imagine the debugging
Imagine the debugging
I'd fork her repo anytime
Did computers back then have the capability to store that much code?
What kikery is this, OP?
Aren't those the archives with the names of the 6 millions Jews died during the Holocaust?
she's hot tbh
You're telling me you wouldn't beat up Moaning Myrtle's pussy?
Considering I used to tug my prick to her scenes in Harry Potter, definitely.
what was their style guide, one character per sheet?
It simply was the Kode with Klossy of the '50s.
The first dozen of piles are just the CoC
That was actually funny.
Of course I won't, my surname isn't (((Hamilton)))
Is any surname Jewish now, if you believe hard enough?
Maybe she did it the BASIG style with 9 empty lines between each instruction.
Hamilton sounds like a name from some clerk straight off the Mayflower... but...
You guys need to take a break from the internets.
and if you look at older captions of that photo they mention that she was part of a TEAM.
Anyways here is the source code.
I wonder why it is being translated to Korean?
Might be for people studying CS in Korea.
The kikery is creating artificial conflicts between men and women. Problem, reaction, solution. Just look at the #MeToo movement. Sacrificial Jew pig is brought down for his antics, all men are to blame, but especially white men. This is bigger than Harvey. We need legislation to prevent this from happening. How do we fix whiteness and the patriarchy? Obviously such militancy towards males precipitates equally asinine male rights movements like MGTOW.
Notice the Jew is never to blame? Analogously, there is a Jewish ritual called Kapparot performed on the eve of Yom Kippur. In which, the Jew transfers all of his sins to a chicken, swings it around his head, and then slaughters the bird.
Don't fall for Jewish tricks. Don't be that chicken.
She's kinda cute.
Why do the kikes hate chickens so much?
They should have used an Agile methodology, put the astronauts in space and then worry about bugs.
The goat is too pricy.
Kikes still do animal sacrifice? Not as bad as drinking baby blood I suppose but I thought they had stopped it.
give him a break, Holla Forums made him the retard he is
I'm always weary of these "exemplar" women programmers. You tend to dig a little deeper and find their contributions were fractional compared to what is claimed. Grace Hooper *the* "inventor of COBOL" is an example. And then there's cases, like the significance of Ada Lovelace, which are pretty much bullshit
Lovelace was legit. Just because the politics of our current era have put women in a bad light, it doesn't denigrate the contributions other have made in the past. Sorry, but I refuse to allow insidious jews to promote the idea that we should disregard 50% of our race.
You might be right about Hooper; I don't know. You're wrong about Ada, though.
Golly gee, a leftist brainletwojakposter. I wonder what site he could be from, and I wonder if it rhymes with "whore flan"
Nope. They pretend Ada was the first programmer, which assumes she beat Babbage in making the first program to the computer he himself invented (i.e. he'd have to come up with the whole thing without testing if it was a good idea at any point). She might have done something small, maybe, but nothing I recall.
Ada is hyped as fuck and so is Hooper (who they say invented the compiler, she didn't, a German did it in the early 40s), although Hooper at least did something. If you want a woman with actual contributions that's Marie Curie.
If you consider punching in numbers into a calculator to be programming, I will find you and punch you in the face.
The analytical engine could be programmed, it wasn't just a fancy calculator. He didn't build it though.
She's credited with writing the first algorithm.
He never completed the Analytical Engine. Perhaps you're talking about the Difference Engine, which isn't considered a general purpose computer.
Good goy, always diminish the accomplishments of a white woman. Make sure you resent women, and remain divided amongst yourselves.
except when you reduce programming to "writing the algorithm" then we can also describe fucking archimedes or pythagoras as the first programmer.
Writing algorithms does not imply programming. Programming is the act of writing a program, which composes of various algorithms, that a computer is intended to execute.
No shit. This is specifically an algorithm for a computer to execute. Why do you so desperately want Ada Lovelace to be a fraud?
I see you've just left your hole for the first time so I won't be too hard on you and point out that I was just shaming OP, not earnestly asking for information. Please be less autistic in the future.
I know jews with Hamilton as a last name
sage for unrelated to handwritten code
Let me clue you in to how message boards work. While the reply might be to an individual post, the message is intended for the audience at large. Now that we've cleared that up, hopefully you can dispense with your worthless advice without requiring further instruction.
I agree that there's D&C among us, but you're trying too hard to defend someone just because it's a woman. If it's a fact that someone's contribution, be a man s or a woman's, is small to the whole project like someone translating the README to Klingon, you don't inflate the merits to fight D&C. This is lying to suit your agenda, pretty much what OP's pic shows. It's an example of 1984 style history rewrite.
Then next time don't address me and make the post more general
Wrong. Ada is being credited for exactly what she did, there's no inflating. No one is claiming she built the difference engine, or the analytical engine, or even compares to Alan Turing. Her notebooks are available for viewing if you wish to learn more.
The only problem with Ada is that she's being turned into a feminist symbol by crazy bluehairs, whom the Countess of Lovelace would have likely viewed with utter contempt.
You're a bit of an idiot, aren't you?
imagine the taste of her asshole
this was from time when ppl werent ok with garbage code and memory leaks,
debugging that was probably easier,
these days ppl have decided to cause problems for themselves intentionally
every stackoverflow post that starts with "Am I too intelligent for the other developers in my company" usually in relationship with functional Javascript
Anybody who is able to structure a program into purely functions and impure functions is inherently more intelligent than everyone else who is happy to mix everything into impure functions.
You just have to drive, it's in Kubrick's studio.
implying anyone cares about your shit webdeb shit that will end up on a shit web social 8.0 botnet shit.
You're not working on high-precision flight instrumentation unlike Margaret Hamilton, you're at best working for a shit company like Google or Facebook that has literally 0 social benefit and probably the most crucial problem you've ever encountered so far was optimizing writing speeds when storing private users data in JSON before sending them to third-party advertiser API's.
You still use instances of functional programming even in the imperative paradigm, faggot.
Who are you quoting?
Cool story bro
fugging ebig
Isn't (((Hollywood))) telling us she's a negro?
This one is good...kek
It's not even from the Torah, it's just some shit they made up on their own. They said, "Hey, if we purposefully mistranslate this word, we can put our sins into chickens, then feed the sin tainted meat to poor goyim."
This fucking meme needs to die. It's not pure mathematics.
This got to be all the revisions with long comments. Each book that size is easily 5 megs of text. What was Apollo's computer ROM size?
That would be 64 kilobytes.
It is pure mathematics. All computer programming is pure mathematics, it just tends to use weirdly arbitrary models.
what the fuck was that?
Some hue who whipped out his dick during a feminist slut walk.
the pic? Some guy flashed his penis at a slutwalk
Holy shit I just want /g/ to leave for fucks sake. Kill yourselves you filthy summerfags.
meme aside, IRL even the USA use floppy disks for top military safety so rocketman is right
CS here. i am actually studying computation theory right now. cs is a lot about practtical application of math
I have always seen this guy on the banner and I wondered who he was.
Kek for just finding out.
Yes, for Babbage's machine, which makes no sense for the reason you conveniently ignored. The only scenario where it's possible Ada was first is if Babbage 1) never tried to write a single algorithm before inventing the analytical engine, which would mean he was stupid and 2) built a time machine and went 6 years back in time to steal her code since Babbage published in 1836 and Ada only in 1842.
I'm not diminishing her accomplishments, you're the one making her accomplishments seem greater than they really were. She was easy to bed, she could translate scientific texts, and she wasn't stupid, but the first programmer she was not.
Ada wasn't a fraud, she never lied about it. The lies about her are recent.
Theoretical CS is a true discipline of math. Applied CS is extremely broad because there are so many applications of the study of computation to all kinds of subjects.
Looks like machines I saw for sale in Africa.not