1/4 men will die a virgin
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The meat of the matter,
therefor 25% of men in said group are sexually inactive.
Woah. Deep.
Does this mean that girls these days are more conservative than their grandmothers?
This is absolutely disgusting, this fucking world keeps getting more and more conservative and boring.
– Elliot Rodger
they deserve it
The paper doesn't state straight or homo.
fucked that up.
oh and lol & at the idea that "more casual sex" means more men can have sex.
the rich get richer and the poor get poorer
I think there are a lot of factors that a study couldn't cover. Socio-economic factors, not to mention where in the world you're from.
I don't think it set out to cover socio-ecnomimic shit. And as to where, study was of US folks. But the numbers are similar in Japan where 25% of over 30s men have never had sex.
They should do a study comparing sexual activity between precariat and working people. It wouldn't surprise me in the least that income instability has a serious effect on your sexlife.
There was actually a mention of something along these lines in Guardian article. One of the groups identified as getting less sex were 'white, non college educated males'.
No, it's 10% therefore, and we're talking about a restricted group anyway, no mention of "dying a virgin", many people would have sex anyway but later.
Anyhow, I'm happy that our plot to prevent white males from having sex is at least marginally working.
I wonder if part of it is a fair number of people are, in all honesty, not as interested in looking for sex. I really don't consider it to be important in life and I've met a good number of other people who feel that way. Not a majority but enough to make it a consideration.
Do you even maths?
% of group not getting any = 15%
% of women of said group not getting any = 5%
average is 15% not getting any
5 (women) + X (men) /2 = 15
X (men) = 25%.
No doubt abstinence is a part of it. But I'd say that incel is a bigger share.
I'm not abstinent. It's just not something I'm looking for.
Not a great article, but its basic point is good:
I guess it's confirmed Holla Forumsyps aren't reproducing witch is a good thing in my book.
Absolutely not. Cultural norms of virginity loss are simply changing, as it becomes somewhat more acceptable for a man to lose it later.
Not trying to come across as too harsh, but if you've not managed by 30 I think you've fucked it. Some in this category may find a wife. But over 30 this is about the only route to sex for men with no experience and low self esteem.
Yeah, that one's better.
this is a good thing, sex is degenerate
when will normies/reddit leave?
I'm sure the global pandemic of a deadly plague you catch from fucking has nothing to do with this.
fug gapidalism
Men tend to inflate their partner counts and women tend to deflate them. This could easily be more like 1 in 3. To me, this figure plays a big part in the growing popularity of reactionary politics in the West.
Duuuude, like, everybody dies in the end anyway; like, you only live once.
You have to enjoy your life my dude, it's short and you lose in the end anyway lol.
It's tough to meet people outside of work because any sort of public social interaction requires money, and people have less and less of it.
I hate this way of thinking, I'm a 22 yo incel but I don't feel like turning a Holla Forumsyp anytime soon.
Over 30, sure, but not over 21
Maybe we should try recruiting like the far right does.
I honestly think that 'Incel' itself causes massive psychological damage.
So then the question becomes what is the root cause of incel? Men getting shittier or women expecting more?
I'm inclined towards 'men getting shittier', see, beta uprising, MGTOW. Furthermore I suspect that this men getting shittier is a sign of massively under-diagnosed assburgers.
I'm thinking the path is something like
Aspergers => depression => misanthropy
I think it's more related to unemployment/social disintegration. So many men have next to nothing to live for, it's no shock they would become warped.
or it could you know, be both.
Well I don't agree that somehow the breeding stock has deteriorating or something, it's more that underlying antisocial characteristics come out more when the person is insecure.
Who has time and drive for sex or a gf when you have to work 10 hours a day and be available the rest anyways
Are you sure you aren't getting that backwards, and MGTOW is a result of the world getting shittier? I think it's funny why you wonder why so many men are so frustrated or choosing not to play the game, yet you perpetuate the "betamale" meme, where men have to live up to some arbitrary standard of sex and power otherwise they are a failure. As the economy and job market becomes lack luster, the men who are expected to sacrifice more and live with less are just saying "fuck it, I'm out". Look at more extreme examples such as Japan, which is having a massive population crisis as men are expected to work 50+ hours a week yet still have a family.
This coupled with the hyper-feminist society we live in (rise of SJWs, lots of political correctness especially in regards to women, "toxic masculinity", women in high power yet complaining about glass ceiling, etc.) makes guys feel like they're just not appreciated and the deck is stacked against them.
I also think part of it is just media sensationalism. With a 24/7 news cycle, the internet, and a camera on everyone, any time something slightly tragic happens it goes viral. 30-40 years ago I don't think Zimmerman or Rodger would have gotten much attention outside of a news headline. Now every incident is used to fuel political propaganda (from all sides) and scaremongering.
That's not really just a feeling either.
Just look at /r9k/, though it can go both ways. Social isolation is known to be harmful to mental health.
We live in a winner-take-all society. Women are more selective than men in dating, and competiton between men has increased due to social media increasing women's options, along with decreased stigma against casual sex. I'm sure this will trigger some fucking AnFem, but many millenial women appear to prefer being part of a soft harem with a high-status man to a commited rlationship with a lower-status man, at least until they want kids. This is also where economic issues come in, as men can't secure a good social standing because they can't make enough money. Also, as you said, social isolation is harmful to mental health, and work is where a lot of post-college people get social interaction.
MRAs and PUAs have this whole evo-psych theory explaining all this but it is probably trash and I am too fucking lazy to read it.
Rightcucks want society to be survival of the fittest, and they got it.
You are fit, right, Holla Forums?
Survival of the fittest - good when I think I am among the fittest, otherwise, extremely bad.
But they don't "go their own way" or try to set new cultural trends. All they fucking do with their lives is complain about how women are LITERALLY HITLER. The reason women don't like them is because no one does.
How can they set any positive trend when they're cut off from relationships and the only other influence in popular culture is towards individualism and consumerist hedonism, or nihilism? They'll inevitably be drawn towards negative patterns of thought.
Then why don't they put any effort into finding pleasure elsewhere? Alienation is no excuse to choose to suffer.
And you wonder why the lazy left stereotype exists?
No it's a lazy smear tactic by rich faggots to get people to work harder for no reason. With modern technology we should be working like 20 hours a week anyway.
Sure, but this some people aren't just assholes. Robot types' main problem is that they think too highly of themselves.
You realize that low population is good for the environment and makes it easier to defeat Capitalism right?
I'm sure this is part of it too. There's a lot of pressure on men these days. It used to be get a job, any job, then start building life. Now, many of these jobs are gone so men are almost forced to university to have any hope of making it.
So yeah, another question raised. What comes first, the disenfranchisement or the detachment?
For some people sure their own mental problems hold them back but like the other guy said it's really no different from the bootstrap meme. A guy with emotional problems, and some kind of autism spectrum disorder has the odds stacked against him. It's really not a fair thing to say and you shouldn't blame individuals for societal problems and trends.
This. I'm a kissless virgin 21 year old and I never felt tempted to think of women like /r9k/ does. People hate them because of their behavior, not because they're lonely young men.
Sometimes I think the US has an epidemic of undiagnosed clinical depression.
Honestly the best explanation for it is , dating takes money and your parents house isn't a good place to fuck. Having sex is easier than getting a gf these days, it's hard for me to meet someone up to my standards for a gf(reads books and can make me laugh, not physical) but I can spend five minutes on my phone and find someone willing to fuck. Some people I know have given up because tbh fucking random girls isn't really satisfying compared to having a partner, and I know a few 20-something old virgins who are scared to get their cherry popped by a random person.
Libertarians do.
NationaI Socialists understand that
Houellebecq is a retard in general, but he was absolutely on point (I think he stole it from a french Marxist) when he said that market logic replacing tradition forms of social interaction resulted in a form of social hierarchy where some have a lot and some have nothing.
If that's the case, then if we started living a bunch of people in a single house in quase-communal style like early 20th century revolutionaries then everyone would be banging non-stop. Let's do it
It does. It's just nobody can afford to have it diagnosed.
Is depression not usually the effect of something though? I don't doubt it is on the rise but what is causing it? Is it jews
Others have pointed it out but I think the recession and the deindustrialization of the first world plays into it. Industry jobs have been mainly male-dominated and industry jobs are currently disappearing from the first world and being replaced mostly by service jobs, which traditionally have been female-dominated. So we find ourselves in a situation where fewer and fewer men can get steady, well-payed jobs they can become independent upon, which are necessary if you are going to live up to societal expectation of what a man is and attract a longtime partner.
While societal pressures undoubtedly exist, it's not these societal pressures that are stopping men finding partners. Sure they (said pressures) may affect a man's confidence and ability to put himself out there, but the lack of a steady job, makes him a less attractive mate too. Back in the day factory work or something simialr was there and available to all who wanted it. So you didn't have to be super attractive, super smart or powerful, or be the life and soul of any social situation. You could be average. Dependable, financially secure and hard working would be enough for some women. Now this route is closed. I always thought the bit about men being disposable was something of a meme. But here we are.
I'm down. Sounds like fun. Should save a lot of money too.
Men are only disposable in the sense that women are the only ones being able to reproduce.
I honestly am very curiou show society would change if we have artificial mechanical wombs so single men can also have children.
Believe me or not
I'm a STEM PhD student with a healthy male social circle from a quite well off family
I'm 6'1 and on the lighter side of ottermode
I'm well read, have hobbies (sports, music, art)
It's almost impossible for me to find a girl. To find one genuinely attracted to me has happened to me once, and she showed me the door after she realized I wasn't going to work while she shits out kids and sits at home, to find a guy who is willing to do just that.
The game IS rigged, but instead of trying to change it we should just accept it and educate youngsters that they should too.
We shouldn't force women to do anything, but in my opinion we should cut off any stream of resources from men towards women or their children.
All of you here judge men based on how much sex they have. You know you fucking do. Stop pretending
good fucking luck getting anything done then
the solution is to simply have the state force arranged marriage for young teenagers
destroy and censor all the history of hookup culture and people won't know a time that was any different
Well, they don't let single men adopt kids because of the assumption that they're pedos, so even if we develop artificial wombs I'm sure their use would be restricted.
Are you autistic or borderline? Fuckin swear, girls can smell that shit a mile off.
This accomplishes economic as well as sexual freedom. One should not desire for more. In my opinion the problem with the present situation is that we have sexual freedom but no economic freedom. I'd be fine with the prospect of not having sex ever again IF it was made sure to me that chicks arent gonna steal the fruits of my and similar guy's labor, which they do through exploitative relationships, social security and taxes.
I have always had problems with accepting hierarchy (teachers, policemen, burocrats), but as I mentioned I do have very good male friends and even female friends who are older.
What place you from? America I presume? They seem to have a large set of women who feel like they should both be provided for like a housewive while not having to do the housework and other shite that comes with the deal. Being a housewive is dates as fuck anyway because of how much easier housework is compared to in the past.
Even independent and emancipated women that work expect the man in the relationship to have a higher salary and status. Marriages where the man earns less are very rare.
There is a reason why up to 40% of college educated women in western countires will die childless.
The numbers just don't add of when more than 60% of college grads are women now-a-days.
I'm from ex Warsaw pact Europe.
Actually, the housewife shit in this part of the world was sort of well founded until recently because the wife would still be taking care of the children, animals, and the property, and with no machines to help it would certainly be a hard enough job for anybody.
Now though, one can do all the housework in 1 hour a day max (probably much less), there is no reason for women not to work, especially with the fucking low wages people get around here.
My ex I think had a pretty bright professional future ahead of her, and then she decided she wants to 'postpone' school to have a child, while trying to find a guy to finance this life and her finishing the school (if it ever happens).
And believe me there are many men happy to fill this role. it breaks my heart a bit. Don't think I'm ever gonna have a relationship again.
could you provide a source for that claim, please?
Burn it all
child. But in a notable exception to the
overall rising trend, in 2008, 24% of womenages 40-44 with a master’s, doctoral or professional degree had not had children, a decline from 31% in
compared to 15% of women with less than secondary qualifications
Sorry for the fucked-up formatting. I just copy+pasted the text.
Is there research on if this is because capitalist society favours career over children or because of this supposed high standard?
Both. The male partner is usually expected to earn more and have higher social status. Women with advanced degrees will have more of both, so their standards are higher.
Is it hard being a commie there?
Well, it's probably both causes.
High standards can't explain women who do have children but much later, and career reasons cannot explain the huge number of single mothers with no real career.
Women have as long as they've bad a coice on the matter 'married up'
Because they could still meet and marry a high-status man without too much difficulty.
It can. It just shows an almost naive level of short-sightedness or optimism.
This is generally down to intelligence and hard work. Similar to their male counterparts, half the female population is below average intelligence. For a man this is now likely a one way ticket to a genetic dead-end.
my god, user. And then you call others "cucks".
It kind of does though. Society encourages career, but if you can't get a career, women are valued by society for being mothers, receiving support and recognition as "usefull". Men do not have this second choice and are seen as useless or a burden, its well documented among the poor as a reason why so many women choose to have children despite no real career opportunities or future.
Women's attractiveness level depreciates with age. So what happense is they just manage their expectations once they realize this and tie the knot with a man that has less status.
Well, for one, living standards dropped super hard since the fall. I mean, we used to have self sufficient countries with an abundance of meaningful and well paying work, free dental, health care, you pick. Now it's almost all gone.
On the other hand, the weight of nationalistic tensions combined with the nature of planned economy gave us some pretty hard years (less economic development, deportations and closed schools after ww2). Basically, now we're 'free' to do a bunch of things that are too expensive hence we can't afford them, and lost a great many good things which we had for decades. The job situation for example is horrible now.
I am not a commie though, and have had friends and family members tell stories of the brutality of the postwar regime which you guys would simply write off as porky propaganda
For what it's worth, under Communism or Socialism or whatever, when the time comes for CRISPR designer babies, and it will come, it will be smart to have a higher ratio of women to men, maybe 6:4. Women who don't find mates end up as legbeards with cats posting on Tumblr. Men who don't find mates end up starting reactionary revolutions.
Well this is often said but in my opinion it's just not true. Women's attractiveness deteriorates no worse than men's with not counting menopause, but that only matters for men who want children and would not be okay with adopting.
Women get ugly in their thirties because they get fat and lazy. Same thing happens to men
wow! Your snide remark sure proved me wrong.
jk, no it didn't but nice attempt at derail
The percentage of people here who would write off any acts of brutality right off the bat is small. Most people don't believe the outlandish claims of a secret coordinated undocumented unfindable extermination camp and all that.
I dont feel comfortable with this for whatever reason. I would rather we see more research into artificial wombs and all that, so that we can stop with this ineffective, dangerous, messy and un-fairly balanced reproduction process. It also allows for monitoring the babies during development, which would be especially helpfull if we're going to be doing lots of genetic editing.
Look mate, quoting a feminist study which lists economic incentives as a reason for hypergamy in a forced marriage society to try and proof that female nature is to choose to commit hypergamy purely for the status is kind of silly.
Who give a fuck about your opinion and experience when you have cold survey data? The ideal age for most men is young and remains that way until they die. The 20 years in the okcupid survey you see in these images are just a statistical artefact, since you couldn't give an answer lower than 20 but I'm sure many man would've gone lower.
What's striking of the second chart is the fact that women overwhelmingly prefer men that are slightly older than them.
Women's fertility doesn't just drop suddenly decline once they hit the menopause. It declines gradually with age and picks up speed they older they get. With every year the risk for miscarriage and genetic defects increases from young adulthood onwards.
Yeah, better use the research on chimpanzees and these polygamist aboriginal tribes where the females pile a number of sticks correponding to the attractiveness level of the males within the tribe.
There was an entire article there describing the phenomenon over centuries. Did you even click it? I posted the text I did as that was the only bit that made any kind of speculation as to motivation. Is it the article itself you take issue with or the bit I quoted?
I am not going to re-read the article, I already have done so the last time some robot posted this exact thread with the same picture.
But if the best thing you can find in the article of your choosing to use as "summary" is a feminist analysis that directly contradicts the point you try to make, then I don't really care.
Though it does seem to me that ok looking chicks have no trouble getting laid into their forties, your graph provides much insight. I will think on it
Here is your state-appointed wife, citizen.
One people, one nation, one mustache man, we need to protect the white kids and stuff.
So it's the article you don't like? Got it.
Well Hypergamy aside there are numersous articles from the web, largely from women's magazines talking at length about the reality and the reality is women are much more likely to marry up.
Of course the chart says something else than your personal real world experience. The graph was about "out of this group of all people on this site, who do find most attractive" then of course almost all men are going to say the young looking girls are attractive looking. Its superficial as fuck and a fantasy "choose anyone scenario".
Ok buddy, whatever makes you happy.
The average adult in most western countries is overweight and if you are older than thirty on top of this you are way less than 'ok looking'.
According to dating site data mentioned in books like 'Dataclysm' women seem to have an experation date around the age of 30 according most men.
I remember I read some statistics that showed how many women/men married people of the same educational attainment or higher contra people how lower educational attainment, but I cant seem to find it now anyone familiar with it?
These surveys have bigger sample sizes than anything you could come up with IRL.
Hasn't it always been this way? I forget where, but I read that historically only 40% of men reproduce.
yeah. But this thread wasn't about making babies, simply having sex. I guess the two are related but this is an increase in the number of un-sexed men compared to the data that is there.
Being anti-hookup culture is the most anti-cuck thing possible. It literally makes it impossible for anyone to be cucked.
you're like the people who say "capitalism makes people work harder and makes more technology"
No anti-hookup culture is what cucks who can't get womz cling onto.
Why are all Nazi's sexually frustrated?
the 2:1 (80% - 40%) female to male reproductive ratio is for pre-state societies. Actually, during the neolithic revolution of agriculture, the ratio was 17:1.
Nowadays there are still more unreproducing males because of the biological consequences of infidelity (aka bastard children)
Women cheated on their husbands and got pregnant with another man's child long before hook up culture. Especially in traditional cultures where women spend a lot of time bored and alone because their husbands are gone working so much…
with rape.
This is what you sound like.
Women don't choose virtuous traits in a man, they choose barbaric and decadent traits.
This means that as long as women can choose their partners, we'll slowly decline into more crime, less intelligence, and less happiness.
Because they're either closeted degenerates or can't find a gf.
There's nothing wrong with hookup culture.
Dude I know plenty of normal guys who have girlfriends.
The one Nazi I know is an incredibly socially awkward kid who can't keep his mouth shut and starts mouthing off about Muslims and the Holohoax. :/
Yeah okay.
All of you are fucking idiots and orientalist as FUCK at that.
Arranged marriages aren't forced marriage. Coerced marriages are prohibited in Islam and also in Judaism.
Arranged marriage is actually much more in-line with socialism than roll-the-dice marriage, because it keeps the community as active participants in their members' relationships and ensures that love remains a communal, rather than individualist, thing. Also, there is evidence arranged marriages last longer and are overall healtheir.
I'd say there is under capitalism when jobs and shit keep people who would prefer long-term relationships having to settle with hookups. Not that people shouldn't be able to try it or keep going if they like it.
You're generally right. Arranged marriages actually make a lot more sense outside our isolated social situation in the west.
We Muslims have figured this out centuries ago. Arranged marriages are all about the community and its strong role in love and reproduction. Modern marriage is individualistic and troubled from the very start because it's based entirely in cheap self-interest. I hope socialists move back to arranged marriages.
Well there were millions of Germans and Hungarians chased away from their homes; the whole process was backed by the red army. There actually was a Hungarian congressman in Slovakia who was anti-nazi throughout ww2 and afterwards the commies sent him to gulag just cuz he was a troublemaker and a national minority spokesman.
Furthermore, the Tito regime had concentration camps in postwar Yugoslavia where hundreds of thousands were interned on an ethnic basis. I have spoken to locals there who confirmed this; there were anecdotes of children and women being murdered too.
While I personally don't agree, survivors of ww2 tend to have an opinion that German occupiers were favorable to Russians.
And the one socialist I know is a fat neckbeard slob who faps to dievantart sonic porn. So what?
>>wanting to force women to choose you.
stop being cancer
Then how the fuck did we evolve to be so smart in the first place? Women held the purse strings on reproduction in hunter gatherer societies.
No thank you
This has to be a Holla Forums false-flag
I wouldn't say Muslim's figured it out. Arranged marriages have proved to be more successful in far-eastern countries like Japan. They had some clear benefits in the west too, but fell out of practice due to changing economic relationships.
Why is that cancer? Hookup culture is cancer
Because we were dumb as fuck until a millennia or so ago?
no ur cancer
great debate
Islam prohibits inbreeding. There isn't a single country run according to actual shariah.
The point is, arranged marriage WORKS. All cultures which practice it do so to strengthen the community and ensure it remains together, since they don't want their members leaving by the time they're ready to look for love. In most communal societies there is an emphasis on the community choosing your mate. There is also a heavy emphasis on sex for reproduction rather than selfish pleasure. Today capitalism and capitalist perceptions of love force us to waste billions of dollars in birth control which could be better spent elsewhere, not to mention the string of broken hearts and meaningless relationships.
Look at how we Muslims do it and how strong our relationships with our loved ones are. Or look at the way orthodox Jews or the Amish do it.
What a cuck.
Do you do anything to try and meet woman? Are you in school? Do you abstain from all parties because of "muh degeneracy"?
There's nothing wrong with hookup culture. Have you ever tried it?
It's real.
Natural selection does not work that fast. And it doesn't matter the actual level of intelligence, what matters is if it was increasing or decreasing in hunter gatherer societies. Given that there was a massive increase in brain size for humans sometime after splitting from chimpanzees and before the end of hunting and gathering. Natural selection clearly favored increasing intelligence for the vast majority of our evolutionary history, if not we would be as smart as chimps.
But no Muslim in the world lives under actual shariah law.
Yep. He also talks about feminism and shit to try and get girls to like him, but of course it never works. He once tried to call me out in front of group of girls about an instragram post I made and how I was "using women as sex objects." Everyone just ignored him so he kept mumbling under his breath.
There are elements of real shariah among the righteous.
I didn't know they existed :o.
What, you think people just make that kind of shit up?
Is it okay to fap to furry porn if I'm an anti-idpol socialist?
Where do you live? Like what state if in the U.S.?
Not true from what we know at least. In the documented hunter gatherer societies people tend to have sex freely (this differs by society however).
The current thinking goes that once people start breeding animals they figure out how we breed ourselves, that combined with the concept of property made men want to be sure that they knew which kids they fathered, from that comes our concept of marriage and parenthood. And its almost always men who hold the strings, between the potential groom and his father and the potential bride's father.
We probably evolved to be so smart because of language, its a chicken or egg debate because we could've developed language after becoming more intelligent, but the current thinking is that people began to evolve more complex communication, which developed more and more complex thinking.
Female birds hold the strings to reproduction as they tend to be larger than the males and all that developed is males with silly feathers and singing and dancing. Birds are fucking stupid.
PA. Why?
It's never okay.
No. Isn't any porn linked to mental illness?
Haha. Well if it annoys both fascists and leftcoms it can't be all bad.
If by annoy you mean disgust, and by leftcoms and fascists you mean mentally stably people, then yes.
As long as it's consensual amateur stuff. You can't call yourself a socialist and support a woman being forced to fuck a man dressed like Scooby Doo.
Cartoons are 100% OK though.
Porn is just bad for your mental health period.
porn and masturbating everyday in general aren't healthy, stop while you can holy shit.
Has the nofap cult spread outside of reddit or something?
Noting wrong with ejaculation, but porn can fuck you up. If you have to fap, use your imagination.
have you been jerking 5 times a day since you were 11? enjoying the acne and social awkwardness?
Don't forget the hairy fingers and the blindness.
Acne and social awkwardness, wow, that's a real shot in the dark on a chan, what's next, miraculously predicting that a WoW player is fat?
I fap, I don't watch porn.
thanks for admitting it, i actually feel bad now.
Since when is nofap a reddit thing? Anons on 4chan have been doing nofap for years.
Well, that's true but on reddit it turned into a full-blown cult.
I sometimes go on half chan Holla Forums to spread the good message. Not because I believe in it, but I want the fascists to feel guilt and sadness after masturbation. I of course don't reveal my political affiliation.
that's cruel, those idiots believe anything good or bad, you could pose as a government agent leaking info and they'd believe you
Bit nicer than getting them addicted to cuck porn I suppose.
You don't need to own private property to fuck a girl at a party.
hnnnng, sauce?
It's still the same argument, i.e. "The only reason you don't like the current system is that you're a fucking loser, git gud scrub"
Yes, a government agent with vague information that a happening will occur within a poorly specified time frame. Half Holla Forums are pretty amazing.
That combination is golden. A white supremacists "betraying his race" by jerking of to interracial cuck porn, and simultaneously feeling guilty because he believes it's doing physical harm to him.
This probably hits pretty close for a lot of people here. I quit posting for months and now my anxiety is better, my social skills have improved, I'm exercising a lot, had a lot of success with girls, and even living with normies successfully. Honestly it's the best thing that ever happened to me. I encourage all of you to try it.
Anyone have a PDF of that?
That's pretty nice. More men to join the wizard cause.
Try what? Quiting chans or exercise and socializing? Not sure about the former but for fucks sake do the latter. I spent 2.5 years in a dry spell fuled by depression and drug use isolated from everyone but one asshole who drove away every friend I had. Took me a year to get back out there but it was worth it.
Tbh it's staggering how myopic people are about economic conditions.
That would mean capitalism isn't working and they'd then have to rethink their lives and so on.
It's easier to find a scapegoat.
Anyone got that screenshot of that psychologist disproving that anti-porn bullshit? No fap is a cult. Porn has never been proven clinically to "seriously fuck you up". People that masturbate too much have emotional problems and are using something pleasurable is a coping mechanism. Porn itself doesn't cause these problems.
B-but sex
Please tell me about the internal contradictions of hookup culture. You can use your argument for anything
Meh. I don't see myself living that much anyway
Up your game, kohai. 23 and counting
Wanting less people on the world doesn't mean you need them to be depressesd, disillusioned and nihilistic.
Western governments are importing millions of Third Worlders to make up the difference because ARE PENSIONS, so it's not really offsetting anything if the government just brings over Chang and Rajesh because John is too busy watching anime in his mom's basement to have kids
As far as I could look, it's not they are turned down. Is that very few men want or apply to do so
You're so fucking stupid Holla Forums god damn
Name five Western countries that have had a significant population decline in the last 30 years you fuckwit.
Oh wait, you can't
Europe. Oh, wait. That's a continent. I guess you win
way to be butt-bamboozled
requesting "orientalist" be filtered to "chingchongist"
The source is in the post, idiot. Keep posting your reaction images and denying realitiy.
Most population growth nowadays is due to illegal immigration.