U.S. Muslim cleric Hamza Yusuf calls Trump ‘a servant of God’ during racist rant against BLM


Surprisingly lucid for a muslim.fuck islam in general, though

Make sure to tell any shitlib you see disagreeing with him that they are being extremely Islamophobic and racist

Wow. Check mate liberals

can't use the race card, unfortunately.

what is the timestamp, don't wanna listen to the whole thing…

Oh wow, that's even worse.

couldn't do it either, searched youtube.

He's sucking up and attracting signaling from us Muslims to set up a blindspot against suspicion. Even if he is actually aligning with the white majority, his sphere of influence will be infiltrated by those looking for that blindspot.

No peace.

Who's in charge here? God is a big guy. Praise Kek. Observe repeating numerals.

You are right, but he's telling the truth; Trump is the prophet of the one true god Kek

It probably has more to do with general nigger fatigue.

This shouldn't be that surprising. This is all stuff anybody would recognize as long as they aren't brainwashed or pushing the poz.

Guy is actually white though.

huh.. so this guy was a crypto kike posing as an orthodox christian who changed to islam after a "near death experience".

unless he's a cointelpro mkultra jidf jtrig CtR d&c shill, user!

Good, the more division we can create among the left, the better. This guy has huge potential for project pandemonium.

I always new Trump (PBUH) was a direct descendant of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)

Nah, they're just scared

A normal slime? THis is a new day.

Speaking of Muslim

Look how Assad spent Christmas Day.
With Christians in a Monastery.


That's the reddest white man I've ever seen – redder than Pocahontas Exception whites with native ancestry. Must be some sandnigger from the Greek.

Thank you based Assad? How the fuck did you expect anyone to figure that out, you autist?

yeah, yeah, we get it SJW/ MSM, facts are racist, talking about them is fascist, everyone you disagree with is pure evil…. that record wore out quite some time ago and nobody is listening to your static anymore…

The Muslim from Pakistan that I know said he could hear some other kids from his country calling each other "dogs" as in what black people call each other and he didn't like it. He said something that his parents had taught him, that when you pretend to be someone else then you are neither them nor what you once were before. You are mediocre everywhere. I thought it was pretty cool. Haha, just noticed he also shares this guys name.

Say it with me

Better quality and lyrics, my bad.

am i crazy, or does this guy look a lot like Sam from WKUK?


I don't see a single post doing just that, faggot.

wtf I love muslims now

He's still going to swing on the Day of the Rope.

Hold on right there, moslem boyo.