From his video:
poopoo peepee get your hands off my property, Nazis pls help
I sure fucking hope he blows his brains out.
fucking deceiving piece of shit.
>anarcho crapitalist praising a political system that is pretty much the antithesis of freedom and therefore contrary to Anarchy
ancaps are so fucking retarded it's not even funny anymore.
He is all over the place in this video
Wtf is this shit…
I always knew it!!
He looks like a massive hipster tbh
now we just need LSR to admit marxism-leninism is necessary as a reaction to fascism
Anti-state capitalist admitting going for fascism?
Not a surprise.
although this is funny, these type of reactionary threads don't do anything for us.
Wow I am so shocked right now
Based Stirnposter.
hahaha I saw that comment
All me.
Sums up why I no longer browse this place.
How surprising
Can you at least provide some information about who and what the fuck you are talking about, op, for people that don't want to click YouTube videos of people that sound like retards?
Fascism has narrow defenitions, kid.
to be fair, it's pretty vague
but yeah I guess ethno-nationalism could be considered necessary to fascism, as well as debt-fueled militarism
I would still argue free-marketers have backed fascism so many times in history that they are intertwined
Holla Forums wins AGAIN
Free-marketeers just back whoever suits them the most. They backed Saddam when it suited them, then dropped support for him.
I must admit that it actually is vague, but I wouldn't call AnClaps fascists. I think Molymeme realized that his whole anarchism thing wasn't going anywhere so he just latched onto the alt-right.
This TBH.
But The NAP is pretty fucking autistic.
if only they were a little bit more like market socialists.
But LL&A is fucking retarded.
same as Molyneux.
Why hasn't he changed his name?
Hate, death, and fascism.
Fascism is love.
Nazis don't even unironicly believe this.
Ancaps like this guy and Autsimball are just the worst. The fact that he would even suggest that Fascism is moral and necessary shows that Ancaps will go to their daddy fascism to beat up all the mean commies that want to get rid of all his money.
So when do we start uniting with the tankies to put a stop to this?
tankies are fascists
Is this subtle ebegging?
But, what the fuck!? How can you claim to be in favour of both individual liberties and fascism?
feels good
Fascists are pro individual "liberities". Not freedom. By liberties they mean .. capitalism.
libretardians are just confused fascists
Derpkt flag.
Nigger WTF!
what's the matter? supporting kim il sung's legacy doesn't make me a tankie or anything.