The real number might be way higher, because Latino churches will attempt to do it while staying under the radar.
These churches are taking advantage of a tradition given to church sanctuary
The real number might be way higher, because Latino churches will attempt to do it while staying under the radar.
These churches are taking advantage of a tradition given to church sanctuary
Other urls found in this thread:
but muh guns
They need to put the fucking boot on the churches, schools and hospitals and traitors need to be prosecuted.
This is interesting: it looks like some Christian churches in the United States are taking up the Las Posadas tradition from Mexico.
Basically, a "Would you let Mary and Joseph into your home?" ritual, with a pretty obvious message.
More about it here:
kill all spics
Keep an eye on the Union Gospel Mission. They already offer sanctuary to tweakers, thieves, and illegals.
Most churchgoers are genuinely good folk (if incredibly uninformed), but the actual churches themselves are controlled opposition. Any priest that calls himself "Father" (and jumps through hoops to justify it) is a heretic.
Thanks, user. They are huge, with 300 rescue missions, but right now, it looks like they won't overtly go near the refugee/migrant thing.
The missions are probably not accorded the courtesy given to churches. You would imagine places like that harbor a lot of criminals, and they probably deal with the police regularly.
I can't argue with that, but it is kind of shocking the depths to which churches and many of their members go, like the evangelical fascination with adopting kids from places like Haiti and Nigeria.
Henry VIII understood well the need for the separation of Church and political matters of State.
Churches cannot be seen to encourage lawlessness. It's high time these clergymen are given a dose of reality, with an example made of them.
So, there's a list floating around somewhere?
Sorry churches, but "sanctuary" doesn't extend to housing thousands of criminals indefinitely. They are going back, and you are just wasting your time and money pretending you are exempt from the law.
I hope after the shitskins are deported, these clergy are arrested for harboring illegal aliens.
These people are just bluepilled morons being led astray by their zionist leaders. Just like in Europe, the church attendance rate is so low that the churches are being sold and converted as mosques for invading muslim hordes, but then again who can blame them? These protestants are the same people who have female bishops, fag acceptance, and try to make up their loss in numbers by trying to bring foreigners into their churches.
This shit wouldn't be an issue in my church, it's whites that have always been subverted by kikes regardless of their religion.
This. In any case, this means the illegals cannot leave the premises I think lest they find themselves arrested so the church will have to not only house but feed these people and deal with all the shit that comes with having illegals living there. That alone will cause problems for them.
Churches declared enemies of the state when?
They're corrupt and usually have piles of stolen crap like empty purses and backpacks, in their front lot. They need all shut down.
Good. Let all the muzzies go to churches and chill out. It will be easy to extract them all when we smoke them out.
January 20.
the point of a foreigner is that they stay a foreigner. the bible talks about being kind to people travelling through your lands, which is all well and good, but these churches are helping them come in to stay permanently, which is actually a curse according to the bible (being overrun by foreign tribes).
Do people in these churches know that they are going to host criminals or only (((leaders of the movement))) decided that they do?
T-thanks Christianity, religion of the hwhite man
I'm starting to thinm that some of the books of the gospel involved subversive jews, not christians.
first post every time
why do Holla Forumsacks still not understand this verse?
In the beginning that's all Christianity consisted of.
Where's Varg when you need him?
Well at least this will make it easier, they're already rounding them up for us.
There needs to be another reformation. One that accepts that the previous european gods were aspects of one whole god which jesus christ crystallized. I don't really care if it makes sense or not since it's all made up. Make it very ritualized and I'll even attend.
Mary and Joseph stayed in the manger for ONE FUCKING NIGHT. ONE. You know, this cucky bullshit that Western Christian churches are doing pisses me off to no end. They always want to talk about how the Bible says to "Love thy neighbor," but if the person in need is their actual neighbor, they fucking ignore him because he's White and he speaks fluent English without an accent. And of course the beaner churches are going to be safe havens for fucking illegals. Fuck these people. I'm mad.
nice d&c thread there
why are there people posting on Holla Forums who can't identify shills and bait?
lurk moar faggot
Christianity, in its modern form needs to be gotten rid of. Everyday something like this comes out
now there should be no doubt
I'm not sure you understand what projection is.
if you cant filter threads that you dont like you may be better in a safe space specially for faggots like you. >>>/christian/
im shure you don't understand my dubs
where's your bible quotes?
Matthew 7:6
Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.
cuckstians are the death of Whites. They have bred the turd world hoard to unnatural billions, shipping them into White countries in mass, fight at every corner to drop defenses, borders to have their hoard flood in, defend their turds over Whites, choose their death cult over their own at the destruction of their own and themselves, they don't care, suicidal genocidal cuckstianity is all that matters.
John 1-4
Before he's even President, Trump is already getting reasons to remove subversive Liberal churches and Make Christianity Great Again.
Are you tired of winning yet?
Christianity is an enemy of the world.
No, it's not.
I can't wait to see these fucktards being hauled away in chains and their ministries used to provide help to poor Whites.
Sure seems like there doing a good job of proving fedoras are the morally bankrupt ones, just checked there progressiveness though! CY+2 yall!
Illegal is illegal. Priests and pastors don't have legal protection when it comes to violating federal law. It is almost like they think separation of church and state gives them a free pass to break laws. The only thing it does is prevent the government from sanctioning a fed church.
You can claim humam sacrifice is oart of your religion all day long but if you act 9n it you're going up for murder.
My Church is doing this and there's nothing I can do about it.
The people who enable illegals should also be deported.
Report them and the illegals to the various authorities.
Fucking hell the poz is already setting in.
Fuck these goddamn Californians flooding into my goddamn town REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
These anti-christian divide and conquer posters are so fucking low energy with their weak memes.
I feel genuinely bad that these churches have been subverted and make Christianity look bad.
I'd organize a right-wing congregation but I have a church of my own which is pretty based and I wouldn't know enough people to start this new 'church'.
Maybe /christian/ can get together and start a church to reverse this trend, it's not like that option hasn't been discussed before.
Christianity was a mistake.
Either embrace atavistic spirit of kill yourself.
You have been posting the same exact fucking thread for every two weeks or so now OP. These "sanctuary" churches won't stop ICE agents from deporting illegals. All of these are either latino or in liberal cities. Even if they manage to "protect" a few illegals, they would essentially be forced to never come out of the basements/eat up tax money/take jobs.
All things considered, Trump should cut tax exempts from these Churches ASAP. Same thing goes for public funding for "sanctuary" cities.
How you don't understand that the argument is identical and right beside it in the trash bin is beyond me. You shouldn't be permitted to vote with your kind of faulty mental faculties.
There was a thread on this like a month ago, but
1. the number of churches was smaller, about 300 congregations. So it has increased 50% in a month's time, even with the fact that most people and presumably most churches are preoccupied with the holidays. People are normally lax this time of year.
2. It brought up the issue of Latino churches that will be doing this more quietly and under the radar. This will probably be the bigger issue in terms of numbers. Not just full Latino churches, but ones that have some Latino congregants.
You should read up on the history of the Sanctuary Movement of the 1980s.
Expect that number to be far greater today.
This is the important part. Only 8 people were (weakly) prosecuted, and the churches managed to sway public opinion in favor of refugees.
so every german today are uncucked and unpoz'd nazis that weren't hijacked at all?
you know what this analogy means? it means that christians can be hijacked too, you fucking nigger.
so by your logic all "aryans" are unpozzed and are incapable of being our enemy even though their country can be hijacked and claimed in the name of yiddastan.
Christianity was never something positive. It's not a case of it being "hijacked," it was poison from Day 1.
This is so incredibly heretical. Nations exist naturally. A nation has a natural right to expel others from its land. This is not AT ALL the place for the Church.
The whole "What about Mary and Joseph" argument is bull. Joseph went to his hometown in obedience to worldly authority, which the mexicans are actively working against.
wrong, because of pre-christianity, you had more whites, woman weren't degenerate, fucking whores was frowned upon, your kids weren't spoiled cucks they actually had a strong physique, family standards, your average normal person.
snow nigger religion allows the type of cancer such as;
- dancing around a shitty shrub in bride cloth
- homosexuality because loki is a faggot
- barbarianism, because lets face it, during roman reign, the germanic tribes were literally advanced aztecs snownigger living in runehuts
- uncivilized
- degenerate shit eaters
- fucked horses
Atheism allows;
- homosexuality because MORALITY ISN'T APPLICABLE because there is no consequences from deity
- suicide
- atheism plus endorsement for nigger loving and race is a social construct even though science disproves this
- degeneracy is go, fuck as many transsexual and failed abortions as much as you can without any consequences because GOD DOESN'T EXIST LAWL
- incapable of loving
- incapable of doing the technological advancements they so claim to side with, meanwhile they make youtube channels to rant about bible stuff.
- fat and unhealthy
- liberal
the only problem with christianity is that its currently hijacked, theology is no longer the same from 50 years ago, synchronizing with the modern day by going against the word and adopting good goyim laws by accepting gays and forcing you to tolerate cancerous practices that destroys family value, a great division in regards to proddies and catholics even though both are essentially different side of the coin but the same side when it comes to being controlled, with a pozzed pope cuck promoting heresy and proddie pastors being taught in theology kike established ideas, and easily targeted by faglords who gets asshurt about a rebelious kike that died on a stick.
Is there a public or leaked list of these 450 churches?
your bot sucks almost as much as you do dick
Checked, and seconded. Where's the list?
Julius Caesar and Emperor Augustus were not Christians, but they are frequently depicted as religious figures. Caesar was the high priest of Jupiter (flamen dialis) when he was young, his parents having married in a ceremony officiated by the previous flamen dialis for this purpose (confarreatio). This is what he said at the funeral of his aunt:
"The family of my aunt Julia is descended by her mother from the kings and on her father's side is akin to the immortal gods. For the Marcii Reges go back to Ancus Marcius, and the Iulii, the family of which ours is a branch, to Venus. Our stock therefore has at once the sanctity of kings, whose power is supreme among mortal men, and the claim to reverence which attaches to the gods, who hold sway over kings themselves."
When Christians talk about "paganism" (IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR, GOYS) they like to obscure the fact that they are really talking about the family traditions and way of life of the Indo-European peoples. It is impossible to respect your ancestors and their famous deeds without respecting the traditions and values that gave life to them. The Romans themselves always stressed that the mos maiorum (custom of the ancestors), not so-called civilization or Stoicism or anything like that, must be credited with their success and that Rome would persist as long as it remained loyal to the Gods.
Zosimus the Historian writes in great detail about this, identifying Christianity as the public face of degeneracy in his time, when Rome was falling apart before his eyes.
Don't give them any money and report them.
You're retarded.
Go look up who Arminius is.
Hell, have a link.
It's like saying that Satan is the god of christians.
Pic related, the source of most Christians who argue against Pagans.
And, I say it every time, if Christians legitimize mr ((( Greenbergs ))) view on paganism, they need to legitimize this thing, too.
And, by the way, that was over 1000 years before the first crusade.
You know, crusaders? Those teutonic knight guys christians love to post?
Arminius fought the romans in the Teuteburg forest.
You know, Teuton?
And for the slow Christians among you:
This means that Teutons/Germanics have been kicking ass a milennium before the first Christian crusade.
And it was the same people doing it, just in different clothes.
So, no, Europe was not "aztec snowniggers" before Christianity came.
To bad he's not I would be a lot more likely to be one if they worshiped the "Hebrew opposer" instead of yahweh.
Not true.
Why did the Church want this? Because they, like you, have a warped view regarding anything having to do with sex.
Well Christianity allows homosexual ,at least keep it either/or.
Btw, I wish every Holla Forums Christian was as honest about their beliefs on race as you are.
So thank you.
Really? Can you point me to the atheist rulebook then because ive been a bad boy. Might as well add that atheism doesnt allow washing yourself or some other bullshit. You can basically add everything to atheism
I couldn't find anything public. Here is their website
Closest they have is a map of more regional groups. The nature of something like this means that it will probably all be handled on a more regional level.
His full post says that pre-Christian Europeans were "degenerate shit eaters" who apparently "fucked horses."
In a Christian's mind, this is what everyone would be doing if it wasn't for the fear of burning in hell. So of course, that is what everyone must have been doing before they heard the good news of Jesus.
Christians really have some issues.
Christianity and its adherents proves themselves everyday to be historically illiterate morons. Even their bizarre view of sexuality ("before the magic sandnigger, everyone was eating shit and fucking horses! I'm not projecting!") has been tainted by Semitic teachings
There may be a day where dubs such as these will go unchecked.
Today is not that day.
Anyone have the picture of the guy who's wife left him for the nigger and he's carrying the bible and the retarded black child around?
He's not being honest at all though, he's strawmanning traditional religion and avoiding how insanely pozzed Kike-worshippers are.
His use of the term "snow nigger" pretty much said it all.
Anyone who still defends cuckstianity at this point is no better than a bluepilled sheep. At some point you either admit you were wrong or you were never Holla Forums materil to begin with. If people want to live in denail of their kike religion they can go to Holla Forums and help bring their one world utopia under their one world multiculti semitic religion. Pro-cristian is anti-white, period.
What does he mean by this?
In before a Latino ICE agent goes undercover and busts a bunch of illegal spics.
It's not the 80's anymore. Thirty years of beaners raping, robbing and murdering their way across North America means that citizens aren't as likely to fall for this sanctuary shit. It's over nigger. They are going back and the organizations who openly flout Federal laws will be prosecuted.
Your mistake was expecting christians to be intellectualy honest in regards to history. Christians are pseudo-kikes, the only things respectable in christianity were made so because of white adherents, not the other way around. If christianity was any good ethiopia or any other nigger christian nation would be a beacon of intelligence development and morality. The contrary is the case, however, and only whites are superior, if anything, as is becoming more apparent every day, christianity is simply holding whites back, as it did so many times before.
What are you talking about? Are a helpless fucking woman? Enforcement of immigration laws will commence in less than three weeks. You need to be ready name the beaners/africans and their enablers. No mercy.
I have an even better one. Cuckjstians are all race traitors by definition, ther holy book says so.
You could leave cuckstianity and stop funding these fucking churches, for a start.
You're fucking cancer Schlomo, fit only for an oven.
These fucks tried this in the 1980's, it didn't work then either.
Not all, but christianity supports it. Is there a single passage against race mixing in your holy book? No. There are, however, a billion excuses cucktians can use for their behavior, in the end nothingf matter and womynz can do whatever the fuck they want despite what the one or twe verses say, because rabbi jeesus died for her sins, wich white christian men will happily pardon since thir book tell them to be tolerant. While you turn the other cheek, christian womin turn the other buttcheek, for another niggerdick.
If the woman had gotten pregnant, the entire congregation would have been aghast at the thought of her getting an abortion.
It worked surprisingly well, tbh. See
Learn more about Christianity at
Yeah, we get it kike.
Also, consider this article on traditional Christianity as a new form of out-dated paganism. IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR AGAIN, Christian brethren.
Legitimate Christianity as a Neo-Paganism
Trad Catholics, Sedevacantists, Deus Vult Christians, etc. are the new pagans. You heard me. You’re an embarrassment to the state and society, a security concern, and an obstruction to the implementation of a new order. You are a minority. It is assumed you will cease to exist over time, though if need be you can be purged. Perhaps by force.
It is obvious that the future of authentic European Christianity is tied to nationalism, which ironically will mean working together with atheists and actual neo-pagans. I think for many this is no longer a real issue of contention. But for religious people still unsure about whether they want to believe in a universal church, or an ethnic one, they need to take a good hard look at what the universal church believes and how callously it will discard the local in the name of the global. Pope Francis will continue to advocate for the Afro-Islamic colonization of Europe, which both reduces the Christian share of the European population through migration and birth, and indigenous conversions to Islam, which outnumber conversions to Christianity.
In a few decades there will not be a single major Western city with a White majority. We will all be pagans.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Maybe he was coming over for a bible study or something.
Sanctuary Movement press contact info
National Press Contact
Megan Cagle, Church World Service, [email protected]/* */, 602-399-0723
Local Press Contacts
Tuscon: Sarah Launius, No More Deaths, [email protected]/* */, 520-977-5493
Phoenix: Cyndi Whitmore, Restoration Project, [email protected]/* */
Chicago: Sara Wohlleb, Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition, [email protected]/* */, 773-680-6311
Philadelphia: Nicole Kligerman, New Sanctuary Coalition of Philadelphia, [email protected]/* */
Denver: Jennifer Piper, American Friends Service Committee, [email protected]/* */
Portland: Rae Anne Lafrenz, Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice, 503-550-3510, [email protected]/* */
Church World Service participating denominations
African Methodist Episcopal Church
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Alliance of Baptists
American Baptist Churches USA
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (including Diocese of California)
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Church of the Brethren
Coptic Orthodox Church in North America
Ecumenical Catholic Communion
Episcopal Church in the United States of America
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Friends United Meeting
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Hungarian Reformed Church in America
International Council of Community Churches
Korean Presbyterian Church in America
Malankara Orthodox Syrian Church
Mar Thoma Church
Moravian Church in America
National Baptist Convention of America, Inc.
National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc.
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America
Orthodox Church in America
Patriarchal Parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A.
Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friend
Polish National Catholic Church
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Progressive National Baptist Convention
Reformed Church in America
Serbian Orthodox Church in the U.S.A. and Canada
Swedenborgian Church of North America
Syriac Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA
United Church of Christ
United Methodist Church
CWS Lancaster location and contact info
308 E King St
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Highlights info row image
(717) 381-2890
Highlights info row image
Opens Monday 8:30AM - 5:00PM
Closed Now
No More Deaths
No More Deaths volunteers staff migrant centers in northern Mexico to provide aid to immigrants who have recently been deported or repatriated by the Border Patrol. The centers are located in Nogales and Agua Prieta, Sonora, just across the border from Nogales and Douglas, Arizona, respectively.
Restoration Project
Restoration Project, Phoenix Arizona info
(480) 442-9634
Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition
Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition/Chicago Religious Leadership Network on Latin America contact info + location
4750 N. Sheridan Road, Suite 429, Chicago, Illinois, 60640
773-293-3680 [email protected]/* */
Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition partners by category (working links only)
Human Rights
8th Day Center
Catholic Relief Services
Christian Peacemaking Teams
Church World Service
Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA)
Fellowship of Reconciliation
InterReligious Task Force on Central America (Cleveland)
SOA Watch
US Labor Education in the Americas Project (US LEAP)
Witness for Peace
Fair Trade
Chicago Fair Trade
Global Exchange
Citizens Trade Campaign
TransFair USA
Public Citizen/Global Trade Watch
Denominational Partners
Presbytery of Chicago
Northern Illinois Conference of United Methodist Church
Illinois Conference of United Church of Christ
Office of Immigrant Affairs of Archdiocese of Chicago
Unitarian Universalist
Immigration Rights
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
Immigrant Youth Justice League
Interfaith Immigration Coalition
Coalición de Derechos Humanos (Arizona)
Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)
No More Deaths (Arizona)
Boston New Sanctuary Movement
Oregon New Sanctuary Movement
New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia
New York New Sanctuary Movement
Voces de la Fronta - Milwaukee New Sanctuary Movement
Policy, Advocacy and Research
Center for International Policy
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
Latin America Working Group (LAWG)
North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
United States Office on Colombia
Washington Office On Latin America (WOLA)
Educational Partners (Local Chicago Partners) '''
Lutheran Volunteer Corps in Chicago
New Sanctuary Coalition of Philadelphia
location and contact info
2601 Potter St
Philadelphia, PA 19125
+1 215-279-7060
American Friends Service Committee
located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice
2710 NE 14th Avenue
Portland, OR 97212
Sorry about the inconsistent formatting, my autism was burning out towards the end. Hopefully some of this info will be useful.
Good work user.
Sage because obvious [test]
And reported for intl.
Sage negated, Cuckstain.
I'll be dumping more info on the Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition partners. If you feel like doing anything with this information it wouldn't be a bad idea to screenscap it in case the catalog does get spammed to death.
8th Day Center for Justice
205 W Monroe St, Suite 500
Chicago, IL 60606
(T) 312-641-5151
(F) 312-641-1250
JoAnne Harbert Bhati [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext:116
Elizabeth Deligio [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 107
Kathleen Desautels, SP [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 103
Gwen Farry, BVM [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 105
Mary Kay Flanigan, OSF [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 101
Kelvin Ho [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 106
Rachel Kohl [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 102
Mary Ellen Madden [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 112
Joellen McCarthy, BVM [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 109
Jill Landrith [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 115
Dorothy Pagosa, SSF-TOSF [email protected]/* */ 312-641-5151 ext: 113
Judith Plumb, OSF [email protected]/* */
Other political activities
It also hosts a radio show called "The 8th Day" on WLUW, Chicago. Over the years since its founding, 8th Day Center has also been involved in issues of homelessness,[5][6] human trafficking,[7] nuclear disarmament,[8] labor rights,[9] inclusive language,[10] and LGBT rights.
8th Day Center for Justice has a special consultative relationship with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
They've come into conflict with the Chicago Archidiocese for militiating for women's ordination in the past.
Benedictine Sisters of Chicago
Clerics of Saint Viator
Divine World Missionaries - North America
Dominican Sisters - Springfield, Illinois
Franciscans of Clinton, Illinois
Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate
Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters
Servants of Jesus, Detroit
Sisters of Charity, BVM
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis
Claretian Missionaries, USA
De La Salle Christian Brothers - Midwest District
Dominicans of Adrian, MI
Dominicans of Sinsinawa, WL
Franciscans of Wheaton, IL
Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart
Order of Carmelites, PCM
Priests of the Sacred Heart
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, West Midwest Community
Sisters of the Living Word
Capuchin Province of St. Joseph
Congregation of St. Agnes
Congregation of St. Joseph
Dominican Sisters of Peace
Dominicans of Racine, WL
Franciscans of Dubuque, IL
Franciscans of Rochester, MN
Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration
Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ
School Sisters of St. Francis
School Sisters of Notre Dame - Atlantic Midwest Province
Sisters of Providence St. Mary-of-the-Woods, IN
Sisters of the Presentation of Dubuque, IA
I'm fine with this. Trump will get impeached and Pence will exterminate the gays.
It's a win-win.
the priesthood is rising
Start gradually making churches pay fucking taxes, especially these ones.
Since when did churches think they were above the fucking law? Granted most churchgoers in this country now are Spics so of course these fucking places are going to want to keep their congregation and tithe amounts up. This is fucking blasphemy of the highest order, these traitorous cocksuckers have turned the house of God into criminal strongholds. No fucking different from a bandit lair and they wonder why it's only spics now showing up at their doors, decent folk don't want to nor need to be apart in blatant criminality. They not only harbour and aid illegal aliens but any criminal under the sun as well. Drug dealers, rapists, murderers, human traffickers, you fucking name it. It's why I don't go to church anymore, aside from that the fucking parishioners and priests don't give a fuck about the sermons or community outreach anymore they just want your money so they can give it to Pedro and Jamal. The churchgoers don't give a shit, they're just there because they're supposed to and spend the whole time on their fucking smartphones or talking to each other about Staceys colonoscopy anyway. Church is a fucking joke now, granted I don't know how church is in Norway but if they're anything like they are here I honestly can't blame Varg for burning shit down. The house of God is no longer His house if he's removed from the equation entirely and it's converted into sanctuary for those who have forsaken him and into scoundrel dens. God fucking damnit divinity and righteousness needs to be brought back to religion it's why nobody fucking calls themselves Christian anymore, there are no ceremonies or traditions or real sermons and masses or fucking nothing it's just a weekly get together where people can discuss which breakfast joint they wanna go after
Make yourself vocal at church, make a scene but be polite and well reasoned, it will get under the normalfags skin than their demonized enemy is so close to home, and so respected.
And if all else fails, report them, provide names, dates, make affidavits, go to court, etc.
You are upholding the rule of law, the law of the land, if they don't like it they better find someplace else or adapt. Also most of what the leftists actually advocate is technically unconstitutional, hence the fruitlessness of 'sticking around to fix the system' and we all know they would never win an armed revolution.
That’s not what’s happening here. “Since when did churches think that kikes should be tolerated in Christian countries?” is the better question, and the answer is “Since the publication of the Scofield bible.”
Glad to know I’m not the only one who still thinks this way, brother.
You're doing God's work user. Blessings of victory & strength upon you.
You wish. Catholics have been officially and unambiguously protecting Jews at the highest levels since the early middle ages.
>BREAKING: California citizens demands government give tax benefits for local church's
2017 is gonna be a great year. :^)
>Pure coincidence goyim!
Burn chruches – blame "satanists"
US version of Calles Law when?
Nigger, "christianity' was literaly a bunch of jews running around and subverting the roman empire because they got butthurt the romans destroyed their precious temple. Christianity IS subversive judaism at its finest. Christcucks should either hang themselves or start studying non-kosher history, their ignorance is starting to become a disgrace for the entirety of Holla Forums.
This won't end until church ministers and local government officials are arrested by feds for aiding and abetting illegals (which is a crime).
The war will be over one day. I shall then consider that my life's final task will be to solve the religious problem. Only then Will the life of the German native be guaranteed once and for all.
I don't interfere in matters of belief. Therefore I can't allow churchmen to interfere with temporal affairs. The organised lie must be smashed. The State must remain the absolute master.
Excerpt from Hitler's Table Talk.
Indeed. And now the Jews wish to put an end to their age-old project for good as it has outlived its usefulness.
450 churches that have decided to use their tax exempt status to promote a political position. 450 churches that need to be reclassified and loose their 501c status.
You misunderstand the situation, m8. Just remember the oldest jew trick: always be on both sides, because most men want be part of a side.
Have you prayed?
Notice the ads. Those screen shots were made by a young woman on a US naval base.
Basically the Christcuck version of Shariah law, where they believe their religious bullshit comes before the law of their native country, that pisses me off so much. Christcucks have to go to the oven for this.
What a fucking asshole.
Tax exempt status revoked due to church becoming a partisan, political entity. Also, violation of immigration laws by harboring illegal aliens.
These churches can decide whether to remain places of worship, or political outlaws that will be legally disbanded and punished.
Tell that to the Crusaders
You are barking at the wrong three. The root lies elsewhere.
Well the zionists will blow themselves the fuck out on this one, all we gotta do is watch.
Trump Better Call V-Man.
And so are white women. But should we give up on white women? No, of course not, because white survival depends on it. It's up to us to take them back and uncuck the kike out of them. Don't be so defeatist.
He’s a paid shill. Just report him.
Not an argument.
Reported for admitting to it.
Well that explains it. Go to >>>/christpol/ m80.
I was raised mormom and the the book of mormon is full of passages meant to create a feeling of sympathy towards jews.
You can insert any normal white language here, across Europe.
Well, it is pretty transparent what is happening right now. The Catholic Church has tumblered (höhö) in number, almost halved the last 40 years. If you count those without Alzheimers, there is a fourth left only. So what does an institution do? Bring in People where they still are pious, Poland, Spain, Croatia, pick and choose from the middle east (muh Christians etc.), Philippines, Indians (there are millions out of a billion, you see).
But the normies wake slowly up. There was a tsunami of quitters right after it was revealed that Swiss Churches were full of niggers. Too bad this happened right before years end, where most suddenly realize that they owe money to the church.
Catholic Relief Services
228 W. Lexington St. Baltimore, Maryland 21201-3443877-435-7277
Christian Peacekeeping Teams
USA OFFICE: Box 6508 · Chicago, IL 60680-6508 · Tel: +1-773-376-0550 · Fax: +1-773-376-0549 · E-mail: [email protected]/* */
CANADA OFFICE: 140 Westmount Road N · Waterloo, ON N2L 3G6 · Tel. +1-416-423-5525 · E-mail: [email protected]/* */
Church World Service
President and CEO
Rev. John L. McCullough
Board of Directors
Rev. Dr. Earl Trent, Jr
Rev. Patricia De Jong
Daniel Hazman
Laura Roberts
Roland Fernandes
Paul Chan
Hal Culbertson
Rev. Jimmie R. Hawkins
Beth Houle
Eunice Kamaara
Fr. Michael Kontogiorgis
Rev. John L. McCullough
Lenann McGookey Gardner
James T. Morris
Peter Persell
Dr. Shirley Cason Reed
Carl Thong
Marshall Toplansky
Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean (EPICA)
EPICA: 1470 Irving St. NW, Washington, DC 20010
Tel(202)332-0292 - Fax(202)332-1184 - [email protected]/* */
Their site's been down since 2010 so it's possible they've moved or are no longer in existence.
Fellowship of Reconciliation
521 N Broadway
Nyack , NY , 10960
P: 845.358.4601
F: 845.358.4924
E:[email protected]/* */
Rev. Kristin Gill Stoneking (Executive Director)
Anthony Grimes (Director of Campaigns & Strategy)
Linda Kelly (Director of Communications)
Jonette O'Kelley Miller, (M.P.A. Director of Development)
Ethan Vesely-Flad (Director of National Organizing)
Latanya Jackson (Staff Accountant & Operations Manager)
Karen Murphy (Director of Operations)
Meredith Krashes Nicolich (Advancement Associate)
Rev. Dr. Susan K. Smith (Senior Organizer & Trainer)
Nicole Taylor (Development Associate)
Len Yaniga (On-site property manager)
National Council
Shaina Adams-El Guabli (works at University of Pennsylvania's Graduate Student Center, lives in Philadelphia)
Irving Allen
Sahar Alsahlani (lives in The Community of Living Traditions at the Stony Point Center, NY)
Laurie Childers
Michael Colvin
Kate Fields
Lily Tinker Fortel
Liz Hess
Max Hess
Rev. Jeff Hood
Ciprian Iancu
La Trina P. Jackson (Chair) (lives in Atlanta)
Steve Jacobsen (Treasurer) (lives in Lewisburg, PA)
Patty Lyman
Dr. David Ragland
Ariel Vegosen
Adam Vogal
Tom Zolot (Vice Chair)
InterReligious Task Force on Central America (Cleveland)
[email protected]/* */ (216) 961-0003
3606 Bridge Ave, Cleveland, OH 44113
SOA Watch
SOA Watch
5525 Illinois Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20011
Phone: (202) 234 3440
Fax: (202) 636-4505
Email: info(at)
US Labor Education in the Americas Project (US LEAP)
1634 I St NW, Suite 1001
Washington, DC 20006
Tel: (202) 347-4100 (Staff Directory)
Fax: (202) 347-4885
Witness for Peace
They are based in DC but their site can't be viewed over Tor so I can't get an address. Maybe someone else can check it out, I don't have a VPN so I can't do it for now.
They most likely won't have enough priests to even fill a fifth, let alone all 450. Either they got a shitload of funding from "generous donors" or they simply set up a tent and proclaimed it to be a church because someone smeared shit on the wall in the shape of a cross.
Presbytery of Chicago
815 W. Van Buren, Suite #500, Chicago, IL 60607-3506 | (312) 488-3000
Northern Illinois Conference of United Methodist Church
77 W. Washington St.
Suite 1820
Chicago, IL 60602
P: 312-346-9766
F: 312-346-9730
Illinois Conference of United Church of Christ
Participating Churches
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 565
207 N. Washington
Abingdon, IL 61410
phone: (309) 462-2727
Congregational Church
109 Washington St
Algonquin, IL 60102
phone: (847) 658-5308 fax: (847) 658-5308
[email protected]/* */
United First Church
P.O. Box 197
326 E. Main St
Amboy, IL 61310-0197
phone: (815) 857-2415
The Congregational United Church of Christ
1001 W. Kirchoff Road
Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2420
phone: (847) 392-6650 fax: (847) 392-6650
[email protected]/* */
St. John United Church of Christ
308 N. Evergreen Ave
Arlington Heights, IL 60004-6006
phone: (847) 255-6687 fax: (847) 255-6687
[email protected]/* */
Hope United Church of Christ
23334 State Road 49
Armstrong, IL 61812
phone: (217) 776-2762
Zion United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 252
Arthur, IL 61911
phone: (217) 253-2532
Lake Fork United Church of Christ
1401 E. 300 N. Rd
Atwood, IL 61913
phone: (217) 578-2706 fax: (217) 578-2706
United Church of Atwood
P.O. Box 379
210 N. Main St
Atwood, IL 61913
phone: (217) 578-2832
New England Congregational
406 W. Galena Blvd
Aurora, IL 60506-4618
phone: (630) 897-8721 fax: (630) 897-8721
[email protected]/* */
St. John's United Church of Christ
301 5th St
Aurora, IL 60505
phone: (630) 892-1932
[email protected]/* */
Federated Church of Avon
P.O. Box 565
206 S. Main St
Avon, IL 61415
phone: (309) 465-3949
St. Paul United Church of Christ
401 E. Main St
Barrington, IL 60010
phone: (847) 381-0460 fax: (847) 381-0460
[email protected]/* */
Immanuel United Church of Christ
415 W. North Ave
Bartlett, IL 60103
phone: (630) 289-1320 fax: (630) 289-1320
[email protected]/* */
Congregational Church of Batavia
21 S. Batavia Ave
Batavia, IL 60510
phone: (630) 879-1999 fax: (630) 879-1999
[email protected]/* */
St. John United Church of Christ
536 E. Corning Ave
Beecher, IL 60401
phone: (708) 946-6214
St. Luke United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 1161
725 Penfield St
Beecher, IL 60401
phone: (708) 946-6688 fax: (708) 946-6688
[email protected]/* */
St. John's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 794
401 N. Main St
Belvidere, IL 61008-2723
phone: (815) 544-3773 fax: (815) 544-3773
[email protected]/* */
Faith Community United Church of Christ
192 S. Center St
Bensenville, IL 60106
phone: (630) 766-1141
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational Church
6500 W. 34th St
Berwyn, IL 60402
phone: (708) 749-0676
[email protected]/* */
Trinity Community United Church of Christ
7022 Riverside Drive
Berwyn, IL 60402-2125
phone: (708) 484-1818 fax: (708) 484-1818
[email protected]/* */
English Congregational Church
P.O. Box 156
Big Rock, IL 60511-0156
phone: (630) 556-3986 fax: (630) 556-3986
[email protected]/* */
St. Luke Union Church
2101 E. Washington
Bloomington, IL 61701
phone: (309) 663-7437 fax: (309) 663-7437
[email protected]/* */
Christ Memorial United Church of Christ
2240 York St
Blue Island, IL 60406
phone: (708) 389-7710
[email protected]/* */
Union Church United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 377
Clay Street at Galena
Brimfield, IL 61517
phone: (309) 446-381
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
9146 Lincoln Ave
Brookfield, IL 60513
phone: (708) 485-7952
Burr Ridge United Church of Christ
15W00 Plainfield Rd
Burr Ridge, IL 60521
phone: (630) 654-4544 fax: (630) 654-4544
[email protected]/* */
United Church of Byron
P.O. Box 927
701 W 2nd St
Byron, IL 61010-0927
phone: (815) 234-8777 fax: (815) 234-8777
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
159 N. 2nd Ave
Canton, IL 61520
phone: (309) 647-0271 fax: (309) 647-0271
[email protected]/* */
Community United Church of Christ
805 S. 6th St
Champaign, IL 61820
phone: (217) 344-5091 fax: (217) 344-5091
[email protected]/* */
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
905 S. Russell St
Champaign, IL 61820
phone: (217) 356-3635 fax: (217) 356-3635
[email protected]/* */
United Church of Chebanse, UCC
P.O. Box 125
187 W. 1st South St.
Chebanse, IL 60922
phone: (815) 697-3006
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 250
212 S Main St
Cherry, IL 61317-0250
phone: (815) 477-2360
Addison Street Community Church
2132 W. Addison St
Chicago, IL 60618
phone: (773) 248-5893
Assyrian Evangelical United Church of Christ
4447 N. Hazel St
Chicago, IL 60640
phone: (773) 561-6585
Austin Baptist United Church of Christ
Meets: 5035 W. Ohio St
Mail: 5423 W. Ohio St
Chicago, IL 60644
phone: (773) 261-6252
Avalon Park Community United Church of Christ
8100 S. Dante Ave
Chicago, IL 60619
phone: (773) 721-3988 fax: (773) 721-3988
[email protected]/* */
Bethany United Church of Christ
4250 N. Paulina St
Chicago, IL 60613
phone: (773) 472-1096
[email protected]/* */
Bryn Mawr Comm Church
7000 S. Jeffrey Blvd
Chicago, IL 60649
phone: (773) 324-2403
[email protected]/* */
Christ Church of Chicago
6047 N. Rockwell
Chicago, IL 60659
[email protected]/* */
Church of the Three Crosses UCC/UMC
333 W. Wisconsin St
Chicago, IL 60614
phone: (312) 951-7916 fax: (312) 951-7916
[email protected]/* */
Eden United Church of Christ
5051 W. Gunnison St
Chicago, IL 60630
phone: (773) 283-5557
[email protected]/* */
Edgebrook Community United Church of Christ
6736 N. Loleta Ave
Chicago, IL 60646
phone: (773) 763-1522 fax: (773) 763-1522
[email protected]/* */
Edison Park Community Church
6675 N. Oketo Ave
Chicago, IL 60631
phone: (773) 763-2233 fax: (773) 763-2233
[email protected]/* */
Epiphany United Church of Christ
2008 W. Bradley Pl
Chicago, IL 60618
phone: ( 77) 328-14144 fax: ( 77) 328-14144
[email protected]/* */
Faith United Church of Christ
5051 W. Belle Plaine Ave
Chicago, IL 60641
phone: (773) 283-8545 fax: (773) 283-8545
First Baptist Congregational Church
1613 W. Washington Blvd
Chicago, IL 60612
phone: (312) 243-8047 fax: (312) 243-8047
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
1305 N. Hamlin Ave
Chicago, IL 60651
phone: (773) 384-8118 fax: (773) 384-8118
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational of Forest Glen
5400 N. Lawler Ave
Chicago, IL 60630
phone: (773) 777-4277
[email protected]/* */
First Spanish United Church of Christ
3322 W. Wrightwood Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
Galewood Community Church
1776 N. Narragansett Ave
Chicago, IL 60639
phone: (773) 889-3334 fax: (773) 889-3334
Church of the Good Shepherd
5700 S. Prairie Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 684-6561 fax: (773) 684-6561
[email protected]/* */
Good News Community Church
7649 N. Paulina St
Chicago, IL 60626
phone: (773) 262-2277 fax: (773) 262-2277
[email protected]/* */
Hyde Park Union United Church of Christ
5600 S. Woodlawn Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 363-6063 fax: (773) 363-6063
[email protected]/* */
United Church of Hyde Park
1448 E. 53rd St
Chicago, IL 60615
phone: (773) 363-1620 fax: (773) 363-1620
[email protected]/* */
Congregational Church of Jefferson Park
5320 W. Giddings St
Chicago, IL 60630
phone: (773) 725-0121
[email protected]/* */
Kenwood United Church of Christ
4600-08 S. Greenwood Ave
Chicago, IL 60653
phone: (773) 373-2861 fax: (773) 373-2861
[email protected]/* */
Korean Young Saeng UCC
5320 W. Giddings St
Chicago, IL 60630
phone: (773) 725-5771
Lincoln Memorial Congregational Church
6454 S. Champlain Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 752-7379
[email protected]/* */
Manor Community Church
9989 S. Crandon Ave
Chicago, IL 60617
phone: (773) 721-0900
Mont Clare United Church of Christ
6935 W. Medill Ave
Chicago, IL 60707-2911
phone: (773) 889-8174
Congregational Church Park Manor
7000 S. Martin Luther King Dr
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 224-4700 fax: (773) 224-4700
[email protected]/* */
The Peoples Church
P.O. Box 408319
941 W. Lawrence
Chicago, IL 60640
phone: (773) 784-6633 fax: (773) 784-6633
[email protected]/* */
Phillipine American Ecumenical Church
3533 N. Albany St
Chicago, IL 60618
phone: (773) 583-4448
[email protected]/* */
Ravenswood United Church of Christ
2050 W. Pensacola Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
phone: (773) 549-5472
[email protected]/* */
St. John United Church of Christ
2442 W. Moffat St
Chicago, IL 60647
phone: (773) 772-4161 fax: (773) 772-4161
[email protected]/* */
St. Nicolai United Church of Christ
3000 N. Kedzie Ave
Chicago, IL 60618
phone: (773) 478-5580 fax: (773) 478-5580
[email protected]/* */
St. Pauls United Church of Christ
2335 N. Orchard St
Chicago, IL 60614
phone: (773) 348-3829 fax: (773) 348-3829
[email protected]/* */
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
5450 W. Diversey Ave.
Office: 2805 N. Linder Ave.
Chicago, IL 60641
phone: (773) 283-1118 fax: (773) 283-1118
[email protected]/* */
San Lucas United Church of Christ
2914 W. North Ave
Chicago, IL 60647
phone: (773) 227-5747 fax: (773) 227-5747
South Shore Community United Church of Christ
7401 S. Yates Blvd
Chicago, IL 60649
phone: (773) 643-6231
Summerdale Community United Church of Christ
1700 W. Farragut Ave
Chicago, IL 60640
phone: (773) 561-5755
Trinity United Church of Christ
400 W. 95th St
Chicago, IL 60628
phone: (773) 962-5650 fax: (773) 962-5650
[email protected]/* */
University Church
5655 S. University Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 363-8142 fax: (773) 363-8142
[email protected]/* */
Wellington Avenue United Church of Christ
615 W. Wellington Ave
Chicago, IL 60657-5305
phone: (773) 935-0642 fax: (773) 935-0642
[email protected]/* */
Chicago Metropolitan Association United Church of Christ
5757 S. University Ave
Chicago, IL 60637
phone: (773) 324-7650 fax: (773) 324-7650
[email protected]/* */
Advocate United Church of Christ
10259 South Avenue L
Chicago, IL 60617
phone: (773) 437-4815 fax: (773) 437-4815
[email protected]/* */
St. Mark United Church of Christ
312 Chicago Rd
Chicago Heights, IL 60411-1081
phone: (708) 754-2266
[email protected]/* */
'''Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ
418 W. Wilmot'''
Chillicothe, IL 61523
phone: (309) 274-2585
[email protected]/* */
Bethel Memorial United Church of Christ
201 S. Main St
Creve Coeur, IL 61610
phone: (309) 699-9611
First Congregational United Church of Christ
461 Pierson St
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
phone: (815) 459-6010 fax: (815) 459-6010
[email protected]/* */
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
485 Woodstock St
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
phone: (815) 459-5096 fax: (815) 459-5096
[email protected]/* */
Faith Community United Church of Christ of Prairie Grove
2023 IL Route 176
Crystal Lake, IL 60014
phone: (815) 479-1307 fax: (815) 479-1307
[email protected]/* */
Danville United Church of Christ
618 E. Main St
Danville, IL 61832
phone: (217) 442-8445
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
3465 N. Mac Arthur Rd
Decatur, IL 62526-1450
phone: (217) 877-2216 fax: (217) 877-2216
[email protected]/* */
Congregational Church in Deerfield
225 Wilmot Rd
Deerfield, IL 60015
phone: (847) 945-0176 fax: (847) 945-0176
[email protected]/* */
Trinity United Church of Christ
760 North Ave
Deerfield, IL 60015
phone: (847) 945-5050
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
615 N. First St
DeKalb, IL 60115-3198
phone: (815) 758-0691 fax: (815) 758-0691
[email protected]/* */
Prairie Association United Church of Christ
617 N. 1st St
DeKalb, IL 60115-3199
phone: (815) 758-3497 fax: (815) 758-3497
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 229
116 W. 3rd St
DePue, IL 61322
phone: (815) 447-2360
Christ Church United Church of Christ
1492 Henry Ave
Des Plaines, IL 60016
phone: (847) 297-4230 fax: (847) 297-4230
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
766 Graceland Ave
Des Plaines, IL 60016
phone: (847) 299-5561 fax: (847) 299-5561
[email protected]/* */
Immanuel-Bethel United Church of Christ
14540 Lincoln Ave
Dolton, IL 60419-1810
phone: (708) 841-3737 fax: (708) 841-3737
First Congregational United Church of Christ
1047 Curtiss St
Downers Grove, IL 60515
phone: (630) 968-0358 fax: (630) 968-0358
[email protected]/* */
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
5739 Dunham Road
Downers Grove, IL 60515
phone: (630) 969-2783
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
200 W. Delaware St
Dwight, IL 60420
phone: (815) 584-1260
[email protected]/* */
Zion United Church of Christ
14804 W. 113th Ave
Dyer, IN 46311-3511
phone: (219) 365-5288
[email protected]/* */
Rollo Congregational Church
2471 Weddell St
Earlville, IL 60518
phone: (815) 246-9646
Fondulac Congregational United Church of Christ
100 Illini Dr
East Peoria, IL 61611
phone: (309) 699-8224
Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 42
Edelstein, IL 61526
phone: (309) 249-2607
Good Shepherd Community Church
135 E. 2nd St
El Paso, IL 61738
phone: (309) 527-2666
Community Congregational United Church of Christ
100 E. Shannon St
Elburn, IL 60119
phone: (630) 365-6544
[email protected]/* */
First Congregational United Church of Christ
256 E. Chicago St
Elgin, IL 60120
phone: (847) 741-4045 fax: (847) 741-4045
[email protected]/* */
St. Paul United Church of Christ
40W720 Plank Road
Church Office: 12N268 Switzer Road
Elgin, IL 60121
phone: (847) 844-1455 fax: (847) 844-1455
[email protected]/* */
Bethel United Church of Christ
315 E. St Charles Rd
Elmhurst, IL 60126
phone: (630) 279-4040 fax: (630) 279-4040
[email protected]/* */
Church of the New Covenant
Mail: 190 Prospect Street
Meeting location varies
Elmhurst, IL 60126
[email protected]
First Congregational Church United Church of Christ
235 S. Kenilworth Ave
Elmhurst, IL 60126
phone: (630) 832-2580 fax: (630) 832-2580
[email protected]
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
125 W. Church St
Elmhurst, IL 60126
phone: (630) 530-6000 fax: (630) 530-6000
Emington Congregational Church United Church of Christ
103 Division St
Emington, IL 60934
phone: (815) 934-5515
St. John's United Church of Christ
1136 Wesley Ave
Evanston, IL 60202
phone: (847) 491-6686
Mosque has weapons but Church has illegal spics, only one molotov wat do?
Guess who could change that policy instantly with an executive order :D
First Congregational Church
1417 Hinman Ave
Evanston, IL 60201
phone: (847) 864-8332
[email protected]
Immanuel United Church of Christ
9815 S. Campbell Ave
Evergreen Park, IL 60805
phone: (708) 424-3755 fax: (708) 424-3755
[email protected]
God Can Ministries
1100 Greenwood
Ford Heights, IL 60411
phone: (708) 757-5550 fax: (708) 757-5550
godcan@ameritech. net
First United Church of Christ
1000 Elgin Ave
Forest Park, IL 60130
phone: (708) 771-8456
St. Paul United Church of Christ
1319N. 1720th Ave.
Fowler, IL 62338
phone: (217) 434-8369
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
12 W. Sauk Trail
Frankfort, IL 60423
phone: (815) 469-2220 fax: (815) 469-2220
[email protected]
Eastern Association United Church of Christ
7561 Inverness Ln
Frankfort, IL 60423
Bethany United Church of Christ
2341 W. Stephenson St
Freeport, IL 61032-4603
phone: (815) 232-5722
[email protected]
St. John United Church of Christ
1010 S. Park Blvd
Freeport, IL 61032-4657
phone: (815) 235-2824 fax: (815) 235-2824
[email protected]
East Main Congregational United Church of Christ
1200 E. Main St
Galesburg, IL 61401-3964
phone: (309) 343-5548
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 68
Garden Prairie, IL 61038
phone: (815) 597-3451
First Congregational United Church of Christ
319 S. State St
Geneseo, IL 61254
phone: (309) 944-3389
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
327 Hamilton St.
Geneva, IL 60134
phone: (630) 232-7143
[email protected]
Peace United Church of Christ
301 E. 1st St
Genoa, IL 60135
phone: (815) 784-5680
Zion United Church of Christ
503 N. Central St
Gilman, IL 60938
phone: (815) 265-4405
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
535 Forest Ave
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
phone: (630) 469-3096 fax: (630) 469-3096
[email protected]
Glenview Community Church
1000 Elm St
Glenview, IL 60025
phone: (847) 724-2210 fax: (847) 724-2210
[email protected]
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 220
310 N. Meadow St
Grant Park, IL 60940
phone: (815) 465-6191 fax: (815) 465-6191
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 158
103 N. Church
Granville, IL 61326-0158
phone: (815) 339-2305
United Protestant Church
54 S. Whitney St
Grayslake, IL 60030
phone: (847) 223-8131 fax: (847) 223-8131
[email protected]
St. John's United Church of Christ
11821 E. Grant Hwy
Hampshire, IL 60140
phone: (815) 923-4263 fax: (815) 923-4263
[email protected]
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 1271
Hinckley, IL 60520
phone: (815) 286-3391 fax: (815) 286-3391
[email protected]
Union Church of Hinsdale
137 S. Garfield Ave
Hinsdale, IL 60521
phone: (630) 323-4303 fax: (630) 323-4303
[email protected]
Hollowayville United Church of Christ
214 E. Peru St
Hollowayville, IL 61356
phone: (815) 894-2739
[email protected]
St. Paul Community Church
18200 Dixie Hwy
Homewood, IL 60430-2219
phone: (708) 798-0700 fax: (708) 798-0700
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
11628 Main St
Huntley, IL 60142
phone: (847) 669-3691 fax: (847) 669-3691
[email protected]
Glenview Community Church
1000 Elm St
Glenview, IL 60025
phone: (847) 724-2210 fax: (847) 724-2210
[email protected]
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 220
310 N. Meadow St
Grant Park, IL 60940
phone: (815) 465-6191 fax: (815) 465-6191
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 158
103 N. Church
Granville, IL 61326-0158
phone: (815) 339-2305
United Protestant Church
54 S. Whitney St
Grayslake, IL 60030
phone: (847) 223-8131 fax: (847) 223-8131
[email protected]
St. John's United Church of Christ
11821 E. Grant Hwy
Hampshire, IL 60140
phone: (815) 923-4263 fax: (815) 923-4263
[email protected]
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 1271
Hinckley, IL 60520
phone: (815) 286-3391 fax: (815) 286-3391
[email protected]
Union Church of Hinsdale
137 S. Garfield Ave
Hinsdale, IL 60521
phone: (630) 323-4303 fax: (630) 323-4303
[email protected]
Hollowayville United Church of Christ
214 E. Peru St
Hollowayville, IL 61356
phone: (815) 894-2739
[email protected]
St. Paul Community Church
18200 Dixie Hwy
Homewood, IL 60430-2219
phone: (708) 798-0700 fax: (708) 798-0700
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
11628 Main St
Huntley, IL 60142
phone: (847) 669-3691 fax: (847) 669-3691
[email protected]
Lyonsville Congregational United Church of Christ
6871 Joliet Road
Indian Head Park, IL 60525
phone: (708) 246-1255 fax: (708) 246-1255
[email protected]
Congregational United Church of Christ
520 W. College Ave
Jacksonville, IL 62650
phone: (217) 245-8213
[email protected]
First United Church of Christ
620 Williamson
Joliet, IL 60432
phone: (815) 529-5858
Congregational United Church of Christ
Closed July 15, 2012
Kankakee, IL
St. John United Church of Christ
1045 W. River St
Kankakee, IL 60901
phone: (815) 932-3336 fax: (815) 932-3336
[email protected]
St. Peter's Evangelical United Church of Christ
119 S. Grove St
Kewanee, IL 61443
phone: (309) 853-2216
[email protected]
Congregational United Church of Christ
205 N. Prairie St
Lacon, IL 61540
phone: (309) 246-8221
[email protected]
First Congregational Church
100 S. Sixth Ave
LaGrange, IL 60525
phone: (708) 352-0800 fax: (708) 352-0800
[email protected]
The Village Church, UCC
1150 Meadowcrest Rd
LaGrange Park, IL 60525
phone: (708) 354-0900
[email protected]
Millburn Congregational United Church of Christ
19073 W. Grass Lake Rd
Lake Villa, IL 60046
phone: (847) 356-5237 fax: (847) 356-5237
[email protected]
St. Peter United Church of Christ
47 Church St
Lake Zurich, IL 60047
phone: (847) 438-6441 fax: (847) 438-6441
[email protected]
Trinity United Church of Christ
829 4th St
LaSalle, IL 61301-2143
phone: (815) 223-8513
First Congregational Church
P.O. Box 40
1140 Inlet Road
Lee Center, IL 61331-6040
phone: (815) 456-2432
Salem United Church of Christ
8491 Salem Rd
Lena, IL 61048
phone: (815) 369-4511 fax: (815) 369-4511
[email protected]
St. John United Church of Christ
204 7th St
Lincoln, IL 62656
phone: (217) 732-6957 fax: (217) 732-6957
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
1006 Ogden Ave
Lisle, IL 60532
phone: (630) 966-3263
First Congregational United Church of Christ
700 E. Ninth St
Lockport, IL 60441
phone: (815) 838-2091 fax: (815) 838-2091
First Church of Lombard, UCC
220 S. Main St
Lombard, IL 60148
phone: (630) 629-2630 fax: (630) 629-2630
Calvin Reformed Church
2895 Glenwood-Lansing Rd
Lynwood, IL 60411
phone: (708) 474-3520
St. John's United Church of Christ
4500 Prescott Ave
Lyons, IL 60534
phone: (708) 447-0309 fax: (708) 447-0309
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
210 S. Third St
Malta, IL 60150
phone: (815) 825-2451
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
140 S. Thelma St
Manhattan, IL 60442
phone: (815) 478-4900 fax: (815) 478-4900
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
255 E. Bluff St
Marseilles, IL 61341-1506
phone: (815) 795-5336
First Congregational Church
P.O. Box 6
202 N. 6th St
Marshall, IL 62441
phone: (217) 826-2872
[email protected]
St. John's Faith United Church of Christ
21302 Maple St
Matteson, IL 60443
phone: (708) 748-0885 fax: (708) 748-0885
Park Street Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 266
806 Park St
Mazon, IL 60444
phone: (815) 448-5514 fax: (815) 448-5514
[email protected]
St. John United Church of Christ
800 N. 18th Ave
Melrose Park, IL 60160
phone: (708) 681-4488
Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 178
State & High Sts
Mendon, IL 62351
phone: (217) 936-2662
[email protected]
St. John's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 530
302 N. Maple St
Minier, IL 61759-0530
phone: (309) 392-2209
[email protected]
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 66
236 W. 5th St
Minonk, IL 61761-0066
phone: (309) 432-2992
St. John's United Church of Christ
11100 2nd St
Mokena, IL 60448
phone: (708) 479-5123 fax: (708) 479-5123
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
2201 7th Ave
Moline, IL 61265
phone: (309) 762-0787 fax: (309) 762-0787
[email protected]
Hope United Church of Christ
3324 41st St
Moline, IL 61265
phone: (309) 762-1419 fax: (309) 762-1419
[email protected]
Union Congregational Church
1811 53rd St
Moline, IL 61265
phone: (309) 797-4553
[email protected]
St. Paul's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 10
5323 W. Margaret St
Monee, IL 60449
phone: (708) 534-8471 fax: (708) 534-8471
[email protected]
Community United Church of Christ
300 N. Main St
Morton, IL 61550
phone: (309) 266-7263 fax: (309) 266-7263
[email protected]
Armenian Evangelical Church of Chicago
905 W. Golf Rd
Mount Prospect, IL 60056
phone: (847) 758-7188
Community Protestant United Church of Christ
418 N. Prairie Ave
Mundelein, IL 60060
phone: (847) 566-4000 fax: (847) 566-4000
[email protected]
Ivanhoe Congregational United Church of Christ
21078 W. Hwy 176
Mundelein, IL 60060
phone: (847) 566-5204
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
25 E. Benton Ave
Naperville, IL 60540
phone: (630) 355-1024 fax: (630) 355-1024
[email protected]
Hope United Church of Christ
1701 Quincy Ave, Suite 127
Naperville, IL 60540
phone: (630) 922-0470 fax: (630) 922-0470
[email protected]
St. John United Church of Christ
1190 Olesen Dr.
Naperville, IL 60540
phone: (630) 961-9942 fax: (630) 961-9942
[email protected]
New Covenant Community
210 W. Mulberry
Normal, IL 61761
phone: (309) 454-7362
[email protected]
St. Peter Community Church
400 Wagner Rd
Northfield, IL 60093-2922
phone: (847) 272-2246 fax: (847) 272-2246
[email protected]
Northfield Community Church
400 Wagner Rd
Northfield, IL 60093-2922
phone: (847) 446-3070 fax: (847) 446-3070
[email protected]
Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ
9411 S. 51st Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
phone: (708) 422-4200 fax: (708) 422-4200
[email protected]
Salem United Church of Christ
9717 S. Kostner Ave
Oak Lawn, IL 60453
phone: (708) 423-9717 fax: (708) 423-9717
First United Church
848 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60301-1314
phone: (708) 386-5215 fax: (708) 386-5215
[email protected]
Harvard Family United Church of Christ
1045 S. Kenilworth Ave
Oak Park, IL 60304
phone: (708) 383-4032
[email protected]
Pilgrim Congregational United Church of Christ
460 Lake St
Oak Park, IL 60302
phone: (708) 848-5860 fax: (708) 848-5860
[email protected]
United Church of Christ of Odell
P.O Box 366
109 N. Morgan
Odell, IL 60460
phone: (815) 998-2271
First Congregational United Church of Christ
120 E. Jackson St.
Ottawa, IL 61350
phone: (815) 433-0771 fax: (815) 433-0771
[email protected]
St. Paul United Church of Christ
144 E. Palatine Rd
Palatine, IL 60067
phone: (847) 358-0399 fax: (847) 358-0399
[email protected]
St. John United Church of Christ
1475 W. Algonquin Rd.
Palatine, IL 60067
phone: (847) 358-7620
Peace Memorial United Church of Christ
10300 W 131st St
Palos Park, IL 60464
phone: (708) 448-7833 fax: (708) 448-7833
[email protected]
Immanuel United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 309
Papineau, IL 60956
phone: (815) 428-7273
Faith United Protestant
10 Hemlock St
Park Forest, IL 60466
phone: (708) 747-1330 fax: (708) 747-1330
[email protected]
Park Ridge Community Church
100 S. Courtland Ave
Park Ridge, IL 60068
phone: (847) 823-3164 fax: (847) 823-3164
[email protected]
Federated Church
221 W. Center St
Paxton, IL 60957
phone: (217) 379-2442
Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 47
101 S. Park St
Payson, IL 62360
phone: (217) 656-3045
Ebenezer-Salem United Church of Christ
5421 Stone Church Rd
Pearl City, IL 61062-9294
phone: (815) 443-2293
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 566
633 Reed St
Pecatonica, IL 61063-0566
phone: (815) 239-1195
Congregational United Church of Christ
2200 Willow St
Pekin, IL 61554
phone: (309) 346-1991
[email protected]
St. Paul United Church of Christ
101 N. 8th St
Pekin, IL 61554
phone: (309) 347-5196 fax: (309) 347-5196
[email protected]
First Federated Church
3601 N. Sheridan Rd
Peoria, IL 61604
phone: (309) 685-5258 fax: (309) 685-5258
[email protected]
Parkview United Church of Christ
2221 N. Gale Ave
Peoria, IL 61604
phone: (309) 685-3218 fax: (309) 685-3218
[email protected]
New Church United Church of Christ
1017 N. Flora
Peoria, IL 61603
Western Association United Church of Christ
3601R N. Sheridan Road
Peoria, IL 61604
phone: (309) 685-5929 fax: (309) 685-5929
[email protected]
Immanuel United Church of Christ
311 W. Corning Ave
Peotone, IL 60468
phone: (708) 528-6966 fax: (708) 528-6966
[email protected]
St. John's United Church of Christ
27942 S. 88th Ave
Peotone, IL 60468
phone: (708) 534-8643
[email protected]
Zion United Church of Christ
1521 6th St
Peru, IL 61354-2719
phone: (815) 223-2671 fax: (815) 223-2671
[email protected]
Plainfield Congregational Church
24020 W. Fraser Rd
Plainfield, IL 60586-9272
phone: (815) 436-9441 fax: (815) 436-9441
Open Prairie United Church of Christ
25 E. Marion St
Princeton, IL 61356
phone: (815) 872-5150 fax: (815) 872-5150
[email protected]
Stark Congregational United Church of Christ
R R 1
Princeville, IL 61559
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 66
218 E. 3rd St
Prophetstown, IL 61277-0066
phone: (815) 537-2094
[email protected]
Salem Evangelical United Church of Christ
435 S. 9th St
Quincy, IL 62301
phone: (217) 222-0601 fax: (217) 222-0601
[email protected]
Trinity United Church of Christ
2020 S. 24th St
Quincy, IL 62301
phone: (217) 222-1499 fax: (217) 222-1499
[email protected]
Community United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 246
5714 Broadway St
Richmond, IL 60071
phone: (815) 678-6521 fax: (815) 678-6521
[email protected]
Grace United Church of Christ
2600 Budd St
River Grove, IL 60171
phone: (708) 453-7016
First Congregational United Church of Christ
905 Dixon Rd
Rock Falls, IL 61071-1840
phone: (815) 625-3314 fax: (815) 625-3314
[email protected]
Church of Peace United Church of Christ
1110 12th St
Rock Island, IL 61201
phone: (309) 788-6357 fax: (309) 788-6357
[email protected]
Second Congregational UCC/ First Presbyterian Church
318 N. Church St
Rockford, IL 61101-1087
phone: (815) 963-8431 fax: (815) 963-8431
[email protected]
Spring Creek Congregational United Church of Christ
4500 Spring Creek Rd
Rockford, IL 61114-6316
phone: (815) 877-2576 fax: (815) 877-2576
[email protected]
Woodside Congregational United Church of Christ
2324 S. Alpine Road
Rockford, IL 61108-7726
phone: (815) 229-3265
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 201
101 E. Union St
Rockton, IL 61072-2025
phone: (815) 624-6212
United Church of Christ
2500 E. 223rd St
Sauk Village, IL 60411
phone: (708) 758-6700
Community United Church of Christ
346 Chicago Ave
Savanna, IL 61074-1960
phone: (815) 273-3627
Samil United Church of Christ
1019 W. Wise Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60193
phone: (847) 895-3039
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 241
104 E. Navaho St
Shabbona, IL 60550-0241
phone: (815) 824-2359 fax: (815) 824-2359
[email protected]
First United Church of Christ
201 E. Chestnut St
Sheffield, IL 61361
phone: (815) 454-2786 fax: (815) 454-2786
[email protected]
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
8013 Laramie Ave
Skokie, IL 60077
phone: (847) 673-8166 fax: (847) 673-8166
Union Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 275
305 S. Gage St
Somonauk, IL 60552-0275
phone: (815) 498-2277
[email protected]
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 E. 154th St
South Holland, IL 60473
phone: (708) 333-5955 fax: (708) 333-5955
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
227 E. Erie St
Spring Valley, IL 61362-2137
phone: (815) 663-1951
First Congregational United Church of Christ
2100 Bates Ave
Springfield, IL 62704
phone: (217) 546-7170 fax: (217) 546-7170
[email protected]
Congregational United Church of Christ
40 W. 451 Fox Mill Blvd
St. Charles, IL 60175-6507
phone: (630) 584-0929 fax: (630) 584-0929
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
311 Second Ave
Sterling, IL 61081-3606
phone: (815) 625-5112 fax: (815) 625-5112
[email protected]
Immanuel United Church of Christ
1500 Old Church Rd
Streamwood, IL 60107-1800
phone: (630) 837-0190 fax: (630) 837-0190
[email protected]
Pillar of Love Fellowship United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 497
7438 W. 62nd Pl.
Summit, IL 60501
phone: (773) 405-9542
[email protected]
Federated Church
612 W. State St
Sycamore, IL 60178-1330
phone: (815) 895-2706 fax: (815) 895-2706
[email protected]
Mayfield Congregational Church
28405 Church Road
Sycamore, IL 60178-9081
phone: (815) 895-5548
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
114 E. Pembroke St
Tuscola, IL 61953
phone: (217) 253-2532
St. John's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 401
17824 Jefferson St
Union, IL 60180
phone: (815) 923-4203 fax: (815) 923-4203
Pilgrimage Protestant Congregational
1100 Exchange Pkwy
University Park, IL 60466-2826
phone: (708) 534-0030 fax: (708) 534-0030
[email protected]
Zion United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 57
107 Smith St
Ursa, IL 62376
phone: (217) 684-2595
Community Congregational United Church of Christ
410 S. Cornell Ave
Villa Park, IL 60181
phone: (630) 834-8352 fax: (630) 834-8352
[email protected]
Illini Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 295
5187 N. Kinney Rd
Warrensburg, IL 62573
phone: (217) 672-8385
Bethany United Church of Christ - Tioga
848 E. County Rd
Warsaw, IL 62351
phone: (217) 985-4392
Bethlehem United Church of Christ - Sutter
964 E. County Road 550N
Warsaw, IL 62379
phone: (217) 658-4291
[email protected]
Second Congregational UCC/ First Presbyterian Church
318 N. Church St
Rockford, IL 61101-1087
phone: (815) 963-8431 fax: (815) 963-8431
[email protected]
Spring Creek Congregational United Church of Christ
4500 Spring Creek Rd
Rockford, IL 61114-6316
phone: (815) 877-2576 fax: (815) 877-2576
[email protected]
Woodside Congregational United Church of Christ
2324 S. Alpine Road
Rockford, IL 61108-7726
phone: (815) 229-3265
First Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 201
101 E. Union St
Rockton, IL 61072-2025
phone: (815) 624-6212
United Church of Christ
2500 E. 223rd St
Sauk Village, IL 60411
phone: (708) 758-6700
Community United Church of Christ
346 Chicago Ave
Savanna, IL 61074-1960
phone: (815) 273-3627
Samil United Church of Christ
1019 W. Wise Rd
Schaumburg, IL 60193
phone: (847) 895-3039
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 241
104 E. Navaho St
Shabbona, IL 60550-0241
phone: (815) 824-2359 fax: (815) 824-2359
[email protected]
First United Church of Christ
201 E. Chestnut St
Sheffield, IL 61361
phone: (815) 454-2786 fax: (815) 454-2786
[email protected]
St. Peter's United Church of Christ
8013 Laramie Ave
Skokie, IL 60077
phone: (847) 673-8166 fax: (847) 673-8166
Union Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 275
305 S. Gage St
Somonauk, IL 60552-0275
phone: (815) 498-2277
[email protected]
Covenant United Church of Christ
1130 E. 154th St
South Holland, IL 60473
phone: (708) 333-5955 fax: (708) 333-5955
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
227 E. Erie St
Spring Valley, IL 61362-2137
phone: (815) 663-1951
First Congregational United Church of Christ
2100 Bates Ave
Springfield, IL 62704
phone: (217) 546-7170 fax: (217) 546-7170
[email protected]
Congregational United Church of Christ
40 W. 451 Fox Mill Blvd
St. Charles, IL 60175-6507
phone: (630) 584-0929 fax: (630) 584-0929
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
311 Second Ave
Sterling, IL 61081-3606
phone: (815) 625-5112 fax: (815) 625-5112
[email protected]
Immanuel United Church of Christ
1500 Old Church Rd
Streamwood, IL 60107-1800
phone: (630) 837-0190 fax: (630) 837-0190
[email protected]
Pillar of Love Fellowship United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 497
7438 W. 62nd Pl.
Summit, IL 60501
phone: (773) 405-9542
[email protected]
Federated Church
612 W. State St
Sycamore, IL 60178-1330
phone: (815) 895-2706 fax: (815) 895-2706
[email protected]
Mayfield Congregational Church
28405 Church Road
Sycamore, IL 60178-9081
phone: (815) 895-5548
[email protected]
United Church of Christ
114 E. Pembroke St
Tuscola, IL 61953
phone: (217) 253-2532
St. John's United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 401
17824 Jefferson St
Union, IL 60180
phone: (815) 923-4203 fax: (815) 923-4203
Pilgrimage Protestant Congregational
1100 Exchange Pkwy
University Park, IL 60466-2826
phone: (708) 534-0030 fax: (708) 534-0030
[email protected]
Zion United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 57
107 Smith St
Ursa, IL 62376
phone: (217) 684-2595
Community Congregational United Church of Christ
410 S. Cornell Ave
Villa Park, IL 60181
phone: (630) 834-8352 fax: (630) 834-8352
[email protected]
Illini Congregational United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 295
5187 N. Kinney Rd
Warrensburg, IL 62573
phone: (217) 672-8385
Bethany United Church of Christ - Tioga
848 E. County Rd
Warsaw, IL 62351
phone: (217) 985-4392
Bethlehem United Church of Christ - Sutter
964 E. County Road 550N
Warsaw, IL 62379
phone: (217) 658-4291
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
320 Grand Ave
Waukegan, IL 60085
phone: (847) 336-5368 fax: (847) 336-5368
[email protected]
St. John's United Church of Christ
1520 McAree Rd
Waukegan, IL 60085
phone: (847) 662-6151 fax: (847) 662-6151
[email protected]
Little Home Church by the Wayside
32W128 Army Trail Rd
Wayne, IL 60184
phone: (630) 584-4013 fax: (630) 584-4013
[email protected]
First Congregational Church United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 458
West Chicago, IL 60185
phone: (630) 231-3344
[email protected]
St. Michael's United Church of Christ
108 Sherman St
West Chicago, IL 60185
phone: (630) 231-0687 fax: (630) 231-0687
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
900 S. 8th St
West Dundee, IL 60118
phone: (847) 426-2161 fax: (847) 426-2161
[email protected]
Community United Church of Christ
1840 Westchester Blvd
Westchester, IL 60154
phone: (708) 865-1282 fax: (708) 865-1282
[email protected]
Tamil United Church of Christ
1840 Westchester Blvd
Westchester, IL 60154
phone: (708) 865-1282 fax: (708) 865-1282
[email protected]
Fox Valley Association United Church of Christ
1840 Westchester Blvd. Suite 200
Westchester, IL 60154
phone: (708) 344-4470 fax: (708) 344-4470
First Congregational Church
1106 Chestnut St
Mail: P.O. Box 268
Western Springs, IL 60558
phone: (708) 246-1900 fax: (708) 246-1900
Trinity United Church of Christ
311 E. Moses Ave
Westville, IL 61883
phone: (217) 267-7717
[email protected]
St. Matthew United Church of Christ
1420 S. Gables Blvd
Wheaton, IL 60187
phone: (630) 335-1236 fax: (630) 335-1236
[email protected]
First Congregational Church
1125 Wilmette Ave
Wilmette, IL 60091
phone: (847) 251-6660 fax: (847) 251-6660
[email protected]
First Congregational United Church of Christ
204 N. Seventh
Wyoming, IL 61491
phone: (309) 695-4091
Congregational United Church of Christ
409 Center Pkwy
Yorkville, IL 60560-1015
phone: (630) 553-7308 fax: (630) 553-7308
[email protected]
Office of Immigrant Affairs of Archdiocese of Chicago
3525 S Lake Park Ave
Chicago, Illinois
It looks like it's been renamed the "Office for Human Dignity & Solidarity".
Chicago Unitarian Universalist Council
Chicago Area Unitarian
Universalist Council
c/o Third Unitarian Church
301 N. Mayfield Ave.
Chicago, IL 60644
Email: [email protected]
FAX: 773/626-9304
I wasn't able to access their current site so this may be out of date.
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
55 East Jackson, Suite 2075, Chicago, Illinois 60604
Immigrant Youth Justice League
Email: [email protected] Mailing Address: 4753 North Broadway, Suite 904 Chicago, Illinois 60640
Interfaith Immigration Coalition
Contact info
[email protected]
[email protected] (Hannah Evans)
[email protected] (Noel Andersen)
[email protected] (Sharon Stanley-Rea)
African American Ministers in Action
American Baptist Home Mission Societies of the American Baptist Churches, USA
American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
American Jewish Committee (AJC)
Bread for the World
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Refugee and Immigration Ministries
Christian Reformed Church
Church of the Brethren
Church World Service (CWS)
CLINIC | Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach
Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM)
Daughters of Charity
The Episcopal Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
Franciscan Action Network
Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL)
Ignatian Solidarity Network (ISN)
Interfaith Worker Justice (IWJ)
Irish Apostolate USA
Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States
Jesuit Refugee Service
Jewish Council for Public Affairs (JCPA)
Leadership Conference of Women Religious
Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS)
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
Mennonite Central Committee U.S.
Muslim Public Affairs Council
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd
National Council of Churches
National Council of Jewish Women
National Justice for Our Neighbors
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Pax Christi USA
PICO National Network
Presbyterian Church USA, Immigration Issues Offices
Scalabrinian International Migration Network (SIMN)/Center for Migration Studies (CMS)
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas
T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA)
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church and Society
World Relief
Coalición de Derechos Humanos (Arizona)
225 E. 26th St., South Tucson, AZ 85713
(520) 770-1373
Ext. 1 ~ general
Ext. 2 ~ hotline
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm
Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago
231 South State Street, Suite 300
Chicago, IL 60604
O. 312.506.0070
F. 312.506.0077
E. [email protected]
Dr. Bassam Osman, Chair
Syed Shahnawaz Khan, Vice-Chair
Karen Danielson, Secretary
Tasneem Osmani, Treasurer
Halil Demir, Board Director
Saleem Shaikh, Board Director
Dr. Zahid Mohsin, Board Director
Tabassum Haleem, Executive Director
Rita Sutton, Administrative Director
Jameel Karim, Youth Coordinator
Walid Sankari, Programs Coordinator
Sana Ihmoud, Communications Associate
Jewish Council on Urban Affairs
610 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago IL 60605
Phone: 312.663.0960 | Fax: 312.663.5305
[email protected]
Board of Directors
Rabbi Capers Funnye, President
Gregory Rothman, Vice President
Richard Wallach, Treasurer
Jeff Zaluda, Secretary
Peggy Slater, Immediate Past President
Kay Berkson
David Block
Zachary Braun
Edward Chez
Karyn Bass Ehler
David Feinberg
David F. Graham
Jesse Greenberg
Ben Halbig
Mimi Harris
*Sidney Hollander
*Stephen Keen
Ariela Lazar
David Levinson
Irene Lehrer Sandalow
*Rabbi Robert J. Marx
Judson H. Miner
Roberta Nechin
Rabbi Fred Reeves
Michael Rosenthal
*Rabbi Herman E. Schaalman
Advisory Board
Michael Alter
Sheldon Baskin
Timuel Black
Barbara Bluhm-Kaul
Rene Carson
Aaron Freeman
Gerald Friedman
Jesus “Chuy” Garcia
Theodore Gertz
Rabbi Peter Knobel
Evely Laser Shlensky
Frances Lehman
Sister Sheila Lyne
Beatrice “Buddy” Cummings Mayer
Ronald Miller
Jon Mills
Janet Morgan
Jacob Morowitz
Rev. Calvin Morris
Rami Nashashibi
Hon. David Orr
Robert B. Rosen
Martin E. Rosenfeld
Jane Saks
Rev. Alexander Sharp
Ronna Stamm
Eli Ungar
Bernice Weissbourd
Judy Levey, Executive Director
Hannah Arwe, Teen Programs Coordinator
Marla Bramble, Director of Organizing
Emma Drongowsky, AVODAH Organizing Fellow
Sarah Gold, Manager of Community Building
Verna Jaunes, Administrative/Finance Director
Daniel Kaplan, Community Organizer
Jill Katz, Development Manager
Hannah Wolod, Marketing and Communications Manager
National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities (NALACC)
Chicago Office
[email protected]
1638 S. Blue Island Ave.
Chicago, IL 60608
San Francisco Office
3101 Mission St. Ste 101
San Francisco, CA 94110
Oscar Chacon, Executive Director
Yanira Arias, National Campaigns Manager
Cristina Garcia, Membership Mobilization Manager
Amy Shannon, Senior Advisor
Evelyn Andrade
Board of Directors
Claudio Lucero, Executive Director of NALACC and Executive Director of the Chicago Religious Leadership Network
Zorayda Avila, Vice President
Mirtha Colon, Secretary
Lariza Dugan-Cuadra, Treasurer
Teodoro Aguiluz, Member
Patricia Montes, Member
Sarai Portillo, Member
Levi Torres, Member
Rosana Araujo, Member
Riahl O'Malley, Member
Judith Montenegro
No More Deaths (Arizona)
No More Deaths Tuscon
(520) 333-5699
No More Deaths Phoenix
(209) 920-7663
Meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of every month from 7:30 - 9:00 at Central United Methodist Church, 1875 N. Central Avenue, Room 103 (just north of McDowell on east side of Central)
No More Deaths Denver
(720) 206-5733
Boston New Sanctuary Movement
Boston New Sanctuary Movement
c/o First Parish in Brookline
382 Walnut St.
Brookline, MA 02445
Steering Committee
Ellen Blaney, First Parish in Brookline (Unitarian Universalist)
Rev. Wendy von Courter, Unitarian Universalist Church of Marblehead
Antonieta Erlij, First Parish in Brookline
Denise Garcia, Unitarian Universalist
Judy Goldberger, Beacon Hill Friends Meeting (Quaker)
Estelle Record-Stanley, Old Cambridge Baptist Church
Karin Lin, First Parish in Cambridge (Unitarian Universalist)
Arlington Street Church, Boston*
Church of the Covenant, Boston*
Community Church of Boston*
First Church in Cambridge, Congregational, UCC*
First Congregational Church of Somerville, United Church of Christ*
First Parish in Brookline, Unitarian Universalist*
First Parish in Cambridge, Unitarian Universalist*
First Parish in Needham, Unitarian Universalist
Follen Community Church, Social Action Committee*
Massachusetts Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice*
Old Cambridge Baptist Church*
Paulist Center, Boston*
Unitarian Universalist Church of Medford*
Unitarian Universalist Association*
First Parish Brewster*
Unitarian Church of Sharon*
Oregon New Sanctuary Movement
2710 NE 14th Avenue
Portland, OR 97212
portlandsanctuary @
New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia
2601 Potter St, Philadelphia PA 19125
Member Churches
Arch Street United Methodist Church
Calvary United Methodist Church
Central Baptist Church of Wayne
Centro Cristiano de la Roca
Eglise Evangelique Haitienne
Faith Emmanuel Church
Germantown Mennonite Church
Holy Innocents Church
Mishkan Shalom Synagogue
The Philadelphia Praise Center
Tabernacle United Church
Tikkun Olam Chavurah
St. Joan of Arc Parish
St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Vincent de Paul R.C. Church
UUPLAN (Unitarian Universalist Pennsylvania Legislative Action Network)
West Kensington Ministry
Visitation BVM Church
New York New Sanctuary Movement
239 Thompson St. New York, NY 10012
[email protected]
Saint Peter’s Church
African Services Committee
The Legal Aid Society
Immigration Defense Project
The Bronx Defenders
NYU Immigrant Rights Clinic
Catholic Charities
Sanctuary for Families
Detention Watch Network
The New York Immigration Coalition
United We Dream
Latino Rebels
Voces de la Fronta - Milwaukee New Sanctuary Movement
1027 S. 5th Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204
Tel. 414-643-1620 | Fax. 414-643-1621
Center for International Policy
2000 M Street NW, Suite 720 • Washington, DC 20036 • Phone: (202) 232-3317 • Fax: (202) 232-3440
Board of Directors - Leadership
John Oliver Niles III, Chair
Jack Blum, Treasurer
Diana Ohlbaum, Secretary
Board of Directors - Members
Steven Bennett. vice president and chief operating officer, Brookings
Matt Balitsaris, record producer
Gilbert Brownstone, founder, the Brownstone Foundation
Darcy Burner, CEO, TerraHeating, SPC
Darryl Chappell, director, federal home loan mortgage corporation
Alfredo Duran, attorney, Miami
Joseph Eldridge, chaplain, America University
Lucy Lehman, social activist
Kenneth Lehman, managing partner of KKP Group LLC
Katherine Magraw, director, Peace and Security Funders Group
Conrad Martin, executive director, Fund for Constitutional Government
Montana Mathieu, director, IDIO Gallery (degenerate art)
Cynthia McClintock, professor, George Washington University
Luís Murillo, former governor, Chocó, Colombia
Paul Sack, businessman, San Francisco
Don Soldini, founder, International Preferred Enterprises
Robert Stark, priest, Hawaii
CIP Advisory Board - Leadership
Óscar Arias Sánchez
Adele Simmons
Advisory Board Members
Philip Brenner, professor, American University
Mike Farrell, actor
William J. Butler, chairman, executive committee, International Commission of Jurists
Dessima Williams, founder, Grenada Education and Development Programme
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance
150 route de Ferney
P.O. Box 2100
CH-1211 Geneva 2
Latin America Working Group (LAWG)
2029 P St NW, Suite 301
Washington DC 20036
Phone: (202) 546-7010
Daniella Burgi-Palomino
Mavis Anderson
Lisa Haugaard
Andrea Fernández Aponte
Emma Buckhout
North American Congress on Latin America (NACLA)
NACLA | c/o NYU CLACS, 53 WASHINGTON SQ. SOUTH FL. 4W, NEW YORK, NY 10012 | TEL: (646) 535-9085
Alejandro Velasco, Executive Editor
Joshua Frens-String, Managing Editor
Laura Weiss, Editorial Assistant/Web Editor
Sam Kellogg, Fundraising and Outreach Coordinator
Helen Hazelwood-Isaac, Editorial Assistant
Board of Directors
Thomas Kruse, Board Chair Program Director, Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Roque Planas, Associate Editor, Huffington Post
Pierre LaRamée Executive Director, Medical Education Cooperation with Cuba (MEDICC)
Marcial Godoy-Anativia Managing Director, Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics
Jill Lane Director, NYU Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CLACS)
Stuart Rockefeller Instructor, Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race, Columbia University
Christy Thornton Assistant Professor of History, Rowan University
White women doesn´t spam nearly every Pol thread with womyn issues, just sayin´.
Take a video next time you can and send it to the husband obviously.
This is it for the Chicago New Sanctuary Coalition partners. I'll go ahead and stop now since this has doubled the thread's length. Remember to screencap just in case if you want to do something with all this or have it around for reference.
United States Office on Colombia
1350 Connecticut Ave NW Suite 1100, Washington DC 20036
Tel: 202-232-8090 • Fax: 202-232-7530
Washington Office On Latin America (WOLA)
Washington Office on Latin America, 1666 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20009
Lutheran Volunteer Corps in Chicago
1420 W. Dickens Ave. Chicago, IL 60614-3004 | (773) 248-0021
There actually are some fair trade organizations partnered with CNSC that I haven't dumped info on now that I think about it. I don't think they're relevant enough to be worth the space but I can go ahead and dump anyways if someone wants.
Also, there are churches and organizations affiliated with the Interfaith Immigration Coalition, the Boston New Sanctuary Movement, the New Sanctuary Movement of Philadelphia and the New York New Sanctuary Movement that I can dump info on at some point if people want. It would probably take up quite a bit of space though so unless people are interested I'll stop now.
Christcuckery, not even once.
"all jews are living gods on earth and you must worship them or be damned to hell for all eternity."
I figured out who wrote the bible. It was the Mongolians.
A zionist shill.
Silly Jesus. You didn't kill your grandson.
This is what Jewish progressiveness does to churches, throws out all doctrine and follows the religion of multiculturalism and equality.
I mean there's a massive trend with all these churches having "United" or "Unitarian" or "Universalist" in their name.
we are going to infiltrate these criminal churches and bring them to justice.
I'm very offended by your post, this is a christian image board and I'm going to report you for hate speech.
Seems you're still assblasted over the lashing your cult leader Stefag Molymeme got in one of Varg's more recent videos. Haha.
Wait for god to do it, he'll show em.
Christcucks have gone full retard.
Christianity became basicaly useless after the invention of talmudvision. Notice they started openly defunding the church after they noticed how much more effective it was at controlling the dumb goy than their pet religion.
Time to kill yourselves.
The same christ fag has made another post talking about how Stefan Molyjew is somehow based. bwahahaha.
i dont doubt it, could you post some of them if you got the time?
Nice trips. Heil'd.
Checkd. I like a lot of the stuff Stephan molyjew does, he's ike an intro to the redpill. I still wouldnt trust him around my children, thou.
Praise KEK!
Meh. Most churches won't because they don't care. Hispanic churches will probably get raided anyway.
Btw, hope you don't mind losing that 501c3 status.
Deport, deport, deport.