NETHERLANDS IN FLAMES: Islamic centre burnt down in suspected arson attack

AN ISLAMIC centre has been torched to the ground by a suspected arsonist

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I hope it was my prayers to God that did it.

Is in the qran, not trolling, they can burn other muslims if they arent enough muslim.

Man, reminds me of that user who wanted to burn some shacks at night that he claimed were public places taken by the gov to the refugs, and got his shit corrected by many fellas with infographics
I mean that story seems to be the common denominator these days but one wonders
Thou 2 buildings is a little too much of what that feller said


Salaam, cleric, what're you up to?


This, they bought some shitty building with asbestos in it. Converting it to something useful is to much money and work.
Burn it, blame "le evil skinheads" and guild-trip your way to a shiny new community center.

That was a Swedish user iirc.


Faggot ass cucks take note.

It's probably the reason but I hope some Dutch fucked them up, It would be good for the moral of the resistants everywhere.

Thats fortunate turn of events, they dont need to pay for asbestos removal and will cash on insurance.

correct, he was from sweden. did he pull it off btw? i've checked the swedish media for a couple of weeks after he made that thread, but i could'nt find any info.

hope you did keks work, user!

i have a feeling this is going to happen a lot more… and IRA for Europe… make them feel unsafe and maybe they'll just leave

Wonder if these mudslimes are partially jewish.

Next step is burning it with muds inside, if it looks like an accident all the better. Dont forget about synagoges.

i think it might have something to do with this OP:

Oh ok, i had dutch in my mind for some reason
Yeah well, being swedish i doubt he will actually do it, if it happens i will eat my shorts


Mudslime shits have been setting cars on fire constantly, it was only a matter of time before one with a tiny bit of intelligence came up with an idea

That's really unfortunate


maak uzelf van kant

Nice to see some action here in the low countries. Prolly a Imam who wants to do a false flag before Geertje's victory.
