Kikes and Language

This isn't a foreign language or linguistic purity (Anglish) thread, rather how kikes subvert and destroy European elements in language. They typically do this in 3 ways: "invention", "equality", and degradation.

Invention is when they use useful idiots to fabricate new definitions.
Or better yet, concocting dozens of imaginary sexual identities to confuse and distract. Solution: mock and ignore. You can't debate libshits because they'll change the definition to win.

They push Equality in both political and academic realms. Usually this manifests in opposition to English-as-official-language, enabling enclaves of non-English speakers in urban centers, and promoting Spanish-speaking in public schools. The academic side is predictable. I started to read The Language Instinct (stupidly before checking if the author was a kike) and inevitably "all pidgins, creoles, dialects, and patois are equal to languages." If you've seen, or could share here, the post about African languages, you know that's patently false. Some nigger languages don't have words for "promise" or future tense. Thoughts influence words and words influence thoughts. Any language that lacks subtlety, nuance, variety, and expression of abstract concepts is the result of an inferior mind and can never be equal to European languages.

Degradation is the most pernicious element. Previously, avoiding rap and nogs meant you were spared from the cacophony of their incoherent nigger-babble. But now Twitter and (((popular culture))) have spread their nonsense to the public discourse. Even on boards you have people saying things like "lit", "fam", "x game on point" etc. But ironic apespeak is still apespeak. You wouldn't let a nigger in your house, why let him in your mind, and his words come from your mouth?
Solution: stop with the silly slang. Adopt precise, laconic speech. Encourage friends and family to do the same. And don't fall for the myth that kikes are verbally gifted.

Other urls found in this thread:

dis a gud thred tbh fam

sheeeit what dis cracka b sayin

I don't think mock and ignore works on their definition on racism. I'd encourage you to dismiss it as "maybe useful when talking about "systemic oppression" or whatever drivel like that. It's totally useless when talking about racism on an individual level."

God thread, though, cuh.

Always the first posts.

A lot of languages have been subverted. Ebonics, or as they call them "accents", destroy a language. It creates a gap between what is read in books and what the dialect between people is. Arabic is a prime example. The Arabic language is dead. Every "Arabic" speaking country has its own "Arabic". Hell, Arabic is different from city to city. Words are maligned and restructured for brevity. Books are abandoned by the youth because they can't understand what the fuck is written. Most students lack basic knowledge of Arabic sentence analysis. Any one who even tries to speak the language in its correct form is pointed & laughed at.
The Subversion of Arabic Instruction in Jewish Schools in Israel:
I taught at an Arab country in the past.

You can't comprise with their fantasy.
Racism is made-up. Especially now when it means "whatever I don't like".

Goes to show, you don't need texting/internet to ruin a language–even one as unpleasant as Arabic.

considering they teach kindergartners about equality, diversity, multiculturalism, sexism, racism, etc
it seems more like conditioning

pavlov says 'racis' and you recoil in fear and shame
pavlov says 'diversity' and you want to outbreed your race
pavlov says 'marriage equality' and you grant sexual deviants child custody
pavlov says 'lgbt' and you permit sexual deviants to fill kids heads up with sex convention nonsense

You're gonna have a hard time trying to police language on an imageboard, especially if your goal is to stop the "ironic" use of nogspeak. Just to let you know, though, that most slang becomes obsolete in several years, with only a handful becoming part of the vernacular. An example is the use of "cool", which was popularized by Jazz artists and has become common parlance that nobody even knows it used to be nogspeak.


By all means, talk like a nigger "ironically".
It just indicates you lack the intelligence, moral fortitude, or non-kikery just to talk normally.

Okay, I found it:

the nigress on the left is right - race and science ARE social constructs (and so is intelligence). I dont have a problem with admiting that, but the fact she probably doesnt exept (because she wants to have a relativist conclusion) is that the mentioned social constructs are rooted in reality and therefore are proper constructs.

I'm telling you that your campaign is futile.
I've seen people bitching about the use of "based" on imageboards since 2011 (slang taken from rapper Lil B) but people still do it five years later. See why I cited the invention of "cool" by nogs in the 60s. Nobody even knows nogs invented it, and people still use it in common language.

reality ends where her feelings begin

Your rationale is the similar to that of the academic kike I mentioned. Besides, I realize that not everyone is going to speak properly. But at least if enough anons drop the apespeak, it's easier to see who's worth listening to.

Kikes see language as a semantic game to be navigated for your own advantage. It's been that way since at least the Talmud, which basically uses weasel-worded expositions of holy law to provide loopholes for the chosen to wriggle through and live as easy as possible while simultaneously seeming as holy as possible. Their reputation for dishonesty and guile is well earned.

They're neurotic. It's all about being shiesty and insane mental gymnastics on the precise way how to cross a river, spit, tie a rope to circumvents Yahweh's law.

Forgot to mention this abomination from the BBC:

On the distinction between valiance and honesty: An honest person is reflective. A valiant person is acceptive.

A person can be honest and dumb, which is why honesty can sometimes demand the social cost of either stupidity or alienation.

A person who is valiant does not reflect light, but takes it into their very being and then recasts it out in the world as their own. (Nietzsche talked about how the introspective had a sort of dark forge within their being, that when formed, released light - I wish I could find the quote.) This is not 100% honesty as in a "pure honesty" which is disregarding 'consequence/self'.

The latter is much more admirable because the need is removed from the person casting the light - they have already processed it, and what remains shining, shines without demanding it be reflected back to them. Excess. This is the Hellenic spirit, which the bicameral Abrahamics says falls short of their "honesty". Nietzsche talked about the absolutist scientific "pursuit of truth" for its own sake - this pursuit can be seen as a consequence of confusing honesty for valiance.

Scientists, now magicians, replacing warriors. So also then the culture devolves into the "self-reflection" honesty-as-virtue. Then it became the height of virtue to express yourself honestly - with disregard to standards or culture. Who is more honest than an animal? Science and politics then becomes the new warriors for degeneracy as a reflection of "honesty".

And, as a burghers' sense of virtue, a fundamental aspect of it is their limitations. A burger may only do and maximize what is allowed within the structural confines of the state. This is what causes the autistic bicameral thinking inherent in the burghers' virtues. When burgher ideology attempts to form itself as aristocratic, it misses the responsibility aspect of nobility, because it's values are within a system they can survive while being responsible only for themselves - a system of laws/order where they are answerable to the aristocracy, where the aristocracy is answerable to the world.

Jewish merchants then had to master the exploitation of the state because any time they would organize together and threaten another state, they would be quickly liquidated - being so few in number, power and influence. Fitting in with the burgher class, they had opportunity for power - wealth becoming their standard and the burghers' standard because of their limited perspective. Nobles were simply rulers to them and the currency represented a false sense of power. Currency was power over internal influence in a kingdom, under the aristocracy. Not a universal power which some may autistically project out as a goal. Money is always backed by violence.

This is why the greedy money seekers and usurers, who obsess over gold or capital, are doomed to committing mass violence or deception once they have acquired such monetary power that they surpass in influence the very violent state structure that supports them. Today, this is seen as corporations who have burgher ethics but exercise control/influence over the USA policy, domestic and foreign.

ooo that boils my blood it does
English is a dying language
the yanks helped that along by creating simplified English which is taught across Africa and Asia as the standard
out of the entirety of the worlds population of native English speakers out of a population of approximately 450 million worldwide only about 20 million of them can probably spell and enunciate the language correctly
and even fewer have a proper grasp of the breadth of the language

Interesting post. But, ultimately, it's barely related to the post you've replied to, and tangential to the overall thread.

Got anything else thought-provoking that's more relevant?

I disagree that Americans "created" a simplified English. Likewise, prior to WWII (and still in some cases today), the English taught abroad was/is British rather than North American. See: India, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc.

However, yes, it is infuriating that someone can demand native speakers speak a bastardized version of their own language to better communicate with others. Imagine the outrage if we suggested Latinos speak Spanglish, or another comparable example.

Sidenote: did anyone read the latter books of the Ender's Game/Shadow series? Apparently English was too difficult for everyone to learn, so they created a simplified (read: retarded) version called [International] Fleet Common.

Reminds me of Esperanto or NewSpeak, a fake, ugly language that destroys one's part of culture and makes people easier to control. Don't want the masses to know what freedom is? Just don't invent a word that means freedom.

Singapore and Hong Kong are exceptions
most of Britains former colonies came under the sphere of influence of America, Singapore and Hong Kong didnt
North American English is simplified English
many words in proper English still possess their archaic spellings and silent letters reminiscent of their French origins
North American English doesnt and this means some rules of enunciation arent learned as a child
same with handwriting and pronunciation, I dont think kids in American schools spend kindergarten/nursery practicing cursive handwriting and proper pronunciation during class
the number of people who cant pronounce the 'th' sound is staggering
I guess a comparable example could be Esperanto Kek
India doesnt teach the British model anymore im pretty sure they adopted the American model which is odd because the Anglicized chinks of Hong Kong and Singapore didnt

Well its related to words and definitions. Words are a product of humans within environments. Being under a state which is supposed to represent you creates a sort of mindset where kike deception in changing words can take hold. How that is the case, I'm sure can be worked out with regards to what I posted.

Language can only manipulate what is already there, in another person. I can only make someone get me a glass of water if they know what "water" is. Kikes operate on this same premise… probably. If they're not some Satanic demons.

still doesn't prove your original point:

doubleplusungood, comrade

Sure, thanks.

my point is that american simplified english became the standard for english across most of asia and africa
ergo the american simplified style is dominant similar to how commie chinks made simplified peasant cantonese the dominant language style in china while tiny island taiwan still tries to preserve proper mandarin court chinese

And I just provided evidence to the contrary (Singapore, Hong Kong, India) which you dismissed as an exception. And you still haven't proved American English is/was/still the standard in Africa, or how American English is a deliberately simplified version, as opposed to a permutation made inevitable by geography.

Not to mention Beijing-style Mandarin is the dominant Chinese in the PRC, with Catonese only being dominant in the south/Hong Kong; Taiwan speaks Mandarin because of the exiled nationalists.

So you're just wrong across the board. Either way, this pissing contest is distracting from the thread. So keep it up, and you're filtered.

not saying it was Deliberately simplified
more than likely its what happens due to a lack of proper infrastructure and the decentralized nature of the Americas settlements combined with interaction with the non-English speaking denominations of the Americas like the Spanish, Dutch, German and French speaking minorities
and that permutation I guess became the dominant model
I'm not saying its deliberate just what happened as a result of American dominance of half the globe throughout most of the 20th century

Say what you mean and there won't be confusion.

I find studying etymology helps fight the subversion. Kikes are always changing or using alternative meaning to try and hide their kikery, but if we know the lineage of a word the roots of the real meaning tend to overcome.

One word:

They will make you believe linguistics is "subjective" and cannot be accurately calculated.

t. linguistics student

I guess it shouldn't be surprising that you cannot see the irony in complaining about "simplified American" English, while failing to conform to simple grammatical standards such as USE PUNCTUATION YOU FUCKING NIGGER.

While it makes a good comparison, this is somewhat of an exaggeration. Ironic niggerspeak is similar to having a nigger in your house as you say, but it is most definitely not the same magnitude.

I most definitely agree though, that common non-Ironic use of niggerspeak definitely corrupts the mind.

otherwise, great OP!

Who care about the magnitude? Do don't it, faggot.

I notice this a lot with Kids TV shows.

Very specific and unusual use of wording, e.g. using the word "Parent" instead of mother or father (wow so diverse!).

Hey, I just wanted to thank you for checking out my thread on Anglish! Have a free bump.

Many anons in my thread were concerned that Anglish was similar to Orwell's Newspeak. However, in order to really get at the heart of what Jews are trying to do with language, I think it can basically be summed up as making equivocations and adopting cultural relativism. I'm not really sure how the latter reflects in our language, though.

To be fair, we must understand that morals are indeed contingent upon the culture that developed them–but merely that something is arbitrary doesn't mean that it produces arbitrary results–if one considers individual emotional states to be an objective reality (as with mass, energy, and information).

they have their own creole in which they kvetch about us: yiddish

We really need to do something about the fucking Jews.

I don't want this to become a full Common Core thread, but enjoy pics related.

Well said. It's their way of diluting and destroying.
Even if I don't agree with Anglish–in practice–it has value as a preservative of cultural elements.



I was thinking of words sexton and gender. To most of us it's the same thing, but some will say that there's a difference, gender is what you identify as and sex is biological, but in my language (polish) there's only word for gender. Same with race. In english you have a word breed, right ? Like different kind of dogs are breeds, not races. Again, in Polish it's just one word, race. Was the word breed invented to push one race, let human race ? Any other non English Holla Forumsacks can say how it works in their language ?

Also, cursive is still being taught in the south you moron.

Classical Arabic is still taught. It's what you will learn if you sign up for an "Arabic" class. More importantly, it's the language of the Koran. Translations are seen as inferior, so it is still learned by those who want to read it.
There was a bit by Hitler, on the Table Talks I think, about how it's great writers which make a dialect a language by using it on their writing.

All you archived is a page with a link to (((jstor))), which requires registering. Don't be a nigger and post a rip of the actual data.

This is an interesting topic, and one that's worth discussing. As 1984 taught us, words shape thought, and the forces of evil will use this to try and limit people's ability to resist.
But it's possible for bad goy words to sneak into the public consciousness, too. For example, remember the mass triggering of the left when "cuck" became the preferred insult of 12-year-old boys. Or, on a smaller scale, how "yuuuge" and "bigly" became common terms during the election. (Yes, I'm aware Trump wasn't really saying "bigly", but a lot of other people were.)

It's funny how pop culture can warp or even outright invert the meaning of words; like how in the late 80's/early 90's, "bad" meant "good". Imagine if we could meme "racist" into becoming a catch-all slang-term for "great"?

Your examples are shit, and you should feel bad.

Took a bullet for you goys:

What the fuck user.

Seriously I reread this 9 times and I cannot fathom the autism of this post.

I think I understood what he meant. Must be my autism.


I understood it.

But it's just so out of touch with reality that it's hilarious.

I mean come on.

You never know what will happen in this time line of KEK. It's just so Führer :^)

I'm still in tears

Uncommon words are usually coined to be used in that manner. If you wanted to change the meaning of racism(as a popular word) you would have to have the public associate different words with it to change its meaning such as:

And most people believe racism means:
[change to good]
Racism is a superior race
Enough times of hearing these different word ascoiations your victim will start to ascoiate the words with racism in a collage of those adjoining words. An example is if the person is meaning to say a word that means natural, different race, and good then there will be a chance they will say it since their definition of racism will accompany those words. This is the funimental aspect of word association.

Well said!

They steal everything, even words.

Next they'll steal our life force and put us in power plants.

s. Language has made possible man's
progress from animality to civilization. But language has also inspired that sustained folly
and that systematic, that genuinely diabolic wickedness which are no less characteristic
of human behavior than are the language-inspired virtues of systematic forethought and
sustained angelic benevolence. Language permits its users to pay attention to things,
persons and events, even when the things and persons are absent and the events are not
taking place. Language gives definition to our memories and, by translating experiences
into symbols, converts the immediacy of craving or abhorrence, of hatred or love, into
fixed principles of feeling and conduct. In some way of which we are wholly
unconscious, the reticular system of the brain selects from a countless host of stimuli
those few experiences which are of practical importance to us. From these unconsciously
selected experiences we more or less consciously select and abstract a smaller number,
which we label with words from our vocabulary and then classify within a system at once
metaphysical, scientific and ethical, made up of other words on a higher level of
abstraction. In cases where the selecting and abstracting have been dictated by a system
that is not too erroneous as a view of the nature of things, and where the verbal labels
have been intelligently chosen and their symbolic nature clearly understood, our behavior
is apt to be realistic and tolerably decent. But under the influence of badly chosen words,
applied, without any understanding of their merely symbolic character, to experiences
that have been selected and abstracted in the light of a system of erroneous ideas, we are
apt to behave with a fiendishness and an organized stupidity, of which dumb animals
(precisely because they are dumb and cannot speak) are blessedly incapable.
In their anti-rational propaganda the enemies of freedom systematically pervert
the resources of language in order to wheedle or stampede their victims into thinking,
feeling and acting as they, the mind-manipulators, want them to think, feel and act

too bad huxley had "the nadsis" in mind. and didn't seem to notice kikes doing just that.

Something tells me he knew what they were doing.


Fucking THIS. My major was sadly sociolinguistics. I speak a couple languages passingly and two fluently.

In most sociolinguistic or sociologically inclined courses, they will batter this concept of linguistic equality in your head. It's absolutely blatantly false. They reject the sapir whorf whole-heartedly, and sure it has issues, but when you have the Zulu language being incapable of expressing the concept of a promise verbally, through an utterance, then the concept itself DOES NOT EXIST TO THEM.

They'd say the same thing about creole pidgins like Haitian French. The simple fact is Criole is an inferior language incapable of the level of thought, expression and scientific inquiry as the French language is. Period.


On the site Duolingo, there are 656,000 people learning Esperanto. And there are even faggots learning Klingon.

Here are the creators of the site…

You mean Ethperanto?

gay lisp?

Almost all pidgins, creoles, and patois are going to be a bastardized version of a European language. By default, they're going to be inferior from the influence of Africans (and in fewer cases) lesser Asians.

Ever heard of "deconstruction?" It's entirely rooted in Jewish kabbalah.

Anglo incapable de parler une autre langue que l'anglais…



Thanks user. It's no secret that the chosen few are hindering Palestinians in every way they can, but it always helps to have in detail papers to cite. Saved. x

American English is closer to the English of Shakespeare's time than British English, you fucking dunce. Shut your mouth if you're not knowledgeable on the subject and can only formulate hypotheses on your fee-fees and intuition.

Shit, cursive isn't taught in the north?

It is in early elementary school when I went. They don't drill it in throughout schooling, though, and with advent of computers script has supplanted it.


makes me miss the "Cracker Runes" threads see:


I believe the only way to combat against the "systemic oppression" argument is to utilize one of (((their))) techniques and shift the goalposts onto (((them))) as being the real "systemic oppressors". But, at that point you'll either being talking with a short-circuited robot or someone who is calling you a Nazi, so I'm not sure it'd even be effective in any other way than sowing seeds of contemplation in the other person and any attentive listeners.

A more accurate and general word for "breed", which is typically applied outside of the world of pets, is "sub-species". Humans are a species (not a biology-fag, so I'm assuming), and each race is a sub-species. By referring to the races as "races", (((scientists))) are effectively disqualifying human sub-species as different in personality, characteristics, etc. as you would find in different "sub-species" or "breeds". Seems to be another case of kikes manipulating the language.

confusion of the highest order

there you go

Accent is local.
Please do not implicitly worship Authoritarian centralized government, it is foolish.
Before modern standardization of language (post ww1 and ww2 catastrophes) Dialects were common for all languages in all neighborhoods, accents result from these variations being used elsewhere.