Anyone else got/getting one?
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Anyone else got/getting one?
Pics related.
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I see my worries about a sideways case causing undue stress were justified. Any good horizontal cases that aren't server racks or open test benches?
Very cool OP, being a poorfag I shan't make such an investment as of yet
A regular case, laid upon it's side
Did they finally ship the pre-orders? Are they gonna be affordable any time soon? What's the vidya situation on POWER?
Explain all your things!!!
What distro??
How are VMs working on it? good performance?
The FSF is going to buy one to review for their Respects Your Freedom certification, and Leah Rowe of Libreboot has told the various libreboot refurbishers to stop selling the ASUS D16 and focus on promoting TALOS II, in anticipation for the cert.
Do you think it will achieve the RYF/Stallmeme seal of approval?
It still has nonfree ethernet firmware (on the device, not in the kernel), but other than that I could see a RYF certification. Personally I wanted to wait for it to ship and reviews to come in before I buy one, but I have the money set aside.
I forgot about him. Dropped.
Are you retarded? Do you want to go back to (((intel))) and (((AMD))) backdoors, just because the only alternatives are either trannyboot or approved by Francis Rowe? Francis has NOTHING to do with Raptor and iirc was in a dispute with them at one point. It's just some faggot voicing his opinion; ignore it.
It's funny how tower cases have become regular cases.
What's his involvement with the Talos II?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but those don't come with any video hardware whatsoever, right?
To clarify, Trannyboot is what I dropped. As for Talos II, I didn't know about it until this very thread.
I am getting one, I am wondering if I should just dump my money into dual 18 cores for maximum future proof or gamble on getting smaller CPUs and hope for a TALOS III.
Because POWER has shite power management I was just going to mine monero or another CPU heavy crypto on cores I'm not using at any given time.
Silverstone GD08
They have received the production units, shipping them at the end of the month, $2.5k for a 16 thread ECC capable workstation IS affordable.
It's from the Vikings Libre booth at fosdem, I doubt OP has it.
The firmware can be unloaded though, you could just plug in some thinkpenguin card as a replacement, then it would work.
They just started offering 18-core chips
Yeah, fuck supporting the few people who love Libre-supporting hardware.
You couldn't afford it anyway
Shilling it, and telling other freetards to shill it.
That's literally it.
User guide is out, read it and dream.
Trannies aren't people. I could afford it, but I'm not even considering it at the current price.
Is there any source that proves TALOS II isn't the reference design or repackaged dev boards?
Is it confirmed that POWER9 won't be better than POWER8 in that respect? It's a safe assumption, but I thought they might have improved it. Got a source on unloading the ethernet firmware?
Hi Francis.
It's a top of the line workstation in an exotic architecture, the price probably won't change much until POWER10.
I haven't heard of any improvements so I am just assuming it's not going to be much better, although you might be able to disable cores and just treat it as a 4 thread machine to save power? Not entirely sure.
It was in the IRC chat, the BMC chip can just not load the firmware, if I remember correctly, although my memory is fuzzy and it was months ago, I am sure that he talked about it being possible to load firmware on the chip.
One thing I do know for sure is that Pearson specifically put the broadcom chip on its own IOMMU block so the CPU could disable it entirely anyway.
4chan refugee? We have a bit of a different culture here. I would suggest that you lurk more before you make yourself known again.
Is that KDE?
Pretty sure it's KDE Plasma.
Let's see can you build this workstation from source. Will they post the components to me so I can assemble it myself and prove they use the components they claim? Can I use those components for whatever I want and release it as long as I then post components to anyone else?
They shipped the OP's to FOSDEM, the rest are shipping later this month.
Debian, I believe.
Not my unit, but I should assume so.
The NIC firmware is non-free but they're offering a complete workstation to whoever can write a free driver. Apart from that it's fully free. And the FSF+Stallman are likely to give it an RYF cert.
see >>862626
Check hashrates and power consumption benchmarks first if you're really planning on mining with it.
Personally I'm going with X2 4-core, as I doubt I'll need to upgrade it within the next decade, and by then the better chips will be cheap on ebay.
Raptor said they've improved it in some way, but I can't remember specifics.
wow that's actually pretty sweet. I know jack shit about programming NIC drivers (or really anything), but that sounds like a really creative way to get that NIC freed up.
Also, that driver would not only help TALOS out, but would very likely benefit users on other architectures that happen to have the same or similar NIC on their computers.
Good point, i wasn't really expecting it to make money, just offset the cost of having 18 cores that only differ by a few dozen watts from having no load to full load.
The X2 4 core is roughly equivalent to the top of the range threadripper, people are already having a hard time maxing that in the workstation arena.
Congrats on the freedom user
What is the PCIE card in there? If it's a GPU, have you had any issues getting open drivers working on a POWER machine?
I want one, but i dont got the $3000 shekeps to drop in a new rig.
Hopefully there will be a used market for these things at some point. Otherwise its sticking with the old autistpad for me
I have done it my dudes. Freedom never felt so good.
t. 14 year old who discovered Holla Forums yesterday.
Now share the shipping confirmation. Larping faggot.
Hopefully yeah, but I could see these things keeping their value like the BeBox or those weird Amiga clones.
You forgot your dragon dildo with that purchase.
I bet you never even installed it Holla Forumsroach.
It's post-ironically AMT-level libre botnet, guys. Just like Debian survey program.
If it's for their internal use and not proprietary it's unlikely to be botnet. Not like they will put this on the iphones or whatever.
They don't run Facebook OpenBMC
They run this:
It's different.
Are these good for mining Monero?
No, and it would be cheaper to buy a bunch of pentium-D boards and XFX GPUs anyway
Please consider raping a chainsaw
Can we do it? Can we manipulate miners into sustaining freedom? Can Ron Paul still win?
it would take 4 years to break even currently, but it could definitely help offset the cost as a workstation and make it more affordable for some people
How the fuck did you get this?
On the website it's still in pre-order status. Are you a Raptor dev or something?
Chill out, it's the one they had on display at FOSSDEM. It's not OP's Talos
The other guy is right, you and the chainsaw make a great couple.
Almost everyone here isn't buying one, it's not clear if they're going to survive, I'd rather risk unavailability or a queue system than have this be a once off.
He's still got a chance if he beats out Romney and wins the primary in New Hampshire.
Even if you completely fabricate mining stats it still wouldn't be economical to blow money on a Power9 unless the stats are completely unrealistic and unbelievable anyways
The reason nobody here is buying it is because of how damn expensive it is. If miners dry up the supply, it'll only exacerbate the problem, as with GPUs. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want them to see thunderous success, but when the GPU companies are talking about cryptofucks as temporary, fair-weather customers, I don't know if a "here today" temporary explosion of cryptofag success followed by a "gone tomorrow" drought of sales due to meme money fluctuations and its miners' whims amounts to a successful business strategy in the long run.
Not buying stock and waiting until they go bankrupt and cut losses isn't solving any problems either.
I agree that the crypto shit could go away tomorrow, so you definitely don't want to setup any new factories.
I might just be a poo-pooing on this party, but how many bets that Talos II's producers/distributors,etc are all luminescent african americans?
No, not at all. I'm vaguely familiar with the Power9, but not Raptor engineering.
You been asleep the past 6 months?
Or perhaps I spend my time on more meaningful things than fantasizing about esoteric hardware I have no need for.
The HiFive Unleashed is built around the Freedom U540 SOC, a quad-core processor built on a 28nm process. The chip itself boasts four U54 RV64GC cores with an additional E51 RV64IMAC management core. This chip has support for 64-bit DDR4 with ECC and a single Gigabit Ethernet port. Those specs are just the chip though, and you’ll really need a complete system for a single board computer. This is the HiFive Unleashed, a board sporting the Freedom U540, 8GB of DDR4 with ECC, 32MB of Quad SPI Flash, Gigabit Ethernet, and a microSD card slot for storage. If you don’t mind being slightly inaccurate while describing this to a technological youngling, you could say this is comparable to a Raspberry Pi but with a completely Open Source architecture.
I don't have a wojak brainless enough for this
Good for you, keep using whatever you have until it's no longer fit for purpose.
Meanwhile, many of us care about FOSS and would like to have better options than aging librebooted Thinkpads and Opteron motherboards.
You're not the target market user.
The target market will probably buy enough to develop cheap chink shit with the same SoC (and hopefully something Pi-esque)
Correct, I'd assume you're still going to need AMD's help for the time being. Then again, running a non-botnet desktop powerhouse via a TUI, or SSH would be even cooler.
yea right
It does have a basic video out via the BMC IIRC.
The board doesn't have VGA out for no reason.
But yes, for heavy lifting AMD would be required, at least they're open source drivers now.
Man if you can afford more than 16 128GB sticks you can afford an actual POWER9 server.
What workstation case do you have for more than 2TB of RAM? The only case I'm aware of is genome sequencing.
The supply is meager precisely due to extremely small demand, retard. Nobody is stopping Raptor from making more boards if they had somebody to sell them to.
And the reason it is so expensive is small production runs due to lack of demand. If miners started buying that shit in volume, I bet the mobos' price would plummet thanks to production runs reaching reasonable sizes.
How expensive is it?
From around $2.5K IIRC.
What's wrong with a cheap Thinkpad with Libreboot?
Well, it's not nothing I suppose.
>a tranny happened to dislike NSA backdoors and sought a remedy to the (((problem)))
Even a stopped clock is correct twice each day, and this is one of those cases. Just because Francis Rowe wants a Talos II workstation, doesn't mean we should stick around with Intel's (((ME))) and AMD's (((PSP))).
Yeah that was my point. Someone said they were dropping this just because Rowe was mentioned in the same sentence as it, someone asked for what his involvement was, and I clarified that the only involvement was in shilling it to other Free Software people (in case the original person was worried that Rowe had a hand in the development of it for some reason).
The Raptor guys have already demonstrated FOSS radeon drivers working on their original (POWER8) Talos prototype over a year ago.
The CPUs are pretty reasonably priced though especially for IBM. It's the mobo that breaks the bank at ~2.3k$ per pop. Hopefully enough autists buy those so that prices can drop with larger production runs.
You must go back.
Correction "Francis Rowe"
You gotta milk his worth while you can.
One day like any other, you'll wake to find Libreboot disbanded following the spontaneous suicide of Leah Rowe
But Zoe Quinn is a man, how are you going to use him to repopulate the world?
With FOSS only stuff you go pre kepler/GTX 700 series nvidia or ancient radeon cards. With the kepler cards you could do low-medium settings 4k vidya or high settings 1080p and configure it to work with vgaswitcheroo on linux or you are fucked if openbsd/freebsdcuck liscense. Everything else GPU wise is going to be non-free shit with horrid implementation at the openfirmware/BIOS level aimed at data crunching. For the vidya itself, install hardened gentoo to get access to their selection of FOSS vidya that you compile yourself. If you wanted to go nuts you could edit the patch at
Also there's emulators that are FOSS which means a huge back catalog you could play in high res 4k or 1080p like ps2 or wiiu games.
boi pussy is still a pussy
POWER9 works with Vega via AMDs new open source driver.
The future is bright.
4k60 on in-kernel amdgpu drivers here. Fuck off back to cuckchan you border-hopping cunt
Enjoy your blobs in kernel you plebbit faggot. Do you even install gentoo?
New AMD driver isn't a blob you cuckchan refugee.
Anyone remember this beast? Kind of reminds me of it.
Shit. Forgot pic.
The blob runs on the GPU, not in the kernel you insufferable faggot. It's basically low-level firmware that's uploaded by the driver instead of being baked into ROM.
I'm considering CaseLabs myself.
holy shit since when did 2 sticks of 8gb RAM cost $375?
Since ECC, it's still more expensive that what you could get yourself but it's not outrageous.
Could you run the moronix-test-suite and post the open benchmark results when you get your rig?
Yeah, I'll probably make build/bench/review thread.
inb4 delayed until POWER10
Well, specifically the massive, dual-CPU DM-2010 that MaximumPC did.
Why would you pay $2000 on an IBM and put it in a cheap expensive chink case that looks like trash?
The looks is irrelevant to the important character which is its function.
Personally I'm going for one of these, it's the closest thing I've found to "tasteful rice" without looking like /g/-tier gaymer shit.
can you prove it?
for the lulz