The era of neoliberalism is over. The era of neonationalism has just begun.

Mark Blyth argues that, essentially, financial arrangements and the debtor-creditor dynamic are driving Trump and other "radical" right (and nationalist/populist left) movements into power. Essentially, the center is cracking.

This runs against the popular identity politics arguments. What does Holla Forums think?

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oops forgot links

What the fuck is it with those fucking kike defintions. What the fuck is a neo-nationlism?

What the media has to call what it was calling the Alt-Right now that there Alt-Right isn't Alt.

everything you disagree with isn't from the jews goddammit

neo- is just put on there to denote or refer back to a previously held belief structure or institutional system that was given up for a time and then returned to. So, starting in the 70s you had a move toward globalism, a return to liberalism, often referred to as "neoliberalism." Blyth is arguing that now you're seeing a return to something resembling the post-war order which is often referred to as (economic) nationalism.

If you'd actually read the article, if not an actual book once in a while, you'd know that by now

he's a scot and he's a professor dipshit

Their narrative is that globalism is (or was until 2016) unstoppable and that nationalism died 10 or 15 years ago.

A pretentious nationalist that likes to add useless prefixes to words.

no. that's not true at all. Not only is that not what "they" say, but Blyth specifically argues against what "they" say. Would you please simply read the article, you halfwit fuck? It's not very long


Fucking neo-millenials.

its called the Academe

wew lad you're fucking retarded

holy shit i'm surrounded by idiots

You need to sober up, rummy, that's not what he says at all and the article is not short - it's just truncated by a cunting paywall for fuck's sake.


Many neofags and neoidiots in this thread.

Archive only has the opening few paragraphs. I'm not registering for anything, faggot.

And why would i read an article that already starts with made up bullshit words like neo-nationalism and trumpism? That stinks like leftist kike shit. Why would you even read this? And don't start a post with "What does Holla Forums think?" next time, because that's known cuckchan slang for shit threads.
Now tip your fedora for being so enlightened.

Can't we just call it Nationalism?

There's nothing revolutionary about trump's policies of supporting the citizens of the country, we're just blessed that we got a candidate that ran with them.

I think it's a good sign. I keep saying we need to make Trump the new normal. Then we push harder than ever. Trump is just the beginning, the new Republican Party. Now we work to replace that with pure white nationalism.

Ehhhhh, often it is.

Translation: Neo- is a suffix kikes like to attach to any movement they want to dissociate from similar movements in the past. Via this dissociation, kikes seek to reduce the conceptual – even memetic – power of these movements. You're not a Nazi, you're a 'Neo-Nazi'. You're not a 'Conservative', you're a 'Neo-Conservative'. You're not a Nationalist, you're a 'Neo-Nationalist'.
Subtly manipulative use of semantics to alter the conceptual context.

Translation: I'm no better than the smary faggot liberal urbanite scum which I seek to oppose, and wh wrote this article.

I read the article. The word 'neo-nationalism' does not appear anywhere therein, according to my browsers Find function…. Outside the paywall, at least.
Why did you link an article that's behind a fucking paywall and not copy-paste the fucking text?

Ehhhhh, not EVERYthing, but often it is, to such a degree as to justify an expectation that if its something a Holla Forumsack disagrees with, its probably from the jews, god damn it.

Translation: Neo- is a suffix kikes like to attach to any movement they want to dissociate from similar movements in the past. Via this dissociation, kikes seek to reduce the conceptual – even memetic – power of these movements. You're not a Nazi, you're a 'Neo-Nazi'. You're not a 'Conservative', you're a 'Neo-Conservative'. You're not a Nationalist, you're a 'Neo-Nationalist'.
Subtly manipulative use of semantics to alter the conceptual context.

Translation: I'm no better than the smary faggot liberal urbanite scum which I seek to oppose, and wh wrote this article.

I read the article. The word 'neo-nationalism' does not appear anywhere therein, according to my browsers Find function…. Outside the paywall, at least.
Why did you link an article that's behind a fucking paywall and not copy-paste the fucking text?

Why do you think the global lugenpresse was kvetching so hard? Trump has opened up the pandora's box of all the things the goys weren't allowed to talk about.

Europe is going to follow Trump's example because the goys are going to realize that its acceptable to want to have a nation.The goys around the world wont be settling for these petty cuckservatives anymore after the see what Trump's policies have accomplished.

So it's just another kike bullshit definition like that user said. Thanks for the SJW-approved explanation you colossal faggot.

Put more effort into your OP next time.

I'm a neo-natalist.

I you saying I can dodge memes?

No, I'm saying that when the time comes. You won't have to XDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Neo-bullshit is what it neo-is.

Neo sounds evil, edgy and cool.

Let's meme neo-zionism

Neo from the matrix

you forgot neo-cuckolding


Because those boring old memes just won't cut it; we need neo-memes.

It means they thought nationalist died and is now resurrected.

Dude that's not the full article, you need an account to read it.

oh fuck. goddamn

no, the article isn't that much longer. idk why the fucking paywall is blocking shit all of a sudden

you realize how crazy that sounds, right?

i stopped reading there bc retardation

actaully Blyth is laughing about it and saying "i told you so" – he's definitely not Holla Forums material but you all share enemies for sure

tired of this neo-shit, just fucking say that nationalism is making a come back


actaully Blyth is laughing about it and saying "i told you so" – he's definitely not Holla Forums material but you all share enemies for sure


i apologize about the fucking archive. not sure how to fix that. if anyone has any suggestions, then please

Blyth doesn't even really use "neoliberalism" in his work (he talks about "embedded" and "disembedded" liberalism) so he might be actually using it a bit ironically. At any rate, if the best Holla Forums can come up with is "muh neo-" then it is a sorry state of affairs indeed

Who needs life when you have digits to check? I love neo-life. I'm a neo-lifer forever.

Why are you so concerned to defend him? I don't see why you think this faggot is saying anything remotely substantial. He just spews out terms that MSNBC likes to use.
Just like the guy joking about white genocide, I'm sure. You're a faggot OP.

wtf are you talking about you dipshit? who is defending who? an article just got posted and 90% of the comments were kvetching like a kike about the use of the prefix "neo." that's fucking absurd

Go one thread over and you'll find people unironically defending Trump appointing Jews to his cabinet with terms like "based Jew" and "Jewish Goebbels." Go two threads over and there's a lively discussion about aliens. Welcome to Holla Forums, shame it's dead.


gee i wonder why?


You guys, we can play the left and right game all we want. Just be aware that as long as (((they))) control the play money we have to wageslave for, (((they))) are still in control.

People need to be redpilled about pic related, aka "The Central Bank of Central Banks" or the BIS. Time to fucking get to work.

That's commie terminology, Holla Forums be anarcho capitalists now. :^)