This is it, the end game
So have we decided if we are going to fully nuke Israel, just glass the place, or are we going to do a more handsonish shoah, and reclaim the holy lands?
I vote we take all the Jews to a single location and then do a massive blood sacrifice to some weird whale god who represents dominion over outer space.
Nothing good ever came out from those lands, so I say glass'em off.
Ukraine is BASED, goy! Don't listen to those JEWTIN shills!!111
Isn't the Azov Battalion all Jews pretending to be Nazis?
I am shocked that Israel has found a way to play the victim
Never before in the history of the world have they been known to employ this tactic before.
Alternate headline:
The 12 countries Israel has complete control over decide to snub Israel and hope the rest of the planet doesn't notice that this is nothing but theatre
What is the point of any of this when less than a month Trumps new ultrakike ambassador that openly said that there will never be "two states" abd that Israel can do whatever it wants in "their" country, will take office?
Question, how fucked are we if Israel goes through with the Samson option?
Like on a scale from "just the nation's capitals are fucked" to "global genocide"?
.t HighlanderHaggisBong who wants Glasgow nuked
They're genetically weak men. Just stab them.
Not going to happen with Rabbi Trump in the white house. That mother fucker even makes standard GOP kike worshippers look like amateurs. The guy honestly did campaign videos for Netanyahu during his last election. If anything we'll just be forced to fight this upcoming war for Israel and more goyim will be forced to spill their blood in the name of the Synagogue of Satan.
The only silver lining is when the armies of Gog and Magog march into Israel and God rains fire down upon them, which is going to be the Samson option, which means the world ends and everyone including the kikes lose and then a thousand years of peace is ushered in on top of the ashes of the old world.
Im not scared of nukes, I am scared of watching western civilization being taken over by Islam.
Which is why he didn't visit the Whining Wall and made Netanyahu come to him, as opposed to the reverse.
You're done, hebes. Nobody buys your bullshit anymore. You have no power here.
I'm so sick of you ignorant mother fuckers.
Please, let it be not just posturing to get more shekels
Keep crying. No one is listening. You've been at this for months and none of it has worked.
Yawn. Boiler plate shit, ignoring the actual power dynamics at play.
All those videos I just posted are just 86934863D chinese checkers, right?
You're not very bright.
Why exactly is jewboy acting like he's running a super power? If his tiny shithole of a country dissapeared nobody would even notice
If Trump was a Mossad agent he would say those things in those videos, If Trump wanted to destroy Israel he would say the things he is saying in those videos. You really think Trump is just going to come out and say "fuck the jews" ???
No one knows what his true intentions are and this will be revealed over time. Any speculation is just propaganda at this point.
Nigga I'm just asking a question
Isn't he in panic mode because of the corruption investigation against him that reared its head?
This. The jews are infighting in Israel and infighting in the US. It's rather amusing and impressive d&c in the end.
Explain what exactly?
Trump has always liked Israel and Zionists and to just dismiss it "Nuh uh it's just six gorrilionD chess" is retarded. Trump is a good first step, but he's not perfect.
Samson option isn't going to happen. We could go 1000 years without another nuke being launched, especially since there is a secret arms race going on to be able to shoot missiles out of the sky. Nuking everything is the last thing any of the elites want but it is used as fear mongering to try and keep the plebs in check.
If Israel nukes everything then Russia and America nuke everything as well. The people in power didn't spend centuries controlling the planet just to wipe everything out. Plus those in power love controlling and fucking over others, nuclear war would actually made things really boring for quite a long time. Its not going to happen, fuck off.
This also. Zionists like Putin and Globalists like Hillary are in major flux right now. Massive shit-flinging is being produced by both sides right now.
Every time I asked this it never gets a response.
Explain why Putin put a stop to Syria being overthrown if he is a zionist.
Seconding this.
Putin actively protects Russian Jews, jails nationalists, criminalized Holocaust debile, and went to the whining wall.
fug :::DDD
Clearly all this is 4d chess.
fixed it up a bit
Shills will forever be buttblasted over this meme since we have seen him do this shit in real time. No one said he is the end all be all. But there is no reason to kill the guy before he has had a chance to do anything nor does it make sense to assume he is lost to the kikes when doing half the shit he has done without pretending you like them would have gotten him shoahed. Or should be be screaming gas the kikes every second? Or maybe he should announce everything he is going to do. That worked for Hillary after all.
*Denial, right?
If so, that sounds fucking awful. *Please give me sources*
I like your stance!
Holy shit. Thank you.
Here you go fellow merchant :^)
A bit even more fixed.
Anyone who believes shills even for a second is functionally retarded. Did they honestly expect his Hannukah tweet to be "Just approved blueprints for a large-scale cremation facility. Time to #MAGA ! #1488" or some shit?
This is one of the major disagreements I have with Holla Forums. Not all of Islam is the same, not all of the Jews are the same. In Russia the people who follow Islam also respect Russian values and are not radicalized at all and they follow the old Quran that is the peaceful "love thy neighbour" type shit. Same can be said with the jews who live there for the most part.
Putin saving Syria was not him giving a middle finger to every jew on this planet. It was a fuck you to the zionist elites who have a finger in the majority of the politics of every country on earth. There is a major difference been a jew living in Russia and a zionist and it is also very communist to assume that your only options are either A or B.
And then protect Iran and Syria, give help to Egypt, vote against Israel in UN resolutions, have talks with Hezbollah, jails fake nationalists and media in Russia financed by the CIA,of which he knows as you can see in some interview, create holocaust denial laws to prevent the dissolution, and shit like Ukraine or Chechnya, of what is more of a geographic place called Russia than any kind of Nation, held together by "The Great Patriotic War".
Bet you think Trump is a secret jew hater 24/7
It was more of a middle finger to Globalists in the US.
gee, it's almost like trump is trying to reach the presidency so he can act with power
Are we all nazis pretending to be jewish
Zionist Yid Fuck doesn't get his way and has a shit-fit because filthy goyim don't follow Chosen People's demands. Hope he burns in the hottest area of hell after he pulls the Samson option.
What? Nigger, take things at face value. All he is a Zionist who is still smelling his farts from the "glory days." He's a Stalinist who will get butthurt over "muh Nazis."
Dissolution of what?
Yeah, but that percentage is very small. If you think the people here are going to have a change of heart with something they most likely already know, then you have another thing coming. We have to keep coming on strong.
Yeah. I mean, it never happened that nationalists group got co-opted right? It's such an unthinkable thing to happen, not like we have tons of examples. Nah, it can't be.
Of Russia. Which will allow them to create a bunch of countries, push the border even more, plant some NATO bases and then move to the next target who is China.
Wouldn't it be more accurate with JEWSA and the JEWSSR on the hands?
Jews never stop externalising blame, do they?
Isn't balkanization a good thing? NATO can't do shit, if a country doesn't want to join NATO, they can't do shit. Also, how can Russian authorities tell between a fake nationalist and a real one? Even if he was looking for corrupt WN's why can't he just tell us up right? It's not like anyone is going to pick a fight with him.
We are being set up once again no doubt. I'm guessing they will start early like they did with Bush Jr. That way there's enough time to work things through.
Those who are doing the setting up better make sure the West comes out ahead this time instead of another 40 trillion in debt and another half billion immigrants, otherwise their welcome will wear out. Too many people know now.
Who can not see how this is being orchestrated? You have to be retarded at this point.
The USA is not dominated by Jews, you fucking hebe bastard.
Which of course means he's actively patrolling for any white nationalist. Every heard of Tesrak, leader of Occupy Pedophilia? Jailed for "inciting racial hated" aka smushing a watermelon in a nigger pedo's face.
No one is saying that "moderate" or non-practicing people exist. The problem is that moderate Islam is either Islamists waiting to become radicalized or people who are just waiting to see who's gonna be the victor of the culture war. So called moderates do nothing to prevent the damage done by their radicalized peers, because acting against them will bar them as infidels themselves and risk subjecting them to much hardships, promoting those actions means they're just as bad as radicals while not lifting a finger, staying silent just means they're too afraid to go against their own teachings for the greater good.
And this is something that pertains all religions, both Jews and Christcucks are also responsible - moderate jews are a-okay with the globalists so long as it doesn't affect them, moderate christians are a-okay with destroying their own races and traditions if it means surviving the police states. Moderates are cursed to live in such a situation because they couldn't just stay neutral, they had to make a small step into either directions and pretend there's no consequences for that.
You probably want to filter this shill
He also sold busts of Hitler on
Oy vey you sure found me out goy ::^^)))
Economy. Or just helping the poor minorities, like Serbia.Or create a fake monster, Russia is going to attack you.
In the same way they can tell who was or not on a CIA payroll during the Cold War. Beside, nationalism is pretty strong in Russia and Putin isn't such exactly a liberal. From Yeltsin, the inability to even help during the rape of Serbia, to the reform of the military, the accords with Iran,Syria, intervention in Ukraine, talks with Japan, setting the BRICS and the creation of the "new silk road". I don't think people here understand how important is Russia in the world chessboard and how fucked up a good goy getting power there could be.Gorbachev and Yeltsin are good example of it.
No, we should be working towards keeping our land as coherent and maintained as possible, with an eye on expansion. Canada is ripe for the taking.
My argument is more along the lines of Putin preserving the actual "religion of peace" old school type of Islam and allowing it to have a safe haven in his country. The waters get muddy when you say the word Islam because almost everyone associates it with terrorism, All throughout history there are examples of the rulers of the world taking peaceful religions and corrupting it to set people against each other. Christianity and Islam are no different.
There are a few videos on youtube where Putin talks about (((them))) trying to corrupt the muslims in his country and failing miserably.
Nigger, it ain't my land, and if you want to get really technical here, it's Mongolian land.
Definitely something big is has been set in motion. Really looking forward to it though.
Aryid/Europids evolved in the Americas and moved west to the Caucasus. Basic anthropology.
Goyt Britain snubbing Israel? USA abstaining due to Obama being a partisan bitch?
This is an artificial show so Israel gets what it wants:
-a new war in ME
-some crafty jewry so they can interfere in the Syrian war.
Considering how Trump is snubbing the UN through Israel lately I wouldn't be surprised if this is a plot to slowly destroy the UN, hatched between Trump and Bibi in an uneasy alliance.
This. Trump allying with zionism and working to eliminate cultural marxist kikes is an important first step. I am not even opposed to kikes having a normal nationalist state as long as they cut the marxist poison and leave the rest of the world the fuck alone.
What is he going to do?
Have Mossad explode a Nuke in a densely populated American city and blame Iran so USA attacks Iran causing China to push more heavily in Afghanistan possibly leading to a conflict there as well, China and Russia in this scenario would likely become allies.
And that's only in the first month.
And as Zhirinovsky said, if Putin is couped, it's not a soft-hearted liberal who'd be elected in his place… It'd most likely be a military dictator.
A pig's head thrown into a synagogue resulted in a more urgent reaction from the Ukrainian govt officials than a shootout between police departments that left 5 cops dead. Makes you think.
No, you stupid fuck. The whole "omnipotent jewish menace" meme is their first fucking defense mechanism. They're just greasy fucking bastards who need to die. Even their magic isn't that fucking strong.
Pointing out the obvious: he's a yid and it's not a secret. As he said himself, «my mother is Russian and my father is a lawyer».
Holla Forums pls go
Israel owns every member of the UN. They would rather things stay the way they are now which is actually hope that Trump is somewhat legitimate. Both sides are controlled, the current game being played is the much safer and faster way of destroying the west but Trump being elected potentially throws a huge curveball in all of this.
Good opportunity to educate the masses about the Samson option
If there is one thing (((they))) fear more than anything is Americans taking back their country. No one is going to believe Iran has nuked anything. Iran doesn't even have nukes, wtf are you talking about.
This year is getting better and better. I don't want it to end.
The entire shithole is completely run by jews. It's embarrassing tbh.
So, he basically admits that Israel agents are in place in the US government, huh?
Sure thing, kike. We're all just a bunch of bad goy conspiracy theorists, aren't we?
(Checked), but they're getting much more assertive and openly aggressive towards the troublesome goyim. Not a good idea for a parasite to get too confident if you ask me.
Get fucked, tripkike
I'm not an expert, obviously, but Israel doesn't have the arsenal or the delivery required to glass the entire world.
The current wisdom is that they have 100-300 nukes and a handful of nuclear bombers. The bombers could only a few nukes before people wised up and started retaliating… but let's just suppose they could drop their entire arsenal at the push of a button, and let's also suppose that all of it will go to Europe, and none to the Middle East.
Now, 300 nukes will certainly suck, but they wouldn't wipe out Europe's population. The capitals will certainly be gone (no great loss there), but they won't waste their nukes on rural areas and small towns.
A back-of-the-envelope calculation: Europe's area is ~10m km². Let's again estimate high and say that all of Israel's 300 nukes have a yield of 455kt (
Upon detonation, probable mass fires erupt in an area of ~250km². If all 300 nukes are dropped in non-overlapping areas (unlikely, given that current military thinking prescribes multiple, smaller-yield weapons be used to blanket cities), they wipe out an area of 250*300 = 75000km², which amounts to .75% of Europe's landmass. Certainly, the population isn't uniformly distributed and the casualties will exceed .75%, but it won't be the global nuclear holocaust that they constantly spook us with.
That all said, Israel needs to be shoah'd for even daring to suggest this. As long as it, along with every single Jewish person in the world, is not gone, we will know no peace.
not an argument.
The jews won't nuke europe. Too many children would go to waste.
nice digits
You did this to yourselves, you only have yourselves to blame jews.
That's enough for most of us to worry. I live in a strategic city.
How many nuke plants are there in Europe? Nuke one, it releases radioactive steam that kills everything around it, then goes into the atmosphere to do more damage.
Furthermore, there is a chance they aim them all at antartica and greenland to flood low lying areas of earth.
You think nukes is the worst they have? What do you think would happen if they mass dropped "bombs" with ebola, smallpox, or who knows what other chemical arsenals they keep just for the goys. I'm sure they've prepared to easily wipe out the rest of the world, but they'd also be wiped out themselves 100 times over if Russia and the US haven't destroyed themselves yet.
You need to get out of Londonisten/Parisabad/wherever you live, m8. Those places are death traps, Samson or no Samson.
Hey we do pray to the god chaos. :^)
Maybe we should have expected this.
seriously though, get out
I can't without living off the grid and away from my rancid debtgree ;_;
Which field? Is it sociology? It's sociology, isn't it?
"never interrupt our enemy when hes doing a mistake"
I bet it will be useless by next year. Otherwise I still have a small margin of hope if I get into the market.
But it's a fucking mountain to climb.
Get back into the oven you piece of shit.
We all see what a treacherous, lying, kike-loving sack of shit Trump is, only a month and a half after the election and an entire month before he even takes office. Fuck all of you faggot motherfuckers.
I wasn't making an argument, tripnigger, I was telling you to get fucked.
His intentions are obvious by his kike-filled administration you dumb fuck.
Here's your .5$
I think YOU are the kike. You fuckers are easy to spot because it's like you're reading from a script. Pro-Trump to the point of retardation. You always accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a "shill" or a "Jew." You appeal to the lowest common denominator and to mass concensus, which you work tirelessly to manipulate and control (i.e. the last year and a half of Trump astroturfing on the pol boards)…..
This board is fucked, because half of the people here are zio-agents disguised as pollacks. Since its been clearly revealed that the entire TRUMP campaign was a Jew run operation, it's safe to assume the most hardcore Trumpkins are Zio-agents. The rest of the Trump-bots are just gullible, naive fools, so it doesn't matter either way. Simply disregard anything you fuckers say and remove your input from any relevant conversation. If you are just a dumbass chanting MAGA because you really haven't got a clue yet, then you're simply not intelligent enough to contribute to any meaningful discussion or debate.
Again, we still don't know, the evidence is stacking but we know Trump is a smart Machiavellian.
Get the fuck out, kike.
Trump is a philosemite, there's no denying that.
There is nothing "patriotic" about killing thousands of whites in Chechnya, Ukraine and Georgia and letting non-white immigrants from Central Asia and China flood into Russia, leading to unprecedented rates of white flight from the big cities.
Wouldn't that also destroy Israel considering they would have nobody to export to and nobody to defend them?
This derailing is obvious
I see what you did there
I think this rift with the UN is part of a larger yarn they're trying to spin.
They will use it to signal a return to Israel and Israeli expansion. Calls for Jews to leave France have already gone out from the (((mother ship))).
Anyone who thinks this is a goddamn fool and Im going to tell you why. There is no species on this planet that can share the same ecological niche with another without one of them going extinct.
You might like the idea and think it's good that they are going to be nationalist too, and have their own nation but your thinking falls short as I have to remind you how the various nations of europe did battle with each other for THOUSANDS of years just because they wanted resources, or to dominate, or w/e.
And you don't think in the future the jews wont try this crap again, long after we're dead? they need to be eliminated now and forever so that their invidious way of harming us and our people is removed from the game forever.
you have been warned
We were talking about your shithole country ridf
Its in his best interest. If syria falls Russia is out of the middle east.
Russia is increasingly unimportant in the grand game. Thats why the US has been attacking them, they are so weak they could finish them off. Russia has lost almost all its influence in eastern europe, central asia and the far east.
Japan fucking hates russia
Some are shills, most are redditors who didnt both to lurk and now they shit up the place thinking it was always like this.
t. Vatnik
You are dead wrong.
Where were you for the Chechen Wars, Moscow Theater Crisis and Beslan? Are you also forgetting how during the Soviet-Afghan war, Soviet troops from Islamic regions in Central Asia would defect to the Mujaheddin, leading the Soviets to send in troops from Russia, Ukraine, and other Baltic nations? What does this tell you about these "based Russian Muslims?"
Muslims in Russia are no different from their Muslim brothers in the Middle East, and would sooner side with these complete foreigners than their native motherland.
You'd think they'd learn how things work around here by now but no matter what the chosen and the good goys continue finding ways to oust themselves
We urgently need to direct our meme powers at memeing Trump as secretly redpilled on the Kikes. I am desperately hoping he will throw them all under the bus when he gets in office, and massively defunds Israel.
Oy vey goy, it's just the most powerful figure that goes to war, not the country! You don't need to impose sanctions. Don't take action at all, it would be an other shoa!
The muzzies in russia are the worst subhuman scum in the world
Neutron bomb them, so that five years later they repopulate and can be done again!
We turn it into Reach. It's just this Time we don't send some of our Best Soldiers there.
Now this is schizophrenia.
Learning how things work around here so they can better blend in would require admitting the truth, and the kikes and kike pets are absolutely allergic to the truth.
Well I suppose the kikes not recalled (Ukraine) can always make Aliyah.
Your parents still don't let you watch TV? He has called (((them))) out a few times.
Netanyahu voice sounds like he's an Arch Demon straight outta Diablo.
Now that I think about it, wasnt the reason why we wanted to learn more about the kikes because this election basically happened to be soros/rothschilds/mudslimes vs zionist jews/russian jews/ukranian jews?
He's acting like a spoiled brat.
Implying it's not (((soros/rothschilds/mudslimes)))
kek, but why would they put up this show the…oh…we have been kiked once more probably. Neat.
No he hasnt. Was it the time he said israeli must be defended and that the UN's anti israeli vote needs to be thrown out? Or when he sold his children to kews?
to add to that, or maybe not. Its just so confusing, fuckintg kikes.
And filtered. But to humor your, have you never once thought that Trump is verbally defending israel so that he can't be accused of anti-semitism? That he set his children up with them for similar purposes to fulfill a bigger picture?
Israel will sacrifice some of its own in a false flag nuke that will get blamed on Iran. The story will be that Iran used the money that was flown in earlier this year. Uranium from the Russia deal ties in with this as well.
Russia will side with Iran, we get a ground war in Eastern Europe, the middle east, and Iran.
Afterwards Israel becomes greater Israel, because it was literally another shoah.
The recent crackdown on "fake news" is needed to control this narrative. 9/11 showed cracks, and back then Internet and social media were not what they are now.
If Isreal owned every member of the UN as you claim, then the resolution against their settlements would never have passed, duh!
Durante in the Phillipines has told Obama, the UN and all the rest of the globalist swine to go fuck themselves! Repeatedly.
The entire world does NOT agree with Obama or his fucking Muslim terrorist scum!
Turn Jerusalem and Mecca into a Nuclear Wasteland no human could enter again. Arabs and Jewish must pay pay the price for corrupting the future of the Mankind
underrated post
This, power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have, Jews obviously have substantial clout in many spheres of influence but the idea that they are an omnipotent conspirator is demoralization shilling. BDS actually caused a shekelshoah, they failed to install Clinton, and they failed in Syria, they are not as strong as you think.
Another Alternate headline:
12 nations had decided it is better to suck arab dick instead of sucking kike dick as they fear the sandniggers will infest their lands with their subhuman brethren
That won't really help. Glassing the place doesn't do anything but create more - and worse - combatants. It doesn't take away the money or the cause.
You'll also be bringing Christians into the mix of potential violent response. When you glass Jerusalem, you're not just glassing Jews. Unless your goal is to make more terrorists, then I suppose your idea is the best one for that.
MIDF pls go
Israel ordered Germany to build them another batch of Dolphin Subs (Germany can't refuse because of holohoax).
It's not gonna be pretty for anyone living in cities but nothing of value will be lost tbh.
pretty reasonable post for hitlerdubs kek
Getting real tired of this shit
Thanks for the advice, Trudeau.
Trump was like the most Kosher candidate other than Bernie Sanders.
Anyone have webms of Jewstein Trujew?
MIDF pls go
Old school islam is actually far more openly aggressive than islam now and that ought say a lot unless you haven't been paying attention. Old school islam waged massive open wars of expansion where arabs raped and murdered across all of the middle east and into southern europe. Not to mention all the baby rape and pederasty they were, and still are, fond of. If you're a shill I'm glad you're so shit at your job, if not then you need to keep your dirty whore mouth shut until you know what the fuck you're talking about.
they're called quads retard
Its pottery
I don't think Isreal has that much power, am far more concerned about Radical Islamist terrorists, and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Fuck off with this shit you kike pandering cunt, jews created the muslim problem we are dealing with in the current age and every last one of them deserves to hang, including you.
Have you noticed the new narrative that just started popping up recently about how Trump is OK because he is aligning himself with the zionist kikes instead of the globalist kikes? They're actually implying that 1.There's a difference and 2.the ZOG is the good guy, it's fucking unbelievable.
Fuck off kike
first we kill the mudslimes
then we come for you
I recall a post an user made a couple months ago where he said we should make kikes immortal, and then insert them into eternal torture cubes, and fire them all off into space to suffer for eternity
He was probably inspired by this
It's just another stab at a fracture point that does not exist on Holla Forums. It's te same old shitty tactics and they are so see through they might as well be transparent when posted here.
I have been thinking and observing the behavioral changes on the board and it seems to me that what has appeared as an influx of newfags from reddit, 4cancer etc has merely been different clusters of internet jewery trying to fracture the userbase and stifle action. So much so that the majority of the shitty threads and infighting (outside the easily identified, genuine Holla Forums posters who are just plain fed up) are these outsiders arguing with eachother, be it through a planned action to make the userbase appear to be infighting or just sheer luck that they are stupid enough to play shill v shill v shill. The Evalion saga is one of the more recent ones that made this very evident to me.
and not one oldfag was the slightest bit surprised by this, the same with the creation of the 'alt-kike'.
Now with the push into 'these jews are ok' territory, more than just the occasional shitpost, i no longer have any doubts.
There are also the issues currently with the moderation staff being kikes and muds which does not help the situation. The above issues are easily cleaned up with some decent moderation staff but if we follow the rabbit again, Holla Forums is owned by a self deluded, selfie posting, hotwheels killing, kikemason who has no desire for Holla Forums to exist because being shown as the greedy grubby kike he is hurts his feelings.
sorry, i'm steaming with anger that is appears there is another exodus on the horizon and daylight is breaking. Fucking sick of kikes ruining everything I have enjoyed since my childhood.
I would donate to the kickstarter for that
would be the only useful thing financed through that kikesite and ironic as hell
I also think this is why Sam Hyde doesn't want AI to exist.
As little as I care about muslims, and I care more about ants than I do muslims, the kikes really should just give them some land and statehood, and just be done with it. Unfortunately, Jewish greed knows no bounds.
The award for 'Worst post of 2016' goes to…
Is it so hard for you retards to just accept that Trump is merely a step in the right diection, is still a Jewish shill, and won't be our knight in shining armor? I get it. You're desperate for a messiah figure to worship and follow to salvation, but Trump is just another kosher politician with a few positive aspects that make him strategically beneficial to us.
did you forget the Brzezinski Doctrine?
US sought to dismantle the "red atheist bloc" of Eurasia by using religion as a lever.
They used Saudi wahhabism for this. Or John Paul II in Poland.
Look at the British/Western TV archives of the Chechen Wars. You'll notice something really nasty: the side they were supporting was not the Christian one.
They sought a repeat of Yugoslavia where the US supported Albania, Kosovo, Bosniaks, anything muslim would be straight-up converted into islamic crazies.
What did he meme by this?
Goddam dude.
What is "nuke it from orbit using magnets"?
You're right, this is the end game and Israel is finally showing their cards considering the have their golden goy installed as the most pro-israel president ever. Expect complete, unconditional support from the US for all of Israels plans
Ukraine was base but the NatSoc party were taken over by EU/America/Jews while fighting Russia. Just like last time in Germany, they can't fight the whole fucking West and Russia at the same time
Russians and americans are the cunts killing the world
I had another pic with her but I can't find it.
Let's suppose Yellowstone erupts and all Americans die.
Nope…. Jews are
What's so based about what Putin said? He wants jews, christians and muslims to hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Judea declared war on Germany.
Now its Israels turn for magic carpet bombings
There's nothing holy about those lands. They're a barren desert that has given birth to nothing good. Turn the entire Middle East into glass.
Jews are controlling both America and Russia.
This too.
T. Estoni-user
I got you fampai
You've missed the point. user wasn't concerned with killing Jews; fuck those kikes. The point he was making is that knocking out Jerusalem could potentially create new problems, given that Jerusalem is a holy site for christfags. There is more at stake here than just kikes; likely, there would be considerable political fallout and collateral damage. I had this thought myself as I was reading through the article.
Honestly, I still haven't arrived at a satisfying answer for why the Obama administration has behaved in a manner that could be perceived as hostile to Israel, yet goes and clears the largest foreign aid budget for Israel ever. It could all be a ruse, sure. But if it is, it's a complicated and risky one. Now other nations have jumped on board declaring Jerusalem as Palestinian territory.
Input from other anons would be appreciated.
I really think this is the case. I can think of no other presidential candidate who grovelled before Israel as much as Trump has. I think we are going to see Israel's plans for the middle East finally coming to fruition under Trump, which eventually means war with Iran. If there was going to be a president to take us over the precipice with regards to pro-Israel foreign policy, Trump is it. Expect a massive, Mossad engineered false flag attack on US soil that will be blamed on some ISIS which kick starts a shitstorm. They will probably say they discovered that Iran backed it and…….
I have a really bad feeling about the next year or two. Just like the bad feeling I had when Bush won in 2000.
It gives Israel a reason to do something drastic. 2 possibilities as to why.
1.They want need ww3 to eventually fulfil their Yinon plan in order to make greater Israel which expands the current borders of Israel from Nile to the Euphrates.
2.They need this to bring about ww3 in order to fulfil biblical prophecies about the apocalypse.
What happened after Bush got into office was just setting the stage for what is about to come. I really think they are about to finally carry out the final part of their plan they have been building up to for years and years now.
Islam and mudkikes have no place in Europe.
Europe for the Europeans.
White = European = White = European.
And nothing else. White is European and European is white.
White Americans, Aussies, Canadians are descended from Europeans
It's pretty clear that Israel is gearing up for something drastic. I'll give those scenarios you offered some consideration. I'm almost certain there is religious significance here; at the very least, declaring Jerusalem as Palestinian territory is bound to raise the ire of christfags, garnering (or rather strengthening) their support for Israel. I'm certain the religious significance of that particular patch of dirt was the reason it was chosen.
What's the difference between Harry Potter and the Jews? Harry managed to escape from the chambers.
Underrated post
Why the fuck are we wasting our time with sand people? This whole thing has been no benefit whatsoever in dealing with these rats.
I don't even see how he's a traitor. This was obvious to begin with. Only idiots bigged him up into anything more than being an alternative to the demon witch Shillary. You won't find a politician who is against the Jew himself, only manifestations of Jewish behavior. Trump isn't any different in that respect, but at least he is against the manifestation that is lax border control. In other words, he buys us time.
Made me kek, so I just had to.
We don't really need a Chinese AI to turn us into bile bears though. Jews are already doing a good enough job of that.
Oy vey dis is like anudda shoah!
Reported. You know nothing about kikes or dune coons.
The religious significance is a lie.
It's TERRITORY in an EXTREMELY vulnerable spot. Without Israeli walls, Arabs and niggers can walk the coast freely in to Europe.
the kikes take advantage of their position and exploit it because they're heartless immoral roaches… but without SOMEONE other than Islamic sandniggers occupying Israel, all of Europe is fucked and it's another Crusade.
Do you even know where Israel is located? It's in absolutely no position to be considered as a buffer for Europe. It's got 4 sand nigger countries surrounding it from the land side, and the other side is the Med. and there are way better launching points for refugees to take a boat into Europe than Israel. I really don't even know what you're talking about.
No. A boat is only a good launching point because they can't simply follow the coast.
You are an utter retard. The most dangerous migratory paths are always on foot. That's why we build walls.
LOL. Israel being where it is is a minor inconvenience at best, and completely insignificant for the most part. A lot of the refugees are coming from countries where Israel isn't even a country they have to pass through to get to Europe, and Syrians can just go through Turkey. If Israel had any kind of impact on immigration Europe wouldn't be facing the migrant crisis it's experiencing right now.
Yeah. That's exactly it. They have to go through Turkey, which is honestly not as good an ally as Israel.
And the Italian Coast guard probably scoops them up because Israeli deals. I'm sure of it though I have no evidence.
It's a complicated situation, but this literally happens because we have a wall in Israel to stem the tide.
You know what happens when Israel falls? Pic related. Maybe I'd like this. We'd finally get to slaughter muslims and the kikes would no longer be of an use. We could claim Israel as Christian clay.
It's just a zionist shill.
Exactly. (((Brzezinski))) himself wrote about the need to fuck up Ukraine 15 years before it happened. The main idea was to keep Germany and Russia from creating a strong alliance which would project a lot of (potentially independent) power in Eurasia. It's all fucking spelled out in "The Grand Chessboard".
This was, of course, presented as a US interest but it's clearly a kike globalist plan to enslave the goyim in the NWO. US foreign policy was written by (((Kissinger))), (((Brzezinski))) and (((Wolfowitz))) after all.
Let me guess you're American?
Georgia is questionable and heavily orthodox, however Chechnya are just isis-tier cunts. Ukraine and Georgia are complicated because the wars where started by the installation of pro-EU and pro-NATO governments in both with colour revolutions funded by the usual suspects. Chechnya just got steamrolled after a massive terrorist attack.
thats the least redpilled thing i have ever read on this website.
like seriusly where have you been since ww2 ?
Out of curiosity, what other opinions/beliefs are Europeans not allowed to hold? If they can't be Muslim, can they also not be Christian? Are the only "true" Europeans hardline anti-theists, atheists, or pagans?
Given that, in terms of religious doctrine, the Qur'an is merely the Bible with an extra chapter, why not allow pro-white European Muslims? Does the "stop thinking what I don't think" rule also apply to Mormons, who, like Muslims, are simply Christians with an extra chapter's worth of material tacked on?
Great fucking idea, dipshit. There is now an immortal Jew who's spent the past two million years fantasizing about revenge against the goyim living on Earth.
This. Obongo being played up as "unfriendly to Israel" is pure marketing.
Consider that, with the recent gains of what the media calls alt/far-right politicians and parties, what we have actually seen is mass mobilization of Christians. They want their country back, they want a return to traditional values, they want to honor the ways of their ancestors. All of these are set-ups to subversion of Christendom's energy.
"Jews have always been your greatest ally, goyim!" Jews have historically tried to portray themselves as harmless, and given that they operate relatively in the shadows (compared to the actions of other minorities, i.e. chimpouts, riots, and mass rapes), they simply are not perceived as a pressing threat.
"Honor God's Chosen, remember your Judeo-Christian values!" Everything before this false term's creation is memory-holed. There is no separating the values of Judaism and Jews from Christianity because, after all, they're basically the same thing now that Christians are being force-fed a pro-Jew reading of the Bible a la Old Testament Jews dindu nuffin (a large part of it is a chronicle of Jewish suffering after being punished by God as a result of their poor behavior and complete ingratitude), Jesus was a Jew (probably the most pervasive distortion), and especially that the Jewish supremacist Paul is somehow infallible (another Jew playing the name game - he was originally called Saul). When speaking with the vast majority of Christians, notice how they cite any passage with equal authority. The words of Jesus in Matthew 12:50 ("For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother.") are given the same value as the words of Paul in Romans 1:16 ("For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.").
Tying in with the above point, Jews have pushed themselves as being our greatest ally throughout history. In the unlikely event that someone brings up all the exiles/banishments of Jews from various European places throughout history, well that's just antisemitism for you and how good it is that we're more enlightened now! The concept of the Jewish "ally" as a fifth column is completely incomprehensible to them. Usury as a word has no meaning to them, much less the idea that it was a nearly exclusively Jewish practice.
Jews want supporters of Trump, National Front, Golden Dawn, AfD, and all the other nationalist movements to re-cuck themselves by forgetting history and ignoring who got their countries into this mess in the first place. By portraying Israel as a "tiny, Western-style democracy" under attack by a horde of hateful militant dictatorships and ebul anti-Semites countries around the globe, they can easily rein in our momentum and put us back under their thumb.
Ah! After two million years I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!
10/10, would rub hands together again.
Seriously this. People been dying for that land for thousands of years. Let the dead bury their dead.
When you come for them, they will be in israel already.
What will Trump do
Holla Forums has been a magical place for this really old lurkerfag, only hope I can find it again after the exodus. At least I have years of reading material.
dis nigga need to start taking notes, he's been going back&forth with king negro for 8 years and gone nowhere.
He's only been at Putin's ear for 3 weeks and already been completely shrekt
Gitgud Netty, lrn2bantzmitzvah
they're living the reality of the meme, baby!
what's funny to me is that it's fucking peanuts compared to what Clinton has stolen/sold in far less time, and she's got endless reams of apologetic cucks. The jews are confirmed legit outjewed by their own tactics.
oil, dunbass! And also a little ideo-jew vs money-jew in there somewhere for good measure.
Though it's more about China than the ME. If the Russians lose it's a much larger cut on their economy, and they get bulldozed by the azn jews.
Russia doesn't export shit as far as the largest profit sector of (((entertainment))) goes. They're not invested much in the bread&circus economy so have a lot less room to maneuver in resource concerns.
Dare say some of this is so out and in the open because normies showed time after time they just don't care if you give them their televitz the past few decades.
I've run across a good number of cuckservatives who can point this all out minus jew-naming, and yet don't protest shit nor yell at their representatives about it. Strange time we live in where most everyone acknowledges these wars are all fake, yet both refuse to join but also do anything about them. I think this is part of the reason ISIS had to be created, we in the west had fervent nationalism beaten out of us before they realised what a useful tool it was for motivating warfare.
tl;dr Israel got overtaken as top jew mafia boss ages ago, and Netanyahu's Berlusconi bluster is a good sign of that.
All about dem fucking sauds and bolshie mudslime apologists now mang.
Why do I think Israel's losing prominence? Simply that their method of dealing with things is still very old-world 'the jew king has invited you to tel aviv'
Netty is legit chimpin' like Obama right now. Successful new kike methodology is going to start mimicking 'net culture more and more. And the whining wall will soon be replaced by one on the Mexican border.
So here's a short short version:
Teamwise: Neolibs, sauds, Bushcons, new world order.
Trump, Netty, Rootypootyputin: Old defending itself.
however, Trump and Putin adopted and moulded themselves over the new order's tactics, which is why it offended the shit out of so many of them and made him unassailable and nothing stick.
Neolibs/Bushcons/Netty are stuck in the past, and easily triggerable/put on the defensive. Everyone on this side loses no matter what regardless of their actual affiliations. He made a soft attempt with his 'putting christmas above hannukah' ploy but he fucked it up already by reacting to saudi sanction attempts this way.
While the primary conflict is zionism vs their frankstein-run-amok globalism, there's also a new method of thinking rising up from the depths and infiltrating the real powers of high society. And it's not social justice!
Anyone incapable of realising this (entirety of the democratic party, likud, etc) is set to perpetually lose until something else takes its place.
Charges of any -ism against someone of equal or higher social standing no longer do a goddamn thing! (hence why it's never levied at anyone seriously other than solo acts or poor rural bastards)
doubly tl;dr ^dis
nice dubs, but to everyone in this convo chain, the gommies got there first.
man, I bet Nutty Netty wishes he could be as optimistic as you. The Sauds are Israel's (har har) Bane. They've grown too powerful and too wealthy. Everything Sharon has put in place has slowly unraveled during Netty's time.
They'll get their 'greater israel' but become enslaved to the sauds in the meantime.
you all fail to understand the russian psyche.
russians are, first and foremost one thing: russians.
everything else, kike or not, comes after a loooong nothing.
Manufactured sympathy.
The ultimate fucking cuckservatives. We should look into this group and names their names publicly. $100 the majority of them are pro-immigration for the west.
Does anyone else not trust this? It's not like all the Israeli/Jew manipulators were ousted. Sure it's awesome to see Israel getting fucked up, but the kikes are still around and if the kikes didn't want this, it wouldn't be happening. Or how retarded am I? I don't get it.
Nukes also depend on gravitational pull from other heavenly bodies and magnetic ley lines. It's not as simple as press the button and launch. A wonderful fucking scam (((they've))) had for almost 100 years.