Operation Barbarossa was appearently a preemptive strike


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Kill all revisionists!

so what ? two imperialist totalitarian states went to war. in wich way is leftypol concerned ?

Suvorov pls go

This is a level of meming only afforded by not reading any fucking books and just spending your whole day on leftypol instead.

So what, could Hitler and Stalin have been bros if it wasn't for Hitler's aggression? They were both state capitalists after all.

well they did a good job of double teaming poland until hitler needed more muh lebensraum

This is a level of meming only afforded by not reading any fucking books just spending your whole day on leftypol instead.

the USSR wasn't imperialist but claiming it wasn't totalitarian is stupid.

The second Molotov Ribbentrop was signed both parties planned to break it and destroy the other this isn't a secret Hitler knew from day one he would destroy the USSR as part of his vision and Stalin always saw Hitler as an uppity reactionary who he couldn't trust he felt that if the USSR were to continue to exist Germany would need to be contained

It's impossible to objectively define what totalitarianism actually is, the point when a state becomes total is completely subjective. The total state meme is nothing more than a tool of the bourgeoisie used to lump everything besides pro-Western regimes in the same bag, It's very much like their use of the term term "dictator" and it's a trap you chumps have fallen straight into.

It is absolutely laughable to see people that claim to be communists making apologies for the West like this. But that's to be expected on any board that tolerates anarchist ideas.

Anarchists really do drink the neoliberal kool-aid like it's nobody's business


when did I ever say that?


To all y'all still using the word totalitarian, stop and read dis


The goal of the state itself is totalist. The role of the state is to be that of a hierarchical monopoly on legitimate violence (in the service of class antagonisms of course). If anything in its territory can escape this, then the state is failing at its role and it must expand itself.

The state is not total when it is involved in all aspects of life but when it is capable of distributing violence at will at any point in its territory. Meaning that the only states that are not total are the ones that are too weak to enforce the law.







He did. He considered those who weren't primarily of Germanic heritage to be subhuman. The siege of Leningrad killed nearly 1 million civilians.

He hated communists, not Slavs.

kongo müller disagrees

was stationed at the border in poland the days before the attack against the soviet union

already studying the area dressed up as a polish peasent

"anti-bolshevik" from beginning to end, he described his life being dedicated to this cause, massacring people to do so