Cheetahs heading towards extinction with only 7,100 left in the wild: Report

Population of the world’s fastest mammal has plummeted from the late 1990s because of habitat loss and illegal trafficking of cubs, among other factors. After a sharp decline in numbers there are now just 7,100 cheetahs in the world, or 9 per cent of the historic range, the ZSL, Wildlife Conservation Society and Panthera study found.

Daily reminder that if the white man doesn't step up and puts a stop to this nigger-fueled insanity, future generations of white children will have to grow up in a world without majestic creatures like these.

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This isn't really relevant to this thread btw. Just saying another thing we're gunna get blamed for.

Many exotic and beautiful animals have died out throughout history. The Irish Elk is one such animal that died out. It just happens bro. Nature is a bitch like that.

fucking nogs can't into simple things like preservation of species


The problem is that negros have no need for cheetahs or even to kill them. A lot of shit is due to illegal trafficking of live cats or cat products and all that is coming from buyers out of continent. If there was no money in it, they'd probably be left alone. Also, cheetahs are particular as fuck in regards to survival and rather fragile.

good post.

I might have taken you seriously if this place hadn't defended Trump's cuck sons and their hunting of soon to be endangered species.

That's my favorite animal.

Leopards and Jaguars are shit.

What are you talking about? Most people on this board remained skeptical of Trump throughout the election and afterwards.

Oh, I guess the white race isn't worth one cheetah. Sorry Holla Forums, you were wrong on this one. Oh well! At least the cheetah lived.

I was banned numerous times this year for merely pointing out Trump's Jewish connections. It's true that there are still some good users here, but the mods are fucking terrible.

Give him some credit, it's one of the better attempts at D&C that's been thrown around.

How is this Holla Forums related?

It's only while he was running, energy had to remain high to keep the D&C shills from ruining the board. Now that he's voted in, you can criticize him a lot more.

Because this is a national-socialist board, dumbass.

vegans are mentally ill


That's my favorite animal.

Mine too.

t. guy who memed the laughing cheetah

Are you going to continue defending him up until the point that he personally comes to your house with a squad of rabbis and precedes to take a massive shit in your living room?

We used to have countless threads with real information, now this place is nothing more than a slightly edgier /r/the_donald

Yeah, sure it doesn't.

I'm afraid that until wise man takes power and cut down nigger pupulation to max million, Africa will be desolated land, full of industrial waste from chinks colonisation.


Holy fuck, they killed Chester! Fucking niggers!

Cheetahs are so fucking boss.
Top feline

Why though?
Niggers shat Africa up, why is it white mans burden to hrlp them?
Seriously, fuck Africa and fuck niggers and fuck cheetahs
Just take couple of hundred of them and put them in zoo like reserves in our countries

but they're cute

No one talk about helping niggers. Africa belongs to us. White man conquered it. It's our natural resources and our safari land. All technology niggers got from us should be taken back, and they should live again in iron age as game in new african big 8.

You're the cuck. Also, if you don't like it here go to 4chan or go to /politics/, which is where you came from.

Fuck Trump's faggot rich brats. Fuck Trump. Not everyone here is sucking Drumpf's dick. Obviously some of us care about animal welfare. Fuck off faggot.

Nope, at that point I'll vote for the next guy who is even further Right. Until then, he can do no wrong. Learn to shift the Overton window.

However much I agree with you about some animal welfare, you're still retarded for talking like a nigger and using shitty corporate memes.


Every failure of Trump to be further right should be portrayed as a 'disappointment' or something to be angry about. This is the kike's method. They always frame their shitty arguments as if degeneracy and white genocide is the goal everyone has and people are 'disappointed' when it is not advanced further.


why expect africans to save their animals? can africans even save themselves?

when is this meme going to die? The only responsible custodian of the environment this planet has ever had has been the European.

Niggers should be the ones going extinct.

Its the Jews and rich whites that are causing this. Niggers would leave them alone if there weren't some juicy profit involved. Niggers do most of the dirty work, so some ultra rich person can gain from it.

Its people collecting their fur and hunting for sport. You know, those badasses who hide in an armoured truck, nice and safe from any harm and shoot a young cheetah.

Throw them out there with nothing and see how they fare.

Sorry if I sound like a faggot, I just actually care about the environment and wildlife and hate to see it trampled and eliminated because of some monetary gain.

first gif.
5-0 jumped like a cheetah

Well white people are partly to blame. All foreign aid has helped make Africa's population explode. It needs to stop.

This Maassai village actually looks neat and well organised.

Some of you liked us enough to stay after CTR ran out of money for your paychecks?
That's sweet. :)

There is something about that last webm.
Something about her lack of remorse
something about her lack of morality.
The child cry's for its mother it clearly doesn't like whats happening and she completely ignores it. She doesn't flinch.
The only thing in her world is herself. She only cares about herself.
People wonder why niggers get shot so much.

I wish a cheetah could….
catch a nigger

you don't sound like a faggot.
good post.

Like we're going to pay for 4 billion niggers.

are you guys retarded? if rich people did not hunt these animals, the negroes would have killed them off a long time ago to sell their pelts for 50 bucks a piece

they money the rich pay to hunt these animals goes towards ensuring the rest can live in huge enclosures with guards. not that retarded mongrel leftypol would understand this though

Friendly reminder: Only white people care about animals!
See: welfare programs for shitskins

I'm shocked no one has said this… Do they taste like fried chicken?

That's not a Cheetah moron, that's a leopard.


If anything we should be wanting to encourage hunting so as to promote more animal reserves in Africa helping to keep these animals thriving in large numbers.

Carnivores tend to taste like absolute dogshit.

look at this sockpuppet bullshit

You also realize aids and ebola originally came from bushmeat. I don't think they are connoisseurs.

More like this

It also looks nicer when you take areal pictures of it during the one green month of the year. ;^)

holy shit #niggers

If you have some land, get a mating pair of cheetahs instead of dogs. They are like golden retrievers but better. Cheetahs are the best and most Aryan friendly cat. I'd rather a billion cheetahs than a billion niggers.


Basically every cool African animal is going to go extinct unless America annexes Sub-Saharan Africa and strictly enforces game reserves with a shoot-on-sight policy.

We should just kill every nigger.

Name ONE thing they've done. Go for it.

If you manage to list something before I kill every nigger on earth, I'm not sorry. You probably lied and said peanut butter anyway.

Yep. That and some rich euros (aka jews).

I love leopards but recognize that they are dangerous as fuck (possibly even more so than a lion) and would be hunted down by people anyways on principle.

That won't save the cheetahs. You'll just have china and the jews to deal with. It amazes me how little people realize about china and how hard they will fuck anything that does not serve them in Africa. You'll learn to hate them more than anything if you've ever spent time there.

China was my first thought. Niggers destroy, but they have no use for a cheetah.

Gotta be the chinks.

Chinks would kill their for their testicles to eat, then throw the rest away

saudis too

I always wanted one. Or two.

They are just so damn boss.

Can Holla Forums save cheetahs? Please make it so

My uncle lives next to a compound that houses retired showbiz animals. He had a cheetah over at his house one time and it's just a dog in cat's clothing.

blacks look at this and think white ppl crazy but our race has always had a special connection and ability to cummune with animals. Its hard to explain

This the white race deserves to have cheetahs stretched out in front of the fire next to the pupper

The wrist band made me think of one of those silly negro info graphics where they make up a story and connect images to things because they are slightly similar.

We must protect the existence of proud felines everywhere

dubs confirm

animals sense good/evil natures

thats a smug kitty

I'd never get that close to a wild animal that could just fuck my shit up with a few swipes of its paws.
Doesn't mean I'm a nigger or that I want to kill them, it's called self preservation.

Right , but these cheetahs grew up with their handlers

I've heard stories about that, though. People who raised wild animals, thought they were docile and harmless, until they got mauled. The animal might not even mean harm, a lion's playful bite will probably fuck your shit up.

Allthough some research does tell me they are more docile large cats.

More like:


It is the destiny of the white race to befriend every beast. Except the niggers

Just finished reading the article. According to it, there are numerous factors influencing the decline. These include fiercer predator competition (larger lion, hyena and leopard populations in the Serengeti) ; Lack of genetic variance (debatable, since some suggest this causes susceptibility to disease, other argue nothing like that is observed);

But most notably the most impacting factor Is lack of space. Cheetahs migrate vast distances, which means the national park doesn't have the square miles necessary to support larger populations and many wander into inhabited territory with less food and a more fearful population, which may kill them to protect cattle. And tourists disrupting hunting, which may force a mother to abandon her cub.

Poaching and contraband play almost no role. Fun read, it also gives strategies to improve survival rate.



Exactly. See "Africa Addio" for a good example of what happens when you let low IQ kaffirs to run the hunting scene instead of rich assholes.

I don't think that's a free cheetah. The collar is a big giveaway. Plus I've seen a lot of cheetah in the wild since I lived here for almost 7 years. They're absolute dog shit since they raid farms which in turn cause the niggers to go apeshit. It's kinda like having pests in our garden. Gas them before they breed and harm the rest of the crops. But the vegans here will disagree like the usual faggots they are.


ugh niggers ruin literally everything

Its our compassion, empathy, altruism. Essentially, the frontal lobe contains all these things. Whites have larger frontal lobes than blacks, so we have more good in us. What this does to animals, is humanize them. We can look an animal in the eye and read something from them.

All I wanted for Christmas was the survival of the white race and a cheetah.

fuck niggers

you know, if I wasn't a deplorable neo-nazi alt-right winged frog, I would say that really warms my heart

notice how when you write in google: cheetahs humans

you only get cheetahs with white people?
google and cheetahs know.
Cheetah Aryan Masterace


Be subtler next time, CTR remnant.

We can't save African non-nigger wildlife until we kill all niggers.

From when cheetah eat crops. We should gas you and niggers

I have always wondered who normalfags think think of when they think of an African species going extinct. Do they still think of white people in safari hats blasting lions in the face?

anybody who hates cats has no place on any imageboard

No, it's not hard to explain at at all : it's due to the fact that it was our job for millions of years.
See, what we call "whites" could be more precisely defined as "indo-europeans" aka the noble savages who conquered half the world around -4000 or to -1000 or so. Thing is, they conquered it with chariots. And they had chariots, because they had horses. They were also the first horse riders, as soon as their horses became able to carry a grown man on their back.

Thing is, they also gave us the modern cow, from breeding aurochs, which is the deadliest motherfucking bovine on the planet.
They may also be behind the selective breeding that gave us sheep.
Are you starting to get the picture ?

As far as I know, the only animals that may be the result of breeding by other people are the goat and pig (came from the Tigris valley, so it may well be semites), and the dog, which was domesticated so long ago info is sketchy.
The only endeavour that I find comparable in scope is the creation of corn by ancien south americans, who essentially gave the world a crop so refined we aren't even sure what they got as a base (corn needs human help to be planted, so it didn't happen by chance).

So in short, we have higher empathy / high tendency to get attached to animals because our ancestors spent their time living with them and breeding them, over eons, to be our perfect companions and servants.

Fucking niggers.

This. even if you don't like cats only niggers hate animals

No. White tigers have a shitton of genetic defects. They can barely see.

That child is now on the path to becoming a future Holla Forums-ack tough.

>be allergic to cats
>still like cats, just hate being near them
get fucked niggers.




These kind of pictures of beta faggots killing innocent animals to act all tough and macho because they live empty rich lives make me angry. Hope they all die hanging fron a rope along with the niggers.

This tbh smh fam


It’s a blessing being a part of the only race that displays any measurable concern about the destruction of biodiversity and a curse that in our current form we are to weak to do anything about it.

When nothing remains stalking the land but insects and only jellyfish roam the seas it will in no small way be our fault, we weren’t tough enough. And when that happens we will have to ask, did we really care anymore than more the other races? I hope to live to see the day we grow strong again, strong and righteous.

Evidently not.

Cheetahs don't generally chimp out like other big cats. They rely on their speed to catch prey. If a cheetah is wounded in a fight and can't run, it will starve. This is evolutionarily disadvantageous.

They survive only at the whims of our goodwill. The only countries with the capacity to unfuck themselves are European, and ironically are the least willing to go ahead and do so.

Didn't they say the same thing about Elephants a few months ago? It won't be long before niggers kill off all of the wildlife left in Africa.

Can't we do anything about this? Trump?

Something should be done. Drone strike the niggers who are killing them a couple times? So they get the message it's harambe

Even gorillas have more decency.

7100 is low figure worldwide
That's a very low fucking figure. What can we do about it? My idea is buy some land in africa, and start breeding the fuck out of them. (they probably need the same ecosystem)

That's the general conception mostly. Maybe name a couple of chinks but essentially, it's "da white man's fault"

Exterminate local negroids.

Dump a bunch in Northern Australia, the climate should be similar enough.

In a strange way, the blacks are actually pretty innocent in this. Africa was the only continent where large mammals have thrived since the early Holocene.

What changed? White technology is one thing, but also the introduction of both Christianity and Islam, and their war on abortion and birth control. This isn't even just abortion, but birth control that the churches are fighting against.

You know that would probably work. That's a good idea. Question is how would you get pass the AU customs? Afaik they have very strict non native species ban policy.

on a sidenote, cheetahs catching roo's would be hilarious to watch


The problem with africa is that foreignors shot all the big predators. If Africa had more lioms, it would have less niggers.

Bring back the lions!

Is there nothing we can do? Is there no organization we can donate to, or some discovery channel schmuck we can contact? I've taken enough black pills for one lifetime.

Friendly reminder that cheetahs purr.

WTF are they going to eat? Abbos?

Abortion isn't haram

Cheetahs imprint on their parents as cubs. If you raise a cheetah cub it will think of you as it's parent, and your family as it's family. Cheetahs also have paws like dogs and not claws like leopards, lions, and tigers. Leopards are actually the most dangerous cats for humans.

Aye niggers are beasts, and it is the white mans fault for bring them civilization (agriculture, food aid, health care) because without it, they were but another beast, and certainly not greater than the lion.

Nigger population explosion is the fault of the white civilized person who thinks giving Africa food will alleviate their bestial state.

Probably all get choked out by asshole kangaroos.

This. Cheetahs should be imported to Australia and the US

The best thing you can do is get a mating cheetah pair as pets, or form an organization that keeps them as pets.


Do not go giving niggers more money and think that they will care for the cats.

Hunters run sanctuaries that are keeping the species alive of hunting. Some species went extinct IN Africa and now only exist here in the States.


The 9-year-old was probably being sexually abused, himself, and thought that shit was normal. Looking at Uncle Dent-head, I can't help but wonder who it was.

You're just swapping out one dangerous tribe for another

k, I lol'd


Quick! Inform the furry community!

This is what vegan diets do to your brain.
Vegetables, not even once

There's nothing wrong with sustainable hunting you fucking faggot.
Niggers will always nig, they are mostly to blame for this though I hope whites realize that foreign aid is what allows this shit to happen.

Niggers don't deserve to share a continent with these wonderful animals.

thats a leopard


You should get banned again, you fucking cocksucker.

The niggers are pest to animals.

There are already cheetah in Australia.

Every day multiple plants and bugs go extinct but you only care when it's a cute little cat like in your trendy internet memes or in advertisement
Fuck off, degenerates.

Saint Helena earwig


Fuck off. I want a world that I can be warlord with cool big cat.

BIDF pls go