Net Neutrality finally at the FCC
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Removing "neutrality" from roads would mean your speed limit depends not on the road you're in but what your destination is.
Try reading what you wrote and make sense of it.
- What is a road?
- What is a destination?
In keeping with the net neutrality analogy, removing 'neutrality' from roads means your speed limit is decided by a tiered driving system, with more expenisve tiers meaning higher speed limits. Safety concerns and the road's speed limit aside.
The problem with this faggot's analogy is he's disrupting access to a public street. If it was his own private road, he'd have a point. Moreover, one person driving slowly affects everyone else behind, so it's a flawed analogy at best.
This is the one of the jew's greatest stategies. They decontstuct everything to its most basic aspect so they can get away from the main argument.
They explicitly ignore the biggest aspects of the conversation and pass it off as nothing.
Sign me the fuck up.
Why did you have to remind me my genitals were mutilated. Fuck you.
Road neutrality never existed. It has never been the case that you'd paid the same fee to go anywhere while carrying any amount of payloads. Heavier vehicles were always charged more, so are more popular routes with heavier traffic.
There already are higher bandwith plans that cost more, this does not violate net neutrality. Also using a road, everything else being the same, costs the same amount independent of your start or destination.
But "road" is a flawed analogy that should not be needed.
Your subhuman tactic is to blame the jews for your lack of intelligence. How about you draw a path to your destination on a piece of paper and see if you can spot the road to your destination? So unless you can claim that your destination has a dedicated road that has no other traffic, you have presented no argument.
They could just pay him 5$ to get past.
He is not traffic. He is a traffic shaping router.
"OP can decide for himself whether sucking cocks is gay"
Why would you want to suck on a rooster? That's just wrong.
A highway hundreds of lanes wide. Most with pitfalls for potholes. Privately operated bridges and overpasses. No highway patrol. A couple of rent-a-cops on bicycles with broken whistles. 500 member vigilante posses with nuclear weapons. A minimum of 237 on ramps at every intersection.
No signs. Wanna get to Ensenada? Holler out the window at a passing truck to ask directions.
Ad hoc traffic laws. Some lanes would vote to make use by a single-occupant-vehicle a capital offense on Monday through Friday between 7:00 and 9:00. Other lanes would just shoot you without a trial for talking on a car phone.
AOL would be a giant diesel-smoking bus with hundreds of ebola victims on board throwing dead wombats and rotten cabbage at the other cars, most of which have been assembled at home from kits. Some are built around 2.5 horsepower lawn mower engines with a top speed of nine miles an hour. Others burn nitroglycerin and idle at 120.
No license plates. World War II bomber nose art instead. Terrifying paintings of huge teeth or vampire eagles. Bumper mounted machine guns. Flip somebody the finger on this highway and get a white phosphorus grenade up your tailpipe. Flatbed trucks cruise around with anti-aircraft missile batteries to shoot down the traffic helicopter. Little kids on tricycles with squirt guns filled with hydrochloric acid switch lanes without warning.
Net neutrality didn't exist anywhere in the world besides US, and even in US it only existed since 2015. The entire planet was perfectly fine.
Why would a GB of Netflix be more or less expensive than a GB of torrented anime?
Sounds like more fun than what we have now.
I'm in.
Netflix has servers at your ISP, anime has to come from anons around the world, so it is more expensive.
kvetch more
I'm scared, user. You know why? It's that rat circus out there. I'm beginning to enjoy it.
stop schlepping your nonsense
And what it I download said anime from a CDN that's peering with my ISP at a large IXP anyway? I can see the point for international traffic, but I'd guess that's a small minority of data.
Could anyone please explain or write a clear guide on how to download anime using a tier-2 or preferably 1 line that runs under water and not some shit ISP?
Only a business (more specifically a professional ISP) can afford that kind of Internet connection. That's not mentioning the kind of money you'd need to build and lay that kind of physical infrastructure is far beyond your pay grade. At infrastructure building prices, it'd be cheaper to hire your own personal anime production team.
"It's only 900TB. I downloaded it all in a weekend, 80Gb/s." according to the guy who downloaded Soundcloud in a week-end.
80Gb/s. How?
Addition :
is the fastest civil internet connection I'm aware of. 10Gb/s
"With 10,000 Mbps of Internet speed, that's enough bandwidth to stream 1,754 online movies all at the same time – in HD – from a single Internet connection without experiencing any buffering or lag time."
Streaming 16000 anime at the same time, when.
I don't know what kind of hard drive writes at 80GB/s let alone a computer system that will output at those rates.
299$ / month. Seems OK.
But I'm curious about how one would go about getting internet backbone-tier speed.
I'm curious about this point as well.
Fastest SSD I'm aware of is 0,5 GB/s.
So he'd need 160 SSD drives to max out that connection in theory.
Maybe he wrote some concurrent script, I have not clue. Can you even chain that amount of hard drives?
I suspect he used other people's computers (cloud)
It's 80 giga_BITS_ per second not _BYTES_
Your point being that he downloaded Soundcloud at 80 Gb/s (gigabits/s) whereas the transfer rate of hard drives have bytes for unit, so 0,5 GB/s(gigabytes/s) hence 4Gb/s (gigabit/s).
Hence 20 SSD drives would have been needed? Correct?
I see. And how would one go about that in detail in this scenario?
Actually, now from what I remember, he downloaded everything on a Google hard drive... so there was never anything physical happening at his place, or?
20-some SSD drives RAID gave 2GB/s according to an autistic video I saw.
So, yeah, guy probably went cloud.
Have you all never heard of NVMe? There are plenty of SSDs that do >1 GB/s.
1. Become a member of your RIR.
2. Register an ASN.
3. Buy IP addresses.
4. Buy or rent fiber to your closest IXPs. This is the most expensive part.
5. Rent ports at your IXPs.
6. Peer with other AS. Thanks to net neutrality and because the internet isn't run by jews, this is usually free.
7. Buy transit to distant AS.
Congratulations, now you have your own 80 Gb/s internet connection.
Actually, no.
I use a meme'd laptop from the the 2000s, I'm pretty sure it's not even from this decade.
Samsung 960 Pro M.2 NVMe SSD has almost 2GB/s damn.
From the stories I read what I vaguely remember is that he somehow got access to a very fast connection through some Amazon service, don't ask me which... maybe something to do with AWS. Or Google.
Really? Got any numbers? Because ...
a 100GE port here at DE-CIX in Germany is between 10,000 and 13,500€ depending on location. Fiber access is even more expensive than that?
Really? Got any numbers? Because ...
a 100GE port here at DE-CIX in Germany is between 10,000 and 13,500€ per month depending on location. Fiber access is even more expensive than that?
100Gbps sounds perfectly serviceable for an user-sized ISP
Alright, just checked what the situation looks like in Germoney and found that one can get a dark fiber to the nearest metropolitan area (which should be enough to reach an IXP) for around 1000€ per month. So peering is indeed much more expensive than getting access to fiber.
I'm assuming most anons don't live within 20km of Frankfurt. 1000€ for what distance?
It just says 700-1400€ to the nearest metro area. No specific distance. Would have to contact them for details.
But at least here in Europe that should be enough considering that there are IXPs everywhere within a couple dozen kilometers. Obviously not "tier 1" like DE-CIX Frankfurt, AMSIX or LINX, but smaller ones like DE-CIX Hamburg/Dusseldorf/Munich, BCIX or ECIX.
But even a line to Frankfurt shouldn't be anywhere as expensive as what peering costs given how relatively central Frankfurt is located, how tiny Germany is, and how dense WANs running over transmission lines and pipelines are; I'd say 400km or so max from any location.
Probably a whole lot different compared in North America though where you'd have to run 100s of miles over lines owned by a dozen companies.
Yes, let me just block traffic for no reason so I can make a completely unrelated "statement". How progressive!
But then you'll get complete jackasses who think their euro piece of shit makes him a pro driver speeding down downtown streets like this guy.
You can't make a death go away with money.