Russians Calling the Niggers Bluff

Russians threaten tit-for tat to the Nigger's Fantasy

Comment by Russian MFA Spokesman M.V.Zaharovoy in connection with the new threats of sanctions from the United States

Here's the moneyshot-


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bumping- this is starting to spread. Looks like Lindsey Graham is at the middle of it too. Fuck. If they decide to respond asymmetrically it is about to get chilly in Europe.

In light of this and the Israel situation, it looks like the earlier analysis is correct: Obama and the Globalists are trying to flip the table.

Seriously, what the actual fuck is their plan, if not to just flip the table?

graham and mccain were on fox this morning. They are definitely cooking up something. These two traitors are probably the most corrupted american officials, especially mccain.. by all rights he should be rotting away in a military prison but his freedom was granted so he is a very important instrument for the kikes. Perhaps a proper meme campaign is in order.

The entire russian hacker angle is dumb as shit.. no one fucking buys it. So them continuing to go forward with it shows that they have no real plan and we've already won.

My thinking exactly. Less than a month to go, the death throws are going to get really weird. They know the game is up, I think now it is how much long term damage can they do.

If Russia is pushed hard enough, they will push back- I hope the Slavs will just weather it out and open up back channels and not- say- shut off the natural gas supply to Europe.

Lindsey, McCain and their ilk need to be impaled on the White House lawn with the rest of their globalist ilk.

As a Leaf fag, I havent talked politics with my friends in about 6 months. But they love The Young Turks. I'm certain they'd have fallen for the Russian hacker meme

A lot are falling for the russian hackers bullshit. Shows to you that normies only skim though headlines.

I think the russian hacker bullshit was them just trying to paint the right with another control word label like they had done with "racist" until Trumps ascension. They're deluded, and are fumbling to think like the right. "What does the right hate? Well Reagan was hard on the russians, lets call them russians!" But they've once again misread the room. We don't give two fucks about russia and this isn't the 1980's. I just hope Putin realizes that onigger isn't speaking for us, and can hold out on the insults until Trump can ship him over to russia for his shit.
Put the black in "Black Dolphin".

It would be really nice if they could keep taking the shit, and Putin already has shown himself to have the patience of a saint right now, I don't know how much more he can take. If cunton had been elected the nukes would already have been in the air.
I like this idea.

I read my local paper and the Toronto Sun/Star when it comes to work. Otherwise I skim and look at Holla Forums. I get it. I just have trouble figuring out implications beyond face value

stupid libshits that watch tyt unironically arent people

most normal pleb americans arent buying it and thats all that matters.

You can practice by reading articles that are covered om Holla Forums. Compare and contrast. Their strategies to twist and reshape truths are always the same.

Fuck I hope so. Problem is I have zero trust in a majority of the American people to do anything but watch their programming and go with the flow. I pray I'm wrong

That would be rather funny actually. Abdul suddenly wants to go home AND some leftists get frozen. Maybe I spoke too soon. What really concerns me is Russia keeps getting pushed East. The world needs China isolated right now and this will do nothing but cozy them up together.

Why's Holla Forums slow today?

Wow, it's fucking nothing. If Russia really wants to scare the Americans they should threaten a no fly zone over Israel, and a naval blockade. If there's one thing an American can't stand, it's anything bad happening to "God's Chosen".


Of course he does. Putin may be a lot of things, but stupid ain't one.

most wouldnt do a thing further than bitching on facebook and to their friends. But it would be very loud bitching. But there are enough people who would be furious enough to protest and shit. And more importantly there are way more than enough people who would begin lone wolf and semi organized sabotage campaigns… Externally America has the military might to bitch slap any given country save for russia or china but any war with them would amount to both sides suffering great losses so it is enough to count as a bitch slap. Basically on the global state the US is the big boss. But internally? This country has been highly neglected. All major infrastructure projects are 50 years or more old. And any road way, railway bridge or tunnel.. etc.. built in the past 20 years has been built with monetization in mind.. i.e. it was built to require constant reconstruction. The roadways for instance are built to need constant patchwork. That patchwork uses methods and materials designed to last no more than 5 years. a single lone wolf sabatuer for each 200 square mile area would be manpower to bring the country to a grinding halt. Cant exactly do anything to russia if the infrastructure that was built as one giant achilles heel was being constantly attacked.

Have you explained them the Armenian Genocide?

They likely noticed cucks like Louise Mensch complaining that Trump was a Putin shill and thought this was something to attack Trump with to distance him from the right.

They're so out of touch that they actually were shocked that conservatives like Putin more than Obama.

Im not well versed in history. I don't know what the Iraq/Iran conflicts were over and I didnt realize that Israel and Palestine were different things until recently. Modern warfare stuff doesn't really appeal to me, sadly

To cont.

The meme about Russia started getting stronger around October when some ex-intelligence guy wrote a book of pure conjecture that because the email hacks helped Trump and Russia's interests, that Russia must have been behind them.

It was after this that the anti-Trump cuckservatives started running around with this meme. Some people with the DNC or Hillary's campaign probably noticed this and saw this as an excellent plan of attack to drive Republicans away from Trump and after the election this probably seemed a decent method of delegitimizing him due to the outdated idea that the right wing is vehemently anti-commies and thus would be against Russia (even though Putin is seen as extremely conservative to most Republicans).

As usual, it was a major misstep by the Dems who may still not have realized that this meme does nothing to drive a wedge between Trump and his supporters, but will not be noticed by the Dems because they get most of their information from liberal news sources like the Washington Post and National Review. The latter still being thought by liberals as a highly conservative publication solely because they proclaim themselves to be.

When you start realizing that many liberal journalists are working hand in hand with the DNC and that the Democrat politicians get most (if not all) their news from liberal media, it becomes more obvious how bad their echo chamber has really gotten and why they're completely lost as to how to appeal to voters.

Well goy we can just call them TRS on here. That seems to be pretty effective.

it was the first genocide of the 20th century, during WW1, in the early 1900's, committed by the Ottoman Turks against the indigenous Armenian Christian population of Turkey. The Young Turks were the faction that wanted to "revolutionize" the Turkish empire, and one of their goals was to get rid of the Armo's so they could have all their delicious land.

now, say what you will about Armenians, but they were the first official Christian country in the history of the world, and they've survived as a separate people with a separate language surrounded by a large quantity of shitskins. they survived Soviet rule, and they're still kicking now. most also would be classified as "white" by the modern standards of what constitutes whiteness, which is to say they're light-skinned enough to have inherent "privilege" and other bs. but worldwide, they're a minority, and unlike the holohoax, there is actual genuine, undoctored documentation of the Armenian Genocide committed by Young Turks against the Armo's.

Now hold up, are you saying that "TYT" on youtube don't just deny the genocide, they are NAMED after the people who COMMITTED it?? Wtf, man.

That's like if the holocaust was real and one of us started a youtube fake news channel called Hitler Youth.

No, still up to shit until Trump is in office, and will be up to shit after Trump is office.

aka the Domneh crpyto-jews

I've never seen that pepe before, nice

obama is such garbage… goddamn

You just now realized this?


webm pls. it won't play here and i don't want to sign in

I saw the interview as well. Disgusting.

Obama just needs to kill himself already, this is getting really pathetic

Obama will accuse Russians whatever his handlers tell him to. And his handlers are so desperate that they are now left with only baseless accusations. Something that no one in the World takes serious.
WW3 is not possible, except if Obama get high on presidential coke last day in office and pushes the red button.
And even then this is questionable since Trump has basically taken control of the army by now.
Just like with Nixon, any orders by the White House can be made null and force the chimp to get out of the Monkey House.


yep, we keep talking about gassing people, but it sure is going to be a cold winter if they stop the gas flow.

Yeah, Vlad's a smart guy. Only 21 days until inauguration so all he has to do is tell the chimp he's a ridiculous nigger that needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.

Meme it