NSA Watchlist- Are You On It? Find Out NOW!!!

NSA Watchlist- Are You On It? Find Out NOW!!!

Look up your computer number- is yours on the NSA Watchlist?!!!


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It's like you think we're retarded and don't know most ISPs do their IPs as DHCP.

Fucking retard.



I ain't clicking that shit

Put it in a pdf, faggot

Mr FBI my IP address is SM 255.555.555.0

This doesn't even make sense. Most people's personal computers aren't even listed in the way that this list is demonstrating. I feel confused and annoyed by seeing this list. That's it, fellas, we're going to have to storm the temple and gas the kikes.

yeah, but if you never turn off your modem, then you'll have the same IP for as long as you have your account, user

put it in a pastebin or upload the pdf to >>>/pdfs/ and then link here


Or until they push out a firmware update or your power flickers for a few seconds

I already know I am. I've been getting holes in my mail on and off for a while now.

nonsense. I regularly shut my modem off over night and it almost never changes. It depends on how long your "lease" is and whether your modem is off when the lease renews. So, essentially if they give you a month or more lease (very common) then you have to have your modem off at (for instance) midnight on the 1st of the month when the servers renew your lease for the IP to change. Alternatively, change your router's MAC and resetting everything sometimes works.

tl'dr: bullshit. learn to facts or STFU

I specifically pay for a static IP for … reasons. However, I use a VPN or TOR for casual browsing for … reasons.

TOR is for plebs.

Yeah, this varies dude. I can do power-cycle my modem right now and get a new IP. Then I can do it again and get another. It depends on the ISP

>you'll have the same IP for as long as you have your account, user

Is simply not true for a lot of, if not most, people in the US

I thought I would need a static IP but it turns out dynamic DNS service through my domain registrar works fantistic


really? that must be expensive for the ISP. lucky you

this is where you and I disagree, and you're absolutely wrong. I've had long conversations with tech departments of two different ISPs (comcast and century link) and they explained why they have long leases, why its so difficult to change your IP, etc etc etc. And, I'm pretty sure those are two of the biggest ISPs in the US, so your assertion that "most" in the US is wrong. If what you're saying is true, then you are actually the one in the unique position. If you don't believe me, then search "how to change my IP" and see all the chatter out there.

I'm serious. And I don't want to give too much info but I'm on one of those two ISPs you just mentioned. My power drops frequently due to my location and I get new IP when that happens, or when I manually power cycle the box.

Maybe I'm special but this has persisted as I moved to three different physical addresses.

It cycles kind of randomly through some different subnets with different Geo IP database locations (in the larger area)

Actually its cheaper that way. The DHCP server's don't have to maintain a centralized database to connect MAC- to each IP.

The local DHCP servers are just set up to hand out what ever free one they have in their pool.

Most ISPs in the USA charge extra for a static and many like COMCAST make you to get a business class account. They think if you want a static that you must plan on running a server off it.

My old ISP before I moved to my current area was a regional Cable provider. I had the same exact IP for seven years. But I know lots of other people that do not get to keep their IP and I certainly don't get to where I am now. My power goes out constantly or the service goes flaky and I power cycle and always get a new IP. Although if I was keeping records I suspect it's cycling through a fairly limited number of subnets and I may even get the same address I've had before, on occasion.

okay, i believe you. don't dox yourself. maybe its your location, idk. i'm pretty sure they monitor me bc… reasons… so maybe i have a tough deal bc of that, but I've talked to a lot of people and they say their IPs don't change just by cycling. So, idk.

i was told that's not true, but idk. i mean, the local servers could be doing what you're saying, but still creating leases like i said and, yes, that would probably make it easier and cheaper bc they wouldn't have to reliably give you the same IP. Its probably the reliability part that makes static IPs more expensive, and the fact they probably figure they can pump you for cash if you're running a server bc that means you're probably running a business. hopefully all of that makes sense.

Someone posted a list of key words that will get you on an alphabet watch-list over a year ago. The key words were so broad and included pretty much every much everything involving being self sufficient. I'm probably one half a dozen watch lists just for looking up the best way to grow tomatoes along with every other gardener out there.

It probably varies, but I don't try to hide my traffic either. I may be stupid but I think I still have the right to exercise freedom of speech.

Yeah, I remember one of those stories. Visiting mainstream linux online magazines could get you on a list. Oh well!

contrary to popular belief you'll probably be okay unless you torrent. but, I'm one of those people who says I have nothing to hide really in my living room either, but I still pull the drapes at night, nahmean? You know, better safe than sorry, and might as well make data collection as difficult as possible.

I hope to fucking god you at least force https and block (at least some) scripts and trackers. if not, you're kinda fucking all of us tbh fam

I'm pretty sure everyone on Holla Forums and /k/ is on a watchlist, Hell I'm willing to bet that anyone on this website is on a watchlist. Now the big achievement is getting on the smallest watchlist you possible can without getting v&.

MFW I browse Holla Forums on my phone and if the fed come I'll throw this shit into my microwave

Unless the server is compromised the government doesn't know which boards you visit because it's HTTPS. That's if they don't use advanced techniques (they probably don't because we're low priority).

That's how you get put on one, for thinking you're already on one.

Its actually a RADIUS server (in most cases.)
t. ISP

well, those terms, and possibly even browsing Holla Forums, are probably just "flags" and you likely have to get so many "flags" to get on a list and so many more to actually be "interesting" and therefore get any manpower devoted to you. and, even if manpower is devoted to you, it'll probably just be some electronic surveillance at first, which itself is really expensive. Comcast charges something like $1200 setup and $850 a month for a tap and trace. So, that gives you an idea of how unlikely it is that you're really being tracked, as long as you do simple things like use https and change your DNS

that's not a valid subnet you fucking faggot

Your phone is a tracker. Google/Apple has the necessary data.
If they were going to bust you (instead of monitoring you) for browsing Holla Forums lack of evidence wouldn't matter since shit would be hitting the fan already.

I remember when Snowden/Greenwald were promising a list of (2 million?) Americans (US residents?) on a special NSA watchlist?

I don't remember the details but it never happened. Imagine the problems if a list of 2 million names with some other detail that helped confirm identity was actually released. Some of those people would probably go off.

I was hoping it would happen

Where do you live?

That's kind of the distinction between FBI and NSA though. That's what it costs for FBI

NSA compromises base technologies like your operating system, operating systems of routers, major hubs for traffic, CA's for TLS/SSL and does this kind of mass collection. Or they outsource it to Israel when it's illegal for them to do (phone records etc, AMDOCS)

I think I got enough keywords in this reply to get on another list…

are you sure about that? they'll at least know from your IP that you're visiting the site (unless perhaps you change your DNS)… and, at any rate, just visiting 8ch is pretty bad. i don't think the "I was just visiting Holla Forums" excuse is going to work, since they are all "gamergate nazis" and the same won't work for /a/ bc they're all loli pedos. /fringe/ and /x/ are insance. Holla Forums are commies. etc So, no matter which way you shake it, just visiting 8ch probably doesn't look good user

yeah, but i think that's gotten a lot harder. sure, the NSA has greater capabilities, but with SSL etc i think its become a lot harder for them to MASS collect data in an AUTOMATED way. you're right to say the FBI are faggots and that if the NSA wants you, you're fucked. that's true

In the example of this site, there is Cloudflare. They have basically no visible reason to provide the service that they do, for free, to so many sites. Except that it acts as a MITM attack on TLS/SSL.

I can't outright claim that Cloudflare is NSA but I can't figure out a valid business for them either

Why try and stop it? Instrumentality awaits.

cloudflare does seem like the perfect in for any alphabet snoopers. my thinking this day and age is that if it's hot tech then the gubmint already owns it or controls it. plus with Darpa tech and crap they are 25 yrs ahead of what we see in pop sci or on t.v. they have and use technology now that we will only begin to see on the market in the 2040's. as far as spying on people, i assume they know everything and conduct myself like it every day

Good. Trump will have an easier time finding us to give us our shirts.

i thought it was to protect against DDOS

wait… what? are you fucking kidding me? fuck me thank fuck I use a proxy. pretty sure that connection is encrypted separately. are you sure cloudflare is free?

me too. its why i watch as much gore and traps as possible and jerk off while honking like a rutting boar. i figure they'll get so disgusted that sooner or later they'll just leave me alone

They know the IPs who access 8ch.net, but not which pages you access. If they bother with it they can get some more info. The easiest is if they see you upload 12MB and right after that a 12MB webm appears on Holla Forums. There's statistical analysis too, which is basically seeing how much traffic you're receiving and trying to match it with threads with similar size to guess what you're reading (it's compressed and encrypted, so it isn't easy but possible in theory).
But yeah, it should look very suspicious no matter the board. Anyone here is either a holohoax denier, anarchist or commie.

Oh, shit, I forgot it's Cloudflare. We can assume NSA has direct access to all the traffic.

Be more specific

Cloudflare is promoted to basically everybody that uses a CMS system like Wordpress. Only a fraction of them force TLS but it could be that they carry everybody's traffic for free for the chance to carry the few that they want to look at. And then even if you run a site that doesn't use some CMS, and use TLS, you can be DOSed into oblivion unless you use something just like Cloudflare. There's a reason some call it CrimeFlare and consider it a protection racket.

We didn't use Cloudflare here at first, not until we got DDOSed a shit ton. I do not know which tier of Cloudflare 8ch uses. The basic tier is free and we may be using that.

If you run a controversial site you will get DOSed and then need something like Cloudflare. Cloudflare has a free tier, many if not all other options do not and can get really expensive.

my opsec is very similar

The sheer imaginative depth of my porn-watching habits is probably enough to give those Mormons staffing the NSA headquarters a heart attack. I'd love to make an honest effort to kick the degeneracy, but without a gf/waifu, I find it hard to secure the motivation….

