy with aspergers who kept a diary with those kind of rants that you see in the movie as well as his unusual awkwardness towards women.

I don't remember if he actually successfully assassinated anybody but he did do time in prison.

I would disagree with you about it being pro-fascist, it is somewhat reactionary though with the commentary on degeneracy, but the driving force behind the protagonist's action is his hopeless destitution. Look at how he lives in squalor, how he is poorly fed and how he works that shitty humiliating job. Even if Travis Bickle didn't realise that it was the system that was the cause of his misery, we the audience can clearly see it for ourselves.

Besides Scorsese was largely inspired by the pro-Marxist sympathetic Bengali (as in Indian Bengal) cinema of the 70s (which was really rather good to be honest, it's not like that shitty Bollywood crap you get and they actually portray how bad India really is), so I doubt he was going for an edgy fascist tone.

Whilst Travis Bickle is quite spooked, at least he initially takes the right course of action and then proceeds to take the consolation prize instead, which was still good but had much less socio-political connotations as it could be perceived by many including traditionalists as the right thing to do.

I think he meant that, it was the liberal commentator's staunch defence of Obama that made him convert.

It just so happened that this movie had precipitated that event.

la chinoise if you're a super maotist

Lord of war has a scene at the end that sticks. When he's been caught, the arms dealer has a bit of a monologue to the guy who's really gung-ho about finally getting him. He states the simple reality that he did it because if it's not him it's someone else. And it may as well be him. He also states that he's too important to the functioning of the US war machine to be imprisoned, and that in a few minutes he'll get a call from a general who'll release him. Then the phone rings. Great scene.

References to Zinn in good will hunting make sense now.

Openly socialist Hollywood star would be Fucking awesome right now. Imagine how many normies would suddenly be interested.

Is it just me or does John hurt look a lot like Trotsky in the poster?

No. It's really fucking bad.

Sure, it's got a cute little allegory to class struggle going. That's just about the only redeeming feature.
(It didn't help that the version I downloaded didnt have subs for the japanese parts).

Thoughts on this movie?


I saw this when it came out and loved it, but I don't remember any leftist parts.

There were good parts about the Irish Revolution but there was a look of spooky papistry and Irish people who wanted to be the boss instead of the English.

It wasn't overtly socialist, Alex Jones types like it too.

Also the Lego Movie came out a few years ago with quite explicit anarchist themes. They don't care, the left has no power, they will make leftist movies and use them to sell crappy toys all they want.

Really? The differences in economic ideologies are what drives the brothers apart near the end of the film. The older brother has a reformist "win the war first, reform society later" approach (in part due to relying on middle-class financial support for the IRA) while the younger brother has a radical approach, realising that struggle is pretty pointless if they're just going to replace English landlords/capitalists for Irish ones

It shows the nationalist/self-determination conflict becoming a class conflict.

Cool, I was a kid when I saw it so I don't remember that part, I'll have to watch it again.


That explains it. IIRC the film got quite a bit of criticism for focusing on the social/political divisions among the IRA, instead of being a generic Braveheart-esque "The Irish drove out the Brits and lived happily ever after"

For some reason that scene where Murphy and Cunningham quote James Connolly in jail really stayed with me.

I think it portrays really well the sort of bond I wish left-wing politics would create between people. You meet someone who has read and was inspired by the same words as you did, and you immediately connect based on a cause that is close to your hearts.

I went on youtube to find the scene and found the complete movie, and in the comments section someone had posted its time together with the quote. Guess I wasn't the only one who felt something watching it.


Remember 4 or 5 years ago someone on RevLeft called this movie woman hateric because one of the antagonists is a woman.

I never wrote that, I wrote:
echo zvfbtlavfgvp | rot13

Antz is much better.