We need Black Panther Party back
Tfw Black Lives Matter is too liberal
>>>Holla Forums
we should just kill all nigger
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J.Posnoamoj Chomdaskek
>>>Holla Forums
Black Panthers were based Marxist comrades.
Implying a pavement ape in a beret won't knock your white marxist ass out with a bat.
Panther's were based but Newton developed a stupid drug habit and the NY21 ruined everything.
I agree but I have the terrible feeling that if a new BPP that is indeed like the old one (Socialist, Internationalist, Leninist) emerged, a lot of the Leftists (and some liberals) who like to praise the original Panthers would immediately hate on it and talk about they're nothing like Newton's Party.
Because the unfortunate truth is, people love radical movements decades after they win or lose. BPP lost in general but won some fights and managed to get the government to offer african-americans assistance, so now that they're dead it's safe and cool to quote Stokely Carmichael and Fred Hampton, but if there was an actual revolutionary militia around everyone would be trying to dissociate themselves from it. Even sympathetic public figures, pundits and commentators would be afraid of praising it now and risk looking bad if they turn violent later.
Is this true? I remember seeing him on Firing Line and he sounded absolutely like a crackhead. But if I'm not mistaken that was after the Panthers started losing ground. '69 was their peak, in '72 they were already insignificant and their membership declined to almost nothing. I think he spent most of that period on jail.
Finally a BLM thread I can get behind
The BPP helped all urban poor in their territory and rejected racism against the majority
Bobby Seale has talked about it pretty extensively. Huey Newton's coke habit was one of the factors in the breakup of the BPP, because he was using the BPP for drug purposes. COINTELPRO was obviously a bigger factor IMO, but it was the last straw.
supporting a movement based on race idpol pls
This is what your post says.
I'd like to speak on BLM as liberal. They're only as good as their local organizers. The ones I've seen are Maoist-Stalinist. This is in Florida. Now I am in Portland Oregon and happened across a BLM march. I'd just like to talk about what I saw. The crowd wasn't unlike crowds in FL. 60 strong, mostly white, several black organizers. Walking around the downtown area with the regular 'black lives matter' chant (and later "all day, all night, we're doing this for Coyrn Gaines"), blocking up intersections for a time, not really causing too much fuss. We walked in a loop around the downtown, ending (where they began) at the courthouse at the public square. There we sat down on the road and one of the most vociferous black women during the march gave a speech on how the march is about hatred of women and how black women's lives matter less than black mens'. "Misogyny is real, hatred of women is real", goes the chant. It kind of smacked of an oppression olympics thing. Also, talking about the exoneration of killer cops, how an undefined "we" exonerate them. This confused me too.
A male organizer spoke too. He said a pretty basic spiel, that we needed to keep the 'solidarity' going after this event and all through our days, basically.
Another organizer spoke, and we ended up repeating the words of Angela Davis "it is our duty to fight for our freedom, it is our duty to win, we must love and support one another, we have nothing to lose but our chains" like 20 times, it was mind meltingly repetitive. We repeated some other chants throughout this period too, though not for as long.
Another black woman, not an organizer I don't think, talked about the fallacy of "all lives matter" but in a way where she put rapists and child molesters on the stand. Obviously because I am a huge child molester I had to divert suspicion from myself, I went up to the mic and said, roughly, 'we are a union of all colors and creeds but what do we have in common? we are proletarians (yes I shouldn't have used the word) and working people. the lives that don't matter are the lives of the exploiters and those who keep their order'. Pretty tepid reaction, though I was off base from the whole 'black lives matter' I failed to bring my rhetoric to the fact that the black people killed by police are working poor. I know I fucked up big.
The event officially closes basically right after, one of the black organizers reminds us all and whoever is listening that we are peaceful protesters.
So what got me bothered was the fact that political education was an absolute nonentity, that people are digressing from the point of black lives matter to make it about women and black women, that we repeated stupid chants and slogans.
Revolutionaries need to educate the BLM organizers. Or, perhaps BLM and their following is a dead end. Many sorts of groups join BLM marches like anarchists, Marxists, and liberals. But without leadership the movement is absolutely dead. On the other end of the spectrum, my friend recently posted this. I know it's an ML news source and not that great but it sure shows muh spontaneism of the proletariat in the absence of liberal BLM cooption.
Someone wrote of the events "literally all that has happened since last night is prayer circles… families, children, religious leaders. Milwaukee is being terrorized."
Remember this is our struggle, as the working class. Don't shit on BLM, elevate them.
correction, the chant was 'misogyny is real', that's it, just repeated a bunch.
Sorry last addendum. After the BLM thing in Portland it just wsa really uncanny than someone I sort of know posted this on FB, this fella is an ML too.
I didn't read the article because the title is just wtf can't we talk about organizing the proles to expropriate the capitalists or something pls
But the New Black Panthers support Black Lives Matter. What are you going to do? Call it the Blacker than Black Panther Party?
The NBP is COINTELPRO, Bobby Seale himself says it reeks of Feds.
And you're right. You see it all the time, people that claim to love MLK and say things like 'MLK is rolling in his grave' when criticizing BLM for doing things King himself did and was famous for.
I feel like if a new group that were exactly like the original black panthers people would hate them and Holla Forums would say 'i would like them if they dropped the idpol'.
It's very easy to look at the past and say you would have supported X supporting a movement or group in your time that is similar to X is a completely different story
Fresh for this shit thread
And btw Lucy Parsons is my waifu
The New Afrikan Black Panther Party already exists my friend
(fuck the NBPP though)
no we need a red army faction
they at least did shit other than just be annoying shits on campus
personally i'd like something like the red army faction except bigger and better and more effective (and have more support before they decide to blow up a building or kill somebody)