As we can all agree the MSM is a plague upon our lands that needs to be swiftly put down. They produce nothing of use while peddling disinformation, indoctrination, smut and all around garbage with impunity. Whether it's the news, record labels or movies studios doesn't change this, they all must go. Of course alternative media while far from perfect shouldn't be targeted as it is the last bastion for those who pursue art and real investigative journalism. Now I know Trump is thinking of expanding libel laws, however this may become a problem for the common critical man while big media with their million dollar lawyers can weasel them out. So I propose a 2 pronged approach:

1. eliminate copyright.

2. impose heavy federal taxes on anyone making in excess of 150K through media and media corporations.

This will effectively cripple the media without any adverse side effects. Copyright isn't the same as patents so things which are actually innovative will not suffer. As we know with Pepe, an artist may be the originator of the art but they shouldn't be entitled to living off their doodle for the rest of their lives. As for the tax, it is self-explanatory. The overall idea is to make this industry unprofitable as it should be so we as a society can produce things that is worth of value through manufacturing. The media must die. They have sedated us with fantasies of flying through space in a movie theater instead of actually building the means to reach the stars. They have pushed all manner of degeneracy and corrupted our culture weakening us. They have lied and put us through unnecessary danger. They are a liability. They must go.

literally what
This is so moronic
Such a confusion of ideas I am not able to rightly apprehend
Leave the thinking to the adults

Rich that you'd call me a moron but what is so confusing?

shure got him at moronic.

Have a bump



>>>Holla Forums

I imagined reading that in Christopher walkens voice


i get it OP. you're just basically trying to tax/regulate the corporate media out of existence, more or less. i agree, but I've been thinking… is it so bad as long as we can free our fellow whites from it? like, if jews want to destroy niggers and spics and make them all into dick-sucking transfaggots and abortion loving fembots, is that so bad? Perhaps we need to leave the media in place and just help our kind move above and beyond it, kind of like what the Christians do by only listening to Christian radio or shopping at Christian stores and whatnot


Or just get rid of that legal precedent that decided that anyone a court deems a "public figure" doesn't have legal standing to sue for slander, effectively making it legal for the media to lie about politicians.

Also I'm for reverting to our old system when you could extend your patent for 5 years maximum.

(1) copyright back to 14 years. Current ((Disney)) should not be able to profit off what the old Disney did.

(2) Ban cable channel bundling. That kills a lot of funding for channels no one likes that are bundled with channels people want.

(3) Enforce the law against obscenity getting copyright protection. This kills the porn industry and makes media companies afraid to include porn in their movies.

(4) Break Viacom and ClearChannel, restrict the amount of public airwaves a single company can own.

(5) Privatize NPR and PBS.

Yes OP but neither of your suggestions will happen. What WILL work, is cancelling your tv. If that's not an option, cut down on your channels. No paying for shit like CNN. Next is BOYCOTTS.

Our copyright laws are overkill, but the other extreme is just as bad.
What is it with people who only think in terms of all or nothing? Is it just laziness?

Biggest fucking social welfare program after SNAP

I GOTTA have more COWBELL!..baby.

I think they should retain copyright (eg Mickey) as long as they use it at least once every 5 years in a commercial product. That way you still get indefinite ownership but smaller or defunct companies can have their old IPs lapse

wew my first filter of the day.

Cord cutting is a popular idea. Cable is going the way of the dinosaur soon. With "internetvision" there's no need for cable.

I haven't owned a tv in at least 5 years if not 10

Just stop funding it.

Some media is state-owned (BBC), but all of the supposedly private MSM are all in receipt of government subsidies and especially preferential treatment in one form or another. Tax breaks obviously, but consider the access to information and interviews given to the mainstream press. The NYT and CNN could not continue to survive if they were cut off from their pampered access to the white house.

On a quasi-off topic note, the White House Cabinet room is situated directly next to the Press Briefing room. The Press is literally closer to the Oval Office than the majority of the President's secretaries. Really, makes you think.


Listen you moronic hag, mindless yahoo, mildew gulping Imbecile, utterly friendless nark, stinking, inbreed, cunt licking, punk-ass, idiotic retards, you better start debating this here and not let the thread get slid,
you should also send all those suggestions to Trump's suggestion page at greatagain.gov!!!
You mindless Pecker-Head.
You mangled Clod.
You armpit smelling Nimrod.

Does anyone really read them?

Why would someone make something for it NOT to be used? That's like… making a gun. :^)
No but seriously, use it.

What would privatizing PBS accomplish?

Rather than kill the Media, call it #BOYCOTTTHEMEDIA or some shit. Even if it doesn't vanish, as long as People don't listen to it anymore, they can't be under their propaganda.

Are you a fucking idiot?
Why create anything at all when some fucking kike can just steal it, sell it, and thumb his hooked ferret nose at you while he profits from your creativity?

Dumbest goddam idea I've ever heard.

Yet the (((MPAA))) and (((RIAA))) spend millions to enforce it. The thing about copyright is that it protects their sales more than anything. Small time artists do not have the funds to litigate copyright in the first place. Small time artists are better off selling original works and novelty items.

The problem is, there's always stupid people that listen to it.

Talmudvision was the first thing I cut off. Before I even knew about this obscure Tibetan rice paper making forum. It is one of the many things one must do on their own to walk on the path.

It's the other way around, user. This should be obvious to you if you spend a moment to think about it rather than parroting the "oy vey, without (((copyright))) nobody would create anything!" meme you picked up from hearing and seeing it repeated all around.

Never mind all the things created before copyright. Never mind all the times copyright has been used to jew the real creator out of being able to apply or sell his own invention. Never mind all the content created here, outside of copyright. Never mind that the majority of the internet operates on open source software. Never mind all the times (((JewTube))) et al have taken down our content based on (((copyright))) claims.

Copyright is a Jewish concept.
No one owns information.

You are literally asking how the cotton will be picked if we end slavery

I can think of a bunch of ways creatives would make money without kike media corporations (who are the ones who need copyright enforcement to survive)

-donation model

Copyright and patenting have crushed innovation.

If I remember correctly there was a copyright/patent issue between Intel, Nvidia and AMD, I think Intel had a patent on something which prevented other tech companies from using that tool on their own products, or something along those lines. Same thing with smart phones.

sorta. Creative work that builds on existing content has more to do with making money than advancing civilization. Patents last for 20 years in the US, which is a fucking stranglehold on innovation, but at least companies with lawyers can and have argued successfully that 'improving' the original design enough bypasses the patent. In contrast, copyright has literally become corporate welfare, lasting for the lifetime of the author plus 70 years.
The 'stated' intention of having these laws in the first place was to prevent the little guys from being fucked over by established corporations, but as pointed out, small timers do not have the funds to litigate copyright violations to the extent that large corporations do.
This means that for patents, innovation is slowed but still happens. For copyrights, it's led to the current situation we live in now: cash cow franchises, media conglomerates, and hollywood running originality into the ground. Having copyright last past the author's death is corporate welfare, because only a corporation can benefit from a work after an author's death. If you follow the money, it's just the powerful protecting the rich, and vice versa.
If you want someone to blame for this, the government is absolutely at fault here. All copyright and patent protections are just promises by the government to back the holder by courts or force. At least for copyright, take away government protections and the entire entertainment industry will either innovate or crumble under its own weight. Or at least, y'know, keep copyright to the lifetime of the author or 40 years, whichever is longer, because anything else is fucking retarded. It will never happen because they got us by the balls and nobody gives a shit. Arguing about copyright for most people is so irrelevant that they cant even be bothered to form their own opinion or even care.

A decade after turning it off I genuinely feel bad for those user that still watch. Really there's no series even worth watching over torrent or whatever.

There are people here that still don't get this and even make threads trying to entice other user to turn into the new "based" TV show. Sad.

Moved into a new apartment and contemplating just stealing internet from neighbors and not buying cable. Downloading kali tomorrow, going to see how many WPA2 networks I can break into this week, see how it goes.
lol I make 100k+ a year I just fucking hate cable companies.

I've had best luck (testing of course, not IRL) with the large dictionaries of passphrases. There was one that was 7gb and another like 33 or so. Then you just have to know the type of access points that might have a custom set passphrase as opposed to some long random preset shit.

Some say WPS is another possibility (no experience)

And I mean large dictionaries of passphrases along with CUDA or otherwise hardware accelerated method

Yeap, been a while since I've messed around with it (forgot what the name of the old distro was). I'll pcap some handshakes and see how long it takes with a-ng. I just can't fucking stand cable companies. Even my last agreement with charter was a fuckhole… 10 channels with restrictions… and more speed than I need (not a gamer anymore)… for like $120 a month. I'm not even here most of the time… at work or traveling… I need an internet connection time share or something.

Not far enough. Eliminate all intellectual property law.

No, it's to make what they peddle unprofitable at the levels they are accustomed to.

Oyyy. Hire (((lawyers))) to protect your intellectual property protection racket

disney is poisoning our childrens' minds. they need to not be able to have exclusive use of their properties.
good idea. nobody should have to pay the ESPN tax. ESPN is owned by disney.
No intellectual property of any type.

How? After the initial shock (shoah) of IP law being destroyed, we will grow back stronger by putting those resources back into productive industry. Worst case that money sits idle, and doesn't stifle innovation. It's not like China, India, etc. observe our intellectual property laws? They just copy shit. We should do it too.

What if someone else want's to write their own story using Mickey? Why should we preserve their stranglehold on a cultural icon for their perverse use? Disney is evil.

It would prevent the government from funding leftist cancer.

How are they going to profit?

also the countless times kikes have stolen a legitimate IP from someone because they have more hook nose lawyers

exactly. IP law in general is how kikes are able to be rich without doing any work.

Most cable providers include a wifi modem these days. You can reduce your keyspace to crack if you know exactly how many characters their cable modems default wifi password is.

Basically, intellectual property law is setup to create artificial scarcity of ideas, media, etc such that the kike can sell you license to view. It's all part of the "rentier" scheme to create profit where there shouldn't be any. Of course we've been brainwashed to think that intellectual property has value, but only up until about 150 years ago it wasn't a thing. IP law does nothing but strangle products. Think of the absurdity of Amazon's "One click" patent, or Apple's "Rectangle with rounded corners", or Fluke's trademark on the color yellow. It's asinine and needs to end. We need people working on industry not the kikery of protecting (extortion) ideas, media, etc.

To our with able to everyone agreed taking msm it the is plague for our country, which should be sadden break. Those produce nothing and sell misinformation, indoctrination, and, most importantly, everyone the around cattle taking impunity. Conditionally to that is news, studio recording or filmed studies does don't the changed fact this everything needs to went with. For course, alternative media, though far originate perfect, don't only due to it the is lasted bastion of those that person create art, and currently investigative journalism. Currently, myself understand this when the happens holidays thinking the around law for libel, prevent it with able to be that problem of universal criticism, while major media outlets millions for dollars, lawyers would do began to flow. Then, myself will suggested 2 approaches: 1. to the remove copyright 2. the saved heavy federal tax in anything over 150k via massively media and media corporations. Basically, crippled communications, don't side effects. Copyright is the don't same the to wine, and things this am truly innovative and would do don't be disturb. To our understand, the pepe, artist may the be author, prevent is don't entitled to that alive outside their doodle the of rested for he is alive. To of taxes, obviously. The basic idea is to the create industry unprofitable, of example, this our to that society with able to will things to the paid costs for production. Media needs to death. Myself consolation myself the taking helped the for imagination flight through space the on movie, instead for creation assets to the reach stars. Those pushed everyone kinds for degeneration and damage to our the culture, weakening the for united states. Deceived and put us through unnecessary dangerous. Woman of burden. Those needed to went with

fuck off bernie

There is a correct way to go about this. You need to consider the legal approach. Especially how you present this to politicians/people closely affiliated with the President.

Are you fucking retarded?

i would have bought 12 of those bags

Has it infested PBS as well?
I haven't watched the electric jew in years, but PBS used to be ok.
What have the leftists been doing with PBS lately?

Too bad this guy's brain fell out not too long afterwards, it's a decent read. (oh can't you post PDF anymore? It's the book Free Culture)

Also no you're plain wrong. Some copyright law, patent law, etc is a good idea. But not the ones we have.

most of all dont let them copyright/patent any genes or genetic modification techniques


A lot can be done.

First of all, rollback all of the deregulation that started under Bill Clinton in 1996, and continued in the early 2000's under Bush. Most people seem to recognize that this is basically when everything started turning to shit with most things. They aren't wrong.

1) Reinstate regulations on network mergers, restricting major networks from merging with one another, and include all entertainment, internet, and broadcast arms as in scope
2) Reinstate ownership caps for television networks, radio stations, newspapers, and extend it to websites
3) Reinstate regional ownership limitations that would limit a company form owning both a newspaper and radio station in the same region to prevent astroturfing the media landscape. Include an effort to regulate internet media ownership to the same effect.
4) I would also institute silo'ing regulation for news media to ensure failing tabloids like the washington post and new york times cannot operate at a deficit while being subsidized by their oligarch owners.

You're also on the right track with copyright. It needs to be dramatically reduced and public domain protections need to be dramatically increased. Copyright should be a small period of exclusivity for the publisher, granted by the creator or commissioned creators, and should be utterly nontransferable.

That's a start. It would be the greatest kike break up in history.

Could any of this be done without stacking the SCOTUS with justices that aren't hardline 1st amendment fanatics?

And let's not forget the following (I actually emailed this to Trump after he was elected).

Your tax dollars are effectively subsidizing broadcast media (AM, FM, TV) billionaires and getting nothing in return. You see, all that frequency spectrum they use for broadcasting, they get for free. That's right, they pay NOTHING. Meanwhile, all the cellular carriers (and anyone using FCC allocated spectrum for any purpose other than broadcasting) has to pay a fee, often in the billions of dollars. Not only that, broadcasters no longer have to "serve the public interest" or abide by any standards of decency. All thanks to who else, Bill Clinton. Fuck these kikes. Fuck them all.

Found the illiterate fuckwit.
>more balancing as per the founders of America
Actualy read the book. Don't judge it from his recent "vote against Trump" garbage.