Black suspects more at risk from black cops

Black suspects more likely to be shot by black cops, not white officers

Despite an intense national focus on high-profile police shootings involving white officers and black men, a new study shows that white officers are not statistically more likely to shoot and kill a black suspect. Among a sample of 2,699 fatal police killings between 2013 and 2015, the study found that the odds of a black suspect being killed by a black police officer were consistently greater than the odds of a black suspect getting killed by a white officer.

Must be weird being a black cop, you try to actually stop all the niggers from shooting, stabbing and stealing from each other to actually try to make your neighborhood a place people would want to live, and all you get is niggers complaining that you won't let them shoot, stab, and steal from eachother.


Black cops are among the most redpilled because they understand the nigger more intimately and, hence, know just how futile attempts to help them are and just how endangered they are being around niggers everyday.

It is weird

Youre police? Whitey race traitor
You educated? Whitey race traitor
You punctual for your job and not 40m late every day? Shieeeeet youre a whitey race traitor

Yeah, in the case of niggers, familiarity really does breed contempt. I guess also black cops aren't hamstrung by the stigma a white cop risks whenever he hints that black sensitivities aren't uppermost in his mind. Also it again confirms blacks are most in danger when around other blacks, who knew.

It's almost as if cops see the REAL problems everyday & know the solutions. NAH DEYS RAYSIS YO!


Blacks are to Whites are DeviantArt is to Sonic Recolors. They take a character (History), recolour it and then declare it as the "TRUE AND HONEST" character.

You forgot to mention Iraq.

dey uncle Tom's tho bruh. not even real niggas cuz.

More black on black violence, I'm surprised said nobody ever.

the weak should fear the strong

You see, this is why it's got to move beyond black cops to black politicians and leaders. Look at Baltimore, for example. They had a black police chief, a black mayor, a black city council, and a vibrant, sassy young state's attorney when the Freddie Gray….protests….broke out, and we can just see how wonderfully they handled everything once they had real power. There's no way they'd just be incompetent, corrupt, and screw everything up, black politicians would NEVER do that.

Stands to reason as everyone else is at a higher risk of being shot by niggers.

Shit son, it makes sense

But da poe lease be raciss n sheeeeittt!


I'd shoot every nigger I see if I was a black cop too.

This is actually well known and something of a punchline in the black community. Back in the early 90s and the 80s, such was commented on openly. It's like the BLM shit has made everyone forget these things.

Wew, this is totally new - that a nigger knows the nigger best and that the go-to brain operative of the nigger is "kill first and forget the questions and leave".
Ofcourse they shoot the nigger first, its a basic safety precaution at their point.

Isn't it simply because black cops patrol black neighbourhoods?


I be white cops are more likely to shoot trailer trash too, i see no issue with either side of this coin.

full house, all the puns left unchecked.

"the weak should fear the strong"
Fear paco then 60%

no shit. it might have something to do with the fact that they are not afraid of hate crime accusations.

This is nothing new. I saw some study a long time ago that said officers doing training simulations were far more likely to shoot at black 'people', even black officers.

We can agree with the liberals for the wrong reasons.

Hopefully the 5 percent of intelligent blacks shoot and kill as many criminal nogs as they can so the negro race can finally start to evolve. Hell, in 500 years they might actually be capable of creating civilization.



fug there's too many graphs

Even the Nigging Anthem confirms it.

Implying Black cops join for that reason and not simply to have power over others (the main reason anyone becomes a cop.)

The minority that are decent, upstanding black citizens FUCKING HATE the average nigger every bit as much as Holla Forums does. Perhaps even more, because they're constantly at risk of being mistaken for them.
This should not come as a surprise to anyone here.
I imagine it must be somewhat like the hatred, disgust and contempt I feel for white cucks, but probably more intense, if that's possible.

Excellent point by Ice Cube and would have been a REALLY interesting piece of data.
That's to say, how the homicide rate compares between double Black cop teams vs Black & White. Likely The Cube's song contains a kernel of truth and Black cops patterned with a White will kill more readily in order to impress the White and show his allegiance to Blue is stronger than his allegiance to Black.
Very interesting point.


Every fucking time!

We wuz Hebrews n sheeeitt!