i had to share this video because it made me laugh so hard.
alt-right fags are so fucking retarded
feel free to post it on Holla Forums for maximum anal devastation
i had to share this video because it made me laugh so hard.
alt-right fags are so fucking retarded
feel free to post it on Holla Forums for maximum anal devastation
But who is the real Trump tho
not sure, but i think he's playing for the opposite team.
OMG somebody turn it into a webm.
Why does this look like something that would be posted on Facebook with the words "viral" vaguely hovering over it?
How come the post look like a neutral fill-the-blanks with some Google-search-image?
Coincidentally the Youtube account:
-Has been created this later july
-Has no videos but this one,two versions.
-The single video has over 900k views
-The July-2016 account with a single video with massive views has 400 subscribers
Also the comments above… someone forgot they are not in facebook/youtube.
Probably trying to jump-start the account through viral(read spamming the video) and probably fake subscribers.
You can see the same process happening in real time here
who cares ? the video is still valid, he did a good job
But guys,
he's a 6th dimensional chess playing wizard genius.
I haven't laughed this hard in a while
you should probably follow up with "he doesnt have the experience" you latte-sipping yuppie faggot
Nobody that matters fucking cares about your soundbytes, we are voting for him because hes not hillary, because the establishment fears him on some level, and basically as a middle finger to the system/accelerationist tactic
who knows, he might actually do something good, his anti-anti russian rhetoric is a breath of fresh air for everyone that doesnt want more war, but i guess you dont care about that you fucking homo, nice helping of idpol is much more up your alley
way i see it there are two possibilities on how his presidency might play out:
1) full on meme president akin to arnie, he doesnt really do shit, makes some bad decisions, causes more debt, sucks up to the banks, etc(still better than hillary who will probably start ww3 in accordance with her masters)
2) motherfucker goes full roosevelt, heavy infrastructure projects, isolationist foreign policy(not very roosevelt i know), clamps down on the filthy banksters + multinationals, manufacturing returns to the US, etc p.p
both are equally possible at this point, the man is a megalomaniac which might turn out to be a good thing, and as much as a dick suck liberal may argue the president has no power in our day and age, he really still does.
what makes this even more interessting is htat trump has his own security detail, it will be a lot harder to assassinate him if he does something actually good, this has been a problem for awhile now, Secret Service is completely infiltrated
all you faggots bitching about trump are basically anally wrecked john stewart western liberals, thats what it really comes down to, if you were anything else you would be enjoying this silly ride and looking for new opportunities to actually get shit done in the near future
Honestly this video makes me want to see him win even more, for the lulz.
Also, we have a thread for the election: 8ch.net
He is establishment, you twat.
t. Boomer who wandered in from Facebook
you mongrels are just as bad as sjw's
hes not a fucking man of the people, im quite aware of that ya schmuck.
hes not political establishment either tho, fucknuts, if you dont understand this you are as dumb as a polack that thinks there is one monumental conspiracy as opposed to a bunch of overlapping conspiracies that are loosely coordinated at best
this man was not groomed to get into office like pretty much every politician, hes a loud-mouthed, mob-affiliated robber baron capitalist, all theses establishment fuckwits were merrily laughing at his political aspirations like you laugh at a monkey until he hijacked the entire republican party from right under their noses
there is more than one establishment, and the politcal powers that be did not want him to get to where he is now, not nec. bnecausse he is anathem to what they believe, but because he is a loose cannon.
A pragmatist that truly opposes the present system would realize this and embrace the circumstances regardless of ideology, but im guessing you are relatively komfy where you are right now
He's not a pragmatist. He is a opportunist. Like Hillary.
just because you are a cutthroat real estate mogul doesnt mean you are talking geostrategy with the noeocons you fucking dumbass, seriously how naive and childish is your understanding of the world exactly?
you should read fucking bernays you arrogant cunt, theres a decent explanation in"propaganda" as to how "democracy"(i.e US capitalism) functions and how consent/opinions are manufactured, its much better than chomsky imo, from the devils mouth so to speak
you apparently think its just one big smokey room and a roundtable you fucking tard, thats pretty /pol imo
I can understand everyones reservations about trump, he is not a likeable man, but its still a lolworthy moment that was NOT planned for like obamas rise or hillaries candidicy
didnt say he is a pragmatist, read what im fucking saying if you argue with me, I read your shit.
Im saying pragmatists of all political colors are embracing his hilarious run for president because its a kink in the colon of what the political establishment in the us wanted, which was hillary vs some dicksuck like Jeb! or thinlips that couldve easily been defeated
How's being 15?
War is literally bad for business though. Which is why there's been such a dramatic reduction of it over the past century, the only countries we would consider war against would be the isolationist ones, but even that is a risky proposition because doing nothing looses no money, while a war is very costly. There's no way in hell Hillary would start WW3 at the behest of some shady puppet masters. She would start small scale wars at most.
boomer, seriously? that hurts
anyhow you can fuck right off anarkiddie, never inherited a goddamned thing and i bet Ive thrown more bottles at the popo than your sorry ass:)
boomer, seriously? that hurts
anyhow you can fuck right off anarkiddie, never inherited a goddamned thing and i bet Ive thrown more bottles at the popo than your sorry ass:)
Stop posting anytime soon
no you sad little man, it's you who's absorbed by propaganda and blinded by idealism, trump is a hypocrite, trump is an opportunist, and the only reason you support trump is because "he's random, he's from the outside." If you can't see that trump is contorting you like clinton is with the liberals, then you're just as lost as them. All of trump's policies have been outlined on his website, and suffice to say they change shit all with the given problems in the country.
tl;dr, go back to the kid's table.
I am still voting drumpf to help bring about the downfall of american imperialism and western capitalist hegemony
those are some pretty nice memes, but this board is god's gift compared to Holla Forums in all honesty.
Witness here this despicable creature: The slime mold, the western liberal, the redditor
Witness how he attempts to obfuscate that which is in front of your very eyes with juggling of meaningless numbers, witness how he attempts to relativize reality. Does he do it on purpose, or has his brain been molded? we cant really know and it doesnt matter, what matters is a swift kick to the head and onwards to better things
tell that to the people in Syria, in Iraq, libya, tell that to the people in Donbass
Laughably naive, where the fuck have you been, clearly not here or even on /pol
You know nothing about war, war is immensely profitable, its a multi-faceted racket from arms sales to loans to Wiederaufbau, never mind the end goal of unilateral hegemony. it ties into all kinds of other rackets, most importantly its a great way of covering up severe financial trouble and debt
that you can actually espouse such a thing while calling me 15 boggles my mind you fucking pog, you need to git and read a book that isnt 100year old theorywank you fucking REMF, you can start with Smedley Butlers seminal pamphlet entitled aptly WAR IS A RACKET
unbefuckinglievable how head up your ass you are being here, you are actually rustling my jimmies a wee bit
when i say hilldog might start ww3 i dont mean shes gonna grab the snuke-case and hit the big red button, what i mean is lethal aid to ukraine, more fuckery in syria, more color revolutions, more shit to antagonize russia and more shit in line with the neocons who have basically laid out their strategy for the coming decades.
this is undeniable, these are the people backing her, she is going to do what they say just like bill did, because shes been groomed for this job
People have said that ww3 has been going on since the 60s, and that its a war against the third world, low-intensity so as not to start nuclear armageddon.
these people are getting desperate however, they are starting to babble about "Humane limited nuclear engagement". If they try some shit like a nuclear mine in ukraine(which has also been debated) russia will retaliate in full, and then we have actual ww3 on our hands
this is the most reddit thing ive seen in awhile, very sad, hillary is by far the more likely candidate to start some shit, your feel good numbers cant mask that
see, at least this is an argument
(you might be dissapointed tho friendo, I underestimated him once before)
pic related, don't know why it hasn't been posted yet
stop being so ageist you fucking shi-tlord, seriouslay
not really, I have mixed feelings about all of this and I know what a cutthroat he can be, I also acknowledge that this could all go fubar fast. Its still better than crazy eyes hillary tho
explain to me again how figuring out the best of two shitty choices is idealism you arrogant liberal faggot, ill wait
Ive read his website for the most part, its kinda incoherent like the man himself. I like his talk about russia, I like his talk about reforming the VA(for personal reasons), I like his anti-freetrade rhetoric, and I like his talk about shutting down parasitic moneylending over the mexican border, i came up in the SW, ive worked with migrants, they get fucking robbed by western union and co, its a crime and its sanctioned by the state
your post is a prime example of the kind of delusional, self-centered, western liberal petit-buji arrogance that is gong to get him elected, bravo
you say im projecting and I might be, but if he actually wants to "make america great again", if only to appease his massive ego, he is going to have to take some kind of dirigist route, and hes been hinting at that, so i guess we shall see
Oh wow, four examples? How will I ever recover? I doubt I'll ever be able to find an example of when more than four wars happened at the same time… Oh wait, I never fucking ever claimed that we have 0 wars going on right now and there's been way more than four wars at a time being waged historically. I used hard data in my first post, you used an anecdote to refute it.
Explain why rich countries rarely go to war with each other anymore? Is it because trade is more profitable than war? War is only profitable for the specific companies that are in the military-industrial complex, everyone outside of it benefits by not killing their potential customers.
How is what I said anti-Holla Forums? Marx himself acknowledged that capitalism was a necessary stage in human development. I agree with him and think one of the reasons why capitalism is a necessary stage in human development is because it trains people to believe that free trade is more profitable than war, because it's true. Why spend trillions of dollars and thousands of human lives on an army to secure some resource when you can just buy whatever resource you want for far less money? That only doesn't apply in the case of isolationist/ideologically driven states who won't sell no matter what.
So what you're saying is, the wars Hillary would start won't be world wars, they'll be a lot of smaller wars. I don't think that qualifies as WW3, given that the conflicts aren't global in scale.
Well then it's an awfully ineffective war. In 1990, emerging markets made up ~1/3 of global GDP. Now it's ~1/2.
except none of that fucking matters if he would actually clamp down on derivatives, HFT and all the other banking scams that are intrinsically embedded into the real us economy, all kinds of budgetary problems would dissapear almost overnight
we have a phrase for this in german, its "not seeing the forest because of all the trees"
Do I think the rich should be taxed more? hell I want to string most of them up on some level but that isnt going to solve shit, its a bandaid, if you want to fix the fradulent US gambling economy you reinstate glass-steagall, you tax fucking HFT and derivatives, you defuse the QUADRILLION dollar time bomb that is hovering over the global economy and makes every other scam pale in comparison
Guess what just got into the repub program right in time for the convention? yep, fucking glass-steagall, something that hillary will never enact, much less revert dodd-frank which her bill instated.
you people babble about global socialism but then you start fucking nitpicking tax code instead of looking at the big picture, I honestly dont know what to say.
Do we know trump will do this? no of course we dont, but theres a chance and theres zero chance with hillary the hoofed one
so for lack of a better word, you're voting for him solely because he's the lesser evil compared to clinton. I don't know where you got this idea that I'm a liberal, but that is laughable. Trump's election could possibly result in a few good policies being pushed through, but the result will be an even more polarized demographic, an even more racially divided nation; and more identity politics flooding the media.
You're getting that anyway though, now that the Democrats are running on "Gosh, why are straight white males so fucking cancerous to the real America?"
your hard data is shit, it doesnt encompass all the people dying from sanctions, it doesnt count all kinds of things, conservative estimate of deaths in iraq is like a million+, before the invasion, entire swathes of land have been rubbelized in the past ten years, we cant even begin to estimate the long-term costs, its a never-ending conga line of misery and you have the fucking audacity to claim everything is peachy and we should just chill.
The world has been in a constant state of low-intensity war from the 50-60s onwards, just because you have never fucking experienced it doesnt mean it doesnt exist
because they use proxy forces ya fuckin dink, they cant just straight up duke it out as much as they would like to because of MAD, but they sure as hell have been trying their hardest
the two go hand in hand, if you want to do business, you need to get that uppity sand nigger that is talking about nationalising oil out of the fucking way first.
This shit isnt about only profit, its about hegemony, profit is a close second when you can install people that are aligned with you will always profit in the long run, but you want control of the fucking board because thats what "free trade" really is, its "we make the rules and you fuckers make our shoes"
these people arent looking for pure death counts nigger, they arent sacrificing brown babies to moloch(i think).
all the proxy wars have been incredibly effective, they dismantled yugoslavia, they sent the middle east down the road of theocracy, they ravaged africa, the list goes on and on and on, what kind of thumb up the ass delusional keynsian are you exactly, i honestly dont know what to say here how do you not know about any of this
read that fucking pamphlet, seriously, its 100 years old as well but its even more relevant nowadays
again, I said she is the most likely candidate for a possible ww3, i didnt say she is going to fire off nukes the moment she is in, she is going to escalate, and thats the last fuckiong thing we need right now, anything could happen, this should be the main reason why an informed citizen should vote for trump even if it leaves a bad taste in his/her mouth
Most people on Holla Forums don't really understand the Trump phenomenon. In the beginning I thought myself that it was just Holla Forums memeing their retarded white nationalist views.
But it really is more than that, every now and then I visit Holla Forums to shitpost, and lately with the CTR payed shills posting how Trump has no chance in winning in the polls. Yet some sane Holla Forumsfags will admit that it was never about him winning or proving whether he is an idiot, qualified for president etc. In reality it's massive protest movement by the white working class in hijacking the Republican party. You can call them class-cucks for supporting a billionaire, but it is obvious that Trump's economic policies has their primary interest in mind like the condescending fat fuck Michael Moore said.
But what I think we must take from this is what Zizek warned in his latest article: ==Beware of the false unity building up around the establishment liberals== . Everyone from the msm, Democrats, establishment Republicans to the far left idpol movements have gone out of their way to use the Trump phenomenon to demonize a large part of the white working class, in a conflict between establishment PC culture/neo-liberal status quo and the rampaging "Trumpite neo-fascists". There is no "alt-right" being created, there is no real white identitarian movement at least no more than BLM represent African-American politics, there is only the desire to revolt and no direction to turn to to vent that frustration. Nor is it an "us" vs Holla Forums moment, they have litteraly no power (like us btw) beyond spamming, doxxing and memes.
Don't buy into the spectacle, there should be no peace with the establishment. The disappointed white Trump voters are more of potential allies to us than the opportunistic pathetic millennials who mercenary for psychotic neo-liberal, hawkish cunts like Clinton.
I suppose, and I'm still certain that the entire purpose of this election was to polarize people anyways. I haven't even brought up trump's denial of climate change, and his lack of care for the environment compared to Hilary. I don't know why you people seem to think Trump, and Hilary are the only two people in this election.
theres no denying that there is some race shit brewing in the US, call me naive but I still think its mainly a COP problem, as in cops have a lot of psychos in their ranks and like to shoot first and ask questions rarely. lot of poor whites getting shot by cops as well, just not as useful a topic if you are the mainstream media and out to racebait.
I wouldnt want to be black and urban in merka though, ill fucking say that much
still, even if you are right and he will polarise the nation even further, that still pales in comparison to the risk we are running with another neocon puppet in office.
If I could speak directly to some of the more pissed off blacks in the us I would tell them that as shitty as it may sound you need to put your identitarian issues on the backburner for now, and make sure that hillary doesnt get in because her neolib/neocon bullshit is going to fuck all of us, equally.
the blacks are in a slump in the us, a lot of shit has gone wrong, I dont think this can be denied
you know what would probably help the most though? big fucking infrastructure projects, well paying technical jobs, a new deal of sorts sans the war. Its helped in the past.
2nd best thing, direct link to vid:
Hilary getting elected will also result in the same racial tensions growing. What's hilary's stance on BLM, what's hilary's stance on refugees, and immigrants? Hilary's election fan's the flames for the far-right just as much as Trump does.
Either person getting elected will set a precedent for the events to come.
this is a decent analysis, especially the realization that these people are far more likely to be possible future…comrades than your average trust babbey democrat liberal
the one thing you will find majority bipartisan agreement on is that the political establishment is corrupt, and trump is exposing this in a way, hes certainly the first candidate to say it openly
I agree, these arent real movements these are people waking up and lashing out at something that they dont quite understand yet, although they are hopefully getting there
I get the feeling the establishment fears that the whole left-right paradigm is falling apart, they fear people dropping their team flags and actually looking at reality, this would be a nightmare for them and trump is a small step in that direction even if he loses
Polarization was happening regardless, Trump's just the fall guy for out-of-touch elites (and their sycophants) entirely oblivious to the problems they've created.
Oh he's shit on the environment, but that's a given with Republicans anyway. Which is absolutely insane in my view, considering how half the things the base want (i.e. end to globalisation, immigration both legal/illegal) can be justified with environmental concerns.
Because sadly it's a two-party system, and in a two party system like the US has third parties are pretty much just spoilers for the two main parties.
Nope. All I said is that things are less shitty than before.
How is this worse than high intensity wars?
Now why do they use proxies? Is it because it's more profitable to trade with rich countries since they have more money to buy goods and services from us and vice versa, which makes war a retarded waste of money to get the same resources? Do all the mental gymnastics you want, but you get more with honey than you do with vinegar.
Except MAD kept the US and USSR from outright fighting each other, and the USSR was not a rich country.
That happens in a minority of countries because most leaders see free trade as mutually beneficial from the get go.
Which I agree was wrong, but worse things happened in the past.
Which was also wrong, but worse things happened in the past. And it's not like the US is the only party responsible or that some of the seeds for current conflicts hadn't been sewn by Britain and France drawing up shitty borders back when invading places to take their resources was more acceptable.
During the cold war, yes. The continent has mostly been improving since then. Surprise surprise, free-er trade is mostly responsible for the reduction in conflicts in Africa since the end of the cold war.
Well it looks like the argument has reached it's conclusion. The only reason we can come up with voting for Trump is that we hope he does something about the muck in the establishment and transnational corporations; and that he is less shit than Hilary.
I have no reason to trust Trump, and neither does any other sensible person, and seeing how Jill's chance of winning is a fantasy; you're left with Trump or bust. That being said, Trump (hopefully) is an accelerationist. .
hillary probably thinks everyone is equally beneath her, human cattle, although she did faff about super predators and has praised margaret sanger the eugenicist….
I agree tho, her presidency would in no way be less polarizing, and it would be worse in almost every other way.
ameriKa needs to solve its racial problems by moving forward together, and getting back to building shit
things have gotten better for a lot of people but that doesnt change the fact that we are still merrily slaughtering each other and that its lining a lot of pockets, it also doesnt change the fact that hillary is more likely to drag us into more altercations which could concievably end in actual thermonuclear engagement
you are just nipticking at this point, trump is the anti-war choice in this race, as crazy as that sounds.
you keep on saying "free trade" as if thats actually a thing, its far from a thing, "free trade" is designed to keep the present economic balance and it works in accord with IMF debt- its designed to keep 3rd world nations from manufacturing high quality goods, its designed to keep them exporting raw products and thus keep them in poverty, its not some fucking bylaw of the universe nigger its a goddamned scam, whenever a country tries to free itself from this yoke they have a coup or get invaded
Psykes-picot is only half the story, and you cant fucking dismiss the coup in iran with "it was bad"
If the CIA hadnt deposed mossadeqh the entire fucking ME would probably be some shade of pan-arab socialist at this point, we fucked the whole goddamned region and we knew exactly what we were doing
you seem to think everything is just slowly getting better by itself, well that not entirely correct, some things are getting better but the game has become a lot more complex and a lot more compartmentalized, we are doing the same nasty shit just hiding it better.
the biggest factor in undermining all this shit is probably the rise of russia, china and india, there are new players at the table now
yep, pretty much this
Didn't trump basically offer kasich his job?
Trump is the only one who said he wouldn't rule out using nukes too.
I didn't try to deny that.
So you're saying it was good?
How can someone be this delusional? Fucking Egypt and Syria couldn't even handle pan-Arab socialism for more than a few years. How was the whole region supposed to hold together? Best case scenario with Mossadeq is that Iran was a more secular, middle income, social democracy.
No, there are reasons for why things happen. I don't get why you're making all these assumptions.
it's a pretty decent video. it's not hard to show what a lying hypocrite he is, but apparently Holla Forumstards still need to see it.
his supporters are too far gone
he must use that Aurini's testosterone cream
I want to post it on r/The_Donald just to see results.
I remember reading about that but its hard to tell whats what when most sources are rabid teeth-gnashing trump haters
hes not politcal establishment…yet, hows that?
That was completely valid, another example that he is not of the same cloth as hilldog and co, its disingenious liberal doublespeak to claim anything else, nukes are a deterrent, you dont have them sitting around to look pretty you have them to prove to everyone how big your fucking balls are and that they shouldnt fuck with you or you will destroy them
Has hillary ever actually been asked the same question? regardless of what she would have answered its completely meaningless, of course they would both use nukes if we were attacked, possibly under other circumstances as well, direct nuclear engagement is extremely unlikely in both cases but the threat is always there, hell an accident could even happen(almost has numerous times in the past)
the only thing this little msm game about nukes proves is that trump is quick to mouth off, and that his logic for "not taking it off the table" isnt entirely wrong
trump is still the antiwar candidate in this race, Maddow talking points dont change that, alone his attempts to open a dialogue with russia and his statements on Syria prove this, it feels like you want to avoid saying it out loud as much as possible.
Clinton is going to drag us into even more shit, shit that you seem to be claiming "really isnt happening anymore", shit that could spiral out of control
both non-examples, essentially vassal states for the longest of times with a long history of anglo fuckery, Irans influence on the ME could have been massive, it could have undermined all this fundamentalist garbage coming in from Saudi and friends, and it could have been a shining example of modernity and standard of living. this is why they got rid of him, they were quite aware of the implications. Iran is becoming a stabilising factor even now, depsite their checkered history
coulda woulda shoulda
I dont even know what we are fucking talking about anymore, I just know that your graph was shit and your entire stance reeks of western liberal reddit speak: shit is fine, muh free-trade, le trump is a madman may-may
hes not, hes probably a shitty human bean but hes the best choice right now, and anyone hellbent on attacking him should be scrutinised carefully for cui bono and co
theres your results
jesus christ
the_donald go and stay go
Unrelated, but doesn't r/The_Donald have a middle schooler as a moderator?
this was also their mod at some point
good fucking lord please post moar
wew, surprised tbh
taking anything from that place seriously
its basically meme horizon, mays folding in on themselves infinitely, if it shows anything it underlines what this:
guy said, i.e this is all a fucking joke and a way to wave your middle finger at the powers that be the only way you know how, by supporting loudmouthed orangehaired pepe man
anfem is that you? muh toxic masculinity..if you cant see the inherent dick-swinging in nuclear proliferation then you are a fag, im sorry I triggered you
dragging donbass grandpa into a discussion about the_donald
shame on you
i see one person desperately trying to talk like a caricature from dr strangelove
9gag called and wants its dead meme back
Most of CTR is concentrating their powers on Reddit and Twitter, it's just some paranoia from Trumpfags who think the polls are "rigged" and show no self awareness. The bootyblasting come November is gonna be cake icing.
are you saying im the "prevert" guy, or im nazi kissinger?
trigger isnt a meme nigger, people can actually get triggered by shit, thats like saying PTSD is a meme. Take me f.e., I was triggered by that reddit post that said everything is fine and there are basically no wars free trade yay
are you even the person I was talking to? what do you want from me, faggot?
lel now you are just grasping at straws, whats next you gonna accuse me of being from myspace? I dont even hate reddit like a lot of people here, it can be useful, kind of like a newspaper is occasionally useful, but ive literally seen the "wars dont happen anymore" argument on reddit
Did you even fucking read my post? Unlike you I use Holla Forums in order to try to convert some of their members. For a long time i thought it was the breeding ground for idiots who just delusionaly defend every reactionary position they can find (which is true to some extent).
But later I noticed an influx of new users very far off from the usual Stormfag crowd, users who were brought into 4chan after Holla Forums became a breeding ground for the so called "alt-right", the gist of it is that most Holla Forumsfags know that Trump isn't going to win, but they are going to vote for him regardless.
Also CTR paranoia isn't unfounded Holla Forums is currently bombarded with Clinton shills and slide threads. 4chan isn't the underground hipster meme breeding ground it was in the 2010's. It is a huge platform and many powers that be use it for shilling purposes.
I doubt CTR tried to shill Holla Forums, basically confirmed they were on 4chan though, and definitely reddit and twitter
from what i understand they have basically run out of money
sounds like someone is a leetle too invested in the next female president of the USofA:DDD
of course he didnt, gut reaction to the image much like a pol/ack
That's the same reactions from when Romney was losing to Obama back 4 years ago.
If you want to see a shill infested site, then go to r/politics. It's a nightmare, and even the moderators are shilling for Clinton.
Clinton will win. Even Breitbart is polling a Clinton lead. It's over.
Okey dokey pokey
Trump is a stingey motherfucker, who has he been giving money to outside of actual under the hand bribes to get something built?
either way thats a shitty comparison to a clinton or a bush, yes hes a rich cunt i am well aware of that and im sure hes been jostling for influence but its not the same fucking thing as someone that has been groomed for politics from college onwards(cough cough obama)
you sound like the kind of msnbc faggot that always goes on about muh koch brothers despite them being what…like top 60 at best in terms of donors? equating trump to the kind of politickers that are openly attacking him, from both sides of the aisle, is flat out false.
he not even rich people establishment, that nigger is niveau-rich at best
he says, in the middle of august…
all kinds of shit can happen until then, dont be so sure of yourself, and dont discount the people that wont admit they support trump even in a poll, we still vote anonymously, and saying you like trump can cause some problems right now
I wonder what the bookies are saying, they tend to have a better record than pollsters. Ill check tomorrow
You do realize that the companies that make the voting machines have financial ties to the Clinton Foundation right? Even if Wikileaks delivers, she'll still get away with it all like the emails. I wouldn't even be surprised if Trump is working for Shillary as well.
Ive wondered about this, I cant exactly disprove it, the only thing that makes me think it isnt true is that his ego is too fucking massive, I think he really believes he is going to be the greatest president evar.
I think she might, and that trump might use his dubious connections to rig a state or two himself, with the whole thing basically coming down to who can cheat better.
Didnt the mob help JFK get illinois? theres some pretty mainstream outlets that claim this..
this is the world we live in :/
Trump has no track record to judge that based off of. All he does is make a lot of statements that often contradict what he said earlier.
Or just examples you can't refute.
The point of pan-Arabism was to unite them because of their common colonial history so that it never happens again.
Keyword: could. And I'm not defending overthrowing Mossadeq either, I don't get why you think I'm disagreeing with you here.
Facts are facts. You still haven't refuted my graph besides saying, "oy veyyyy muh 6 gorillion Syrians/Ukrainians/etc".
Not an argument :^)
No, I just don't believe the fear mongering about WW3 that a lot of his supporters parrot.
some of his campaign insiders even said he didnt even want to win
Y'all posting in a paid-for thread
He's been literally giving money to the Clinton Foundation and even admitted he was "part of the problem".
Just look at his staff, a large portion of them are ex-lobbyist.
The revolving door is real, and the fact you aren't willing to acknowledge it shows how naive you are.
The guy is establishment as fuck.
thats a fair argument
Are you saying that we should just blindly hope that Trump won't be an embarrassment that reinforces the status quo? This might work on the few idiots aware of DNCleak but still voting Clinton, but most of us consider elections, especially in the US, to be a total farce to begin with, and the 2016 presidential race to be prime evidence of this.
The media only attacks him so much because he is market competition, not for any ideological reason. Even right wing media attacks Obama largely because it generates ad money.
He is a meme, user. You need to let go.
Yeah, that explains the support of S█████ on this board…not.
This is all Holla Forums can say, they all see Trump is winning, and they ask Holla Forums to let it go.
Not happening.
I don't understand what that video's trying to prove. Trump said things in the past, now he's going back on them. We can't trust him on anything, whether its in a book (that was ghost written) or not.