Define "Anti-White Hate"

Is there a single-word term used to describe hatred directed at whites? I know Urban Dictionary defines something similiar:

(1) The belief that Jews are superior in human character or ability to non-Jews.

(2) Discrimination, prejudice, and hate expressed by Jews against non-Jews.

But this is a more general term and doesn't really describe anti-white hatred. Somebody help me out. I've been redpilling Twitter for 8 hours in the white genocide trend and I need a word.

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Can't we just coin a word for this? The (((media))) will flag it as a white nationalist conspiracy theory either way

haha true. can we agree it should be a legitimate sounding word and Kek must choose it through dubs to trips re-rolls ok ??


thats bretty gud

aryanophilia ?? could also serve to assert the is a aryan is a/our race

*that aryan is a/our race




Not bad tbh. Easy to discern it's meaning immediately.

Assuming that Whitey came from Europe.


Someone find some extremely obscure Latin/Italian/Greek name for Whiteys that is 3-4 syllables and rolls off the tongue easily so it is memorable, like a lyric to a song.



Look at this gem:

prbly a rabbi



newfag 1st post : Clearly its white peoples fault for inventing anthropology

"Classifying humans into races the biggest mistake in history of science"

"But buried within the survey results were some troubling findings like that anthropologists from privileged groups — in the US context 'white' males and females — were more likely to accept race as valid than non-privileged groups."


Whitespiting, whitespiters

I humbly propose;

This is pretty good magna meaning great. Not only does it sound pretty innocent at first, it implies that whites are great, and that magnophobes are afraid of greatness, particularly making America great again. Checked.

thank you for the check, that was what I was going for!



prejudice against someone on grounds of their race is racism.
do you call a dislike of niggers "negrophobia?"
do you call a hatred of spics "hispaphobia?"
do you call prejudice against asians "mongophobia?"
no, no, and no.
the word is racism. just because modern lefties decided to use their own special definition of racism to justify their bigotry doesn't make them not racists.

i like it

If I don't I'm just another magnaphobe. What's more pathetic than fearing greatness?




what about Europhobia, that way it sounds less like muh dik in regular speech

this europhobic

That's good too.

I read a blog post once that said if one finds oneself in a verbal scuffle with someone of the jewish persuasion using the term "anti-goyism" can be quite effective


But, just for fun, I'll add crackaphobia.

Anti-peckerwoodism, or anti-wood for short

Great idea OP, let's add some noise to the signal and get the retweet rate down, can't have people using a self-explanatory term for anti-White hatred, can we?
My suggestion: TRSdiversionism.

caucaphobia is a natural word and has been used on the internet before. It seems a natural word.

Jews are caucaphobic.

Jews are Caucaphobes.

An other good word.

Hoplophobia is a political neologism coined by retired American military officer Jeff Cooper as a pejorative to describe an "irrational aversion to weapons." It is also used to describe the "fear of firearms" or the "fear of armed citizens.

Look at you little faggots, playing the Jews word games AND making fun of White genocide. SHAAAAAAAAAAAME!

coined the term all the way back in 2009.

2008 sorry

Caucaphobia is as bad as tea baggers was, morons. Say it aloud a few times and see if you can't figure out what's wrong with it.

It's racism, pure and simple. There's already a word.

Unless you WANT the new slang word for white to be "cock" that is. Or "caca".

This has to be a troll

OP is another anti-gentite Jew playing games.

Most minorities are just doing what white people would do if they didn't care about being called racist. They're advocating for their racial interests.

Good think I searched for that word before replying with it myself.

Perhaps "Caucasiaphobia?"
Or "Caucasiaphobic?"

Oh, thought I'd add…


instead of the lame X-ophobia memes where X is xeno or islamo. Like a man living in a cave could fly 2 planes into the NYWTC. Where we have actual technology that could wipe them out with a heavy dose of full autopilot robot overkill death purge.

pic related