Slovenija/pol/ #1

Vesel dan samostojnosti in enotnosti vsem.
Naj bo prihajajoče leto tisto, ko ponovno vzamemo.oblast.v.svoje roke

Now that we have Melanija in the White House and Aleksander Čeferin as president of UEFA, what is our next step towards world domination?

Other urls found in this thread:ša_Pijade>>8798678

Slavoj Zizek for Secretary General of NATO.

y not Yupol version xy?
t. ustaša

alzo sretan božić svima!

Stean Božić janezi


Srečen Božič tudi vam, Stipe. Naj bo Hrvaška uspešna in se dobimo na pikniku na izhodu iz Piranskega zaliva.

Paradoksalno, so zadeve na balkanu zaenkrat precej mirne. Z izjemo čokoladnih vojn. Če se pojavi potreba bo seveda jupol#3

Janez, če moramo oo čoolada ratovat, prvo bumo srbe. lel. Imaš pravo oko jupola, možda i netreba novi tak skoro. Uglavnom Sretan Božić i nova godina dečki, držte se. ( to vredi i za vas srbende, bar nova godina dio jel, sretno svima)

jebemu tipka "k" jedva dela

2 miljona nas je kurbe
ne rabmo svoje teme
s tole samo slajdamo ostale pomembnejše teme
bolje naredit svoj board

Da, se strinjam. Srečen Božič tudi Srbom, čeprav ga praznujejo z zamikom.

HEllo friends i am half slovene, and am thinking about visiting the country my mother was from. I don't really know much about the country, and neither does my mother since she was adopted very young. I do try to go to the community church events when i can, the old timers like my accordion. But i was wondering what are some interesting places to go to?

Conquering Istria. They are not Croats anyway.

Croats have literally always been the majority in Istria as a whole.

Rekel bi le to, seveda bo tukaj nekaj provokacij

gledam te

Vendar nima smisla, da se jim naseda. Celotna d&c zadeva s Hrvati je v precejšnji meri napihnjena s strani obojih (((politikov)))

Kregajte se, medtem ko vam razprodano vaše državno premoženje židom in multinacionalkam

Zadeva z mejo je povsem rešljiva na način, da ne bo nihče oškodovan.

Trst je seveda naš

shhhhh m8, if they take it, they have to listen to Kajin.

zona a i zona b bit će naše oba dve

Čokoladna vojna me je nasmejala. Bojne čokolade bomboniere in piškoti. Top bantz

naoružane bajadere tbh.

So when are you faggots voting for Slovexit? What's the word on the street?

kek How does Slavoj get all the fine bitches? Look, she even shitposts for him. In the kitchen

Well, current sentiment is: left is shilling hard for EU, muh union 'n' shieeet. Patriots want to leave, reinstate tolar and join v4

What are the percentages, more or less?

Can't give the percentages, but we do think the EU is shittier than ever. Unfortunately it hasn't reached the boiling point for us yet. I think we are in a wait & see mode right now, waiting to see if another powerhouse leaves the EU.


As mentioned, hard to say percentage on pro/against eu
On the topic of migrants, I'd estimate roughly 80-85% are against rapefugee distribution plan and rapefugees period. Currently we have around 389 migrants, no one wants them. People are redpilled on dunecoons, remember we fought off turkish invasions. Also nothing really happened besides leftists setting up the migrants to protest because "muh poor living conditions" - which is laughable because they have free internet, free electricity free food and and a free roof over their monkey heads. I a rapefugee would rape here, people would find him and cut his balls off

Vesel dan enotnosti vsem, samostojnosti itak zares ni blo :D

Vesel dan enotnosti vsem, samostojnosti itak zares ni blo :D


do you like serbia or croatia more?

Friend please. We all hate each other for reasons known to absolutely no one. If we weren't demiliterized Eastern Europe would be Europe's Middle East without the sky daddy and oil.

it is to some extent, like
But really we don't have problems with either. The politicians try to d&c, sure. But when Tomislav Salopek was executed there was tremendous outrage in Slovenija. It was like they attacked one of us, one of our own.
With Srbija, we also don't have any issues. The 1991 war is behind us.


Hello friends, may our nations prosper together

t. Hrvoje

Really good dubs and a really good message. Fully agreed. Prosperity to both countries

datamining is looked down upon

not for another half a decade atleast, the propaganda and indoctrination machine here is strong, and the only party in parliament that seems to be warming up to exiting EU and NATO is literally the Left.
id still encourage people to start the counter-propaganda campaign

sauce to that

really depends on the situation.
you got reds, ultras, nationalists, moderates in all countries.
you can guess this tough:
reds like reds
ultras hate ultras
nationalists usually hate other nationalists
(except when it comes to soros bullshit)

datamining? kako že?

all the people who experienced tolar and euro

its not hard for the "owl" faggots to get your IP, a quarter of slovenian posters on here are police, intelligence and informants so dont brake any constitution or penal code laws like hate speech, they document it and use it against you if they need to.
(say someone should b killed on a anime imageboard and you have no chance of holding a public office)

from what ive seen and heard the mainstream "right" here is more pro-EU/NATO.
most people in the army, plice, and beurocrats are. yu have those who oppose EU policies, but i know very little people on the right that want to bail from the EU.
not to mention all the media and parliament parties on the right are hellbent on keeping slovenia in the union and the treaty.

the more freeminded right wing parties like Hervardi and SNS got kicked out exctly because of those reasons; giving voters only select few very shitty options, and if they dont like it theyre radicals, nazis and all that

nihče ni nikomur grozil z smrtjo, sovražnega govora pa tudi ni. Nismo priplavali po župi ;)
čuki naj gledajo zaradi mene, za davkoplačevalski denar spremljajo slikovno tablo namesto, da bi nadzorovali vahabite.

v to, kdo je kaj, zakaj, pro et contra EU, NATO, se ne bi spuščal, ker je zadeva nepreverljiva.

kar se zadnjega odstavka tiče:
brez komentarja. ve se, da je gamad v parlamentu treba spucat, ker vsi do zadnjega pijejo kri Slovencu.

how to skin a man alive in under 20 seconds, by ESD

Do not ever trust that party, it's a honeypot, controlled opposition, I doubt there's anything nationalist about it. The tip-off is with the leader's son who is the goyest of goy, praising Jews to untold levels, the guy studied religion and sociology in Jerusalem and writes books about Jews. Anyone with a son like that cannot be trusted to have the interests of the nation on his mind.

For the non-slovenians in this thread, the reality is there is no nationalist party in Slovenia, or at least none that is important or visible. Things would have to become apocalyptic for the people here to actually kick those faggots in parliament out and replace them with a nationalist party. That's why right now there's not much hope of things getting better, we move at a slow pace here and all we can do is wait for other powerhouses to leave the EU first before the assholes in parliament even start thinking of leaving.

zmago is a meme politician, he said all he wanted to because everyone knew that he will be able to do nothing because of how our democracy works.
he had his funny moments with the gypsies (especially in Tarča) and croats, and his anectdotes about why he went to jail in 91 or why he started shooting at people in Piran,
but his truthbombs and unpredictiveness backfired on him, when he got shut down by the media, kicked out of parliament, and had his home raided by police many times.

so yeah now he isnt much more tha a meme, he wont be getting into parliament again. his rants on youtube are still funny to watch tough

Where we're going, there won't be parties.

Pahor da!
Predsednik republike bi odstranil 188 kilometrov "tehničnih ovir"
Slovenijo obdaja 188 kilometrov začasnih tehničnih ovir. Vlada ograje za zdaj ne namerava umakniti, predsednik republike Borut Pahor pa meni nasprotno. Žično ograjo imajo za nepotrebno tudi v Amnesty international Slovenija.






soros has is claws in everything in this country. back when soros leaks went out i got everything on slovenia i could find, and the list of movements, organisations, funds, commisions and all other shit that was funded (and controlled) by soroses umbrella and pyramid scheme enteties included everything from amnesty international and the erasmus+ to political parties. no wonder everyone is afraid to disobey the EU, they have slovenia by the balls.


Ethnically cleansing Germany and taking control of the EU. I mean, they've decided to be a dead end subspecies anyway so you might as well expedite the process.

Zipni in uploadaj nekam za research.
Antifa, amnesty, združena levica, kučo, 100% pozzed

Srečno Novo leto

i have it on a separate disk along with some other sphagetti, like the ones about certain politicians selling SV weapones to NATO connected arms dealers that sell them to terrorists in syria via quatar, turkey and iraq

antifa is a joke.
its a bunch of punks that get together when their agitators tell them to, but otherwise just hide, smoke weed and draw grafitti. but when they do gt together they just make a cringefest making the other "oldschool" reds in this country ashamed to be associated with them. the people in those ZZB NOB and similar oldschool red organisations are losing sphagetti because the generations that are suppost to carry on their tradition and stuff are instead just smoking weed and prmoting clture that will destroy what theyre suppost to protect.

kučan and the rest of the old farts are just trying to stay afloat, because they know they will be soon replaced with younger politicians that have no character or independant tought

i cant figure out ZL tough, because they do soroses will when it comes to refugees and so on, but theyre opposing trade deals, privatisation, american hegemony and so on.

veselega pa zdravega

just wait for the elections, that cunt wont get over 20%, the left isnt strong there either

Nema ničeg pozitivnog u tome što anglo-saksonci i germani kupe naše žene. Istoćna Europa se mora držat zajedno.

Because it would hurt their status quo, that is why they oppose it. ZL= closet commies
Privatization is bad for them because they will lose leverage - about the same goes for churches.
ZL&Kučan corp. sold out all our water rights and corps. 80% GDP debt previous year. They are eating this country alive and taking us with them.
Doing whatever keeps them afloat and relevant for next 10 years.

Remind you, these libtards sold 1Mlrd€ bonds in complete secrecy to international banks. Our goverment is their personal wallet.

Americunts own all our media, so forget anything that would change current situation.
Remind you, red pleague, antifa, Svetlana makarovič&velika srbija, NOB losers & Ex YU staff are very much alive.

The boljshevik revolution was completed here as it was done in Tzar russia (NOB). 100.000 dead people in caves confirm this. They removed all intelligent people so they could reign supreme.
They have already sold this nation up for sheckels. Mind you, tito was just stalins/jewish pupet, he closely collaborated with jews.

FDV = komunistični fakultet, preimenovan v bolj prijazno obliko. Mirovni inštitut je isti. Commies

Srečno in zdravo 2017!
Malce z zamudo (hvala za 2.januar Miro, nova izvolitev je zagotovljena)

Happy new year also to our neighbors, Magyars, Croats, Italians and Austrians
And wider to the V4 gang

you might be looking at everything from a too ideological stance. almost nobody in public office gives a shit about ideology, theyre much more interested in things that actually matter; powerand money. so they use ideology as a pretext to legitimise alliances and harvest public support from people that still beleive in ideological crap.
ZL got voters by being more readical than SD, especially with the young generations.
on the other side you have SDS who are the same shit but just have the political opposite as target audience.

that link about tito is kinda sketchy tough, even i find it hard to beleive. not to mention the rest of the statements tht serbian guy wrote/said in his career.

Internet goldz for this

Katja Boh
Po svoji veroizpovedi je bila Židinja, poleg tega pa je bila tudi ustanovna članica Slovenske Demokratske Stranke.

Have fun. Ruling party and controlled opposition, just like in YU. Antifa's are just agitprop's.

Top leading commies don't give a damn about ideology, that much is true. It is for the bottom beliebers. Whatever gibs them scheckels.

ZL got votes by student party and FDV pozzed lefties. It isn't much surprise most gov employees come from leftist university.

Sketchy link - that is fine. Tito did have a lot of jews around him.ša_Pijade
Pijade was of Sephardic Jewish parentage. In his youth, Pijade was a painter, art critic and publicist. He was also known for translating Das Kapital by Karl (((Marx))) into Serbo-Croatian.

It is da jooos. Where there is communism/socialism, there are jews. It is their own ideology.

by the time communists gained a foothold in yugoslavia, that is in the 30s, stalin already had his major purges. when the soviets were backing the republicans and the international brigaeds in spain the international banking and marketing jewsih collective already turned against them, since staling got off their leash.
thats the whole reason of the red scare.
if jews were still in power in the soviet union then the jews on wall street, paris and the city of london would be supportive of the soviet expansionism under the pretext of global popular revolution. but since stalin purged them from the bureocracy and infrastructure and used the soviet/communist popularity in the world for expanding the soviet power (by proxy his own) they didnt like that.
the whole reason england and france let hitler rise to power and build up his forces was because they were counting on him to take out the red menace, and when his forces are tired all the way in siberia they would just stab him in the back and advance over the Rhine. Thats also pretty clear from how they let hitler just tear up poland with stalin, but they got a plottwist when instead of colliding in the middle of poland and fighting, USSR and germany just signed a peace treaty. The (((media))) still hate on the soviet union for doing that, eventough france and britain were doing it since the 30s.
The whole war was based on geopolitics, not ideology. You had france, england and other (((controlled))) countries on one side, stalin with his out of (((control))) USSR on the other, and hitler in the middle. After the war was over the (((allies))) werent capable of carrying out operation unthinkable because the soviets were too powerful in europe, so the cold war started.
if they wouldnt have let hitler rise to power with intent of using and wasting germany to fight stalin, then WW2 would just be an outright conflict between the USSR and the (((west))), with revolutions happening all over the place.

the point is that jews were done for in the soviet union by the 30s, and elsewhere in communist states by the 40s.
SDS even demanded the state pays compensation to jews because the communists killed and exiled jews during and after WW2 and nationalised their possesions.

joos had their own state in the USSR. Stalin was surrounded by jews. Partisan forces were majorily jewish. Commisars were 80% jews. Purges did nothing and jews were put in power of gulags.

Their entire revolution was to rob churches and people. Colectivisation is basically robbery en grand scale.

SDS is pozzed by kikes, they should drop off this planet. God knows what backs them.

Even putin has its own jews alive today. As long as they are useful to him they will be alive.

if you mean the jewish province in siberia stalin created then thats for a whole other reason. after lenin died it was stalin, trotsky, and a few other minior leaders trying to take power. stalin, being incharge of the main press office and the caucasian oil industry (which he "collectivised" from the rothschilds that owned it and had their own office in Baku) had alot of money and VIPs on his side, including Voroshilovs military circle (ever since the battle of tsaritsyn).
if you know, stalin was a gang member and a mob leader prior to 1917, and besides financing alot of revolutionary activity he also had plenty of social skills and experience in social hirearchy progress. he was short, had a somewhat numb arm and a scarred face from some desease he got in his poor childhood. so he became that type of a pissed off person that will do anything to be the strongman. which he did. after he ousted trotsky, he got to the head of the party, and with the people he had in the NKVD (which still had a police/militia role at the time) he expanded it to all forms of internal affairs, dissolving cheka (which was full of jews as you know) in the process. by controlling the media monopoly and state security, along with the red army via voroshilov, he purged those who presented the biggest threat to him; the cabal. the jewish province he created was intended to concentrate jews in a controlable zone, thats pretty obvious. its in siberia for gods sake.

trotsky, the guy who he later had assasinated in mexico, was a hardcore supporter of expanding the revolution to other places, especially germany. stalin on the other hand wanted to centralise the USSR, make it a fortress and keep what he had. he knew that if he attacked other states the world would retaliate and bring down the USSR, along with him. Thats why he didnt show much support for the communists germany untill the mid 30s, when hitler rose to power. by the end of the 30s when hitler was expanding germany and his alliances, especially in spain, did stalin decide to start investing in foregein communist movements, which was the same time communists sprung up in yugoslavia and elsewhere. the jews in yugoslavia were primarily rich merchants and economists, and with the king being aligned to UK and france they didnt have much reasons to support the communists and their plans. because if they did, they would get what they got after WW2: exile and confiscation of property.

theres lots of good books on stalin, especially about his roots. one i like is "young stalin" by some french guy, but also some older books about the purges printed in yugoslavia, or the russian books on things like "the doctors plot".

i dont know about any jewish majority in the partisans tough, from what ive learned, the jews were either rounded up and deported at the start in 41, or were traded in by the partisans in exchange for VIP prisoners or other deals. the italians who apparently even allowed some jewish family that migrated to switzerland to pay the italians to exchange some jews with the partisans for weapones toward the end of italian occupation.


Slovenija no!
(((Council of Europe)))
Amnesty International, the Red Cross and Unicef claim the changes would deny refugees and asylum seekers the right to protection afforded by international and EU law

Friends, I am a third generation american born slovene lucky enough to have maintained ethnic purity (my family settled in an area many others went and by some miracle only married other slovenes). I am going to visit my ethnic homeland this summer and I would love for you to tell me must see places during my visit. sage for off topic

Have a nice stay. It is nice everywhere you go.

Yeah, that is why no one answered you before. We thought you were trolling. Not to sound braggy or pretentius, but Slovenija really is a pearl. Everywhere you go it is beautiful.
If you are visiting during the summer, I suggest, Triglavski narodni park, Bled, Ljubljana, short jump to Štajerska / Prekmurje, Koroška is quite amazing too, then back through Ljubljana you can opt for rolling hills of Dolenjska or Karst region and the Adriatic coast.
In any case, I would encourage you to take a month and explore on your own, without time pressure.

How's Slovenian diaspora doing in USA?

How to de-Jewify Eastern Yurope?

I can already tell you will have a hard time going back to USA, have a great stay

de-americanise and de-brusselise it.

We are not americanised.
that's the plan

thanks for the list of ideas, I've written them down in my travel planner and hope to take in as much as I can in the 3 weeks I'll be there. To answer your question on slovene diaspora, most ended up living in Ohio. Citing the 2000 census, it looks like the spread roughly is as follows:
Cleveland Ohio has the highest concentration of american slovenes and is where I am from.

Wew, so roughly 115.000 give and take a few. Didn't know there were that many.
You mentioned you have a Slovenian gf good on you , do you have any sort of social meetings/clubs/cultural activities?

Seznam fundacij financiranih od Sorosa, ki so se izpostavile ob Jaglandovi kritiki Cerarja zaradi novegaazilnega zakona
List of Soros funded NGO's in Slovenia who exposed themselves criticizing Cerar for making a new asylum law


Get the fuck out my country


the moment someone will try to leave the brusseles sphere, especially in the balkans, it will be a red flag for NATO.
the CIA wont have any problem orchestrating a military coup against a new goverment, especially because SV is so NATO intergrated

Married to a fucking kike bitch, their son studied theatre in Israel.


hes one of them you dumbass.
he got the media bandwagon going so people said we need a wall, then the goverment "coincidentialy" decided we need a fence and "coincidentaly" hired cmerars company to make it.
and what happened after he got his money?
the refugees were just let trough the main border checkpoints so we didnt even need a fence,
with all the police officers and soldiers having to waste their time and nerves on those checkpoints and then bringing down the fence because of "forrest animals" and shit like that.

if thats the kind of retarded policies you vote for i can understand why this country is fucked

And we've only accepted some 200 migrants, the majority of whose applications for citizenship we'll deny and send them packing to Germoney>>8798678

Točno. Poglejte si na Ajpesu firmo, ki zagotavlja ograjo. Iz minusa pred dvemi leti v +++++ bilanco stanja. Po naključju Cerarjevi znanci.
Cerar skuša sedeti na dveh stolih ampak mu ne gre. Bliža se čas ko jih bomo vse odpeljali ven iz parlamenta

Upam, da ne nasedaš tej retoriki. Poglej si malo kaj počnejo z naseljevanjem migrantov v Dravogradu, Mariboru

Cerar je zelo zanimiva oseba. Predstavljal se je kot apolitičen in nategnil Slovenijo.
Je kurčeva EU lutka.
Nihče mu ni dal mandata za sprejem migrantov. Nihče mu ni dal mandata za kršenje suverenosti državne meje in transport 600.000 nepreverjenih oseb.


Kle vam lopovska gamad razloži, da je vse uredu

Kle nas pa (((EU))) dobesedno fuka v glavo

Če ti kej ne paše mrš iz moje države reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You are so gullible. Not expecting after living in communist state, all media is just propaganda. There is no non-propaganda media in EUSSR-SI

You are so gullible. Not expecting after living in communist state, all media is just propaganda. There is no non-propaganda media in EUSSR-SI

Don't worry.
Luckily we are so fucked up economically not even migrants want to stay here. If they get shelter, 1st thing they will do is attempt to cross border.

We are on such a low level we can't go any lower :)

What do you think happens when Austria closes the border, genious?

who were you responding to here? you replyed to someone else but quoted me

Vprašanje komu je odgovarjal.

More EU trying to jew us over:

Like powerty in slovenia stops when borders are closed:)

Sorry, derp

Time 4 slexit:)


Kok časa boste še pustil se fukat v rito od "elite" dragi sodržavljani? KOLIKO ČASA?

get active then, starting with some low clandestine actions, grafitti or [email protected]/* */@l1$m, agitate others to follow suit. dont form groups and shit, they get infiltrated by faggots from (((you know who))) and spy&arrest you. relly on symetric activity, to get things riled up enough for a happening.
also, ofcourse should any dumbfuck agent be reading this, i would like to assure him that i in no way support violent and illegal actions and would certainly report them to respective authorities. ←-people in this thread should copypaste this crap more often

Predn bo ta thread napolnu 750 bo trajal dve let lmao

Ja imaš prav. Določena gibanja že obstajajo sam to je kurac.
Treba je delovat podtalno in širit narodno zavest. Še posebej med mladimi.
treba je zažgat parlament
In poslat jasno sporočilo kurbam, ki nas prodajajo za male pare že 25 let


Nice dubs

Prodali so nas za ničvredni papir:)

Ali bosta slovenska kmeta res kriva za propad britanskega avto-moto športa?

Danes je inavguracija. Boste gledali?
Napoved shantyfa opic chimpout? Ali bo mirno
pečem kokice

Preberite komentarje, da se nasmejete

those fluent in Slovenian, read commentary for maximum lulz

and for everyone else in this thread

those are NATO rounds, for NATO guns.
the only reason the goverment has been phasing out yugo gear for NATO gear is because NATO is run by the same people who own the US military industrial complex, and they need more and more costumers.
that means NATO roots out domestic production and third party import in countries it comes to, and forces those countries to buy only NATO (american) gear, making billions every year for private companies.
old gear, especialy warsaw pact and yugo gear goes to 3rd world countries into the hands of terrorists, because "noone is going to know, all guns look the same". ISIS even has slovenian anti-tank rockets and our zastava AKs.

and for those who might say that NATO gear is better: not in slovenia. its expensive and you need a steady supply of ammo, parts and so on, making any force with it completely dependant on NATO overlords. in case of an invasion, only specialists are usually capable of using it, making further resistance by the population nearly impossible.
not to mention that the greatest potential enemy slovenia faces is NATO itself, incase we dare to leave it.
JLA had it figured out all along; produce cheap simple gear that anyone can use, and when someone invades, use the army just to buy time, while resistance is organised, then turn to guerilla warfare. that routine also backfired on the serbs, preventing them from just steamrolling all ex-yu with a superior army.

small bump

Very good post. Yes I talked to an army officer today and infact they have our ak's. We got jewed into replacing them with FN F2000S (nato rounds). What happened was, we gave our AKs to afganistan army but they bent over like true cucks and gave it to deash.
As said it would ve in our best interest to leave NATO, we can, have and will protect our country ourselves.

Is Slovenia safe from refugees or is the country cucked? I'm considering moving there…

Pretty cucked tbh. It's a nice place and all but it's no different than the rest of central Europe and will do whatever Germany wants it to do.
Same thing for pretty much all of the Balkan countries.

the latter, as a consequence of our goverment.
when the puppet regeime falls we might see a turn for the better, but thats very unlikely for atleast half a decade because of the propaganda machine and repressive organs here
also there is alot of bureocracy, so becoming a citizen is complicated too

not by coincidence

there has been no rapefugeeing going on besides two "protests" staged by our "extreme left/antifags" which they managed to botch horribly as it backfired (migrants whining about low gibs and literally hitler) and only further unified people against migrants.
There were 396 "migrants" in the country on Dec 1.2016 too low gibs
There is still the question with EU redestribution quotas, which I doubt will pan out as planned.
If you're European you shouldn't have problems moving here, otherwise a work permit is required.

We'll see how long that lasts.

Small bump
Slovenian PM Miro Cerar visits PM Beata Szydlo in Poland:
Slovenia and Poland have very similar viewpoints on "migration issue" and brexit

poland sais no because theyre based
cmero sais no because he knows that if he sais yes and opens the gates we would get flooded and everyone would blame him and lynch him

because were both eastern european countries that currently still need to relly and can benefit from more prosporous EU memebers.

i wouldnt trust anythink cmero does, its always either:
for the money
for the public image
for the EU

anyone seen the (((documentary))) just now (24-1-2017 at 20h) on RTV SLO 1?
a sauerkraut EU propaganda about "muh false news n propaganda"

RTV and other media are really stepping up with damage control and propaganda,
they try to cover everyting from syria to EU collapsing with their bullshit and say
"nothing to see here, everything bad you hear is evil russian/nazi/terrorist propaganda, trust us".

and when you write a few letters of complaint to them and debunk their bullshit they either just ignore it or take some of its content that they think they can counter and publish an anwser to that part and say it was from some different sceptic, not you.

off all the monkeys that call themselves journalists that videmšek dumbass is the worst. look him up on images, then take a look at the bullshit he spewsfor DELO

RTV is bad but not as bad as 24ur. 24ur just copies everything of CNN, they even ran with the story about trump pissing in the obama bed. I get triggered everytime I see someone reading

yeah the libtards in the city are a dying breed, most of the population are middle class hard working ppl who don't wana hear no shit about migrant centers in their villages. and btw why are you calling them refugees, it has been established that mots of them are financial migrants slash terrorists.

classical anarchist, burn this, destroy that. If you wana help then donate money to party against migrants and against islam. you know which one.

eat shit and die you SDS whore

i know, 24kur can be dissmissed as a tabloid intirely. the only visits they get on their webpage is by people who come to rip on them in the comments.
the problem is that more and more media that used to be OK to some extent before are following suit.

you just dont see them. there either in their offices or cafe shops. but there is still too many of them, and the new generations from various facualties are still coming.

because our retarded media still thinks they can save a sinking boat

Why are you a little bitch? SDS is shit but it's the most reasonable choice we have since they are the only one pushing the anti migrant agenda. Please don't be a fucktwat anarchist. I would love to hear from you which other party you think is acceptable but judging by your shitty response it's probably going to be something like :" REEEEEEE, I don't vote in elections because every party sucks and everything is rigged but I'm just going to complain on the internet without providing any real solutions REEEEEEEEEEE ANARCHY.

little fucktwat

there is no journalism left.
RTV is communist/globalist propaganda
24kur is US democrat/jew/globalist propaganda
nova24……still too small, but has potential if they don't turn into outright SDS propaganda

this tbh.

you can't be serious

we need to bring back Zmago and SNS
it's the only way.

/make a new SNS

Where is Zmago when you need him?
If you are reading this Zmago, Vrni se!

UK cuck trying to lecture us and calling Slovenians racist

Fuck you, faggot and fuck RTV too

Iako vas ne razumijem većinu vremena još uvijek vas volim. Žižek je prljava komunjara.

t. Hrvat

Jeremy Harding

Love you too fam

saw it…it was bad, full damage control indeed

a so že zbrisal ta članek na 24ur al je še dostopen, bi znalo biti zabavno branje :'D

this guy here anwsered instead of me:

too bad SDS is doing everything to prevent any other right wing party to succed because that egghead will do anything to keep his power.

and its retards like you to blame that this scammer is still in power of the right wing politics in this country, because you dont want to see any better options

Ali kdo ve za kako novo skupino na fb zdej ko je Slovenija Zavaruj Meje bannana?

teritorialna obramba,
generacija id
še nekaj v tem smislu. jaz sicer odsvetujem kakršnokoli uporabo fb v "politične" namene. Mogoče bo kaj o izbrisu povedal admin Slovenija Zavaruj Meje, mislim, da lurka

na fb skoraj nobene, vse ki so vidno take bolj "desne" so v žepu ali od obveščevalcev ali pa od kakšne stranke.
največ uspeha je v kakšnih skupinah ki nimajo neke veze z desno sceno, ampakimajo veliko članov. in potem se okoli razni objav v komentarjih nabere folk raznih struj.

stran teritorialna obramba je tudi že dolgo v kurcu, pod noge se mečejo američanom pa izraelu. admin je pa SDS fanatik.

Slavoj for Secretary General of NATO


Miroslav Cerar as president of European Commision

(naj tam razmišlja)

fb je leglo sranja tbh.

edino kar se mi zdi konsistentno je Damir Črnčec

Za Damirja je tako, ne bom dal za nikogar roko v ogenj, sem pa z njim govoril, mislim, da je /ourguy/ Kolikor mi je znano, ne jebe nobene politične stranke v Sloveniji, je proti komunistom, proti SDS kot tudi proti globalistom.
Jaz mu zaupam. (je pa to moje osebno mnenje, ki ga ne prejudiciram)

European commision to extend surveillance on Slovenia ; Austria border up to three months.
But we're in Schengen guys….. r..right?


ej a kdo ve kak bomo spravli 500 000 bosancev ven iz države?

plačane karte za švedsko / nemčijo.
the promise land

Austria is behaving all retarded recently.

can you blame them though? with our incompetent gvt letting 600.000 rapefugees through last year

that's retarded. I just said that SDS is shit and now you are saying I don't want to see any better options. that doesn't even make sense dude.

ne, niso brisal.

Not the guy you answered to, but I see how he misunderstood you. The thing with your original post is yes it is the most viable option but do we really want that? Do we really want ex-communists pretending to be right wing take over control again, and lick up whatever the juncker and merkel instruct them? I don't think we do.
We need fresh blood (ie ex head of Sova) or some guys who have been around long enough to see through all their games(rambo91)
People will support whoever isn't part of the commies that ruled for 25 years, robbing us blind. It doesn't matter which mask they put on they are all old guard juga communists.
Anyways, the domobranci and partizani card is gone, and it is the last thing (((they))) had to divide us.
We need to start anew. We have still great potential, great innovative people, know how, enterprenours, glorious country. They have fucked us over for 25 years but as JNA and some others have learned, fear the Slovenian when he's had enough. He will reign hellfire on you and dance on your grave. We didn't keep our territory for thousands of years by coincidence.
Pic very related
lefties on suicide watch
soros funded ngos on suicide watch
(((eu))) on suicide watch

Hanžek live:

someone else explains it instead of me again

SDS is the option because someone allowed it to be an option. because theyre full of shit and wont do anything else than whats in the planwith the EU and other elites.
any party that managed to get to parliament and split with the program was liquidated, like SDS, hervardi, krambergar, and others

thats the whole point of western democracy; give people a few shitty options and divide them based on politics, and thenjust keep the gag going, and change faces every once a while so people think times changed

its bait.
something to calm people down, but it will all just get bogged down in bureocracy and swiped under the rug by the media.
just like the wire fence, the police and syndicate protests and else

Is there any reason to learn any Slavic language?

if youre slavic.
if you want to go to a slavic land for something more than a bit of tourism
if you want to study anything from the roots of europe to modern politics it can be preety usefull.

but if youre just some guy who wont do anything and will just despise anything he isnt familiar with then no.

""Slovenes"" are actually eastern germanic

croats on suicide watch

germans are actually slavs who continued to the northwest during the coming of the white man to europe from the caucases.

and no, slovenes are the result of the ancient slavic union of kingdoms in the area spanning from the adriatic sea to modern poland collapsing, and then being driven out or germanized during the christianisation of slavic peoples, which resulted in the chech, slovak and some polish areas, and cut off from them by germanized kingdoms the area of slovenes, which then adapted to the cousins of southern slavs that came to the balkans both the way slovenes did and via bulgar expansion, but did not join the union of kingdoms back then, which is also why the languages of the western sphere slavs are different from the southern sphere slavs. the southern slavs adapted the bulgar version of protoslavic, while the western slavs and slovenes, being in the same kingdom, had their own dialect of protoslavic. thats why serbs understand bulgarians and russians, and why slovenes understand checzs and slovaks.

so no you sauerkrauter schwabespracher, fuck off with your

Rajanje navijačev v Zagrebu in Podbrežju
Fans welcome new world bronze medalists in handball in Zagreb and Podbrežje border crossing

Zanje res ni bil najboljši teden. Tega večina, ki niso Slovenci ali Hrvati ne razume, vendar tekme, ki jih imamo med sabo imajo ogromen naboj. Npr. leta 2006. ko smo jih premagali na Evropskem v rokometu in osvojili srebro, nam je več pomenilo, da smo premagali Hrvate. kot da osvojimo zlato. Pri njih pa je situacija enaka. Zato toliko bolj boli, da so izgubili od Slovenije.
- Ne bom vtiral soli v rano )
Jih povsem razumem, vendar to je šport, kdaj izgubiš, kdaj zmagaš.
Most who aren't Slovenian or Croatian don't know this, but sports games between Slovenia and Croatia have a special charge to them. It is to an extent like war, but on the sports field.

troll. but

beat me to it and
gave you a really good, elaborate explanation.
pics 5/23
























come here, little nigger

Mixed slavic and other white user here, America was a mistake

It's sad



I'm mixed from four different european ethnicities and have no real culture from any. Why even live?



I was born in the US and even with Trump I fail to see a future for myself. I'm as rootless burger as it gets. I am not anglo (one could make a claim that the US is Anglo). I am slavic and french and german. How do I build something out of this shitpile worth salvaging? I can't go back to any of the nations that my ancestors came from, becase I am mixed.

I never knew my fathers background, nor did he (war/separation etc.) and i've just found out via some ancestral detective work that I'm a Slovene.
What does that mean? What should I expect?
I don't speak the language, am i still /yourguy/?

And this image makes me (unhappy). I served as a burger. Actually before they had that shit digital camo.


how is that not good? You'll find that you're welcome in Europe (if you're white).
Also plane tickets aren't expensive if from east coast


I think I need to learn some languages and maybe more will come from that

I'm serious dude. I always thought i was Austrian because as far as he knew he was born and raised there.
Can i still consider myself white or have i dropped down the genetic ladder a few steps?


you can consider yourself green




what do you think of navy dazzle camo?






5000 people welcome the Slovenian national handball team, world bronze medalists in Ljubljana,
Veselin Vujovič to continue leading as head coach, despite Croatian offers

no archive because videos


do you have any specific questions?

when you see it….

a mogoče kdo ve, če v Sloveniji obstaja društvo, pripravljeno objaviti moje prevode starih (in pomembnih) rasističnih knjig ter izvirna, politično nekorektna, elitistična besedila, ki so bila, skupaj s prevodi, v prejšnjem letu zavrnjena s strani sleherne slovenske založbe? kakovost tekstov je seveda vrhunska, vendar pa se jih nihče ne upa objaviti.

aja, pa da bi v zameno svojih naporov prejel denar.

aja, poleg tega pišem lastno glasbo, manjka mi le mentor. Vse to bi lahko s skupnimi, toda zaenkrat še nedoločenimi, močmi speljali v učinkovito propagando.


why do they have surplus english camo?
ive seen alot of wannabe militants on facebook who buy those uniforms and then parade around them on events like they know shit about the army

nihče, kaj misliš. edina možnost ki bi rekel da se splača je da najdeš starega Zmagota, ki je tudi sam objavil cel kup takih knjig, sploh tisto o zakaj nebi hrvaška smela obstajati, pa ga prosiš če ti lahko zrihta založbo. drugače se pa da tudi samostojno kaj narediti.
najdeš si ljudi ki se ukvarjajo s tem, kakšnega tiskarja, ali pa koga ki je zaključil kakšno tako šolo (SMGŠ) naprimer, taki ponavadi znajo iz besedila pričarat knjigo. samo vedi da potem moraš vse sam financirati, tudi tisk, kar je zelo drago, zaradi česar so tu založbe, ki krijejo to in poskrbijo distribucijo, pa odsekajo od profita medvedji delež zase.
pa tudi kar se distribucije tiče;
knjižnice in knjigarne same izbirajo material ki ga bodo imele, kar pomeni da če komu nebo všeč bo samo ne rekel. potem je tu še dejanski uspeh dela, koliko bo knjigo sploh vzelo v roke.

ok, kul

Zgrešena pričakovanja. Vse slo založbe so na državni levo usmerjeni ziziki.
Samozaložništvo ali pa objavi na spletu, drugega ni.

I saw it once, a full squadron doing low level/terrain practice.
You don't hear it until it's 5 seconds from you. They flew in the same level as my house, some 10 meters from the trees (treeline). downright terrifying. Absolute madmen.
I changed my opinion on Ruag PC9 after that )

Kaj se dogaja z Zmagom? Se je za vedno umaknil iz politike? Mislim, da je še nedavno bil nekje v medijih.



allmost all (small enough) planes are capable of that. its an old trick from ww2 when pilots learned that the soundwaves cant travel infront of them if they hit the ground first. thats why toward the end of the war youd always have low flying fighter/ground attack aircraft on both european fronts.

the reason you dont see modern planes doing it is because many of them are already supersonic, and the technology today makes flying so low redundant for two reasons;
you have armament that can take out the enemy from kilometers above
you have airdefense armamaent on the ground (like heavy MG quads, MANPADS etc) on the ground that would just reap modern aircraft apart, so keeping high youre only exposed to bigger missiles.

well after the monopolist right parties purged him from parlament with the help of the media (who prettymuch censored him and his antics and redpill drops) he lost alot of attention and support.
people cant vote for you no matter how good you are, if they dont know youre a viable option.
a few years after that hes kinda just a meme today, he is still active to his extent, but alot less than he could be if he wasnt being censored by both the left because he is right (politicaly) and the right because he is right (literally more than them). to one side hes a political enemy, to the other a dangerous competition.

not to mention that unlike all other politicians, he admits he worked for UDBA and the party, and oftenly talks about it and how others like janša dont (want to)

Dude that was so fucking cool. First of course it is sheer terror because you don't expect or hear them coming. 5 seconds before he passes though, you hear the exhaust and let me tell you, it is like satan rolling out of his garage in hell. PC9 Hudournik is loud . Reminds me of a Spitfire. I got a whole new respect for our pilots because what I saw was crazy, they literally flew 5, 10 meters from the trees (not above but parallel, hill terrain). Camo on the plane is also perfect, when they fly so low it is hard/impossible to see it coming.

Yeah I share your opinion on Zmago.
He got politically and media sidelined/demonized because he is too dangerous for them. I always respected him, because he doesn't bullshit, fuck around, do deals with commies and doesn't lie. He came clean about udba as you mentioned. What do you think Slovenia would be like today, would he be PM insted the past lds/sds/sd mafia? Do you think it is possible he will return?
I think it is the perfect time now for Zmago to make a comeback. people are disenchanted with ALL current political parties.

well no i dont think he will make a comeback anytime soon.
as said both the left and the right are making sure he is silenced.
he cant come trough with the support of more left leaning people with his "small-man" politics, because SD holds monopoly on the left, and ZL has the rest of the more far left in its pocket.
the right is also either in those centre-right parties pocket or completely under SDS.
the media can just discredit and shun him if he gets too succesful, and if that doesent work the left and right can just get another rant going to divide and radicalise voting masses with some shit like partizani-domobranci and so on, effectvely forcing everyone to jump to either the far left or right, and bleed out his voting base.
thats how things were working for the past to decades anyway, its the most obvious cliche of divide&conquer, but noone wants to admit it.

also about the book, its pretty great if youre interested in design, heraldy or history, i bought a while back, its not exactly a treasure of hidden knowlidge or redpills or something, but its very nice to look at from time to time



PC9-Hudournik bump








Make Ww2 style aerial combat great again


/end PC9-Hudournik dump

Too big for webm, had to embed



You do realise she's not actually allowed in the White House right?
That's why she's stayin at Trump tower.
The SS refused to give her the security clearance required for her to live at the white house.

Združena levica razpadla
rtvslo. si/slovenija/zdruzena-levica-razpada-znidarsic-ids-in-trs-odhajata-mesec-znidarsic-izsiljuje/414598


Putin says he’s ready to meet Trump in Slovenian capital

the problem is pahor (like evry other politician and beurocrat in slovenia) is crawling up brussels ass, and with trumps victory making merkel and brussles our goverments only "reliable" master theres no telling what kind of stupidity pahor will try to throw in during the talks

He is a fucking retard. He tried to tell Putin to stop the activities in Ukraine

i remember year or two back when i turned on the news and they said that "he warned putin that he will defend slovenia from aggression" in the middle of debate. it was around the time when minsk was being signed.
im not surprised he sends a bus of SV up in the middle of baltic nowhere to poke at russia alongside NATO. The last thing we need is ruining commercial and economic relations with that kind of country because some senile fatass with 4 stars over the ocean feels like it

Also, PSA
Slovenija Zavaruj Meje
is back.
If you are using goybook, there's that.

last i heard that place was a honeypot

Could Slovenia ever have a nice and comfy relationship with Croat and Serb nationalists? Something of a triple alliance? That would be a sight to see. Sort of like when they teamed up near the end of WWII since they were all being pounded by Communists, except an actual alliance this time instead of forced cooperation. Please respond.

the chetniks only made truces with ustashe after 43, but refused to be under NDH juridstiction, before that they were slaughtering eachother. Slovenian politicians at the time wanted their own region so they avoided having ties to NDH for fear of being subordinated to them. there was no team up, just convinient alliances, most of the politicians and warlords were fending for themselves.

and a modern teamup is unlikely, especially among serbs and croats. their whole nationalism is based on their war against eachoher in 41-45 and 91-95.
even slovenia wont get along with neither. croatia is "that asshole neighbour" to us, while being allies with serbia is just taboo after 91, not to mention all NATO oriented people would dislike it.

each of these countries has nationalists that are leaning on the rethoric that everyone was once against them and they won, and now everyone is against them again

If croats don't find proper place to store nuclear waste from NEK - there will be no peace or cooperation.
Casual fucking up shit from cro-niggers which come to slovenia just to loot is making things worse.
Cro politicians just love to mess shit up and annoy neighbours.
Basically, before you decide to be allies - you need to fix your own problems first. Afterwards it is certianly possible.

About serb - is impossible. Any alliances that are made, they will use them for "great serbia" project. Avoid at all costs

Quite possibly. Unlike ^ I believe there are great benefits to be gained from such aspect.

We don't have to ally with anyone, but to ally z našimi slovanskimi brati would be wise

I understand. That form of nationalism is poisonous, but it seems to be the most common and only one with large numbers of supporters. I don't see why a future alliance couldn't be done. Lots of Balkan conservative philosophers and ideologues from the past have been buried, but their ideas could awaken to form something new entirely.

Res neverjetno, koliko več femi/gay agende je iz leta v leto na emi.

a je to tisti mario iz RTV mogoče?

Javnost naklonjena obveznemu služenju vojaškega roka
Če se komu da trolati levičarje v komentarjih )

Komentar levičarja:
(kovačeva kobila)
Težko je spregledat rahlo shizofrenijo, ki vlada v družbi. Najprej poskakujemo po ulicah in se deremo 'za otroke gre', čez pet minut pa tlačimo lastnim otrokom orožje v roke in jih pošiljamo, da se učijo streljat druge otroke.

Sicer pa je lepo videti, da z zanesljivimi koraki nadaljujemo z vsesplošno regresijo v 19. stoletje. Militarizem, krščanski tradicionalizem, nacionalizem, homofobija, črtanje delavskih in človekovih pravic, uničevanje socialne države, nasprotovanje splavu in ves ostali best of.

Dobrodošli v letu 2017.

Javnost naklonjena ponovni uvedbi obveznega vojaškega roka
Če se komu da trolati levičarje v komentarjih )

Komentar levičarja:
(kovačeva kobila)
Težko je spregledat rahlo shizofrenijo, ki vlada v družbi. Najprej poskakujemo po ulicah in se deremo 'za otroke gre', čez pet minut pa tlačimo lastnim otrokom orožje v roke in jih pošiljamo, da se učijo streljat druge otroke.

Sicer pa je lepo videti, da z zanesljivimi koraki nadaljujemo z vsesplošno regresijo v 19. stoletje. Militarizem, krščanski tradicionalizem, nacionalizem, homofobija, črtanje delavskih in človekovih pravic, uničevanje socialne države, nasprotovanje splavu in ves ostali best of.

Dobrodošli v letu 2017.

kako je črtanje delavskih pravic in združrevanje cerkve z državo dobro?

Woah! What is it with deleting posts here? We're a small pol. Get your shit together mods. I meant vols. Dam ti hotpocket pička jebi si mater

Če me spomin ne vara je ta thread imel 240 postov zjutraj. V čem je težava, hamburgerske moderatorske pizde? Ukvarjajajte se raje z sabo svinje zavaljene (havea a nice day)

Kje je torej 6 postov, zavaljena moderatorska prasica? (we really like the mod team here)

God I miss Pohorje.

That is Bled, dude )

ni vedno moderator kriv. se je že dogajalo da so lokalni plazilci od kakšnega kolektiva nesposobnežev z imenom neke ptice že kdaj kontaktirali internetnega ponudnika tod okoli in je on zbrisav/onemogočil objave, češ da je šlo za razne govore in nevarnosti. v /yupol/ threadu nekaj mesecev nazaj je bilo za tri dni objav izbrisanih, govorilo se je pa o raznih lokalnih novinarjih in politikih, ter kaj so nekateri menili da bi bilo mogoče če bi kdo hotel kaj storiti glede njih.

tudi thread je kmalu izginil, ampak se s tem nihče ni ukvarjal, ker so vsi menili da je to navadno, ter da se itak ni dogajalo drugega kot neko prepiranje in memi.

je pa nekdo predlagal da se vsak dan naredi en screenshot za take primere, če je kdo ki se mu to da početi.

Zanimivo, nisem vedel

Amnesty International:
Slovenia are being bad goys
Besedilo za Slovenijo:
Asylum procedures were slow. The
International Protection Act was amended
to introduce expedited border procedures.
Discrimination against Roma continued.
Amnesty International Report 2016/17 325
Before the closure of the Western Balkans
route in March, 99,187 refugees and
migrants entered Slovenia; the vast majority
of them passed through on their way to
Austria. 1,308 people – most of them Syrian,
Afghan and Iraqi nationals – applied for
asylum. After the closure of the Western
Balkans route, those who entered Slovenia
and did not apply for asylum, including
minors, were detained in the Centre for
Foreigners in Postojna. In July, the authorities
offered alternative accommodation for
unaccompanied minors.
The asylum procedures were slow, partly
as a result of the authorities’ limited capacity
to process applications. Throughout the year,
more than 100 asylum-seekers, including
unaccompanied minors, waited for first
instance decisions for more than six months.
In March, the National Assembly amended
the International Protection Act, introducing
expedited asylum procedures for those who
expressed the intention to apply for asylum at
Slovenia’s border or in transit areas at
airports or ports. The law also removed the
right to financial assistance of €288 in the
first month after international protection has
been granted.
Slovenia received 124 asylum-seekers
relocated from Greece and Italy under the EU
relocation scheme by the end of the year, out
of a total of 567 asylum-seekers it had
committed to accept by the end of 2017.
In April, the National Assembly passed the
Protection against Discrimination Act,
harmonizing legislation with EU antidiscrimination
law. The law represented a
milestone in combating discrimination based
on gender identity, gender expression, social
status or health, among other things. The law
strengthened the mandate and autonomy of
the Advocate of the Principle of Equality – a
special post designed to prevent and
eliminate discrimination including by hearing
cases and offering assistance to victims of
discrimination – as an independent antidiscrimination
The “erased”
Long-standing human rights violations
against the “erased” − former permanent
residents of Slovenia originating from other
former Yugoslav republics − persisted. No
new options were offered to the remaining
“erased” to restore their legal status and
related rights since the expiry of the Legal
Status Act in 2013.
In November, the European Court of
Human Rights (ECtHR) dismissed the
complaint against Slovenia of some of the
“erased” whose legal status had already been
regulated. However, additional human rights
issues of the “erased” remained pending
before the ECtHR at the end of the year.
Discrimination against and social exclusion of
the majority of Roma continued. Many were
living in segregated settlements in inadequate
housing, lacking security of tenure and
access to water, electricity, sanitation and
public transport. After the expiry of the
National Action Programme for Roma
inclusion in 2015, the government started a
process of adopting a new set of measures.
The government had yet to adopt a
comprehensive national Roma Strategy as
recommended by the parliamentary
commission for human rights.
In April, Parliament adopted the Law on
Partnerships. The new law offers same-sex
couples the same rights as those originating
from marriage, but fails to guarantee the right
to adopt and to access assisted reproductive
services procedures.
In November, the Constitution was amended
to include the right to drinking water.
According to the amendment, water
resources are to be used primarily to supply
326 Amnesty International Report 2016/17
the population with drinking water and
households with water. The Constitution
stated that those water resources could not
be transformed from a public good into
a tradeable commodity.

who even leads this soros freakshow in slovenia?

Nataša Šip, Erica Johnson Debeljak in Sabina Živec.

They fucking started in 1988. Soros oundoubtedly had something to do with breakup of Juga.
They are cancer

well soros was a big man behind the NED, which was a CIA op to destabilise and brake it up. they hired soros and other "philanthropists" to "donate" to such organisations because a direct stream of money from the US govt to such "humanitarian" organisations would seem fishy.
kinda like theyre doing with white helmets now in syria. a propaganda group made up of alqueda members that was registered by a britbong military intel agent, with offices in every country that funds and arms the terrorists in syria

We should ban Soros funded NGO's in Slovenija.

Fun fact:
Most people (in the comments) are redpilled and hate (((amnesty international)))

like russia? wouldnt end well, especially because were so small.
Sorores pals in the EU would impose sanctions on us, get a media campaing on us going, etc.
not to mention local fifth columnists being mobilised.

hell you couldnt even get the referendum on it going, the fucks in the parliament would reject it, the media are corrupted as fuck and would rip you apart, not to even mention various attacks on your personal life by (((sponsored))) anonymous persons

I often wonder, how will we escape this nightmare.
Our politics are corrupt to all fuck.
We have potential we really do, but they are dragging us down and bleeding us dry.
We need a person like Trump, badly.

You know, I think we really could. Providing we all lose the petty and stupid grudges that have been used to d&c us, I look towards this with optimism. I've talked with Anons in cro/pol/ and they seem to agree with this. Not sure on the Serbian position though. Would be great to hear what Serbian nationalist's view on this is.
My opinion is that is the only chance we have of breaking free of the stranglehold or current occupation ALL our politics place on our countries


trump already had alot of heat from the media and everyone else, but he had money and people sick of the same and old behind him.
here in slovenia you wont get any money if its obvious you want to change things. and if you get money from the outside, they call you a traitor and a spy. not to mention most people here are too biased to vote for anything else than what theyve been voting for since they got the voting right.

Do you think it will ever change?

Didn't yall already try that once? Maybe not inviting the mudslimes in this time will help, but the scars seem to run pretty deep from an outside perspective. Particularly croats/serbs.

Also, how come your milsurp never makes it to market? I've been trying to replace a jacket in that pattern for like five years now.

Yeah fair point but we're not discussing a rehash of Juga. More like a V4 styled alliance at best. The main thing as you correctly addressed is whether Croats and Serbs can coexist, we don't have such a big problem with either.
This gear that is posted actually is on market. Here:
I fucking love it. Best camo I've seen, also alot of military/special forces use it. I really want the hunter sweater.

Maybe start with separate treaties with each and slowly build up integration as tempers cool? With the EU about the keel over dead croatia will probably go looking for like V4. It wouldn't surprise me to see them buddy up to austria as I imagine austria's petition to join the actual v4 will be turned down. Might not be too hard to get in on that yourselves, though I don't know how that would fly with regular people.

Serbia seems like a more complicated situation. Things are proper fucked there politically since kosovo. If the pro eu's get rounded up wouldn't they be looking to strengthen ties with russia? Maybe get in on whatever is in the works to reintegrate belarus?

>This gear that is posted actually is on market. Here:
Hot shit!

I must commend you for incredibly good insight, as well as foresight. Quite surprised you know this much about the geopolitical situation.
This is really the fact we are (I presume all) waiting for. Does the EU sink or swim? If not, we have discussed also in cro/pol/ that a great thing to do would be too join V4. (it would be wise to join the V4 alliance regardless) We are Slavic, all Catholic, also we have the geographical/ physical border connection. We really have alot in common.
As for Serbia, It's a wildcard. I really doubt they would want to join as you correctly identified "real Serbians" tend to gravitate more towards Russia.
Balkans in itself is still very much the powder keg, things can go in two directions: Nationalists of all three countries can work together and defeat the curse OR be eternal (((EU))) slaves. It goes without saying which direction I prefer.
UFPRO was started by a soldier/officer of Slovenian army, I'd imagine this is why it is so focused on providing the best gear possible. Here is some of the gear described in more detail:

would take one big crisis or something like the euro or dollar break to create the situation for it. at this moment (((they))) have everyone under the boot

Yeah this is dead on. Would you blame me for wanting it to happen?

a pact on te balkans wouldnt work unless member countries manage to kick out the current regeimes. NATO and EU dont want competition, so the will try to do anything to stop it.
aside from that croats will mostly refuse to be in such a thing because theyre really set on the rethoric that everyone around them is trying to conquer them and the only solution is siding with germany and the US like in 91.
not to mention the albanian problem.

should such a thing manage to function, a coherent military force should be capable to defend it. the problem here is that youd have to choose between NATO standardised equipment or cold war/ russian equipment.
in either case youd be very dependent on the supplier

Accurate. As said, if such an alliance were to be formed, it would be a most formidable one.
go with yugo/russian gear tbh

id go with eastern gear too. its cheap and easy to use. there should probably be the same approach to defense as JLA had, because we would be annahilated in conventional warfare.
have the army to hold off the enemy long enough in case of attack so that people can be mobilised and armed, then go to guerilla warfare bleeding the enemy out.

you saw what happened to saddams army when he tried to go conventional against a superior force

You know we can't defeat
(((nat-o))) but that never really was the point.
we gorilla warfare





You know what time it is

here is a funny story:

Someone should look i to that.

Pure coincidence

Remember we have FNF2000S now goy.
Far superior!

Yeah that sounds nice, but you are forgetting that most Slovenes are sheep, I mean we can't even get half the country to show up to vote at the elections. They don't care until their daily lives are affected, that kind of behavior is sadly universal.

thats the point of state leadership. keep everyone divided and hating eachother more than they hate you.
the best possible hope now are the coming generations, that arent indoctrinated with all that crap, but are gonna be sooner or later


I hope you'll be surprised

We have this faggot arriving shortly. Thoughts?

if you want to do something then plan and do it privately, spooks will arrest you if you mention anything online.
besides, nothing will probably happen, youll have some people protesting across the street, and they will probably be slovenian socialist party or something, theyre kind that of people are usually


Orban the madman did it

We desperately need a PM like Orban.
Fuck these homos in gvt now

We need to get rid of this faggot gvt so much. Spoiler, because disgusting faggotry.

Umak na te tvrdnje??

because thats their job.
security agencies and political parties always want to have their fingers in everything concerning the politics of a country.
you have rats from various political parties that want to recruit new members and supporters, or drive the group or debate into a certain direction.
then you have state agencies that have nothing better to do (going after tycoons and oligarchs is wrong because they work for them) so they try to look for threats everywhere. and where better to look than somewhere where people come to blow of steam and talk "dangerous politial" stuff.
thats an excuse enough for them to start "observing", which means they are actually doing something, which means they have to get paid.
the retards there dont give a shit about politics or security, they just want a problem to look at and get money for it.
and if there is no problem then just create one, like honeytraps.

>hey guys lets do __
>hurr durr youre under arrest for conspiracy of _

Yeah but you're missing the fact no one conspired to do anything in tgis thread.
Easy on the alufolija, če pa že trdiš , da je temu tako, pokaži kdo naj bi tukaj bil spva ali laterakoli politična stranla.


We aren't fucking retards. While I recognise some owls might be lurking, I simply don't give a fuck. I didn't do anything against the law. If they have files on someone it shows we're patriots. Big deal

I'm also apolitical. I don't care about "left" or "right". They are all juga commies that are robbing us blind for 25 years in a roll. Fuck them all.
We need patriots, a guy of Zmago's caliber

If you did get something vaguely right is that a storm is brewing. But observing this little Holla Forums won't give anyone any information beyond observing comments in every fucking msm.
Long story short, posting advice which should be clear to anyone using this board:
don't be a retard and use the brain you were given

i didnt say anyone did. my point is that its rather dangerous to discuss anything of such sort because youre easeliy compromised.
as for the parties, these kinds of groups and forums always get some "visitors" from SDS, just as those leftist groups and forums get ZL or that new SSP.
and if the community doesent filter them out it soon becomes a SDS circlejerk like that fb page Teritorialna Obramba was with all their israel and america shitposting.
theyre not hard to spot

you get the point. tough they dont really give a shit about some little man talking stuff on here, theyre rellying on the fact that if you ever become someone that can threathen status quo they can just use all this against you.
kinda like how french retards tried to bring down le pen for posting how evil ISIS is and for crossing the road on the wrong end when she was a child fucking decades ago.

also try writting single posts rather than multiple, it gets confusing for people that are talking to you. theres no need to hurry posting, we have plenty of time

well i try to post more significant things in these threads, i dont really concern myself much with the domestic political scene, its a circlejerk anyway.
when everyone was up on about homo rights and stuff i was more concerned with what was brewing in syria and libya and their migrant channels.
right now id keep an eye on Macedonia, US govt just gave soros over 9 million to channel it trough his umbrella groups like OSF and amnesty international to someone in macedonia. im thinking another shitstorm with albanian terrorists and NATO and EU membership deals

Sorry, didn't mean to be rude. You're right.

Macedonia is interesting to me as well, but I'm not up to speed on it, I realise they tries to ban Soros NGO's or something in that vein?


(((State department))) criticizes Slovenia for not enough "humane" treatment migrants:


For english speakers:
they just can't leave us alone. We don't want migrants!

yeah, kinda like hungary did.
if i recall correctly, was it in hungary where they kicked out soros, and in hours there were mass protests sponsored by him under the pretext of some kids getting stomped in a nightclub rush?
the whole story looked retarded on the news

well were not responsible for the mess they made in syria. i say we just round up all the migrants here and throw them over the fence at the US embassy

maybe they got scared because we have almost the same flag as LGBT-bashing russia





all time classic











Glede na to, da je (((FB))) pička in dvakrat zbrisu skupino, 30.000 članov,

je tuki app:

A je problem? Ni problema. Jebi se facebook


nemore nam nben nč
noben nam nč ne more močnejši smo od usode lahko nas samo sovražijo tisti ki nas ne marajo

Ali spiš mirno, Zuckerberg?


mario (((galunič)))

koji kurac… zkva se zalizujeta skorej? tukšna pedra da nmorta zdržat do hotelske sobe

juncker je itak eno pijano pezde neotesano, cmerar bi mu ga pa še povlekel če bi mu rekli

Borči on Associated Press:

Have fun reading this

is this suppost to be some shock or something?

This country looks wonderful. I am a little jealous.

No. Just confirmed some predictions.

We didn't post so much pictures of our country because it's a Holla Forums thread but I will make a imgur album for you in a few days

David Icke in Ljubljana on 19. March guys

Mož, ki odpira oči o zarotah elit

V Slovenijo prihaja svetovno znani, kontroverzni britanski pisatelj, publicist, predavatelj, avtor teorij zarote in medijska osebnost David Icke. To je njegovo prvo gostovanje v Sloveniji in je del letošnje svetovne turneje z naslovom World Wide Wake up Tour.
Njegov celodnevni dogodek bo v nedeljo, 19. marca 2017, na Gospodarskem razstavišču v Ljubljani.

Got your tickets!?!

I wouldn't use the dragon symbols, that's the symbol of the supposable reptilians behind the NWO. You don't need to believe it, but why don't we rather be on the safe side.

Lizard is a metaphor for jew

David is not very pro-Trump, but he's super-anti-zionist so that's probably going to be compelling for the these boards, even if you probably won't like him talking crap about the various national symbols actually being from the old nwo-minions and globalist families.

is he just anti zionist or is he also anti-semite?

also what does he think about hitler and the holohoax?

He seems to go deeper than anyone else, certainly a lot more than Alex Jones ever did. And says that there are other real jews which don't agree with the main politics of netanyahu's israel. Very long explanations he has, he goes into things like where jews even came from some eastern europe, the history of it, etc, and says that they're not special they're just "europeans in middle east" and he says that's what the term "jew" means.

He's very critical of the pro-israel appointments Trump's doing, maybe trump has a plan, who the heck knows.

I don't agree with everything with David because I think he's not giving Trump enough time, Alex seems to be a lot more closer to the details on the battlefield, David is just looking from afar like being back at HQ only receiving radio reports back.

So it's quite a big dilemma, one way David Icke doesn't seem to have any close sources to what's going on in USA in detail, Alex Jones has. But being inside the bubble like Alex also has it's own downsized, Alex Jones could be screwd over himself to believe things if there's some kind of a saboteur-agent giving him wrong info.

Yeah, I kinda feel like Alex Jones is being fed a lot of lies with truth by his sources to make him more unreliable in the public view. He is often right though, even with the stuff, however, selling "SUPER MALE VITALITY(tm)" and WATER FILTER DELUXE takes a lot of his credibility for me.

Might go to Icke's show then. They're also quite expensive for a talk show… Any others going?

Yeah, not a lot of people buy into his supplements, but I had terrible stomach issues for a long time, ruined my teenage life, I had to dig, and he has his supplements privately labeled from Global Healing Center, he has a few exclusives. Basically I have a lot of them and they really do work.

Yes im going to david icke, you can click on the seats there it will show you which seats are already taken.

Expensive? The cheapest is 30 euro, that's by far cheapest of most other countries.

Might be the cheapest, still expensive though.

idk why, but you strike me as a bot. what do you have to say for yourself

Hope some of you fags speak english. I'm an American engaged to a girl who's ethnically Slovenian on one side. What sort of racial peculiarities can I expect from her down the road?

what's the otherside?

just your basic Amerikaner mystery meat on the other side

I don't know that much in detail, I have a basic idea, I don't hang out with most of the public, because they're not awake.

Why racial exactly? There's all kinds of other things that can ruin the relationship.

I'd say the most important thing is the proper redpill, then whatever background she has won't matter.

as far as I see the spectrum, some stay super beautiful, others (like one in 5) go hideous monster midget. Probably just the ones that let themselves go and become fat with the babies. Otherwise good ageing, can drink milk, would recommend

If you are an average amerikaner, she will be smarter than you.

Hi there CIA

You are most likely correct. SOVA Operative, testing the waters.

What the heck's with everyone lately.

I'm poor as fuck and I got the most expensive ticket, I can't see well even with my glasses.

That's because I don't spend any money on any entertainment shit or anything non strategically important.

Paying for megajew conspiracy ticket with social wellfare money. Priceless

Yep (laughing while feeling a big guilty)

You think im just gonna roll over and die like the NWO wants.

Ah I got late to this thread tho, not sure if it'll survive to tomorrow, later, zzzzz.

Not a moment later, lad goes to sleep

Requiring sleep to function. Mediocre.

As long as wellfare is going to slovenian McDonalds centrist-right-wing with chili dip sauce goys and not the established "Mali ni nič kriv, garantiram!"
You shouldn't feel guilty for getting wellfare, after all, it is your money since it is your own country.

Have fun goys:

we got spooks in here

I don't know what the context behind this picture is, or who the guy is, but I recognize the hadith. Figure I'd post it here for posterities sake, so future generations will understand the context

"by the way of deception thou shalt make war"
-mossad motto

It can only be their downfall. No man leaves this place unharmed. Once you go black, you never go back.

i cant seem to comment or like posts on the facebookgroup
Teritorialna obramba 2015
could it be because it called them out for praising israel or did they just disable comments for everyone?


It is a honeypot

Na dan 31. 12. 2016 je bilo v Sloveniji registriranih 27.365 nevladnih organizacij. To je podatek s spletne strani Centra za informiranje, sodelovanje in razvoj nevladnih organizacij (CNVOS), ki je od svoje ustanovitve leta 2003 iz proračuna po podatkih spletne baze ERAR prejel 3.398.180,10 EUR, od tega npr. decembra 2010 kar 204.697,00 EUR. Torej imajo nevladne organizacije krovno nevladno organizacijo, ki jo financira državni proračun.

Skratka fantje, do naslednjih volitev moramo nekaj pogruntat. Tkole ne gre več.

Ugotovili boste, da večina deli naše mnenje:

Od govorjenja se kruha ne da najesti. Ponuditi moramo legitimno in dobro alternativo

Official first Polish/pol/
Discussion about Polish national and international politics.

I fucked this up, lol.

new thread incoming


par peticij in referendumov da poslanci začnejo delat za minimalca, da nesmejo imet vez z lobiji in firmami, da se voli z sistemom kjer volilec oceni stranke z lestvico namesto z samo enim glasom?
drugo itak ne deluje več.

Nevladnike krije tudi ministerstvo za zaposlovanje, ministerstvo za gospodarski razvoj itd. organizacije.

Za NVOje gredo mesečno miljoni.

Too late. Dolga nismo zmožni več odplačevati.

Alternativa ne more obstajati ker se vse stranke financirajo iz tega ukradenega denarja.
Izven slovenije je na skritih računih€
S tem se počnejo vse ilegalne stvari.
Nekoč KPJ partija - je danes ponovno na vrhu.

Poslanci, ki odločajo o svojih plačah, da si jih bodo znižali iz 5000€ na 700€. Nigga please.

This is what they would have you believe
Alternativa seveda obstaja, vprašanje jo je le organizirati

Odlične ideje

Vsi mediji so pokupljeni in podkupljeni. Če ne prideš v medije in v večji krog ljudi preprosto ne obstajaš. Če misliš da je cenzura v S.koreji in kitajski tesna, je tukaj - waterdicht.

Pozabil si še tudi na vsaj 200.000 uvoženih ilegalcev ki imajo danes državljanstvo iz republik bivše SFRJ. Lahko v naprej napoveš koga bodo volili - tisti ki jih bo pustil vleči socialo in penzije iz proračuna.

Če ne prideš v medije preprosto ne obstajaš.
Živiva v istem času, samo sprašujem.
Režimskim medijem nihče več ne zaupa, internetna doba

Tudi če jim nobeden ne zaupa (nepotrjena domneva - pojdi kam med kakšne starejše, živijo v svojem YU svetu še eni) - še ne pomeni da ne vodijo 100% monopola nad medijskimi vsebinami.
Rtv, poptv, 24kur, delo it. - vse iste vsebine in vse narekuje STA.
Iz proračuna dobivajo neposredno denar, ti ga ne. Zakupljene imajo radijske povezave ki stanejo, kar nimaš ti in ne moreš imeti. Oglaševanje priljubljenih strank je pri njih zastonj, ti pa sam nimaš niti €.

To je seveda res, vendar misliš da nas to lahko ustavi? Na tej zemlji smo že tisočletja. In na tej zemlji smo mi gospodar.

če se zorkesrira dovolj veliko pizderijo ob prevzemu oblasti se lahko upraviči default na dolgu, istočasno se uvede popolnoma nova ekonomska politika, z ustanovitvijo državne banke na čelu.

ljudstvo naj jim jih določi z referendumom. če predlog zavrnejo samo še bolj potrjujejo korupcijo v tej državi.

kot je rekel, je tu poskrbljeno da jim nihče nič ne more.
američani se smejijo severni koreji ker ima samo eno partijo na volilni listi. oni imajo le dve. mi jih imamo malo več, ker so ljudje malo pametnejši da bi samo na dve strani se metali, ampak ne dovolj pametni da bi vedeli zakaj se gre stvar.

oni niso tak problem kar se tiče volitev, vsem trenutnim strankamlahko vržeš pred nos da niso za njih nič storile in oni bodo vrjeli

pozabljaš da so nas velik del teh tisočletij tudi dokaj uspešno tlačili, pogosto zaradi lastne neumnosti.

internet je precenjen, velik del ljudi bo instinktno verjel medijem ko bodo rekli da je nekaj lažna spletna vsebina itd.
da se ne omenja da večina ljudi v tej državi sploh ne spremlja političnega dogajanja doma ali v svetu

Gospodar je tisti ki izvršuje silo na določenem ozemlju. Orožja nimamo, torej je gospodar tisti ki ga ima.

Nebi bil prvi referendum ki bi ga zavrnili.

Slovenija je nastala samo zaradi tega ker ji je to YU vodstvo dopustilo. 3 dnevna vojna je samo farsa za rajo, državo še vedno vodijo komunisti.

tu je orednji problem, da

bi pa naredili kar malo cirkusa če bi zavrnili tudi tega. mediji bi stvar hoteli pomesti pod predprogo, zato jim bi bilo treba metati pod nos ob vsaki priložnosti.

vesel sem da vedno več ljudi ve o teh stvareh

A dej nehi? Zato ker je Juga dopustila? LOL
Kolk si star? Jez sem videl vojno v živo.
S tem negativizmom mi prosim ne serite po threadu, zadržite to za lan na litostrojski

Oziroma čukovem gnezdu.
Concern trollanja v tej temi ne bo in bo prijavljeno.
Časi se spreminjajo, in poznavanje zgodovine ne pomeni jasnovidnosti ;)

kaj je s teboj? samo zato ker se nek mit lepo sliši še ni resničen. stvar ima danes samo propagandno vrednost.
takrat sta se pa kučan in miloševič lepo dogovarjala da bo pustil slovenijo oditi če nebo hrvatom in bosancem pošiljal orožja in vojske.
celo bistvo napada miloševičeve vojske je bil strašenje hrvtov in bosancev ter taktičen premik čimvečjega števila enot na ozemlje hrvaške.
od tu tudi zgodbe o kučanu in odtujitvi orožja takratnem zunanjem ministrsvu. janševi danes pravijo da je hotel razorožiti TO. dejansko se je samo hotel držati dogovora z miloševičem in preprečiti takim kot je janša da so prodajali orožje hrvatom in bosancem.
od tu naprej se pa vse do danes zmerjajo in obtožujejo glede nekega orožja in osamosvojitve, večina ljudi pa samo butasto gleda in nasede enim in drugim.

Glej družina se je borila v TO, tako da mi je to zelo občutljiva tema.

Ne žali mi nikol TO in pomena osamosvojitve. Sicer se rajši skoncentriraj v prihodnost ;)

nimam nikakršnega namena žaliti tistih ki so branili domovino.
nasprotno- na živce mi gre da nekateri z tem manipulirajo v svojo prid in vseslovensko dejanje pretvarjajo v svojo lastno propagando

No vidiš potem se strinjava.
Nisem želel biti nesramen do tebe, hvala, da si to razumel.

Si, ste komunisti ?

No I'm not. ;)
I think this country still suffers from division. Which I find stupid because it's such a beautiful country and such good people. We can and will overcome division.
To answer your question:
I reject all political ideas, and all existent political parties. I am first and foremost a patriot.

For anyone curious, first picture is burned down JNA tank, Rožna Dolina border crossing, 1991



zakaj hudiča je ta tred še živ?

Giving birdies some fap.

ker slovence vsi tepejo, kadar jih pa ne se pa med sabo, ampak na koncu ševedno ostanejo tu


Small bump

Reported for d&c, leftist shit

why exactly?
wheres the d&c?
or are you just a newfag who recently found out what that means and what reporting is and you were despersate for an opportunity to use it?

tactical bump.
not alot happening right now, will update

al pa da se začne neko organizacijo podobno golden dawn u grčiji. zgleda še najboljša rešitev. mislm ni treba glih svastik povsod limat, drgač je pa kul.

problem tu je da se povsod pojavijo špijuni. ali pa da se začne stvar voditi v napačno smer. naprimer B&H, prvih 15 let slovenije je še šlo, potem pa dol do tega do so z cigani koko švercal

sj zato maš pa EXTREME VETTING. Dvostopenjsko organizirano, novinci k je lahk vsak ampk nima en kurc vpogleda v nč pa ožji krog k se poznajo dobr med seboj.

djani je navadna pička.
tko k zoki

honestly this is not a place to discuss or organize your little clone b&h organisation. take that shit elsewhere.

this is a patriotic/national Holla Forums and it will stay that way!






Ski Flying World Cup in Planica, Slovenia 2017

live feed on this link:
(Prenos na TV Slovenija 2:)

syrian family deported, extreme leftists btfo by vič police
(you have to go back)

Anyone else noticed how the EU is backstabbing us lately with the Teran and border shit?

what the krauts failed to do with force in past the EU did it with bureocracy.
their whole concept is creating one large bureocratic shithole owned by corporate monopolies spanning from iceland to the caspian sea.
national identity and independance are the last things those fucks want

You're right, and they play a sick D&C game. German against Greek, Pole against German, Anglo against Continental.

Slovenian president Borut Pahor hosts Polish president Andrzeja Duda at Strmol manor.
Visit is intended to further reinforce cooperation with Poland (an important partner in EU and NATO) on the highest political level
Pahor and Duda urge enlargement of EU towards Balkans, arguing it will bring peace and prosperity to the region, Mladen Ivanić says BIH is ready to accept european rules.





im sure southern balkans will be doing great especially after whats going down in macedonia

literally creating a western cuck version of yugoslavia

quite sure balkan nations would manage to start another war if under same confederation again






Avstrija ne!


Austria no!
Austria refuses to take in the migrant redistribution quotas


A kako napreduje džamije u centru Ljubljane?


navadno, gradijo jo z denarjem od istih rjuharhjev ki financirajo ISIS in ostale teroriste od iraka dolibije.
samo mediji so nehal poročat o temu ker so ugotovili da stem prilivajo olje na ogenj in da ko ta ogenj postane velik so tudi oni na spisku za odstrel

upam da rollam dubs zato da un saudijski skret od kralja pogine

To ti je tako kad za gradonačelnika postaviš srbina. Boli njega kurac za Sloveniju dokle god mu Karatski terorista puni džepove. To je sve korumpirano.
