Was max stirner a materialist
Was max stirner a materialist
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Who's the guy in the pic?
an old picture of your mother
You sick bastard.
Thats not a picture of Max Stirner
I already established this.
What the fuck was i thinking
Define materialist
i would personally consider him to be an idiosyncratic German Idealist
This. You need to define your terms before a serious discussion can happen.
was he a materialist as in did he think an objective reality existed outside of your thoughts, and matter influence ideas and thoughts, not the other way around?
He was an autist
t. marxist
Iā¦like Stirner, though?
Yeah I would say so. If anything he sort of rejected idealism.
Keep in mind that Idealism doesn't necessarily reject those positions. Kant certainly believed that an objective reality existed outside our thoughts (things-in-themselves).
But as to answer your question: I'm not sure, as I don't remember him directly addressing those issues?
What if there never was an actual Max Stirner.
I think Stirner was more akin to a nihilist when it came to metaphysical questions,not in the meme sense, but in the sense that I think a lot of his answers on other things implied he didn't think their could be answers or proof of a foundational reality to questions like that.
A materialist would think answers are possible but elusive at this point in time. I'm not sure you can say that with Stirner's "again" implied positions.
Marc Bloch
We need a list of "People who are not Max Stirner".
Oh ok sorry, it's just that this board (mostly ML's) often uses 'idealism' to wave away anything that doesn't fit their wordview.
Was Stirner even alive by the time photography was invented?