Batman and Justice League Manga to begin in June
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girls like animu and mangos more than they do comics, that's why. If a western styled mungy came out then girls theoretically would latch onto it, as it has the jap filter preventing western social justice to fuck with it.
This applies with the younger generation as well, teenagers growing up with anime because cartoons are nothing but fucking cal-arts garbage, if they hear that DC collaborated with some jap for an anime then the kiddos should eat it up, it keeps their addiction to big eyes and allows them to keep some western dignity
I say it's a win-win here.
Yeah because this was such a hit when marvel did it.
weebs already have capeshit now, the boat sailed.
Well I don't hate the idea. But they need someone that can actually imitate well or already does draw a manga artstyle. I doubt this will be good simply because it looks ugly as sin already, panders to fujos, it uses the new 52 lineup/designs, and there's no real market for this. No one remembers or cares about Marvel's manga days. I doubt DC could do it better or put a spin on it. Which doesn't seem to be the case based off the designs here.
That looks like "anime" garbage comic companies used to shovel out back in the 2000's.
This shit is fucking embarrassing.
Seems like a solid idea, but it wont be good for the western audience , likely. I remember that series of Marvel anime they did, where it was like watching the uncanny valley version of the characters,
You mean like Atlantic Press? Because those still exist.
How the fuck do they expect this to succeed when they don't have young protagonist?
This reminds me of a manga version of the Avengers where they fight zombies.
I'm sure someone at DC will get the bright idea that
Good looking sexually active adolescent side kicks = profit.
im supportive as long as it means there will be a dbz/dc crossover. illustrated by Yusuke Murata
Jesus Christ, this is like one step away from a "Batman and his bitches" joke.
Still, at least DC is no longer pretending like Batman doesn't run the show.
I'm cautiously optimistic, but I think some of the characters look to young and have the typical anime hair, which just doesn't fit for characters like Superman, Aquaman and Hal Jordon.
As long as it's not CLAMP doing the art, we're cool. And is that Kyle or Hal? Because the hair says Kyle but the mask says Hal.
Superman looks ten years old.
If it's by nips for nips it'll at least be free of SJW poison (or maybe the idea is to get SJW's "woke" to what Japan is like and have them all backing Debito and (((Japan Today))), culminating in constant feminist period blood protests during the Olympics), but it will be full of Shonen battle tropes instead, which are just annoying. If you've read one you've read them all. Even fucking Bakuman was all "A CHALLENGER APPEARS" about rival artists.
Dude, have you seen their design of Batman in Gotham Knights? Looked horrible.
a-are they making her a smug anime girl
They didn't work on Gotham Knight. You're thinking of Bee Train, who did the Tsubasa Chronicle anime
The comics weren't bad enough so they had to make bad backwards comics to go along with them.
Wasn't Gotham Knights that anthology movie that was took place between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight?
We already have a smug anime Wondy.
Yes, and it was an anime similar to The Animatrix
Yeah, it looks so wrong.
Probably wont have Lord Death Man in it.
I know most here are making a joke about "Batman and the Justice League", but I teach junior high school here. Many girls actually have Batman themed backpacks and pencil cases and can carry on a reasonable conversation about the character. In fact most of the Japanese girls tend to know more about the character (although mostly from film portrayals) than many American women who claim to be fans. So in a lot of respects this makes sense to me. It is very easy to assume that every manga is about young people, but there are more than a few popular ones here that deal with older men that girls and boys like.
Why does Lord Death Man looked like Shocker mooks?
Because crappy skeleton costumes tend to look similar.
Wait a minute, those outfits…
To be fair the outfits in those pic are just marching band outfits turned emo.
They should have just went with China or South Korea, they have a bigger fanbase of capeshit heroes. Even Marvel let a South Korean company make a webcomic based on their property, was popular enough they had to steal and copyright her for the mainline universe, kek.
What's that comic about?
Look up "Avengers: Electric Rain" tl;dr, the Avengers movie was so popular, that Marvel decided to expand their crap to other mediums around the World, South Korea's webtoon thing was popular enough, so they went there, looked for a good company, let them make their own story, and if it proves popular enough they copyright it and use the character for their own shitty titles.
That sucks for the creator doesn't it.
They get paid and get some "International Recognition", now this is one of many reasons why capeshit shared universes suck.
It's like poetry.
It's kind of sad how Batman is just taking over everything DC does.
It wasn't that he was ripped off, it's that any character created by a contractor gets it's right ceded to the company, which is kinda sad and retarded, the gook artist who made her wasn't all that too banged up, think she appeared almost 2 years ago after that stupid Secret Wars Electric Doom Boogaloo
Great. More batman cocksucking.
This will be the best thing in DC or the worst.
When did they pretend before? Hell, the fucking company's named after Detective Comics, although this was years before Batman became their most popular character
What are the chances of lewd and/or gore? Pics related are from a single random issue I had lying around
Well, to be fair, the magazine doesn't have
Shonen in the title and they do have some moeshit mixed in. Still stupid, though
user, you do know the audience for something like Weekly Shonen Jump is almost 50/50 when it comes to the gender ratio, right?
Damn, I'm sick of batniggers
Nil if DC actually has someone on the ground to oversee it. Any gaffs hurt their chances of bring it to the States.
I see the fujoshi's are at it again. Makes me wonder which nation has more fujoshi's USA or Japan.
Because Batman. I'm assuming Batman has a fair amount of popularity in moonland which is why Batman, Gotham City, and The Joker are front and center.
You're acting as if DC hasn't had plenty of gore and lewd shit in their big name books.
DC's standards of acceptable gore/lewd are pretty different from what a publisher can get away with in Japan.
I am utterly disgusted beyond proper criticism.
Oops, I went off half cocked and bought the July issue, thinking that was where this story actually starts. That's 830 yen I ain't getting back. Reasonable softcore lez scene in one of the other stories, by the looks of it, so it's not a total loss
Polite sage.