What is Holla Forums's opinion on based reddit man?
What is Holla Forums's opinion on based reddit man?
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The textbook definition of controlled opposition. Just look at the fucking irony of what he's saying here. It's not like his whistleblowing did jack shit in the long run anyway. We still live in the same orwellian nightmare, and that's certainly not remedied by the democrats conspiring with the FBI niggers to usurp the function of our republic.
But knowing Holla Forums, I'm probably in the minority here.
It doesn't even make sense. Nunes disclosed that certain things were done, not how they were achieved. Snowden dumped troves of technical documents giving away proprietary secrets. It's just an asinine statement, so very hard to even take seriously.
An idiot who somehow managed to do something important.
Nunes followed procedure and took a decidedly legal route. He didn't even take risks, yielding to Presidential authority rather than using congressional powers to declassify the memo. Snowden is either a complete and utter moron (he is), or some deceitful journalist is taking liberties in quoting him; both are likely true.
Sage for not Holla Forums
So you mean to say that nobody should be a whistleblower because there's no hope that it will do anything? What a sad way of thinking.
I actually don't think this is the case. After this, I'm rolling with the Controlled Op narrative.
Gonna have to try harder faggot
What do you guys think of the Introspection Engine he developed with Bunnie Huang?
I wonder (((who))) could be behind these posts.
Yo loser
we knew about warrantless wiretaps in 2006, 7 years before snowden's bullshit
what else did he release that was new information?
More like if he was legit then he would have gone for the throat and released the critical documents he claims to have had, instead of going through (((journalists))) with cherry-picked content. He's either CO, or a naive idiot.
Sweetie, the term you're looking for is 'limited hangout'. The Snowden revelations didn't cause massive blowback leading to reform but instead normalized state surveillance, just what the NSA was going for. Sure you get the reaction in the fringe but that hardly matters as they're the ones most alienated anyway.
You are the dumbest motherfucker on Holla Forums.
Yeah. What else? We already knew that the feds had been capturing all internet traffic.
Again, 2006. Again, 7 years before Snowden. What has he released that has been of any importance that we have not already known about? What else?
Eat sloppy shit.
The collaboration with Google et al.
How is that any different than installing a mirror for all of AT&T traffic?
i laugh at him as he grows fat
sucked in, narutard
oh my god... I-I had absolutely no idea about any of that..
If you don't know about PRISM, you probably need to lurk for 2 years before posting.
Don't try to hide goyim, don't do anything to protect your privacy at all. You don't own nothing goyim. Don't look behind the curtain. Etc. etc. ad infinitum. It's a giant mindfuck.
Obviously the NSA has shifted their tactics from branding him a traitor to 'Murrica, to calling him fake oppostion don't fall for. That said, I do think that Snowden should have taken it to WikiLeaks instead. That way, we would all have known everything there is to know about the NSA, and mass surveillance advocates would have literally no arguments.
pic related, it's (((you))).
pick one
It started massive district in the US government.
The EU even outlawed transferring PII to US servers.
Massive distrust*
I don't think you know what this term means
Wasn't he a liberal before finding the info he leaked and a "classical liberal" or libertarian or something now? I'm leaning towards naive idiot.
The only thing Snowden managed to accomplish was preaching to the choir. I remember when /g/ naysayers shat their pants over shit that was plainly obvious to anyone with a modicum of skepticism for the government. On the downside, he also got lavabit blown up, which sucked because it was a great email service I could pay for cheaply and still get good service from.
This I believe, but judging by the rest of the thread, I guess I'm in the minority.
Snowden could be innocent as virgin snow, or the spookiest spook to have ever spooked, and I'd still say he'd be absolved of this. The lack of push back three-letter agencies based on Snowden's "leaks" are due to a lazy complicit public who didn't understand the implications of what they were being told, not to mention the fact the fact that the 24-hour news cycle was quick to supress and downplay the information to the point of minimizing it in the minds of the common pleb. Snowden's being a plant had little to do with that.
I know the whole "never chalk something up to animosity that can equally be attributed to stupidity," but Snowden has become venerated as some reddit saint for what he did without any critical evaluation of the rest of his character. He's no political authority, there's nothing to suck him off about.
Who cares about his character? What's important that we have hard testimony about government abuse. Hard testimony is far superior to any form of unsubstantiated speculation or conjecture.