But all my friends on r/Linuxmasterrace told me Microsoft was finished!
How do we stop them?
As of November 2017 Microsoft is the 3rd largest company by Market Capitalization
The only way is to encourage everybody that their freedom is more important than Microsoft's proprietary software.
But then you must ask yourself how much weight the average person puts on the ability to see a given software's source code
Protip; not that much. You have to find another way of convincing them
Microsoft is going to die as soon as normalfags stop using PCs all together.
This was never factual.
The best of it all is that his empire relies on electricity.
Contrary to a farmer, for instance, if ever some chaos happen and the grid gets shut down, all of his fortune evaporates.
The average normie doesn't care about the code at fucking all.
They care if it works and if it's easy to use and looks pretty.
Something the GNU OS with any given DE fails to do in every single way
Do you know how they make the list? They leave out people who wish to not make their fortune public,
Remember than when Gaddafi was killed, they discovered he had a private net worth of about 250 billion dollars.
They're already affected by a lack of software freedom, and they're already complaining about it.
They exclude politicians and people tied to governments from the rankings regardless. Otherwise the list would be full of Rothschilds
If this is the case, Microsoft will never die. There is no other way.
That's perfectly fine to demand that. As long as they understand that free software is their own responsibility, then all is good.
cool story bro
The problem is I think the average user has little confidence in GNU in the way of driver support. Yeah its getting better, but Windows is still unmatched in that regard
Leftists cucked yet again
I find how people are always bringing up Bill Gates in the context of Microsoft and seem to be consistently oblivious to the fact that he hasn't been Microsoft's CEO for some 18 years.
Farmers are greatly prone to the water supply. If there's a local drought or if there's a water shortage farmers are fucked.
He's still their technical advisor. Besides, most of Bills wealth comes from Microsoft regardless so its indicative of Microsofts market performance
Bill Gates is still the largest single owner of Microsoft. You don't need to be the CEO to do this.
And couldn't afford to protect himself from a bunch of insurgent niggers? How much would you need then? 2,5 trillion? Even more?
Btw Saddam didn't fall for the civil war scenario. They didn't manage to get him to do what they wanted, they didn't manage to assasinate him, they didn't manage to stir up an ""uprising"" in Iraq (like they did manage to do in Libya 8 years later), they had to move their asses all the way over there with their military and attack him outright.
Bud tekk towld mii ecks 86 is finish!
Average Joe is an anti-talent, it would take him 2 hours to understand how to send a plaintext mail using say thunderbird. They appear to have 0 logic, they can barely point and click, and most of the time they only are interested in very dumb things, like watching cats videos on jewtube or posting every single fucking detail about their hollow lives on faecesbook. If you sum to this already terrible situation the fact that new generations only mostly use idiotphones you can clearly see how much dumbing down those who are already dumb are subjected to nowadays. They only want to use their finger to click on dumb shit on a tiny screen, to view dumb shit, to post dumb shit, etc...
The problem really isn't much Microsoft, the problem is we need to radically change all the system altogether and that's not going to happen.
Not the point. The point is that the list of the "richest" people of the world is bogus.
There's a load of people who are insanely richer than everybody else there and they're not listed.
The comment is not about competition, but to lay out the state of affairs.
He actually had the worse start ever, being a genocidal commie. But then, as he grew older and matured, he became more nationalistic and inclined to fascist policies. Lybia was one of the richest and most developed countries of Africa at the time of his death.
Bill could probably afford to buy several poor African nations. Too bad they're all filled with niggers or it might be a worthy investment
You realise Libya was bombarded by both the USA and Europe? That his army was bribed off just to be stabbed in the back later? That the people of the country and loyal army battalions tried to hold the country back? That almost all of his children were killed and now his only son left alive is the most loved person in Libya and that the people want a return of the dictatorship by him?
The pajeets have found this place.
It's finished for non-retards who don't use shitty nu-wojack memes. Go back to your ME/PSP.
Again, you don't know how rich those African dictators are, they're probably as rich as Bill.
Their fortunes are not disclosed, there may be about 200 people in the world who are richer than "the official richest person in the world", including some trilionaires there.
Putin for instance, has a speculated fortune of about 300 billion dollars.
You're retarded. Apart from the Libyans themselves (you can verify it yourself instead of stating your ignorance), literally no one wants another Gaddafi dynasty.
That's why they were deposed so easily in the first place - take Syria for instance: the same would have happened if they didn't have a Patron country (Russia).
I sincerely doubt anyone leading Niger is richer than Gates
stop this, it hurts my soul
What did Hiroshima do now?
Based on what? Dems trying desperately to make Russia a boogeyman?
World leaders arena audited like individual businessmen are. They could easier have made their numbers up for propaganda purposes
I still say that if the Steam Machines had been released during Ballmer's tenure that Microsoft would have never recovered. That fucking obese autist who can't count to three had to spaz out because his controllers weren't perfect. Then, even after delaying for a year all because of the fucking controllers, they were still reported to be kind of shitty.
Microsoft was on the ropes following Windows 8 and the disastrous Xbone release, they just needed a good shove over the cliff and they'd have been finished.
Steam Machines were a huge failure though. They were never a threat to anyone
You have to go back to Reddit user.
You say this as if Linux is the cool new thing all the hip young kids are flocking to
These countries may be full of resources, but they're also full of niggers. Even if the kang took most of what his niggers produced (past their bare minimal needs) that's not that much cash. For comparison, Ghana's (a rich country for Apefrica) GDP is $116 billion, and Microsoft's revenue last year was $90 billion. Now keep in mind GDP isn't the same as revenue, you need to feed a gorillion niggers, etc and unless Microsoft is burning money they're the better option.
Linux desktop users steadily increase, as Windows faggots die off.
They were just PCs with a special controller. Steam games outsell Windows Store games something like 200:1.
Steam machines might have failed but Steam utterly dominates.
fuck off avatarfag
Meanwhile on planet Earth, Windows 10 has more users than GNU several times over
Windows Store itself being a complete failure isn't indicative of shit. It's like using Internet Explorers market share as indicative of Windows market potential
Back to halfchan you piece of shit. You already made /g/ shit, stay away from other boards.
My feeling is that at the time people would've bought the Steam Machines as a fuck you to Microsoft. Valve could've even advertised them as having personal computer functionality, to take advantage of negative sentiment towards W8.
I know that in this timeline the Steam Machines failed, but what I'm arguing is that, if Valve hadn't delayed their release, they wouldn't have.
There was huge anti-MS sentiment at the time, and the Poo-in-Loo CEO wasn't in yet to change course, so that was the best chance Valve had to break into Microsoft's market and make them bleed.
It's gone now, though, so I guess this hypothetical universe with a cucked Microsoft will just remain a dream.
Because the endless discussion of some schizo living at his sisters house is completely technology related
I would take this thread over the completely unrelated political threads. The only relation that they have is the status they have as so-called "tech companies".
They'd run a wet plate of dog barf as their OS as long as it came pre-installed. Windows 10 sales are basically new PCs and that's it.
That's a weird phrase, shill.
If GNU/Linux were to become popular among the google useds masses, it would attract the parasitic proprietary software vendors that would bastardize the GNU operating system for their profit to the level of Google Android. Flatpak is the first step. I hope the year of the Linux desktop never comes.
There are computers with GNU/Linux pre-installed on them as well. And they're cheaper. But they never sell as well as PCs with Windows preinstalled. That's why they don't receive anywhere near as much marketing. Even Chromebooks are relatively failures and they have Jewgle backing them
what's a computer?
Who cares if idiots fuck themselves with spyware Windows 10? Just makes them retarded.
That's not the point though now is it? Just because they're retarded doesn't make the numbers not real
Go back to r/linuxmasterrrace cringelord
Linux users grow day by day, who cares if Windows users also increase?
Satanists and Jews grow in numbers too, but Bible believing Christians do too. It's like that.
Microsoft will finish itself, and has done a good job of doing so over the last 5-10 years. The real threats are incoming generation of "safe space" programmers, and Intel.
At this point the whole company is basically a million Pajeets trying to frantically patch the old Windows code against new threats, and fucking the UI.
You'd have to be a buck nigger to keep using MS products.
You can say the same exact thing about Linux sadly, the only difference is you can actually see the pajeet code running shit like SystemD
you fucking tard
I just came from /g/ because I noticed an extreme amount of shit threads/forum sliding, anyone know the reason?
Well I checked /g/ to see if there were similar threads on both there and here.
And this sort of thread was spammed often. Same with:
And other similar shitty bait.
Ok if there's just one thread, but somebody keeps spamming the threads and every time someone points it out, the thread magically dies (i.e. is forum slid from page 1).
Your one of the first to actually respond though so I'll give you cred for that.