Post truthful books about politics and history.
Examples include:
Post truthful books about politics and history.
Examples include:
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm looking for well-written books on Ancient Rome or Ancient Greece.
two great books in pic related
nah, It's only good because it gave us the rope day meme
SIEGE is much much better in my opinion anyways
Essential reading.
All can be found on >>>/pdfs/
Culture of Critique PDF
Really good book about one man creating a facist country to stump out the kikes and commies
Alex Linder recorded audiobooks of both -
Read this, and the best part is that Codreanu actually footnotes all the shit he sources when he talks about newspapers and books, and if you were absolutely determined you could find all of it in archives more than likely.
Are there any other books that are required reading that are like "The Republic"?
Just dumping what I have saved over the years.
Many of the lists I have posted, have repeats in them, depending on the subject matter. I also posted a lefty-Holla Forums one as well, to get an idea of what they read. I have read a few of them on different lists and added a book to one of the lists.
Try Gaius Tacitus
Seems like this is just an image spam thread so the mods might anchor it. I'ma go ahead and save some of these.
The Missing 411 series has to be the scariest books I have ever read. It is so fucked up at how much the government hides from us
If I could magically force every Holla Forumsack to read two books, it'd be these two.
That's it for me, user. The others I have are repeats that I rename "Reading Bingo 1-whatever" and check off as I read the lists. Helps to give a sense of accomplishment and goals.
I wold preface this user's recommendation on reading, Ride the Tiger, you won't get anything out of it I don't think unless you have a grasp of philosophy already, especially metaphysics. I read it and felt like I got little to nothing since I don't have a strong philosophical background.
Just to add to the discussion of /lit/erature I would like to recommend "Starship Troopers", I only just started reading it yesterday but the book seems pretty top notch for Holla Forumsacks in need of a good fictional book.
SIEGE by James Mason is a MUST read
I loved the book, if you like it so far you should read the Forever War, it's an analogy for the Vietnam War. The guy who wrote it was in Vietnam by the way.
I'm reading The Shadow Over Innsmouth now, and I fucking love Lovecraft's casual racism
Don't have to read all of them, I just saved them is all. I usually try to get an idea about the next book I read to see if it is truly worth reading. I haven't read the one you're talking about or looked into it though.
can you stop shilling the uzbek march bible please?
I'm trying to make a top ten books for Holla Forums, I need some feedback.
>i-if you read SIEGE you're from Iron March.
It's a WN classic, even Grindr Greggy was selling it at one point.
I would add this book as well user, gives you an idea about "White America" and how it has become so fractured.
I'm surprised that Imkampfy hasn't bumplocked this thread.
Looks good. You should also add GLR's books and maybe Final Judgment.
Oh damn, never seen that before, thanks user. Will give it a look see.
Any other ring wing fiction I can read? Read The Outlaws, Starship Troopers, Camp of the Saints already
right* wing,
I would like to know this too, im currently reading some pulps because they were pretty anti-PC.
Anytime. CSPAN also does a shitload of author interviews. Here's "Generations"
Favorited both of those user, always interesting to see what else the author has to say behind the book and research on topics like these.
have you read The Silmarillion? I read it back in 6th grade and it made me a supremacist because of how awe inspiring our mythology is
For sure.
I trying to find an epub or pdf of All About Women by Simon Sheppard. Does anyone have the file or a link to the file?
What do you guys think of thing about Zweites Buch and Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier// (Hitler's Second/Secret Book and Hitler's Table Talk/Monologes)?
David Irving goes without saying.
Thank you!
I can't figure out the tenth slot
Industrial Society And Its Future by Theodore Kaczynski
Can anyone more experienced with these title recommend some literature on living a genuinely fascist/natsoc lifestyle? None of that way of men shit. I'm pretty redpilled about what our politics look like and how society should be structured, but are there any books that relate to how the individual should act throughout his day to day activities? It's one thing to hold our views, but if we're not actually living them then we're not being consistent.
I know there are plenty of such books in Italian and German, but it seems like very little has been found and translated into english.
I just bought a few books, mainly Alan Watts and Carl Jung, any other anons like to dive into Zen philosophy as well as psychology?
If anything I'm finding more and more of it to be in alignment with fascism, that is to say, the more comfortable I am with myself and my own being, as well as my own place in the universe, the more aligned I feel with tribalism and a sense of strength in leadership among the community which democracy distinctly lacks. As well, I've noticed how often people tend to shoo away other people's well being on the basis of privacy or rights, when in reality a good person should always attempt to understand and better his communities. All of which I find directly in line with the role National Socialism.
Plutarch's Lives and the Decline and Fall are both very good novels.
Also, I've noticed people keep putting modern books as recommended for understanding or redpilling yourself, I would highly advise against it. You want to understand the underlying workings of rhetoric and see why these values are derived the way they are, rather than hearing some man's spew and blindly following it. With enough knowledge and a sense of moral righteousness, any man will turn into a fascist.
Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, or Thus Spoke Zarathustra by Nietzsche. If you really wanna understand the deep parts of fascism, Giovanni Gentile is good too.
Growth of the Soil maybe
I ended up putting Imperium in the ten slot, thanks for the input anons
Saved, very nice.
The Myth of the Twentieth Century. Afred Rosenberg.
This man was killed at Nuremberg and his only crime was writing the Nazi's spiritual philosophy. Think about that.
Also, Holla Forums used to have a book club in the good old days, the link to download them is here…
200 Years together is done with translating all chapters or still not yet done user?
I don't think it's done. I was reading it here.
200yearstogether.wordpress. com/2010/10/15/
sunray22b. net/200_years_together.htm
Kevin MacDonald reviewed it here.
A podcast that will go unnamed said that Counter Currents might translate it in full.
Good recommendations, I suppose if anything I can always fall back on the classics for advice. I was thinking of Gentile myself, but I don't think there are many relevant translations available unfortunately. The guys at Casapound seem like they know this subject best, pic related.
There's some here >>>/pdfs/141
If anyone has anymore please post them in that thread. Also be sure to check out the rest of the board, we have lots of good stuff on there.
I'm hoping to start a new one on /pdfs/ in the new year.
thanks user
It's kind of counter-productive, but you should probably try to start it with something that there's an audio version of, just to get people to participate.
Not a bad idea, thank you.
In what order should I read my Evola's?
Ist it first revoilt against the modern world then men among the ruins and then ride the tiger?
Got the Mystery of the Grail, Hermetic Tradition, Doctrine of Awakening, Yoga of Power too and going to read them in that order.
Just as important as MK.
Meant to write:
Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier//Monologe im Führerhauptquartier 1941-1944
(The second one is the recommended read. You can skip the prologue, trust me.)
One of the best books I have ever read and changed my life completely was Rosenberg's Myth of the 20th Century
Anyone read Hitler's Letters and Notes by Werner Maser? I ordered it a couple days ago.
Now make a zipfile with the best PDF/ePub versions around (or link to them in >>>/pdfs/), I am lazy.
I've read that you should probably read Rene Guenon's Crisis of the Modern World before you read any Evola. Then yes, read Revolt Against the Modern World, Men among the Ruins and then Ride the Tiger. In other words read them in the order they were written.
Maybe check out Adam Wallace's Revolt analysis when you come to read it. I've not seen it but I've heard it's good so I'll be watching it when I finally start reading some Evola in the new year.
Also, what version of Hitler speeches (German and English translation) is complete and unpozzed?
Has anyone a book recommendation about USA - Saudi Arabia - Israel triangle?
Add Nietzsche's Will To Power to the list.
Here's CS Lewis' "The Abolition of Man". He basically explains why Progressivism is the road to perdition in 40 pages.
Celebrations in the life of the SS Family (Die Gestaltung der Feste im Jahres und Lebenslauf in der SS-Familie) by Fritz Weitzel
Example of what you can find in this book:
The SS Totenkopfring – Death's Head Ring Produced in silver, the Ring bore Runic Signs amidst oak leaves on the outside; the inside was engraved with the owner's name, the date he received the ring, and the signature of Reich Leader Of The SS Himmler
”I award you the Death's Head Ring of the SS. It is intended to be: A symbol of our loyalty to The Leader, of our unwavering obedience to our superiors, and our unshakeable sense of bonding and comradeship.
The Death's Head is the reminder to always be ready to risk one's own life for the life of the whole. The Runes across from the Death's Head are holy symbols of our past, to which we are once again connected through the philosophy of National Socialism. Both of the Sig Runes represent the name of our Schutzstaffel – Protective Echelon. The Swastika and Hagall Rune are intended to keep our unshakeable belief in the victory of our philosophy in front of our eyes. The Ring is encircled by oak leaves, the leaves of the old German tree. This Ring may not be acquired through purchase, and it may never be allowed to fall into unauthorised hands. This Ring is to be returned to the Reich Leader Of The SS upon your discharge from the SS or upon your death. The making of imitations and copies are punishable offences. It is your duty to prevent their occurrence. Wear this ring with honour!”
H. Himmler.
Download link please?
I wonder what would become of the top SS veterans if National Socialists won WW2. Maybe some elite class like knights, holding authority over smaller parts of the Reich?
Take a look at "The Rats in the Walls" I think its his best work
They would all have a small farm in the eastern Europe, did half of you faggots even read mein kampf? Over half of the questions that I see here popping up 24/7 are explicitly and directly answered in a fully translated book that even has an audio format so every last shitter on Earth can go trough it while being in traffic……>>8619347
And high ranking officers would probably been chosen for a seat in the "Great Council".
This one seems interesting:
…. he does, as a fact, mould himself so very rapidly to his environment.
When men say as they are beginning to do that a Jew is as different from ourselves as a Chinaman, or a negro, or an Esquimaux, and ought therefore to be treated as belonging to a separate body from our own, the answer is that the Jew is nothing of the kind. Indeed, he becomes, after a short sojourn among Englishmen, Frenchmen, Germans or Americans, so like his hosts on the surface that he is, to many, indistinguishable from them; and that is one of the main facts in the problem.
That is the real reason why to the majority of the middle classes in the nineteenth century, in Western countries, the Jewish problem was nonexistent. Were you to say it of any other race negroes, for instance, or Chinamen it would sound incredible; but we know it in practice to be true, that *a Jew will pass his life in, say, three different communities in turn, and in each the people who have met him will testify that he seemed just like themselves.*
*I have known a case in point* which would amuse my non-Jewish readers but perhaps offend my Jewish readers were I to present it in detail. I shall cite it therefore without names, because I desire throughout this book to keep to the rule whereby alone it can be of service, that nothing offensive to either party shall be introduced; but it is typical and can be matched in the experience of many.
The case was that of the father of a man in English public life. *He began life with a German name in Hamburg.* He was a patriotic citizen of that free city, highly respected and in every way a Hamburger, and the Hamburg men of that generation still talk of him as one of themselves.
*He drifted to Paris before the Franco-German War, and, there, was an active Parisian,* familiar with the life of the Boulevards and full of energy in every patriotic and characteristically French pursuit; notably he helped to recruit men during the national catastrophe of 1870-71. [Siege of Paris—Belloc omits the possibility of Jewish financial intervention in war.] Everybody who met him in this phase of his life thought of him and talked of him as a Frenchman.
Deciding that the future of France was doubtful after such a defeat, *he migrated to the United States, and there died. Though a man of some years when he landed, he soon appeared in the eyes of the Americans with whom he associated to be an American just like themselves. He acquired the American accent, the American manner, the freedom and the restraints of that manner. In every way he was a characteristic American.*
In Hamburg his German name had been pronounced after the German fashion. In France, where German names are common, he retained it, but had it pronounced in French fashion. On reaching the United States it was changed to a Scotch name which it distantly resembled, and no doubt if he had gone to Japan the Japanese would be telling us that they had known him as a worthy Japanese gentleman of great activity in national affairs and bearing the honoured name of an ancient Samurai family.
*The nineteenth century attitude almost entirely depended upon this marvellous characteristic in the Jews which differentiates them from all the rest of mankind. Had that characteristic power of superficial mutation been absent, the nineteenth century policy would have broken down as completely as the corresponding Northern policy towards the negro broke down in the United States. Had the Jew been as conspicuous among us, as, say, a white man is among Kaffirs, the fiction would have broken down at once. As it was, all who adopted that policy, honestly or dishonestly, were supported by this power of the Jew to conform externally to his temporary surroundings.*
The man who consciously adopted the nineteenth century Liberal policy towards the Jews as a mere political scheme, knowing full well the dangers it might develop; the man only half conscious of the existence of those dangers; and the man who had never heard of them but took it for granted that the Jew was a citizen just like himself, with an exceptional religion each of those three men had in common, aiding the schemes of the one, supporting the illusion of the other, the amazing fact that a Jew takes on with inexplicable rapidity the colour of his environment. That unique characteristic was the support of the Liberal attitude and was at the same time its necessary condition.
The fiction that a man of obviously different type and culture and race is the same as ourselves, may be practical for purposes of law and government, but cannot be maintained in general opinion. A conspiracy or illusion attempting, for instance, to establish the Esquimaux in Greenland as indistinguishable from the Danish officials of the Settlement, would fail through ridicule. Equally ridiculous would be the pretence that because they were both subjects of the same Crown an Englishman in the Civil Service of India was exactly the same sort of person as a Sikh soldier. But *with the Jews you have the startling truth that, while the fundamental difference goes on the whole time and is perhaps deeper than any other of the differences separating mankind into groups; while he is, within, and through all his ultimate character, above all things a Jew; yet in the superficial and most immediately apparent things he is clothed in the very habit of whatever society he for the moment inhabits.*
Stoic literature.
Seconding Imperium.
Thnx buddy!
Beyond Good and evil?
I've been waiting for this thead to come around.
Does anyone have a resource for e-reader friendly formats like mobi?
Most of the stuff I have are only pdfs and you can't do much with them on say a kindle or the like. Tried converting them myself and they come out looking poor most of the time.
try #bookz. Othersearch for html, rtf, epub. Also if you pirate everything a kobo would have been better.
*otherwise search
I just finished reading starship troopers, definitely pol material, and one special quote I found the most significant from the whole book was about human rights.
Author asks trough this battle hardened sarge where are the human rights of a man drowning in the ocean, or rights of a man getting eaten by a pack of wild animals and so on. Nature doesnt give a shit about your rights. You have no rights in the physical world you live in. You only have duties. Wanna eat? You have a duty to plant something, hunt something, trade for food with someone, or obtain the food in some other way. You want x? Then you have a duty to do stuff in order for x to happen. There are no rights anywhere in the real world. Then he even mentioned American constitution, saying the founding fathers said that people have duties. Freedom isnt a right. If you wanted freedom, you had a duty to form a militia and protect it and so on.
If that isnt pol material then I dont know what is. Felt like a bunch of anons from here distilled thousands of hours of shitposting and produced a book out of it.
You should replace '"Exiles from History'' with a book that isn't written by an ADL operative who died from GRIDS.
I did not make this list.
Try ABBY Finereader 12 Profesional ( and Calibre.
I use SamatraPDF, it opens epub and mobi. Many people will suggest Calibre but I've never liked the interface. For ebook readers I would suggest kobo because you can copy your *.epub files over to a microsd card and stick it in. No need to go through amazon cloud, etc
i miss the user who actually made a thread that he posted the books in every month, and not just pictures of the cover. too bad this board has become a shillboard. RIP
I got a kindle oasis which has its own email address. Highly recommend.
I send all my pdfs to the email and it will convert them to be read on the kindle. Battery life lasts for months if left alone, about a week if you read it 24/7
he was gone for a bit but reappeared last month
Pretty high price tag for a reading tablet tbh, can't even really find any used ones. Does anyone have any suggestions for a good e-reader that can read pdfs?
Someone give me a book on Calvin Coolidge that isn't written by jews
Chuck Johnson wrote one.
Get a kobo reader and install koreader on it, then it will be adequate for pdf reading.
Monthly book user here - more ebooks coming in January. Hopefully mods don't bumplock the thread again.
Does anyone have links to missing 411 and Brought to light?
>Holla Forums's reading list is incredibly diverse :^), with books that can be useful outside of politics
About to read the Silmarillion.
And he wasn't specifically mentioned, but he's in the Reactionary reading list.
I have uploaded my entire ebook collection as a torrent. It's 3.7gig and most books have a couple of different formats.
I have already seeded 100gig, and will continue to do so as long as there is interest.
Nice I recently bought The International Jew and On The Jews and Their lies. Good books that anyone here should here.
I posted that earlier in the thread too
should read*
Anyone have any literature on how to better read and retain information from books? I'm looking into how to read a book by Mortimer Adler, anyone read it?
>200yearstogether.wordpress. com/2010/10/15/
how the fuck do you navigate a wordpress site, fucking cant find chapter 1/.
oh wait, I see, its just a bunch of random chapters translated, such a shame.
Rhetoric is one I'd recommend
There has got to be a better way of describing these sorts of things without using the (((French revolutionaries'))) paradigm.
Have a historian's YouTube:
In the vid related, he debunks John Green's (yes, the hack-writer John Green) Crusade crash course. Unfortunately, most teachers are still going to be showing their students the crash course video simply because it's more well-known, but anyhow.
Eminem's autobiography is the best book ever
Who let you niggers in here?
How do I know there's no CIA niggers trying to catch torrenters on that magnet link?
Oh wow so demonoid is still running huh,fuck even their layout hasn't changed.
What translation is best?
Been reading Fame of a Dead Mans Deeds. Great book about Dr. William Pierce.
Just finished reading 'The Jewish Strategy' and 'The Synagogue of Satan'. Good Books, I recommend them. Very depressing though. Left me with feelings of hopelessness and despair about the future of Europe and mankind in general.
In the middle of 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'. I do not recommend it. It's now clear to me why Revilo P. Oliver called it, "The Birch Hoax". I do highly recommend anything by Revilo P. Oliver. His writing is thoroughly enjoyable from an aesthetic point of view, though the subject matter is often very heavy and cynical.
If you feel saddened, read The Lightning and the Sun by Savitri Devi, it will give you hope.
I'm reading "Gold In The Furnace" now. What a drag.
Keep reading, my man.
Devi is the only author that's ever truly ripped at my soul and base emotions, her works are incredible.
Well obviously, it's about the treatment of unrepentant SS men post-war in prison, going to be depressing and enraging.
L&S has some of the most beautiful, heartfelt passages for National Socialism and Adolf Hitler.
The thing that rustles my jimmies the most is the clear-cutting of the ancient forests. The SS men were strong and willing to suffer for their countries so their struggle is inspiring, but the resource plundering and disrespect for the Fatherland is rustling me hard.
Anyone know if Hitler's Letters and Notes by Werner Maser is legit?
Today i was thinking about all the resources necessary to sustain a country and it's people, either in peace or war. It's pretty clear that some sacrifices must be made.
I would have preferred the subhumans had their lands pillaged instead though, rather than pillage the Fatherland to fuel American Kike Fueled Consumerism.
I bought Meditations by Aurelius last week and I already have Mein Kampf and March of Titans, my end goal is to get into Nietzsche. What should I read/learn to be prepared for Nietzsche? learning German now because I figure his work is better untranslated, also Mein Kampf should be read in German I have read the first few chapters of Mein Kampf (Stalag Edition) and have made it about half way through March of Titans, so I don't have too much philosophical knowledge. Can I read Mediatations with out anything beforehand? Is it important/helpful as a base leading up to Nietzsche?
also what's some lefty shit I should read later on to help me understand how lefties don't understand anything?
Stoicism was not on the same level of spiritual awakening as the New Academy (skeptics) . Unfortunately, the school has become a Holla Forums meme with Marcus Aurelius' Meditations being spread everywhere.
While that is important, the school's philosophical reasoning is degenerate. I recommend everyone here to read Cicero's On the Nature of the Gods to understand the nature of the four schools: stoicism, peripatetic, skeptics, epicureans.
bought The Jews of Khazaria, 2006 revision, thought it would fill up a nice niche of the elite jews. A gap in my knowledge somewhat. Not sure what else I should learn.
Told a family member that I wanted to know more about jews and she told me that jews study their semetic crap from an early age, like zealots.
I cant imagine trying to think about what I should be learning to get to understand the inner jew mind better.
Otto Weininger Sex and Character
Don't try to understand them, look at what makes them different.
I am liking the reviews on this book so far
Seems there is some manner of left wing butthurt attached to it.
He is basically a jew. He obliterates Jews, their culture and elevates European culture. Problem he basically is anti-women and resentful (might be because he is a jew in the first place). You get the full dose of Nietzsche, Homer, Kant and some other prominent german philosophers.
This book also equates interracialism with destroying those genes forever and attributes it to the jews. He goes on and says that jewish mothers are the real problem not the emasculated jewish rat of a son. Which is partly true.
But wait there is more: basically a philosophical rundown on how somebody is a genuis. Not in the liberal sense but you know what i mean.
well your pic persuaded me, sounds fun enough. But after my khazar book thing I think I will call it a day for some time. Will need time to go through both of these then.
Would try something from Marc Aurel first, see if it fits you. If it fits you … try Socrates. Anything works with this. You need to read Socrates because (if you want to fully grasp Nietzsche) he is basically the Thesis to Nietzsche while Nietzsche gives the Anti-Thesis or counter thesis. A lot of Socrates works match Nietzsche. So to understand what Nietzsche is telling you (in a really convoluted way) your best bet is to start with the things he read. Also sidenote that the husband of his sister was a anti-semetic. Nietzsche himself was sort of "meh" against jews. Read:
This goes for you too
The problem with Nietzsche is he is neither Nihilist or edgy-atheist. He said that god is dead but he wanted the church and faith to be as strong as it once was. And the absence of religion shouldn't be filled with Atheism but with culture. In my book Nietzsche is the perfect selling point in terms of philosophy. The Übermensch and his counterpart der letzte Mensch are basically cultural superman vs. leftist/liberal.
Markus Aurelius never said that first quote
Mythology of the Aryan Nation (greek, norse, vedic and more)
Low-information faggot detected. Socrates never wrote anything. Everything we know about his philosophy we know through his students, primarily Plato.
To be honest, Nietzsche is one of the least interesting philosophers in my opinion. Anybody trying to start out needs to read Plato (for Holla Forums I'd strongly suggest the Republic) and Aristotle first. All other philosophy is basically ideological descendants of Plato and Aristotle duking it it, although that doesn't mean it's all useless. Heidegger and Kant, for example, are certainly worth reading.
One book I can truly recommend is The Concept of the Political by Carl Schmitt
The first parts of MK is honestly such a nice read. You can re-read those so many times.
Speaking of Mein Kampf, is the ford edition good?
I'm reading the stalag edition but it is hard to read because of how poorly translated it is.
But wasn't the Stalag ed the NSDAP official copy?
As I said I am just starting Meditations by Aurelius (pic related) so after this I can jump right into Socrates? Does Aurelius have any other readings than his Meditations? I don't need anything before I read Socrates?
Thanks user, you are my greatest ally.
No I have the Stalag Edition, because it was the NSDAP official English copy so no kike edits. That was supposed to be the way Hitler actually wrote in German, but I have heard that the Ford edition is pretty good.
It was authorized, but that doesn't mean it's good. It was based on the same draft as Murphy, and translated by a unknown party member for libraries in POW camps.
forgot pic polite sage
Thanks. I had a few of these already but now I can fill in the blanks.>>8620841
Already went with the kindle unfortunately. If it's that much better or better priced I could switched.
#bookz helped, found a nicely formated epub of the book I wanted which was easy to convert with lovely formatting perfect for reading. They seem to have everything in multiple formats so it should go a long way to my solving my problems.
Nietzsche is a fag, read Wagner instead.
Nietzsche, Ecce Homo:
"The Germans have not the faintest idea of how vulgar they are – but this in itself is the acme of vulgarity, they are not even ashamed of being merely Germans. They will have their say in everything, they regard themselves as fit to decide all questions; I fear that they have decided about me. My whole life is essentially a proof of this remark. In vain have I sought among them for a sign of tact and delicacy towards myself. Among the Jews I did indeed find it, but not among the Germans."
The Protocols (No. 2):
"Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism."
That was actually an annotation that was mistakenly translated into the text.
Thanks for the recommendation. I found that I can buy this book for 10 bucks, unabridged, from zulu. I will definitely give this a read through.
You didn't sage
I have only read a swedish version.
Give us more specific recommendations. What works you recommend by Wagner.
Its more a matter that there's enough of the political content from the leftist canon that the list would be excessively long if every possibly topic/genre was covered to the extent where it gets good representation. For example, the philosophical and political content usually gets separated into separate lists to prevent overflow.
Am I retarded?
James Burnham doesn't get a lot of mentions on Holla Forums, but everything I have read from him has been worth it.
That guide to philosophy is shit.
He was a Trotskyist in his younger days but then became a conservative. Former leftists are some of the best to read because they understand the enemy.
Read The Silmarillion. It's like the most authentic distillation of the European ethos ever made.
Also shilling the Tolkien board:
Burnham was legit. He wasn't a Jew so he didn't use his conversion as a ruse. He saw the problems way ahead of time.
Also you guys might like Robinson Jeffers. He was an Old-Right poet from California. Anti-WW2 attitudes removed him from the mainstream.
Hey Holla Forums, if you've never read G Gordon Liddy's autobiography 'Will', you should. You would enjoy it. It's right up your alley.
Wonder who you may be? Maybe Liddy, maybe a bad-goy three-letter agent, but definite shill. But perhaps a good shill.
I found this today,
This appears to be a complete translation of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together.
Holy shit. Great find.
First, Socrates predates Aurelius, and both are quite different from each other. The only way to read Socrates, a man who hated books because he believed it would inhibit you, or your memory, from retaining crucial information, something which was thought to be naturally done, is to read Plato's works with Socrates in them.
I know he pre-dated Marcus, but that doesn't necessarily mean he should be read first. In the introduction to Meditations it states that Marcus worked to quit reading to better his body and mind, it's ironic that now video games and TV are as bad as some thought books to be in the past, and books are considered good to improve your mind today.
pretty late in my TZ and I'm tired, I know this doesn't make much sense, but I think you get the jist of it.
Thanks again
Whats pols opinion on robert anton wilson?
I just started reading prometheus rising (half through now), he has lots of interesting points. For instance how he linked modern shit-insults to monkeys behavior, which reminded me of the current popes stand on fake news.
Can pol suggest more books of him which are worth reading?
And what about timothy learys game of life, worth the read?
Can you give me a source for this? I can only find that some researcher read the original stuff, but as always, you can't check it for yourself and have to believe him…
You could try "Art and Politics" or "Judaism in Music".
any user read this book/pdf?
Robert Anton Wilson takes a while to sink in.
He's a total cunt and boddhisatva genius at the same time.
Illuminatus trilogy, cosmic trigger, illuminati papers are good.
Avoid shrodingers cat.
I think the illuminati chronicles could be good.
I really don't like Tim Leary's writing style, I think he went insane a bit.
For further reading, look into Hume and Kant, Crowley pretty much stole a lotta thelema from Kant. Modern stuff, Philip H Farber, hands on chaos magic, eight circuit brain by antero alli, philip k dick, angel tech, science of breath.
For inside story on discordianism look to kerry thornley biography called 'prankster and the conspiracy'. He went nuts, so be careful with eris.
is very good free system for developing higher circuits
Just got my copy last night, faggots.
Hardcover too.
Berry nice. Ainulindalë strikes me as a much more authentic account of creation than the Tanakh Genesis, and it's almost as though Tolkien recreated the Nag Hammadi scriptures out of whole cloth - 50 years before they were discovered and translated. There's something about the Emanationist metaphysical school that just won't go away, neither in its Eastern nor Western conception.
I have an EPUB copy of the Ralph Mannheim version of Mein Kampf if anyone's interested
What's interesting about the Mannheim version?
should i read DAS KAPITAL for educational purposes?
I only listened to some talks of Leary and he was talking like he was super stoned and i couldn't really follow him, I'd still be interested in what he's writing.
I was looking at cosmic trigger already and thought about ordering it, so this might be the next book of raw i'll purchase.
It's really interesting to see how the different "reality-tunnels" work, now I've got a better understanding of why our government is lying to us and why no one questions it. Also I now better understand what putin said about "russian truth".
I'll save that for later.
I'll have a look at the website, looks intersting.
There are 3 or so versions of this book in circulation. The original, The abridged, and The more recent edited and expanded edition. Which version would you recommend?
Any1 have a audiobook torrent of these books or knows a site with many audiobooks on these these? I live a busy life and retain much from audiobooks. Prefered to sitting down reading.
yes pls
Is there an expanded version of this?
Are you autistic? user was pointing out the brutal fact based irony of the situation.
and if someone makes one, please do not fill it with 6,000,000 books to read monthly. make 1 "discussion" book and supplementary books to read after the main 1 so that we can have a focused discussion.
We used to have one back in 2015.
I've heard people bitching about it being banned. Why on earth was it banned? everybody knows this a family board and politics permeate in many areas of life
For those wanting some proper and new fresh dystopian fiction literature, In the style of Starship troopers.
"The city & The city" by China Mieville
Well, at first they and other threads like it were being hidden by the wave of Trump threads and by what I assume to be redditors because their subreddits were being destroyed. This is when disinfo started to spread as well, because now you have these idiot shitposters instead of well-read Holla Forumsiticians I know people don't like him, but goyquentin actually disappeared when the floods came and I actually enjoyed posting with him; also I miss Beaverposter. The mods didn't help either, and it was obvious for a very long time that they were paid off/enemies. In fact, I myself left around when Kek was becoming really popular and came back after Trump won. It really does feel better now, but not like it once was.
Keep in mind I'm quite a bit drunk so my memory is hazy.
*forgot to mention 4chan influx and general shills
The Cold War sham - Antony Sutton
E. Michael Jones. Everything.
Have you read The Catholic Church and the Jews? I know someone who constantly spouts off about jesuits with no real hard proof besides /x/ tier possible truths. Wondering what it might contain for that reason, without reading the whole book.
Like "The Rothschilds bow to the pope and are beneath him"
That type of thing.
This goes against what i know. Apparently, it's the contrary.
I was actually unaware that book existed, feeling kinda shameful to be honest. I just read the preface, will buy, 20-30$, I like reading from an actual book while lying down.
It was a little after 7:00 p.m. on one of the pleasant summer evenings I
had come to expect in the mountains of West Virginia. I was waiting for
William Pierce in his cluttered, book-lined office in the National Alliance
headquarters building. I had been living in this remote area on Pierce's
property for over two weeks at that point. When I had come to his office a
couple of minutes before, I was surprised to find that Pierce wasn't there.
We were well into a series of interviews I was conducting with him in the
evenings, and he'd always been here when I arrived. I assumed that
something had held him up and that he would be along in a minute or two.
I set up my tape recorder and went over the notes I had put together
about the areas I wanted to explore during that night's session.
I had just finished going through my notes when out of the corner of
my eye I saw someone come in through the door to the left of where I was
seated. It wasn't Pierce but rather his new wife, with Pierce right behind
her. That surprised me; always before, Pierce had been alone.
"Bob, could you and I talk after you talk with Bill?" Pierce's wife said
in her halting, heavily-accented English and in her polite and gentle way.
She had come from Eastern Europe to West Virginia less than a year
before. She and Pierce had not met before she came, and after she was
here only a month they married. Pierce's wife is an attractive woman of
about fifty I would guess, with auburn hair and very fair skin. She had
taught art to children in her native country. I was taken by her calling
him "Bill." She was the only one who lived or worked on the property who
did. To everyone else, including me, he was Dr. Pierce. She seemed on
edge about something. She was usually smiling and upbeat, but not now.
"Oh, why don't you two talk now," Pierce interjected gruffly. "You
don't have to wait until later."
With that, Pierce's wife sat down on the nearest of a row of chairs
that face Pierce's desk. I was seated a couple of chairs away from the one
she sat on. Pierce went around his desk and took a seat behind it.
There we were, the three of us. It was silent for a moment. There
was tension in the air, but I had no idea what it was about.
Pierce's wife turned and faced me. "I have something to ask of you,"
she said. She seemed shaken.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked.
"I'm afraid," she replied.
"Bill gets letters from people who say they are going to kill him. I
was here for four months before I knew that. I didn't know that!"
"You do look frightened," I said.
"I've asked Bob [Bob DeMarais, an aide to Pierce] if something
happens to Bill to help me return to my country."
I didn't know what to say, and up to that point Pierce hadn't said
"In your book," she continued, "please don't use my name or say
where I am from. And please don't show my picture. I am afraid
something will happen to me if people know who I am."
I said I didn't want to see her afraid like this, and that I would use
some other name for her, and that I wouldn't say what country she was
from or use her picture.
"Thank you," she said. "That is very nice of you."
At this point, still seated, she dipped her hand into her pants pocket
and pulled out a pistol. I jumped. "I carry this everywhere I go," she said
as she held the gun neck high in her right hand to display it to me.
I was speechless and stared at the gun.
"Don't be waving that gun around, it's loaded!" Pierce barked.
"You maybe think it is silly I have a gun," she said to me, the pistol
now in her lap. "But Bill wears a gun all the time. He has it right next to
him when he goes to sleep."
As a matter of fact, Pierce had a holstered weapon strapped to his
waist at that very moment–!' d gotten used to that.
I reiterated that I would protect her identity.
So I will call Pierce's wife Irena in the book. It is the only name I
have changed.
From what I understand looking into that picture, that is not a Rothschild but something like a holocaust "survivor" - I forget. Ive seen the picture - and looked into it - and supposedly its not what we thought it was.
That said however, I agree, to my understanding the jews are #1 and the pope is their puppet of control… which is why it interests me, but not enough to go to great lengths to read about it - probably fruitlessly.
But then:
Conflicting stories.
Thanks for the rectification.
I hate it
Yea, it is pretty clear to me that Francis at least is /(((their))))guy/
/(((their)))goy/ rather.
Fly over the chapter/book that you want to read at first. Try to understand how it is structured and what the author wants to say. Don't put to much time into, you just want to get an overview.
Next you start reading. Don't let your mind wander. Focus on what you read and write down notes. Use a paper and pen, all your electronics should be off while reading.
After each chapter write a quick summary without the help of the book.
When you finish the book write a short summary and then put the notes and the book away for a week. When the week is over take a look at the notes and fly over the book another time and reread parts you think were important or interesting.
Thats a bit of work but it really helps to get the informations of the books you want remember into your long term memory.
He suffers from white altruism. Too altruistic and emphatic, on a genuine level, but others take advantage of it.
"After high school, Bob didn't go on to college, much to the
disappointment of his parents. Bob told them that he didn't want to go
through all the liberal propaganda they shove down your throat in college"
It says Bob was 30 in 1983, which means he was talking about the early 70s - so like 50 years ago the communists were ruining our higher learning centers, it's no wonder they are so horrible today.
Is it possible to get an unedited copy of Mein Kampf ? I'm a frog and it seems like there are only plans to publish a pozzed version here. If possible I'd like to get something closest to the original without any commentaries or bullshit like that.
Worst case scenario I'll just get a pdf.
Holla Forums books are dog pissing garbage
They began talking about whom to assassinate. People threw
out names ranging from Henry Kissinger to David Rockefeller to Morris
Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The one they wound up "taking
out," however, was a controversial Jewish radio call-in host from Denver
by the name of Alan Berg. The killing later became the basis for the film
Talk Radio directed by Oliver Stone. It seems that one of the Order had
lived in the Denver area and was very put off by Berg, who went off on
monologues on the joys of oral sex, the flaws in Christianity, why whites
were afraid of blacks, and how white women fantasized about sleeping
with black men. 14 Berg particularly liked to egg on right-wing callers
("Everything you said is a lie, OK? You have made up and inferred a
thought, like all fanatics, like John Birchers, like Klansmen, like all those
folks.") 15
Bob masterminded the hit on Berg. He and several others of the
Order drove to Denver. They ambushed Berg getting out of his car in front
of his apartment. One of the members of the Order, not Bob, started firing
from close up. Bullets hit Berg in the face, neck, and torso. The garage
door behind Berg splintered from the spray of bullets. When Berg was
found lying face up in a pool of blood, the cigarette he had been holding
was still lit. Autopsy reports couldn't be sure how many shots there were
because Berg was twisting at the time he was shot, although it was
probably around twelve. Two slugs struck near Berg's left eye and exited
on the right side of his neck. Others hit the left side of Berg's head and
exited from his neck and the back of his skull.
There aren't Holla Forums books they are books many of them written before the internet.
By the way even The communist manifesto is on Holla Forums reading list. Know your enemy and the such.
It is now a dark and dismal time in the history of our race. All
about us lie the green graves of our sires, yet, in a land once
ours, we have become a people dispossessed.
By the millions, those not of our blood violate our borders and
mock our claim to sovereignty. Yet our people only react with
A great sickness has overcome us. Why do our people do
nothing? What madness is this? Has the cancer of racial
masochism consumed our very will to exist?
Our heroes and our culture have been insulted and degraded.
The mongrel hordes clamor to sever us from our inheritance.
Yet our people do not care.
Throughout this land our children are being coerced into
accepting non-whites for their idols, their companions, and,
worst of all, their mates. A course which is taking us straight
into oblivion. Yet our people do not see.
Not by accident but by design these terrible things have come
to pass. It is self-evident to all who have eyes to see that an
evil shadow has fallen across our once fair land. Evidence
abounds that a certain vile, alien people [he is obviously
referring to Jews] have taken control over our country.
All about us the land is dying. Our cities swarm with dusky
hordes. The water is rancid and the air is rank. Our farms are
being seized by usurious leeches [another reference to Jews]
and our people are being forced off the land.
They close the factories, the mills, the mines, and ship our jobs
overseas. Yet our people do not awaken.
The Aryan yeomanry [small landholders] is awakening. A long
forgotten wind is starting to blow. Do you hear the
approaching thunder? It is that of the awakened Saxon. War is
upon the land. The tyrant's blood will flow.
We will resign ourselves no more to be ruled by a government
based on mobocracy. We, from this day forward, declare we no
longer consider the regime in Washington to be valid and
lawful representative of all Aryans who refuse to submit to the
coercion and subtle tyranny placed upon us by Tel Aviv and
their lackeys in Washington. We recognize that the mass of our
people have been put into a lobotomized, lethargic state of
blind obedience and we will not take part anymore in collective
racial suicide!
This is war! 25
The "declaration of war" was followed by an "open letter to
Congress." Excerpts:
All of you together are not solely responsible for what has
happened to America, but each of you, without exception, is
partly responsible. And the day will come when each of you
will be called to account for that responsibility.
The day will come when your complicity in the betrayal of the
55,000 Americans who were sacrificed in Vietnam will be
called to account.
The day will come when your subservience to the anti-
American "Israel Lobby" will be called into account. Your votes
to strip American arsenals so that Zionists can hold on to stolen
land [and] your acquiescence in a policy which has turned our
Arab friends into enemies–those things are inexcusable.
The day will come when, above all else, you will pay for
betraying your race. Most of you will say that you are against
the forced racial busing of school children, that you are against
the "reverse discrimination" which takes jobs away from
Whites and gives them to Blacks, that you are against the
flooding of America with illegal immigrants, because you know
these things are unpopular. But you brought every one of
these plagues down on our heads. You passed the "civil rights"
laws which gave us busing in the first place, and then you
refused repeatedly to specifically outlaw this monstrous crime
against our children. It was your scramble for Black votes and
your cowardice in the face of the controlled news media which
allowed our cities to become crime-infested jungles. You set up
the requirements that employers had to meet racial quotas.
And you passed the immigration laws which started the flood
of non-White immigrants into America–a flood that is out of
We hold you responsible for all these things: for every White
child terrorized in a racially-mixed school, for every White
person murdered in one of our urban jungles, for every White
woman raped by one of the arrogant "equals" roaming our
streets, for every White family hungry and desperate because
a White worker's job was given to a Black. Each day the list
grows longer, but the day will come when the whole score will
be settled and you will pay for every one of these debts in
Embassytown and the Scar are also really good, even though Mieville is a member of antifa and socialist. Umberto Eco is the same, anti-fascist, writes good literature.
He's a kike by blood. Not a true pope, will likely be tried after his death once the Church rights itself.
On November 25th, 1984 Bob wrote a letter to a small weekly
newspaper in Newport, Washington which said, "It is logical to assume that
my days on this planet are rapidly drawing to a close. Even so, I have no
fear. For the reality of life is death. I have made the ultimate sacrifice to
secure the future for my children…. As always, for blood, honor, for faith
and for race." 27
On December 7th, the FBI had the Whidbey Island house surrounded.
They'd caught up with Bob again. He was alone in the house. This time
they were going to be sure that he didn't get away. One hundred agents
surrounded the house. They cut off his electricity. They attempted to
negotiate through a bullhorn–"Come out and we won't harm you." Bob
was having none of that. He wasn't coming out of there. His hand mangled
and throbbing, he opened fire with an automatic weapon. 28
The standoff went on through the night and into the next day. By
this time, the press had converged on the site. The FBI lofted in tear gas.
Bob must have had a gas mask. He continued to fire–da-da-da-da-da-da-
They issued an ultimatum — "Give up or we're coming in to get you."
More automatic weapon fire from Bob.
At 3:00 p.m. on that day, December 8th, a SWAT team went into the
house. When they got inside, bullets rained down on them through the
ceiling from the floor above. The SWAT team returned fire as they
Later that evening, after it had gotten dark, a helicopter flew over
the house and dropped white phosphorous illumination flares onto the
roof. The house ignited, and flames shot one hundred feet into the air.
Bullets came ripping through the walls from inside the burning house–Bob
was still firing away! The agents kept down as the slugs whistled through
the night air and split the trees above them.
Then everything was still.
The next morning, in the charred ruins of the house they found a
body burned beyond recognition. Dental records determined it to be that
of Bob Mathews. 29
"Bob was a very intense young man," Pierce told me, "and quite different
from the weaklings I see so many of in America today. If Bob saw a
situation that called for intervention, or action, he would jump up and do
something, while other people would just talk about it. The typical male
these days might talk with his buddies about what ought to be done, say,
to the government. He might even express his outrage. But he wouldn't do
anything. He wouldn't do what any respectable white male one hundred,
two hundred, a thousand years ago would have done. But Bob Mathews
was different in that regard. He was a serious man who took things
seriously. It was what impressed me about him and made me respect him
and remember him more than anything else.
Yea, this book is full of gold.
i know i'm late but we have a /pdfs/ discord server. You're all welcome to join
I'll check it out once im home from my christmas break.
Why does everyone use discord when equally good free-software alternatives exist? If its non-free software, you do not know how the software is running and if there are any backdoors in the software. If your going to be using non-free discord, you might aswell use skype. Its better to use mumble, or if you need video chat, tox.
I also use tox and actually prefer it (despite missing many great features). Unfortunately the masses of pol care nothing for security, and the poltox has been left pretty barren.
if anyone wants to find the poltox, add groupbot
and tell him "invite 1 pol"
I prefer mumble though, its much more cleaner and simpler, because its really just irc with voice chat. If you need to upload images, just post links.
Never heard of them. Maybe we can get more information from non-Jewish sources?
*didn't mean to sage
I agree with this, but shit, the "red jew in the middle ages menace" Might have well been the Neanderthal. Spooky.
Kind of reminds me of the ancient "Man Eaters".
To battle the jew, we must dive deep into the science also his lore somewhat.
I recently learned of the Tikkun olam, which basically means "healing" the god body, by removing everything that is hole from this planet (destroying everything) and I was thinking, for a sect, a cult like them who are so incredibly insane, how can one reason with them if they literally desire the destruction of everything that is even remotely good?
I am currently reading The Dirty War on Syria, and it is very insightful. It is an especially good read if your complete background knowledge on the US' and its allies involvement in the ME through the 60s-current day is lacking. Aside from filling in some gaps with the history, it gives a great understanding of Syria today
Neaderthals are just early europid people. They're not ooga booga cavemen.
they had larger brains than we did though.
You don't.
Yea that may be the problem indeed. Its just even before this ugly beast managed to rear its head, it was fun on the internet discussing stuff, finding solutions, answers to questions, have your arguments being pit against other arguments and standpoints. Diving deep into scientific lore, difficult terms and even formula…
and then you encounter the jew
and that has basically been every conversation with a jew so far I think.
You could probably cut "the way of men" out, honestly. Replace it with The Decline of the West or something.
They had larger brains than the average human, which includes nonwhites in its estimation.
Does >>>/PDFs/ have a copy of Occult Memetics or other books by Styx? He seems like a cool cat.
to add to that: How the hell can people call islam a violent suicide cult when you know this about the jew?
The jew literally wants to destroy every fucking thing on this planet.
They are fucking insane.
It's not a suicidal cult but it is violent.
And did you mean "answer to the problem"? You don't reason with the unreasonable—you either ignore or kill.
The thing is that we have learned to reason as our main way of attack here since we are a thinktank, and have been so long on the chans. So I was thinking from this archetype and way of life, thinking that the jew may have some words in him that allow us to make him seize his attack on us. We were somehow were able to reason with government cucks, we managed to trigger countless of leftists just with a word (nigger)
But the tikkun olam really makes it difficult. Even more so than trying to talk a suicidal person down. Since they believe that just being alive is affront to their god.
though to add to that: Some user suggested using the jew word of "the void" or "nothingness" to try to mentally attack them that way.
Because the jew thinks, because the god body is broken, alongside what there is now, there is also the void being created. Nothingness.
They don't just want to destroy life, they want to destroy the laws of physics itself.
to add even more to that: The jew think that their words are literally the words of the universe? That the universe or something was created by speaking the jew words?
So telling them about the void would be a good mental assault? Though I suspect that the user who wrote that was a bit theorizing on that.
is there a legit book on that by the way? I tried looking it up on jewpedia but obviously they obfuscated their hate for the literal substance of the universe.
so typing out
Would mean a "nigger" like mental assault word to jews?
and I also have been thinking, what if you made a tatoo of what word? Only jews would understand it, nobody else would see it as racist, but it would basically be a picture of a skull on a pike to the jews?
to add to that: This could be a possible vector of attack? What if we tried to do this to the jews? See how they reacted to these words? Its not even really my idea, just some other anons.
Pls someone tell me why it wouldnt work?
Revolt is Evola's Magnum Opus and a summarization of everything he has written in one volume. For that reason, it can be a little bit too esoteric for some readers who don't have any familiarity with traditional spirituality and metaphysics. It also helps to be well versed in mythology to understand all of his various comparisons of different cultures and civilizations. I first started with Revolt and will admit that some of it naturally went right over my head because I didn't understand the context. I think the books you are beginning with (Mystery of the Grail, Hermetic Tradition, Doctrine of Awakening, Yoga of Power) is the smartest path to take because it will lay the best foundation for understanding his later books
What does it mean?
void? Just use google translate?
Can I get any tips on making infographs like the first image in this post? I want to expand some /lit/ infographs, which I'll bring here once they're finished.
or better yet?
Would that get the jews really butthurt?
I don't trust google translate, sorry.
The Zohar and the Talmud, but those need to be handled with care.
so you mean to say that the jews hid the assault words somewhere deep beyond their jew search engine?
I've found "Yahweh abandoned you in 70AD after the destruction of the Second Temple" to work wonders.
It wouldn't surprise me, honestly.
or that the levites, their priest class was murdered and that their rabbi's are not legitimate priests?
Kek, tell me more of these things. We must create anti jew memes, closest to their teachings and their core. They would probably work well against the JIDF, but no so much against the crypto kikes, obviously.
Is reading more than one or two books at a time a bad idea?
I'm glad to see you know the second half of the spell.
Nah just try to keep them on separate topics so you don't accidentally conflate one work with the other.
Dont worry, I learn well from the insights in the best chan. Your words do not go to waste here, kek.
That is why I am also asking for moar. Perhaps if more people joined we could create advanced memetic assault warfare against the kikes, to demoralize them.
This book can probably help in this matter.
The Talmud’s Theological Language-Game: A Philosophical Discourse Analysis
Eugene B. Borowitz
Examples of what you can find in this book.
makes a little bit sense now.
I have this screencap of an user exposing the connection between 6 and the jews, if you are interested.
my man, do you have an epub
Can't find an epub version.
still seems like pure insanity, jesus what a bunch of whacko's. No wonder kek is so potent against them though…the number 7…egypt…is that the memetic assault?
It is simply a matter of evildoers paying the price after thousands of years getting away with it, time for reckoning.
The Principle of Rhythm
"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides;all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." –The Kybalion.
So I dont entirely get what the message is, the jews stole a bunch of shit from the egyptians because they are jews and are also retarded, and the egyptian god wants to keel them all now?
Current Holla Forums books pack;
That CAN be a way to see it, the fact is, during these last 2000 years, vermin like jews have had it easy since we are currently going trough a material era or the darkest period of the procession of ages.
But that is coming to an end since this kind of era is slowly passing away.
As someone who has never taken a philosophy class in their life, I need some advice. I want to read The Republic by Plato but I'm not sure which translation is best. I nearly bought a translation by Allan Bloom but I found out he was a Jewish faggot who died of AIDS. Can someone recommend to me a good translation of The Republic? You have my gratitude.
Seems a bit silly though. Evolutionary evidence suggests that it wasnt always so. 50 thousand years ago when we were hunter gatherers this didnt happen.
So this cycle is most likely somekind of weird side effect of our evolutionary psychology, if you wish to see it like that.
the r/K selection theory gives a lot more insight into this nature that this old lore which I do not trust that much.
If you only want the Republic, go with Oxford as they tend to be good from my perspective. Lot of footnotes from the books I've been reading from them Livy, History of Rome
now that is spooky.
It's not evolutionary, it's vibrational and by some degree, astrological. Read The Kybalion even if it does not inspire any kind of trust, you will thank me later.
But your point isn't hollow, just slightly misused in this argument.
Its just, there is evidence of a different theory, to that of life evolving, not being cyclical. And out of that theory we also know that there are dead ends in evolution, and things that also do not make sense. Its a bit hard to believe this, to get into from a scientifically oriented mind.
I understand you perfectly and there can indeed be dead ends in the genetic strains during a life form evolution, in the Kybalion it talks about the scale of life and the lifeforms in it.
Science and Mythos are but two faces of the same coin.
really jew? I bet your book doesnt even process 5% of modern evolution lore. Remember, we cannot be converted here. While you were busy studying your schizophrenic sand desert bible, we were reading scientific journals. What makes you think you are immune to reason and logic, as the christians were not and those were silenced by the voice of science as well.
You neatherthals may have had large enough brains to create a lunatic and advanced religion a long time ago (since evolution is not that fast in that regard), but that doesnt mean that you are right. The time span of the universe is much vaster than you can imagine.
Calm down, what's up with you?
Where did i ever talked about the bible here? Don't put words in my mouth
What in the fuck are you talking about? The fuck are you getting mad at me all the sudden, calm down, sonny.
well obviously you treat it with some form of reverence. Instead of imagining how to break this conditioning, you are…if not a jew…an Egyptian by your religion? Someone who looks down on those whipper snapper jews who took down your lore and perverted it as mischievous bastards?
This is what nonsense posting looks like.
truly the craziest timeline
What are you, twelve? Never mind, just stop posting please.
You have the wrong idea, this isn't Monotheism nor any kind of central dogma to enslave you in an endless loop of blind faith. The book clearly promotes a scientific vision and research, you'd know if you had read it. If modern science hasn't yet caught up with the axioms and wise pearls of the book it doesn't automatically mean that it's not factual, one doesn't negates the other, all the contrary, one promotes the other.
Read or shut the fuck up, simple as that.
You literally want me to read one of the most core books for the jews. Jesus, and I still on Holla Forums here?
Where to start with his work? I've heard bits of his speaking and I was thinking about getting The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Alright, i am done talking to you, you're either one of those special /lit/ snowflakes or underage, possibly both.
Have a good day.
Oh wow, I just realized.
On the 28th of January (or 27th if you're in Burgerland), there will be a New Moon. The 28th of January is the Chinese New Year, and 2017 is the Year of the Fire Rooster, signaling a new beginning. What a coincidence :^)
I sense it, maybe this will be the year the Nazi super army will emerge out of Antartica.
So it begins. The year of our ascension
Listen to this.
Fire Cock Erecting
Also, any good books for a economic retard? I'm afraid of those posted earlier.
Feder's "On the Abolition of Interest Slavery."
Seige is useless trash. Anarchism masquerading as National Socialism.
well some people were saying it's the best translation of it out there
here you go :^)
Eh, just read Hegel instead.
Thanks for the epubs guys, I got my dead grandmother's old e-reader and I am catching up on a lot of stuff. Way better than reading off of a tablet for my eyes.
I've always thought the Stalag translation was the best.
It's the official one, but it has horrible punctuation and formatting.
I wouldn't know, got an idea though.
Got any ebooks of him lying around user?
Did anyone read the Stalag edition and another version to compare it with (optimally the original German one)?
The Stalag edition looks so suspicious to me. Only one copy survived and then it was published by the publisher EliteMinds in 2008 or so? WTF?
I read the Murphy edition, the 1939 edition to be precise (the later ones cannot be trusted), because I though this was the best we had for the english speaking world. I liked his prose quite a bit and he explained the German word "Weltanschauung" really well in the preface, for example.
I don't know, but maybe there's a plot to discourage people from reading Murphy's 1939 edition and instead read the Stalag edition.
I didn't read the Stalag version btw.
Has anyone read The Sovereign Individual? Any thoughts?
What would you guys recommend for someone who has tons of motivation but zero discipline? Need discipline, anons.
love the art
love your digits
Here's a non-crappy version of your pic.
Remove march of the titans
Anyone know of any good books on Conquistadors that aren't as sympathetic with "muh poor savages?"
How do I get into Roman stuff? Cicero seems good, but he has so many things.
Aside from Seneca, Marcus Aurilius, who else is worth reading?
As for Greeks is anyone outside of Plato, Socrates and the stoics worth checking out? Like Pythagoras? I'm not sure what his stuff dealt with, I just know he was good for math.
Lastly is there any good poets? Kipling, TS Elliot, Dante, etc were all covered, but who else? Keats wasn't mentioned and he had some good stuff. I get he wasn't political but I think it's good to know some evocative poetry and try to learn about our culture. I tried reading Poe but his stuff didn't really resonate with me, not sure why. Some poems I didn't get, others bothered me by just not rhyming. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I'm not forcing myself to like any of them.
There was a Christian image, but it had no poetry either.
I know it is an extensive subject, but can someone recommend to me a good book about WWI. Something in the spirit of Hitler's War by David Irving. A telling of the story which doesn't just regurgitate the (((official))) narrative.
Check out Julius Caesar, Plutarch, and Herodotus.
Von Goethe and Rumi are two deeply Romantic poets that you may enjoy.
Ovid, Livy, and Virgil are great examples of Augustan Literature.
Pythagoras is definitely worth the study, although primary sources are rare. One must devote some time to understand his philosophy.
The book I'm going to recommend you isn't explicitly about the war itself, but about the authors experience on the battlefield. It is an amazing book.
Ernst Junger: Storm of Steel
Any of you guys planning to read this?
Why is that?
Seconding this question, I've yet to read it, but have nothing but heard glowing praise for this book.
The Rise and the Fall of Rome by Baron Montesquieu
Is Trump America's Angela Merkel?
It's a power pose, all leaders do it. Look at the way Trump is holding the microphone in this photo, that's not a normal way to stand, but he looks like a boss in control.
Fascism attracts me but I think that in my soul I'm all for liberty in the sense that the American founding fathers saw it. I think that the fall of civilization is a circle which can't be stopped by any ideology or political or belief system. I did read a lot of philosophy and books on political subjects and that's what I've concluded.
I don't know, looks like some sort of secret hand sign to me, but i'm not /fringe/ enough to know to get its meaning.
Fine by me, as long as you're pro-white and anti-communist.
Well, I think the american constitution certainly is. It's just that you americans can't defend it properly because they don't study it. They know more about Hitler's Germany than their own constitution and the philosophy behind it.
Too much of a cuck to say "anti-jew"?
Why don't you denounce hemosexuality? Are you a faggot? This is how you argue.
Communism is but one arm of the jewish enemy. Simply being "anti-communist" isn't enough, but you framed it like that's all that matters.
if some user put as much of this on /pdfs/ or /pdf/ or whatever, would be amazing
an user after mine own heart
remember that government enforced taxation on everything makes it difficult not to need to control the government to STOP the fruits of our labor contributing to what THE GOVERNMENT does
its like having a cancer grow on your body,
except government is a megacancer that has many bodies to draw from, many bodies can die but the cancer lives on - you need to cut the cancer off or take control of it but either way you cant win if you just ignore it and let it do what it does best, corrupt everything
Actually, Jews are but footsoldiers of Satan. Simply being "anti-jew" is not enough, but you framed it like that's all that matters. Too much of a satanist to say "anti-satan"? We can do this all day long.
Shit comparison.
Pro-White and anti-jew has always been the standard, not your JBS-tier cuckoldry.
That's a new low, even for you. You want to keep going?
is that where Muh Synagogue of Satan comes from?
and the fact Jesus says muh synagogue of satan in the bibel
I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars–I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. rev 3:9
this book
Just got Dante's Inferno through the mail. Any philosophyfags here?
Was read through Mein Kampf, but haven't touched it for a couple months.
crippled murrica is pretty good, if a bit too short.
Tacitus is god-tier, but be careful because our ((christian)) friends altered some of his later works. The annals were famously ((revised)) by priests during the middle ages
You look like a faggot my dude. Cut your hair and shave that highschool pedostache until you become a man.
Is there any book or academic text that goes in-depth into Marxism and why it is absolute garbage? A friend asked for something slightly more reputable than the opinions on a taiwanese basket-weaving forum., but the only things I could think of were The Republic and Imperium.
The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Seems good, but you know the poor kids at the indoctrination centers will refute it on the basis that the USSR wasn't REAL communism. I need a philosopher or something goes talks about why Marxism is wrong. Kind of how Keynes discusses him in terms of economy and proves him wrong on that front.
Tacitus is good stuff. Some of his stuff is too monotone for me though.
Main Currents of Marxism: Its Origins, Growth and Dissolution by political philosopher Leszek Kołakowski. He refutes the "this wasn't real communism" argument also
As I begin to read through the text, I dislike how after each section written by Dante the book interjects it's own explanation to the meaning of it. As If I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own. I feel belittled by it.
Read through this book user. He fucking destroys every facet of Marxist and Communist thought, while showing how non-equalitarian life is the most creative and successful.
A little snippet for your consideration
Revolution, and it has been the driving force behind every social revolution (or attempt at
social revolution) since then. It is of critical importance that this be understood, for it is
the very essence of the acid that Communism pours upon every society that it sets itself
to destroy. The doctrine of equality will literally dissolve any society to which it is
rigorously applied, for all social structure and soundness depend upon the recognition
that men are not equal, that direction and leadership, without which a society can neither
come into existence nor long endure, must come and can come only, from the few
possessed of superior brains and personality."
I can't stress this enough. Read this book. This will change your view on the European race and how the Jews interfere with it. It takes a very historical and esoteric approach to it.
There is an audio book on youtube as well.
youtube .com/watch?v=X77dkiDpBoM&list=PL8N4Xw3MtJJzF1YzQJ-fq0r8qYqyLPQkv
Extra sickening when you realize it ties into pizzagate and organ harvesting.
Well, you could read the Dialogues, of course.
Is there a reading list for Romans? Including histories, poems/stories and philosophies, of course. Would it just be ordered into chronological order, as in when the authors lived?
Awesome. You got a link for that?
Thanks user.
I'd also recommend Polybius and Cassius Dio
How is this chapter?
Is there anything like this for the medieval period?
These are all pretty great. I don't take one author's views as absolute, unquestionable truth - everything comes with a little pinch of salt in the form of bias, dated information or plain ignorance.
Although I highly recommend purchasing Irving's works from his website (physical copy which is a hardcover and also signed by David), he also has his main works available for free download. Excuse the shilling -
Is starting with Greeks really that essential? Can I just read "The Republic" and move on?
Nice! Got any on Imperial or Nazi Germany?
Currently reading The Death of the West. What parts of the book do you disagree with?
What a surprise, I can finally fucking read this book
Oh, what a shame
It's not so much The Death of the West I disagree with - from memory, I can't think of anything I disagree with in it. The only thing that isn't accounted for in it is how an extreme event like the 'refugee' crisis has accelerated the decline of Europe.
I was thinking more of 'Churchill, Hitler…' in terms of unquestionable truth. There's no doubt that Buchanan paints Hitler from a more empathetic standpoint, but there's little to no discussion of Jewish involvement in the causes of the wars. I can definitely recommend it as a read, but it could use additional information on the vast role the heebs played in both world wars.
While I'm at it, are any of David Duke's books any good?
Ok thanks
Yes. There's an audiobook of My Awakening (read by Duke) on TPB.
Culture of Critique
Can anybody provide books that criticise universalism while rejecting cultural relativism with an ethical justification?
Also has anyone read the codes fascismo series by H.R Morgan?
*Codex Fascismo.
I'm looking for a book called, Integrales Judentum. By Dr. Alfred Nossig. Published in 1921-1922.
Does anyone know where I might locate a copy in English? Or if necessary, in German.