Captain Bernard Davids – My Experiences In George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party

Captain Bernard Davids – My Experiences In George Lincoln Rockwell’s American Nazi Party

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The ANP was filled with crypto jews and probably funded by the ADL.

Just fuck off back to the_donald

first post every time


Is there a site for the magazines of Rockwell and the other leaders? The 60s, 70s, and 80s were a haven for 12 page mags. I can always find the books but never the periodicals

Everyone point and laugh at the retard.

Defund CTR!

I agree. I thought they weren't a thing after she lost?

Not that I know of. There are two full issues of The Rockwell Report on, but that's about it.

I got a lot of European skinhead mags from a guy that posted here a while back. While certainly interesting they're still skinhead zines and not really politically useful. I'll check out archive as you said

It's not CTR. We're back to it just being kikes and complete retards.

Vid related. Rockwell was an amazing man and great speaker. I would upload it as a webm, but the filesize is way too large.

First and Second. That's a new trend.

Are grand parents had George Lincoln Rockwell and they shot him. We have Dicklick Spencer the FED, and Holla Forums praises him.

Fuck the world

Easy, they still have a salary.

Given all the troubles (((they))) are going to cause to a Trump administration, maybe some of the shills could be put to good use.
For example, gather info on all the SJWs calling for assassination on twatter.

fuckoff kike

We really need to think of a way to make our case to black Americans and bring them into our fold, separate but equal. They are the perfect sword and shield, and many of them are halfway to redpilled already. Black men should be, and probably are deep down, just as angry about seeing their women get stolen by oil drillers as we are seeing our own women fall for coal burners. I know the purists will immediately start yelling about back to Africa or actual genocide, but I think they are in some ways our best bet for establishing popular legitimacy.

fuckfoff kike

No. Rockwell's idea involved either confining them to reservations or getting them set up in Africa.

These are not what they look like

After we win, there could be alliances with them until then.

Yeah, thank goodness that bullet magically fell from the sky and ended GLR's life so as to save the American right forever.

We dont praise that faggot, we hate him.

I agree with this. We get blacks in America to become ethno-nationalist's again and things will start falling in place.

Fag spencer has no Imperium here.

so implicit dick is no longer a fag enabler you have upgraded him to fed? what gives?

If you can't spot an agent proveactur by now you haven't lurked long enough to have an opinion on here.


nb4 provocateur

Really iteresting listen. Have a bump.

My dubs say that protest user will be the next Rockwell

Fucking checked.
Speaking of which, where has that glorious bastard been? Its been like a month since he made a thread, not getting on his case or anything since I have been slacking on IRL stuff also but I am just worried that he got Stasi'd or the kikes did something nasty to him. Post soon if you are still alive, bro.

He said in his last thread that he was going to take some time off to study and practice his speech/debate skills. I hope and believe in him.

Is right though. It wasn't contolled opposition at first when it had a reasonable name, but everyone who calls himself "Nazi" instead of National Socialist unironically, is controlled opposition or a neo-nazi untermensch.

Even Goebbels?


Who is protest user? I've been super busy this month and haven't been here much.

the reason rockwell was killed was because he wasnt controlled op

Guy posted a few threads protesting at the Federal Reserve and openly naming the Jew, handed out hundreds of redpill flyers, personally pissed off dozens of kikes, and redpilled a lot of people, his face was posted and filmed by a salty Jew so I was just worried about doxxing and other nasty suppression methods.

Can someone reupload?