What to do with open 8ch tech tabs?

what to do with open 8ch tech tabs?

this is what happens:

after some weeks I get like 50-150 8ch tech threads in my browser
how to avoid and fix that?
how to keep threads that are still active and important? what to do with threads that no longer active? close them? bump them? save them to hdd?

what is your system and procedure for browsing 8ch tech?


A problem (the solution of which might help OP solve his problem) is the we still don't have an adequate way to properly organize the way we access web content. Treestyletab is not good enough as it is doesn't allow to create tab groups or bookmark individual tabs from the context menu. Traditional bookmarks are way too clunky and not very usable at all. Session manager is clunky as well, not allowing to group or shuffle around its entries. We need something that blurs the line between open tabs, dormant (open but unloaded) tabs, and bookmarks. Maybe a browser extension which opens an area on the screen where tabs could be freely draged and dropped, moved around, arranged in groups, reloaded and uloaded (to free system resources, so you can reduce the browsers memory footprint without restarting it altogether). Something that would borrow from both Treestyletab and Session Manager and improve on both, making "tabmark" (for a lack of a better word) management easy and intuitive.

n e w f a g

1. Not be a fucking dumbass
2. Thread watcher.


/g/ tier thread, hide and ignore
Mods, please delete

It's called closing the fucking page when you're done reading this.

You protocol is shit. Open one thread at a time and read it BEFORE moving to the next thread.

Many pages are not one-time-reads. You may need to keep them around for some time (hence open tabs), sometimes keep a permanent reference to it (hence bookmarks). It's just that the current solutions to manage this are clunky and unintuitive, leading to hoarding hundreds of open tabs because there is no smooth way to manage them in a multi-tiered manner with grouping, unloading etc. If someone knows a solution which does what I have been talking about, I'm all ears, any advice and/or recommendations are much appreciated.

what shall we do with the open Holla Forums tabs
what shall we do with the open Holla Forums tabs
what shall we do with the open Holla Forums tabs
early in the morning

Firefox now has a screenshot option. Use it and repeat it any time the thread has updated.

I think you have bigger problems than just a few open tabs, friend.

Notwithstanding, just use the thread watcher. 4chanX supports 8ch, now, so you can use its persistent thread watcher.

More than a thousand tabs are not big enough of a problem? How do you go about dealing with such a mess? You could just bookmark all or save the session with session manager, but as mentioned both of the above are clunky and tabs saved that way aren't all that easily accessible. If I could sort open tabs by dragging and dropping them into pools of tab-bookmark-hybrids and group them that way (such pools/groups being essentially sub-sessions which could be loaded and unloaded at will), that would make a world of difference. Sadly no addon which would enable such tab-bookmark management is known to me.

I would start with a councilor.



Not OP, but the main reason I don't like the thread watcher is that it's broken. If you try and use the clear ghosts feature it just deletes half of the threads. I reported it on >>>/sudo/ with instructions on how to fix it IIRC, but nothing ever happened

You have a mental problem. Unless you have superhuman reading and comprehension skills, there is no point in opening all those at the same time. If you choose to change, then change the protocol at what you do. Read one thread at a time, close it when you're done and then revisit the thread when it gets updated.

If computers still worked as you described, we would still sit in a single-tasking OS>>863244
They stay open because with the absolute current fucking state of bookmarking in $CURRENTYEAR it's less hassle to just leave them open for future reference than trying to go through the hoops of trying to bookmark them so they are as freely accessible (with tab parent-child relations preserved and all) as when they just stay open. Since about six years or so Firefox doesn't load all open tabs but just those which are clicked on (you would need tons of RAM and free time to open a browser with a thousand open tabs otherwise). Conceptually-wise I'd prefer to bookmark, but currently treestyle tabs just suck less then bookmarks.

(Btw if computers functioned as you described we'd still be on CPUs without L2 cache and a non-multitasking OS such as DOS, i.e. a system which only ever does one thing at a time then unloads it to do something else. How fun would that be?)

It doesn't matter how sophisticated your computer or software is, *your brain* can't multitask, so it makes no sense to have several threads open simultaneously beyond neurotically switching between all of them to see if there's a new post. Which is exactly what the thread watcher is for. Or you could write an 8ch client that does what you want.

the secret is to not expect anything more than underage LARPers from Holla Forums.

Get with the times, Grandpa. This is OUR board, now!


For as long as bookmarking is shit (show me a bookmark manager which isn't clunky to use and is able to preserve parent-child tab relationships from treestyletab), keeping tabs open is sadly the better alternative. Prove me wrong by showing specific examples of good tab/bookmark management, much appreciated if you can do that.

The alternative is to close the threads when you've finished reading them! If you want to archive them, then archive them! I know this is radical but I can assure you, it can actually work.

step 1. go to 8ch.net//catalog.html
step 2. open interesting threads in new tabs
step 3. close catalog tab
step 4. read the thread and reply to people
step 5. close thread tab
step 6. repeat from 4 for every thread I have opened in step 2
step 7. close web browser

i love coming up with overly complicated solutions for simple problems