I need to register an SSL certificate and I have to pick a hostname subdomain for the machine. Jewgle searches have brought nothing but reddit-tier normalfag results, so I'm hoping fellow autists can provide some inspiration.
Some people use themes for hostnames, like planets, characters, etc. I never had enough computers for that to be useful and my main computer inherits the name of my previous one (which was inconvenient one time when I was still using both on the same network). Keep in mind name length. SomeReallyCleverName isn't so clever when you realize typing it always requires tab completion. Good taste in movies, one of the very few AIs who isn't portrayed as mad and dumb.
Jordan Diaz
i dont think it has to be cool. It just has to be enough so you know it's another machine. if someone is accessing your machine what would you want them to see? hopefully something nonthreatening or perhaps something that will easily get looked over. if you have a cool name like 'govtspyweapon' its gonna get hacked