What real-life organization have you joined to fight the racists, the sexists, and the capitalist bourgeoisie fascists? Antifa reporting in.
What real-life organization have you joined to fight the racists, the sexists, and the capitalist bourgeoisie fascists...
antifa support the status quo and they harass and abuse easy targets, they never go after the politicians and neoliberal police state
Antifa are pretty meh. They seem to exist to fight right wing thugs who exist to fight antifa thugs.
They're entertaining at least. My favourite was seeing them online boasting about a "battle" with neo-nazis that I witnessed in person. It was actually just picrelated with some generic nationalists half of whom were middle waged women. Couple of pigs on push bikes broke them up and then they all just kinda sheepishly milled around for a while before leaving. It was pretty great.
t. The Vanguard
Doesn't even make sense bro
At least Antifa collectively organizes and actively goes out in the streets to fight unlike you shitposters.
I just love the irony that the best Holla Forums can do aside from just outright accuse fucking AntiFa of being a shilling organization (AKA not knowing anything about what AntiFa even is), is to say that AntiFa are le idpol because they don't literally walk into offices on Wall St. and beat up CEOs.
Meanwhile, you faggots continue to do literally nothing useful for the Left or ever, not once, put your asses on the line to resist capitalism, the State, or fascism, racism, etc. It's pretty common knowledge by the way that fascists have historically been the thugs of the ruling class, so you know, it's not like AntiFa is just beating up Nazis for being idiots and pieces of shit. Not that it would make beating up Nazis somehow not worthwhile if Nazis were just all-around pieces of shit who target minorities.
you can collectively organize without being a shithead
I've never "joined" an organization. But I was involved in both anarchist and leninist organizations. I became pretty disillusioned with every single one of them, and now I just hang out in my bunker.
Why would I associate myself with a neoliberal, capitalist organisation like Antifa? I'm sorry I'm a leftist alright
Kommst du aus hamburg Junge? Das bild ist aus hH
Antifa hier sind ein haufen Opfer, alles kleine Lutscher aus pinneberg die kein bisschen politisches verständnis haben und im endeffekt nur pauli fans sind
wenn du wirklich antifa wärst wurdest du was gegen die Amis oder Israel machen, nicht dich mit V-schutz agenten kloppen(ihr fotzen kloppt euch nicht einmal)
lol, that sounds accurate
you arent resisting any of those things bruh, you are getting drunk with your friends and tearing shit up if even, none of what you are doing will have an effect, if anything it will get you into a database so that if you ever actually want to resist coherently you will be easy to round up because they already have your photo and prints
there is no middle ground in this shit nigger, you either pay the cost and do something serious, or you try to operate from within society in some kind of meaningful way, as fun as it may be to throw bottles at cops dont kid yourself into thinking this shit is effective, its exactly what they want people like you to do because it is to be expected
I know all too well what antifa is, and who runs them, its not pretty, and they are disturbingly similar to the NPD and the burschenschaften, they just set different things on fire
now that would be a start…its never gonna happen though, antifa will never get marching orders to do such a thing, at least not german antifa, that might actually stir some shit up and get people on their side, cant have that
Tell me again how you're not a tool of classwar again you naive piece of shit?
fams I'm not even a member of any AntiFa chapter but I have infinitely more respect for them than you shitposting retards. The delusions of self-importance on Holla Forums compared to what most of you actually do - fucking nothing - is simply astounding.
You can take back your inane little "leftist" talking points and buzzwords. At the end of the day, you still haven't done anything for me to give a shit about you and most of you don't even read enough, if any, theory to at least make some insightful posts. Or hell, even give a coherent critique of AntiFa.
I'm Germany, Antifa gets paid by government foundations. Criticize Merkel, and you are a fascist for the Antifa. It's just he biggest shilling operation and scam since downfall of the GDR
Ich hasse die scheiß Antifa
Yet they act like it 90% of the time. Do you have any idea how often a nerd with ano AnCom flag inside an Antifa block turns out to be just shilling for unchecked Anglo-Saxon capitalism?
I know the Antideutsche get ignored by Die Linke most of the time (at least one good thing) but the Antifa is still massively into it.
Want a coherent critique of the Antifa?
You've helped build and protect the modern state, you're a foot soldier for hillary clinton and you don't want to admit it because it means your existence is a joke.
top kek, how dare they attack those Nazis. They're all working class after all :^🍀🍀🍀
k fam
That screen shot.
They attack "Nazis" (mostly just nationalist liberals) because they are the greatest threat to the ruling neoliberal class. Mainly because the left can't get its shit together.
Antifa are braindead punks and absolutely disgusting. They one of the main reasons the left is absolutely hated amongst the working class. Stop LARPing the 1920s Weimar Republic
Nice shilling tho
To actually address the topic, worthwhile orgs here in wallabyland are slim pickings.
The CPA are MLs, very small, irrelevant but are at least actual leftists with a reasonably decent history (and run a fun Twitter account)
SEP are okay for trots but again, tiny and irrelevant and sometimes culty sectarianism is cringey
Socialist Alternative and Alliance are wealthy kids who think attaching themselves to identity movements will gain support for socialism (it doesn't, people involved in those movements hate these cunts)
That leaves trade unions, where the handful that still have militant wings operate in fields I don't work in and those that might cover my job are collaborationist at best.
Could try entryism in the Labor party or Greens but it's been tried before and goes nowhere.
The most productive thing to do if you're a "joiner" in Australia is probably to join a right wing nationalist group like Reclaim, Rise Up or One Nation and try to destabilise it.
holy fucking shit you cannot be serious right now
MORE LIKE cuck reporting in
I used to run with them here, some mean well and some are simply looking for friends but a lot of em are disturbingly delusional and the upper echelon is downright creepy, not very "anti-authoritarian" looking at all tbqh
like a guy below said they are actually subsidized by the german government here, you are basically putting yourself in a database of your own freewill, you are working together with bonafide state actors, if anyone actually starts resisting effectively in your city they are gonna be knocking down your door first thing
I have great respect for people actually wanting to get out and do shit, especially when it comes from the left, but that is precisely why these kind of orgs exist, its a form of containment, the state knows people, even middleclassers, are going to get out of line so it makes sure they join a group that they have some modicum of control over, on both sides of the political spectrum
you want to do something? good. get your boys together, sit down, and talk about your neighborhood and what you could actually do. find some orgs with more of a program beyond "bashing nazis", there are always local causes that are legit if you look for em, and some of them are jonesing for some young faces
its much better to network politically in other places, the trick is not to not get too preachy and be smaaht about it. you can get a lot of shit done with a few like-mindeds, you dont need a stamp of approval from some creepy overarching org
technically, you are right.
Unfortunately, as I am sure you are aware, the reality on the ground is that equal sign is an equal sign
wow, thats a really good hitler quote
dammnnn youu
Come at me with the "fascism is capitalism in danger" meme. I'm not a fascist because I can analyze that national-conservative parties are currently making most of the neoliberals shit their pants. You going to say it's all a conspiracy to distract from class struggle? Sorry to tell you that class struggle defined by materialism has been dead since decades now.
You are exactly one of those people that call folks "fascist" when they position themselves outside of the mainstream.
hes not wrong, they are a small threat but the nationalist crowd seem to be the only ones still attacking free trade/globalism and even interventionism outside of bonafide wobbly/commie types but they are way rarer
the left has been declawed to a large extent, its a sad sight and its why we need to rebrand
only decent commies i can name off the top of my head here atm are comedians:(
alright fuck it storytime:
i'm a nationnalist with libertarian socialist tendency. I had a discussion with an anti-fa for 10 min and he spit on my face and called me a xenophobic/racist/fascist despite being a minority myself. Apparently defending te protection of the culture and forcing migrant to assimilate is a dangerous thing. Every single anti-fa I have encounteer have a fascist attitude. They are the KKK of the left wing spectrum. For fuck shake I'm not white and the nazi's/fascist I've met are more open than them. Joining
despite what you hear, I have never encounteer a nazi that went on beating random minorities. Documentary doesn't count. I've only encounteer antifa that went beating up protestor of other ideology that aren't their own. The only kind of people nazi target in the current year are antifa and nothing else.
Also, consider the following: there's more diversity in a conservative political party than any antifa organization.
quit being so beat happy, try only beat up real facsists