Late Christmas present for you guys

Late Christmas present for you guys.

From the Office of Net Assesment within the Department of Defense, I present to you: The Future of Europe: Final Report Release - The Future of Europe-Final Report 201304.pdf

This 177 page report is filled to the brim with hatefacts, and gives you just an idea of how doomed Europe is - even if they do start removing kebab, their demographics are so utterly fucked that their economies will not survive the next 30 years unscathed.

The report goes into the changing demographics of each country in terms of age and race, and also goes into how migration from MENA and Africa will not fix shit - because naturally those immigrants are a net-negative. This will seem to be stating the obvious to us, but this report will provide you with the facts and figures to prove that this is the case.

Enjoy deep-diving this, more reports to come.

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Well we're all going to have to take a stand either way. We've been through worse than this and when the time comes we will do our duty or surely perish but thanks for the document goy.

The next few years should be funny, I'm slightly worried about the demographics but I'm sure we'll find a way.



Remember 30 years from now if this shit really happens. Kill every politician that ever uttered a word in favor of immigration, kill their families, their pets, even their friends and neighbhors.

inb4 MUH POLICE, any form of law enforcement will either be sharia or long gone by then, along with any semblance of order or civilization


The entire point of the document is that you don't really have 30 years to wait – that it's likely already over. That even in the face of that reality you're still willing to wait another 30 years before you finally get the required proof to act encapsulates perfectly why Europe and the West in general finds itself in the present situation.

competitiveness and, possibly, its dominant position in Europe. Germany needs to address its demographic deficit by coming up with a migration policy that welcomes non-European

Get ultimate cancer with your zog propaganda you shitfuck

i ain't clickin that shit
screencap pls

Baba Vagna was a visionary who died in 1996. She predicted the migrant crisis and said that Europe would would be overrun with Muslims this year. She also said America wouldn't go to war with Europe until 2060 and that China is poised to overtake the US as an economic superpower by 2018. Just sayin.

It's 171 pages long.

It's reversible, and not realy hard to do. I'am reading tids and bits here and there, and honestly, the whole thing is starting to sound like a "OY VEY TAKE MORE IMMIGRANTS OR IPADS WILL BE TOO COSTLY GOY!" paper trying to convince officials immigration is actualy beneficial


The world is now California

Blah blah blah. "Oh, goy, there's no way you'll be able to remove them all and survive! It's over! Just accept your beige horizon!" None for me thanks, Rabbi. Captcha: cure w(ith)f(inality). Praise Kek.

more whites are dying than being born every year.

Accounted for by Liberal/Atheist/other undesirables' crashing rates. Conservatives remain above replacement level. Beyond this, very little racial mixing is actually taking place. A large number of people are not required, only the will to remove.

What would be required to raise white birth rates? a better economy?

No, the economy really has nothing to do with birth rates. Poor people in shit countries everywhere have higher birth rats.

Key factors are female education and access to contraception. Educated women just don't have kids.



Tell that to every civilization that has gone through this.

You can't just see one line that you don't like in a 177 page document and dismiss the whole thing.

Lines like that look really out of place given their assessment of the benefits of non-white immigration (they're net negatives and generally useless) and the integration of them into their host countries (nothing is working anywhere at integrating them, no hope for it in the short term). Hell, even on the subject of immigration to make up for the demographic shortfall, they make it clear that the amount of skilled workers they'd need to bring is so absurdly high that it's essentially pointless to consider immigration as an actual solution.


This directly refutes the main arguments in favor of immigration, so any suggestion that we need more immigrants to fix things looks absurd. The notion is thoroughly btfo'd throughout this report.

No the key factor is that the positive role of mother and housewife was destroyed and replaced with this feeling that unless you have good job, education and compete against men you are getting cheated out of life. So many childless women in their 40s are miserable as they begin to understand that they are not men and that happiness for them is not just having children but a functioning family. The media is trying everything to suppress this with all those shows that show dysfunctional families, single parents and singles as normal and cool. But pain can only be numbed to a certain degree. Feminism has reached it peak and it will decline. The signs are already there. It's sad to say, but shitskin immigrants might even be helpful here. I know a few women who praise shitskins for their big families and how they stick together and that they too want a big family.

Hey. That's going too far. Leave their pets alone.

And where does this pozed bullshit come from? Education! Schools are full of kike propaganda encouraging women to be independent whores who care only about money and a good job.

I'm skeptical that we can clear out the entire education system of their cancer.

been disconcerting though the best guess in 2013 is that the UK will not ultimately leave the
EU. If they did, the British would no longer be taken seriously outside the UK by Beijing,

this report is bs

Here's a mirror:

We can stop the shitskin population explosion if we just stop feeding them.

It's not over until it's over. There's hundreds of millions of Europeans and there's only a few tens of millions of aliens in Europe. With some ethnic cleansing these people will be gone.

No clue about Europe, but if it's like the US, stop handing out gibs that incentivize life long recipients to shit out nigglets non-stop. That's a start. That takes care of the black problem.

For the white problem, get the government out of marriage and arbitration of child care to encourage more people to marry and have children. If alimony, splitting assets, and child support didn't exist, more white working middle class marriages and children would exist.

We can. Good example is "white genocide for x-mas" guy. People like him need to be exposed and attacked until they lose their job. And it's actually no that difficult. They do half the work for you because they are so full of themselves that they can't keep their fucking mouths shut.

You mean women educated in jewish lies about raising children being a drag on their career as a debt slave?



someone's shy
is this normal?

No one really gives a shit about the "benefits" or non-benefits of non-European peoples. If they were all model citizens they still wouldn't belong here.
It's really clear that most of neo/pol/ doesn't get it. You're still clueless.


Hard times create strong men.

The Germans had this one method to restore their economy during the Great Depression, some might consider it drastic though…

Yurupeans are going to have to get violent and somehow find their spirituality again if they want any chance of survival

Remove the influence of (((media))) and (((international bankers))) and watch how fast things could change… for the better. Remove mudslime migrants and give their own peoples a chance to build something for themselves.

The demographics are a result of (((jews))) rigging everything such that gentiles have no opportunity.

this nigga gets it

every prediction in this pamphlet was wrong

This. We forge our own future.

Define "over", at best the entire continent of europe will become brazil, at worst it will become the current south africa, there will still be minority of pure blooded europeans that could still seek refuge in whiter countries.

Dark ages are coming but not to the point of extinction.


the people in government have spread so much propagandist disinformation they cannot distinguish it from the truth. They tout that "Brexit won't happen" and that "globalization is good for economies", and this paper makes no mention of the massive rates of crime and sexual assault by immigrants.
They've been fooled by their own lies, and conform their policies to their falsifications.
This is a good thing, because it means the elites are more blissfully ignorant than we thought, which will make the coming storm so much more powerful.

We just need a couple of people to spray bullets into an invader camp. They're only coming because they know we aren't fighting back.


"we need more workforce" is bullshit excuse.
They call for more "workers" when there's high unemployment in the country.

In other words, the only real way to ever have "saved" Europe was to encourage the native population to have children.
But since this runs counter to the Jew's plan to replace white slaves (who are a competitive threat) with low-I.Q. shitskin slaves, they won't bring themselves to even try to turn things around.

Thus, the end result will be a white race that has to turn insular if it is to survive (like Jews), and a world filled with individuals that cannot maintain a civilization beyond the level of Africa, China, or India.

As whites ignore the Jew and start looking after the remains of their race, the Jew, a parasitic organism with no inherent capabilities beyond what it can steal from others, will go extinct.

Whites need to find a section of the Earth where they can encyst themselves, and wait for the inevitable ravages of war, disease, and starvation to obliterate the other populations across the globe, and then whites can emerge to take back the colder, less hospitable regions again, as the other races will have migrated to more favorable climes, and only whites can reasonably thrive in the less hospitable regions, anyway.

At least the Jew-threat will be forever destroyed, as long as we learn to show no mercy.

The only way this could possibly happen is if China actually BECAME the U.S., and started allowing & creating policies that would give them a prosperous middle class at the cost of upper-class profits.
IF this could occur, I agree, China could overtake the U.S. as an economic powerhouse.
But if China does what it's always done, and treats its peasants as peasants, there is no hope of creating the kind of dynamic economy necessary to rival the U.S.

And Trump is about to cut them off from their most profitable single market.

And your mom's a whore (pic related)

There's an entire chapter on white ethno- nationalism rising, and this was from 2013, well before the migrant crisis gave the right such a boost.

The author is not nearly as clueless as you think.

All slav countries have their own "Baba Vagna" from various time periods, some are more educated than others. It's like those "extra sence" spirit whisperers on TV who make calculated guesses. It means nothing.

Dont you know christcucks arent welcome here?

You'r so ignorant of european culture that you don't even know christmas was a holiday even before christianity. Wow, true european master race over here guys.

Thanks for the bump Moshe

Dude, just wait for the next Ice Age.

This one's for you, champ.

This is nothing to us, but to normal people it's useful for giving them an idea of how quickly things can change under everyone's noses.

Inevitablism has always failed. They said the spread of communism was inevitable and too late to stop. They said USA's demographics would not allow a president like Trump. It is all propaganda by your enemies.

If need be, we'll repopulate the Earth with just 1% of our current population