Holla Forums's drawfag quits job to sell communist propaganda

Does this bitch even believe in the revolutionary ideals of visionary zionist philosopher Karl Marx or is she exploiting her commie worshippers for the almighty shekel?

Other urls found in this thread:


Who gives a shit


How and why do most artists go the way of the Jew? Where are the fashy drawfags?


1. We don't care
2. From the looks of the image, she went full capitalist. Merchandising and the whole 9 yards. Funny how you can be a capitalist as long as you don't claim you are for leftypol to ignore you.
3. Seriously, we don't care.

Of course she does, living off selling harebrained communist propaganda is exactly the ideal Karl Marx strived for.

what's a leftypol?


Who gives a shit? If the commies get fleeced, it just proves they didn't learn after the Bernie scam and most likely will never learn.


drawfags are typically attention-seekers and the right is typically critical of that mindset, right wing drawfags are more likely to create one or two meme-worthy pictures and then forget about it in order to pursue making themselves marketable.

I've seen a few drawfags using Holla Forums as a testing ground for their work, but not in the same way that Holla Forums drawfags endlessly lurk their own threads and fish for praise. The stigma associated with being right wing in the art world is very strong, so we're not going to attract the run-of-the-mill cartoonists and amateur animators looking for superficial notoriety.

Because tumblr and deviantArt are the most common platforms for artfags. And anything even remotely "Nazi" there can get reported and deleted.
If you have a wordpress or Blogspot >using Google shit ever then you'll have to shill it to hell and back.

You don't need to ad hom. Friedman, Hayek etc had no business experience either. That does not make them wrong or right. They were academics who never held a "real job" should we discard them?

Attack the ideology no the man

Maldraw became a Clinton supporter after no one paid for his Holla Forums comic. Maybe Corey will end up shilling for wall street.

Funnily enough, Karl Marx's grave site ended up charging it's visitors because they couldn't figure out a realistic alternative to keep the site.

Thought he worked as a writer?

You can be open about leftist politics, you can't be open about right wing politics. By right wing I mean actual right wing ie Fascism, not, say, Trump "right wing" which is actually what would be called centrism or moderate leftism in a sane country.

So right wing artists, I would say, are just quieter about it. Most artists don't share their political views to begin with, so when you just have crazy commies being vocal about their politics it's easy to get the impression that all artists share those views, which isn't the case.

I'm a cgi artist.
The evironment is pozzed as fuck, but all the good guys are either right-leaning concealing their power level or simply misinformed, blue-pilled rent-a-liberals. I guess it's obvious considering we mostly work for kikes.

Unfortunately, being an attention whore sometimes works in your favor and even with absolutely no fucking skill whatsoever, it's gonna net you a shitload of cash from people who know even less than you.
I'm not talking hundreds, I'm talking about hundreds of THOUSANDS.
For being shit and incompetent.
I'm not even exaggerating.
It's hard to swallow that as someone who devoted his life to better himself in his trade day by day and stay competitive.

Doesn't he still shill his comic here at least twice a week?
lemme check his patreon…
Last entry, being commissions who the fuck did those? is from Oct 9, last comic from Aug 24

Communism still needs some form of payment, money, or currency to work. You cannot have a functioning society without money. Even basic coinage like hacksilver was invented several thousand years ago.

Using money in a society doesnt make it capitalist, it depends how business oriented and how far you can get with money

I'm heading into CG. Got any cringey stories?

Is this their best drawfag?

I guess I should start producing Holla Forums material in my downtime…

Nick bourgas did it for free didn't he?

Probably true even Ben Garrison admitted he profitted much that people were editing his work with jew stuff which got reposted over and over and gave him a lot of negative attention. Even though it was negative attention he still received much more recognition overall and could move away from the job he was working at to make much more.

that thread is still up

pls post more of their shitty artwork. i own a printing company and I'm going to scoop this commie cunt

Lefties please.

If they don't have these poorly drawn cats copyrighted, we can swoop the copyright from under their feet and sue this cunt for massive memery.
If they have it copyrighted, they are betraying their own ideology yet again and the memes flow anyways.
Holla Forums loses as usual

Commies are deluded people who are stuck in 1910 and think "seizing the means of production" today is like it was back then with cobblers and plowshare makers.

Copyright goes to the creator by default, no action required.
They would have to relinquish it themselves to get rid of it.

Another cunt looking for attention and the Holla Forums betas are giving her that.
OP is that drawfag,do sage and report

Wait she's the one who made that shitty gommie nekogirl? You can make money with such crappy art?

Yes. Yes, you can.
Not much, unless you have some really rich, niche autist audience, but you can still make money with it.

Some people are so desperate for their that they will pay top dollar for MSpaintesque shit.

Commies and capitalists are allies against the white man.

xipel I know youre a cuck now but beat this commie's ass for me

Do you prefer starting from scratch digitally, or scanning a sketch and then painting over it? I've never really gotten the hang of digital art.

Pretty good stuff. I'd love to see more of you around, especially for Holla Forums OC.

I wish I had a less recognizable drawing style. I'd draw all kinds of degrading stuff of Alunya.

There's a South Korean autist who has contributed something like $10,000 worth towards commissioning of Star Fox-centric fetish porn over the past 10 years or so.

Go home, moot.

If you accused one of those faggots of being a thundering tumblrcunt, they'd deny it up and down, insist you were just a butthurt conservatard, and then proceed to shit up the thread for the next 3 days. They are a living parody of themselves in total denial of the sad reality they are trapped in.

Top kek

There's a pic of the girl in image 1 getting ahegao'd by a 'porky', someone post it

those eyes aren't BEADY and ANGLO enough to be mosley

a good artist dedicate more of his time on techniques, making him a shitty money maker because he probably doesn't have an accurate salary or career, if his focus is entirely art and creativity, then obviously he'll have to leave NEETLIFE by working with what he's good at.

There's good fashy artists in the industry, it's just that they aren't open about it because the industry is pozzed as fuck. I hang out with them on a discord channel that I won't mention.

I make a not inconsiderate amount of money catering to furshits. A few drawings a month pays my bills and gives me a very comfortable quasi-NEET life. But I can never draw anything I want to because my style is extremely distinct and furfags are incapable of controlling their autism so I would lose potential clients,.

Sometimes I wish I could be doing anything else because those people are poisonous as fuck and simply dealing with them for any period of time fucks with your head as they pass on a bit of their insanity. But to be honest I am a professional and you really really don't get a deal going like this very often. there are a ton of artists out there that spent a lot more time and money training and developing their skills that don't do as well financially as I do. So I suck it up and save so that I can retire and do anything else with my life,

There is one archaic inkslinger who's still crankin' out the goods …


I'm a fashy artist. I want these kinds of art friends. I wish I could advertise it and meet some good people but it would be bad for my business. I'd probably not even meet anyone, with my luck.

Every time I hear this word used seriously, I cringe.

Watch how they will blame capitalism and how they'll buy all the shit she shits out.


Women exploit communists.

Clearly there is a worldwide female subversion of communism. This is why many on Holla Forums are trying to weed it still. The bitches have fucked the left.


Over here.

Still love how they found a sonic OC acceptable


holly fuck

Art is a shitty way to earn a living in this day and age. Either you get a normal job and treat art as a hobby, or you live with mommy and daddy forever and beg for patreonbux. Hence why so many turn to communism basic income the most logical and efficient solution to the welfare problem; they need someone to pay the bills after mommy and daddy cut them off or die.

That made it

not really, corporate kikery is profitable, they constantly need someone to do the shitty ads for them, commercial, website design, anything at all to be honest.

No man, the best way to make big bucks, BIG bucks, is to draw commissions for furries, especially fetishy stuff like scat.
Sure, it'll destroy your self-respect and sense of worth, but there is A LOT of money to be had in that

no h8

porn commissions are how you scrape by when all your output goes to deviantart, corporate kikery is if you get lucky and strike it rich. if you wanna get in on that highbrow famous artist lifestyle, you should do everything possible to not make art. note the last one is just a really halfassed shoop, presented as if there might be a message that you can spend 40 minutes projecting. this begs the question of why you aren't rolling in cash.

He was a journalist, translator, and author, dipshit


My work tends to be more physical and tangible.

Because the artist is only an artist when subordinated by society to serve the zeitgeist. The Jew has set the artist loose as part of his scheme to turn everyone into a hyperindividual so that he may operate unopposed, and so now instead of maintaining our culture by replicating and elaborating on Aryan symbols and themes which are inherently shared and accepted by our whole race, the artist is manically serving his own inherently meaningless desires by interpreting everything as anything, and attempting to communicate these interpretations through essays accompanying what he falsely believes is his art.


I'm neutral when it comes to this bullshit, but the first image and its sequel always get me

Those are jobs. Don't be a faggot.

If you say so.

Because that field of study is a liberal dominated one. Most right-wingers are more logical and pick jobs they know they can generate a steady source of income off of.

3d animation is glorified puppeteering
Pixar doesn't care about art, they care about dat $$$$

She'll end up sucking dicks behind a gas station for a living and wonder why she wasn't doing it all along

Any competent artfag worth his salt would likely rather devote time pursuing a professional career in art than creating potentially career-ending right-wing propaganda for pol.

The problem is that if you start drawing fashy shit I your spare time, people might recognize your style, trace it to your name, and your professional career would be over. Especially considering the art world is infested with leftists. I mean you could potentially change your style of drawing to make it untraceable, but that can take months or years, and it seems like not many are willing to dedicate so much time to such a thing.

If she hasn't already been doing that. Maybe that's why she quit her job.

Those things are incomptaible, honey.

Then show us how easy it is. I expect a Pixar quality Pepe film in theaters by summer 2017. Get to work.
