Probably 50% non white at this point, fairly dangerous, turned into a hipster capital by jews where young German girls live the hypergamic life, before they setlle down with some chump at 30+. Full of gay saunas, swinger clubs, brothels etc.
Samuel Brooks
Gay sauna funded by the EU.
Colton Gonzalez
Already a capital of degeneracy in the 1920s.
Noah Ward
What did they do with the degenerates back then ?
Gavin Baker
You think Berlin is bad? Come to Vancouver, the white man is less than 40% here.
Xavier Thompson
they lost the first ww1 and were poor as fuck so they were the capital of the world for prostitues like how former commie countries are today
Wyatt Richardson
In 1941, Hitler said it would be a crime to bomb Florence or Rome, but it wouldn´t be a big loss if Berlin or Moscow got destoyed.
Juan Thomas
When Hitler eventually took control of the city, they were put into internment camps / prison. Same thing later in commie Germany.
Landon Stewart
How much will you bet that on DoTR it will be quickly converted?
Einstein and co-degenerate actors and actresses fled the country before shit could hit the fan, most of the other ones were shamed, imprisoned, I'm guessing some were also murdered and made an example of.
Owen Smith
This is true. Detmold has always been the spiritual capital of Germany anyway.
Kevin Reyes
Hitler´s table talk on 5th July 1941.
Daniel Green
the true german spirit lies in munich and southern germany in general
Jose Sullivan
Degeneracy that has always been there is nothing compared to a slow creeeping one. I saw my town turn in the past decade with the realization only comming after when I found 4cuck
Christopher Johnson
And in the real world it's the Rhineland, Seppel.
Noah Foster
I know a white guy from Berlin and he honestly has a black step son (from his wife's previous marriage with a nigger).
Mason Ortiz
Dominic Gutierrez
It's just like the Weimar Republic. Hang on boys, things are about to change very rapidly. We'll be marching down the streets of Berlin wearing purple Wehrmacht uniforms very soon.
Liam Sullivan
Have you ever made fun of him with the whole "my wife's son" ?
Zachary Morales
It's really not, no
Henry Johnson
fine, you win I'm not even bavarian, I'm from hessen
Asher Powell
during our burger revolution most american soldiers were absolutely terrified of the hessian mercenaries the brits brought with them and would surrender when they saw them.
Aiden Thomas
B-b-but why would they be allowed to leave if Hitler wanted to kill everyone?
Jaxon Clark
That is why… Germanopitecs must die.
Christopher Allen
Because Florence and Rome were festering with his kike fuck-buddies. Hitler should have sucked a bit of Russian cock from the get-go and rid us all of a headache.
Jonathan Nguyen
you have to go back >>>/trs/
Daniel Martin
You don't believe me? Go to Rome and to Florence today, you'll find that Hitler's kike fuck-buddies are still there. Actually, one of those dirty kikes is running the Vatican today, promoting and protecting Pedophilia. Also, Hitler managed to kill more White Europeans than anyone in Europe's history, idiot.
Brandon Lewis
No Tel Aviv is.
Cameron Harris
Gas yourself Kike
Carson Flores
you are nuts, guy.
[citation needed] Why are you even here?
Tyler Brown
Good argument. Don't forget to breathe.
Xavier Torres
Hitler worked for the Kikes too. It's not a secret and there are tons of literature on that. There are some suggestions that he may even had a bit of kike blood. Citation needed? Go read about the casualties of WW2 in Europe. Why am I here? To bring a bit of knowledge to minds darkened by decades of Jewish subversion, why else?
Jackson Price
Christopher Robinson
Scratch decades, make that Centuries.
Jose Butler
Ask yourself… why didn't he say Venice, Bologna or Milan! That's right, because those are inhabited by Germanopitecs.
Ian Fisher
Purge with fire
Wyatt Gutierrez
My condolences me too
Probably some of the only interesting history us hessians have. As forced mercenaries to foreign powers
Andrew Thompson
Then you need to cut that fucker out of your life. That's poison for your soul and mind. That's a toxic, failed individual you're associating with. Be better than that.
Jaxson Howard
Winston Mosquehill could have easily accepted Hitler's peace deal after the fall of France. Also Slavs are not white
Alexander Ramirez
Jews may hate christians just like they hate muslims and everyone who is not jewish, but white non christians do not hate christians, we hold them in contempt. If you are white and christian you are a cuck, period.
Lincoln Roberts
The Americans lost nearly every battle in their revolution. Why did the burgers not understand the principle that one side can lose nearly every battle but still be victorious? Why didn't they apply this knowledge to Afghanistan or Iraq?
Jaxon Foster
Luis Murphy
Burger here. I visited Berlin last year and it was shocking. We stayed in Kreuzberg and couldn't walk 10 feet without an African harassing us and trying to sell us drugs. I've been to Europe many times but this most recent trip was much different. Huge difference from Prague which we went to next. Both were major tourist destinations of course but Prague felt much safer.
Carter Wood
Reminder that Weimar Berlin had child brothels run by kikes. Reminder that we're soon to see their new Hitler.
Grayson Martin
Yep. Weimar era Berlin had A LOT of the exact same issues modern Berlin has: Tons and tons of sexual deviancy, drugs and crime related to the other two.
Permissiveness towards sexual deviants like gays and trannies is a symptom of a weak, failing society.
Hudson Gomez
you have only yourself to blame
Henry Smith
For going to Berlin? Yea.
Don't pretend it's only "a few" Kiezes that are complete shitholes.
Jack Perez
The city is largely a shithole filled with mudslime migrants, yes, but there are nicer areas as well where rich people live like Grunewald.
Charles Cox
Weimar era Berlin wasn't occupied by the CIA though.
Juan Richardson
By this time every capital of every country has become a capital of degeneracy. A fortress of degeneracy i will gladly siege and purge, starve and burn. No , these fiends do not deserve the mercy of a quick death. Nowadays capitals minus the suburbs in some cases are only feminist dogshit cuck degenerates , niggers , shitskins, shitskin niggers, creepy chinamen jewing with their fellow kikes in the corners , thievery , drugs , more drugs and in few cases broken people stuck in this capital remembering what that capital once was and what it is now. You can't go out at night and not get the urge to go on a massive killing spree with a flamethrower.
Nathan Miller
Yeah I realized that as soon as we got there, but we were traveling on the cheap. I was just surprised that the Africans were out there and not just peddling their shit in the super touristy areas or city center.
Noah White
All major cities in every white country are close to this. The Noses and their boogers try to destroy all rural areas with urbanization, so no soul can escape their degeneracy. Their end goal is a Coruscant like Gomorrha with no hope or light in it. I'm reading "Praktischer Idealismus" right now and it's as scary as it's depressing.
Social lastingness is going to be replaced with restlessness in every way, always changing, no normality, so nobody can build up a form of stability in order to overcome this darkness.
Observation instead of trust. Control instead of loyalty. Degeneracy instead of morals. Lust instead of love. Progressiveness instead of traditions. Shame instead of Pride. Abnormalities instead of standards. Lies instead of truth. Enslavement instead of liberty. Scattering instead of unity. Fear instead of safety. Revulsion instead of respect. Chaos instead of order.
It's already happening fucking everywhere and it's get worse every single day.
Michael Reed
Weep some more, pussy.
James Campbell
How was it in Prague? Did you enjoy their beer?
Noah Hughes
I'm forced to go to Paris everyday to study, and my abs are becoming pure steel due to a permanent mix of cringe and rage.
Lucas Wright
Live in Berlin. Ama.
Never leave my flat though. Fuck the outside world.
Aiden James
Have you downloaded the Ar/k/ yet? If so, what do you "study and experiment"?
Gavin Cox
Never met a Hessian in here Germany that wasn't fucked in the head 3 of them at some point told me that they'd love to torture other people if they could. If you need some folks to waterboard people just invite a few Hessians they'll probably even pay you for it. Hessian are fucked in the head man.
Went to Berlin once for a weekedtrip the trip itself was nice but Berlin is fucked beyond repair. I've seen leves of degeneracy I've never wanted to.
Jacob Perez
How long did you have to wait to get the flat, and what was it like in the refugee centre?
Isaac Cooper
my life is a technological nightmare
Charles Perry
David Thomas
The rightful capital of Germany is and remains Amsterdam. Accept your rightful Dutch overlords.
Matthew Kelly
It was never the intention of the U.S. to win the wars in the middle east. The objective was to distract the world with a crisis so that the jews could work in the shadows.
Adam Hernandez
"Berlin:Capital of Degeneracy" Hmmm, where have I seen this before?
Brandon Adams
Oliver Sanders
It's 1920 all over again.
Carter Johnson
Prague was fun. The beer is cheap and well-made. I was also surprised to see some local IPAs, stouts, and other styles, not just the standard Czech pilsners. The city itself is pretty touristy but felt safe. Don't go there expecting to meet the local people and get on their level, but if you want to check out some old castles and have some cheap drinks it's a good time.
Polite sage for off topic blogpost
Levi Lewis
We already have a name for the capital of degeneracy and all evil, the great Babylon, sitting right above the yellowstone volcano – that is, ladies and gentlemen, I present it to you: United States of America.
Luis Lopez
The EU is LITERALLY POZZING PEOPLE. There is no way you can now say the EU is Pozzed and not be correct.
Justin Evans
Jose Turner
It took us three days days to occupy the Netherlands. Remember Westfeldzug, swamp nigger?
t. German
Julian Jenkins
Berlin in a nutshell: -ugly German women with lots of tattoos and nose rings -Faggy, cucky German hipsters with beards, ose rings, tattoos and tunnels -Lots of foreigners -Lots of drug abuse
Matthew Cook
Bentley Watson
Robert Johnson
TGSNT - Part #27 - Babylon Before Hitler - Bonus
Justin Johnson
People who have visited Berlin or live/lived there, do elaborate.
Justin Bennett
Everything fits precisely to today.. How damn blind I was a handful of years ago.
Austin Hall
*All of those points describe precisely today
Camden Ortiz
So… When does the Weimar Republic end? The internet is a double edged sword which seems to both suppress dissent and sooth anger, lessening the possibility of a revolt. Will white people every do anything? Well, non-Nordic whites. Nordics are trash.
Liam Cruz
Fuck off heeb.
Daniel Ramirez
Who else suffers eternal self-destructive altruism? Who else destroys belittles their own culture and allows their children to be raped without recourse? Who else allows themselves to be raped and then drops the charges because "muh empathy"? Only Nordic filth. Tell me again what these sub-humans have ever done to benefit Europe? It was the Slavs that defended Europe from the East. It was the Southern Euros that created European civilization and protected it from Southern invasion. What the fuck have Nordics ever done aside from profit off the successes of other Europeans? Successes which they'll quickly sell down the river to appease their eternal altruistic desires.
Luke Brooks
But now with no hope of rising up and casting off the Jews. Massive immigration was the fatal blow to any organized resistance, at least for many generations to come. Where have all our leaders gone? Does no one care that our future is so bleak and decrepit?
Dominic Miller
Where have all the adults gone let alone leaders of men.
It is therefore up to us to restore the light if only by proxy of being the only ones aware of the darkness casted upon us.