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Why don't you post this on Holla Forums?

This is gold OP.


I feel like rightwing sjws are far more mentally disturbed than liberal sjws ever were

debatable, they both believe in their utopia. Remember when sjw's bullied some 13 year old on twitter for disagreeing with them and threatened him?

Which time? Because I remember several instances of such things.

how do alt-right people even function outside of the internet

They don't.

and where they tried to get a guy jailed in canacuck for disagreeing with them on twitter after they did such bullying

yeah, thankfully the case was dismissed which sets a precedent now.

I remember that. Can we round up the liberal feminists and stormfags and kill them off? Stormfags make me embarrassed to be white and the liberal feminists harass me and my ex gf.

Not really, while only a small percentage of left wing sjw are crazies that want to see men round up and shot and everyone that disagrees with them jailed a LARGE percentage of rught wong sjws(at least 40%) want to discriminate against women and genocide blacks, jews, latinos, arabs, and sometimes asians. They believe that anyone that says anything they dont agree with is part of a big zionist conspiracy and needs to be killed on the daybof the rope. Also the nunber of right wing sjws are growing fast with people like Alex Jones and Stefan Molyneux joining up with the alt right and using their platforms to push alt right agendas

I don't know if Holla Forums represents a vast user base of the far-right or alt-right, but the problem is that those sjw's and crazies are a very loud, and obnoxious minority. This problem only gets worse because people are generally apathetic to these cunts, and let them take over their movements. I don't want to see the day where MGTOW and Holla Forumsturds become that loud minority and start spouting their garbage through popular mediums.

you mean every one of them right?



made me kek tbh

"Hello, I am xxStormKnightxx and I'm a rightist."

I'm not sure where you got this number

Christ, I really need to make a compilation video of all the embarrassing shit they say.

mgtow is the most autistic "movement" to currently exist



Shit like this is why we will never see the revolution. At least it seems dead.

What a bunch of faggots

the mommy issue

Of course, they're mostly edgy teenagers so it's only natural they'd resent their whore mothers and cuck fathers for making them into faggots.

who can't get laid

That too. The alt-right should be used as cannon fodder or just be killed tbh.

What about Egoist MR As and national primitivists?

Make Rape Great Again

seems legit