Climate Change Thread

Is it actually happening? Are we actually cooling instead? Any good books on it? Why the fuck was it 50 degrees hotter than usual up at one of the poles?

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Ocean acidification bothers me more than anything else environmental going on.

Pic related. Probably a little bit, it doesn't really matter though, it's all natural.
Propaganda. The poles are fine.

i'm not telling

Climate changes all the time, its called "Weather"
Its not

If you go back even further its even more damming, at one point the Earths atmosphere had like 100x the CO2 it does today while being even hotter and there still wasn't a runaway greenhouse effect that the (((Climate Scientists))) say is just around the corner.

A day of +50 degree temperatures at one of the poles is simply weather. Plus aggressive marketing/propaganda (I mean you heard about it).

There is no doubt the greenhouse effect exists, there's no doubt it is warming planet. How much is literally anyone's guess. The main group that estimates these things (the IPCC) number's haven't changed in 30 years. The estimate is something called climate sensitivity and it is how much the global temperature will increase per doubling of co2 (yes, the relationship is logarithmic). In 1979 is was estimated to be between 1.5C-4.5C. The most recent assessment report (2014) says it's likely between 1.5C-4.5C.

Basically no one knows shit because the Earth's climate is a massive chaotic system that is impossible to simulate usefully at current technology. Climate scientists make Economists look knowledgeable. Obviously, this doesn't stop them from trying to use it as an excuse to take money and power from you.

Chances are that the Earth's climate doesn't have a bunch of runaway feedbacks around co2. It's concentration has varied wildly throughout geologic history (pre-industrial revolution, we were actually dangerously low) and life was fine.

If you ever need help distinguishing science from pseudoscience, I highly recommend this essay by Karl Popper: It pretty much eviscerates the climate change meme.

Ok, I am not well read on this subject. This has been one of the hardest red pills for me to ingest.

But here is a pic related that might help.
And an article that may as well:


I also know from my previous readings that CO2 in the blood is actually a great thing because it allows use to use oxygen more efficiently or something along those lines.


I'd be arsed to find it, but I do recall reading an article about this a few months ago that stated that one of the Earth's jet-streams had recently aligned itself over the north pole and was blowing in warm air from further south.

We may be enterinf a maunder minimum. Go and read vault co for a man who called it over a decade ago.

We are cooling, but it is a natural cool, and it will be scary if unprepared. This is what (((they))) want, btw. They want us to think that we can stop the global climate change by blaming it on man, giving them the impression we can stop it. Video related, part one of Newsmax TV's Dark Winter.

Solar Cycles, Environmental cycles, etc. all are a part of the global cooling. As far back as the 1800's they were predicting this, and in the 70's they were publishing magazines with the cover story "How to prepare for the coming Ice Age" (real newsweek article). Then came useful idiots like Al Gore, perpetuating the myth of Global Warming. Then came people realizing we were cooling, so then the lie continued that Global Warming causes both extremes, Warming and Cooling. Then the term shifted to Climate Change.

It's not manmade, it is a natural cooling cycle that will result in a new ice age that we may even live to see the start of.

I hate the way (((they))) control a lot of stuff, but just because that is the case does not mean that you can discard evidence about Global Warming without actively and point by point refuting it.

CO2 and methane in addition to how strong the sun is (it is 30% stronger than when the solar system formed and in 600 million years will be strong enough to kill all complex life on earth via weathering CO2 out of the atmosphere) set the thermostat of the earth. So there will be global warming UNTIL the temperature of the earth aligns with the thermostat. Then it will hold for a LOONNNGGG fucking time in human terms. Until enough of the CO2 is weathered out into things like carbonate rocks in the bottom of the ocean. If it goes on too long this will take hundreds of thousands of years.

The polar ice caps are dead men walking in a geological time frame.

The best layman source is Potholer54's youtube channel.

He beats the everliving shit out of folks with cold hard facts. He goes to the EXACT research papers that climate hoax shills misquotes and eviscerates their lies.

His newest

His older series

Watch 3-4 of his videos before you come at me saying GW is bullshit.

Global warming is real and it is very simple on the big picture.

So, you want white people to survive and flourish? Well white people need the exact facts of the total shitstorm that is in store from global warming. Be prepared for what will happen and buy land in the right places, sell the shitty land (like on the coast to sucker sprogs and so on.

Be ready at least to enjoy seeing Bangladeshi Muslims trying to flee their country like rats from a sinking ship because of sea level rise.

yeah i've always assumed that whatever "global warming" we had was a cyclical thing, and therefore "global warming" as a cause is just some bullshit cooked up to guilttrip middle class people into basically accepting a carbon tax on their cars down the road.

and when they do that, mandatory GPS/navigation in every car… some kind of killswitch taht police could activate at any given time… the whole 9 yards.

I am saying that science of GW is really solid, but actually it is soft pedaled what will happen because of it.

First, there is no fucking way that available carbon fuels won't be used.

Second, it is already way too late to stop major warming and sea level rise. Deal with it and get ready. Deal with the reality of mega floods of mud people trying to get out of scorched former farmland and flooding coasts.

White people have some of the best planning ability of any on the planet. So use your frontal lobe and delay of gratification and get ready.

that's not how science works. You don't get to create a ptolemaic system and then demand we refute every part of it. When billions of dollars, fraud, and lies make up global warming, we don't have to do shit. One fucking domino at a time, you can set it up, we can knock it down.

Is there warming going on? Maybe. They need to quit fucking with the databases to find that out though. Prove it's going on, don't use data from or tainted by known fraudsters like ye olde East Anglia, and THEN come up with theories as to why. Not the other way around. And then, should we care? Personally, warming looks too good, we need cooling to give us sufficiently harsh conditions to thrive and supplant other races.

What Potholer54 does is take a point against GW by a shill and show in detail how it is false. He has done this for upwards of ~50 points.

He has taken "Lord" Monckton apart many times.

So I was talking about refuting done by Potholer54 in his refuting those points. Sort of like a rebuttal in a debate.

Everything ascribed to GW, with the exception of sealevel rise, can be ascribed to habitat destruction as a side effect of overpopulation and non-sustainable resource use.

A final solution to the brown people question is an automatic win for the anti-Global Warming crowd. The entire AGW panic industry is aimed at getting whites not to notice this.

If warming looks good to you, I assume you will not be buying land at low elevation? /thread

What do you mean by anti-Global Warming crowd?

you mean people who think it is fake or not human caused?

or people who want to stop it by crazy interventions?

Myself, I say it is not stoppable. It being stoppable IS the big lie.

Many here say that GW itself is the big lie.

It is not stoppable because already too much CO2 in the air and ocean and there is no fucking way that we can make India and China to stop using carbon fuels. CO2 will break 500 ppm and the ice caps will totally melt in a few milennia for sure.

Isn't Mises run by bloody fucking Kikes?

You think the Kikes don't have a plan for what to do when GW sets in for real?

Us gentiles are the suckers for the Kikes at Mises. We are the marks.

Wise up.

about Mises Kikes:

not worth a click

I wonder which way the kikes swing for global cooli- um global warmi- oops climate change

Or how about Jewish Climate Scientist of the Week?


Of course it's happening. Why else would Saudi Arabia spend so much money on "studies" that seek to "debunk" it?

Global cooling will make centralized economied and fractured communities unsustainable. A cold climate suits the white man and promotes k selected traits. Admitting we are entering a maunder minimum then an ice age would mean we would have to stop living in the moment, pushing degeneracy and living like r selected grasshoppers which would destroy (((their))) plans


Mud people try to get into white countries and preach their durkaburkism anyway. (((They))) will try to bring more sandniggers in by claiming those are climate refugees, just like it's being lied to us that they are war refugees. And if you refuse, (((they))) will cite white privilege and how you caused climate change in the first place by driving cars and having industry. Anthropogenic global warming myth is but another tool in the shed of globalism.

Maybe because they thing that greens might force developed countries to stop using oil, regardless of whether AGW is happening or not. But in fact, they only help Saudi Arabia and other exporters by shutting down local resource extraction.
Smarter leaders see an opportunity here, for instance Putin is a big supporter of environmentalism in Europe, and was one of the biggest forces behind fracking bans. "Green" energy is no competition to fossil fuels, while absence of local extraction means a greater need for import, so it's clearly beneficial to Russia who supplies most of Europe's gas.

Yes, but in a way that it always changes due to cosmic changes. Namely sunspots.
Yes. Sunspot count has been going into record lows now and volcanoes are starting to erupt.

Just as we have THIS WAS THE HOTTEST X SINCE 9458 BC each month blaring on the radios and the winters are getting colder and colder. Looking at our gas and wood consumption.

I can't wait until winterchan removes kebabs and reinstatea the white ethnostates of yore.

Don't wait for the weather to determine your fate.

There is no scale on the y axis of your picture which pretty much renders it meaningless


There you go much better effort thank you.


What ya sluding, Moishe?

Holy shit, faggot, lurk more.

There is no global warming.

Faggot, there is no global warming.

The celebrities who say AGW exists all buy seaside property, so fuck off.


This research/modeling paper comes from 1896 by Svante Arrhenius from the light absorbing properties of carbon dioxide. Basically it says more CO2 higher temperature.Was he a globalist shill 120 years ago?

It is archaic in the symbols it uses, but the conclusion he reached are similar to what models show now.

He thought it would forestall the next coming ice age. But in fact it may boot us entirely into an ice free world.

Celebrities have coastal property because they live for the moment.

What I did was go to his channel, pick a topic I know about, and then tried to pay attention while he demolishes MSM and Alex Jones bullshit.

AKA strawmen.

Wanna know how I know it's jewish?



Could someone please define what exactly "feedback" means and how it affects these data?

I honestly don't understand why there isnauch push back on it on this board.

for global warming feedbacks are best described by this video from Potholer54 where he critiques "The Great GlobalWarming Swindle"

The initial heating near the end of the last ice age was caused by changes in the earth's orbit (the sun's output did not change much). That in turn made CO2 fizz out of the oceans and lead to even more warming.

This explains the 800 year lag that dumb asses are convinced is evidence against global warming,

But like dumb lefty cucks do with white genocide - first saying it couldn't happen and then saying it is a good thing - some of the idiots here say that GW can't happen and then say it is a good thing.

With so fucking much infrastructure on the coast GW driven sea level rise is not a good thing.

Don't shift the goalposts like lefty cucks.

Make a choice, is GW not happening – or is it happening and a good thing? Don't weasel around like a sneaky Jew.

Oh and check out the Milankovitch Cycles, a theory pinned down by a Serbian scientist from earlier ideas from a French then a Scottish scientist.

Okay, so lets go with AGW is real. What next? How to deal with it?

Our enemies have already established what they want to do, it means global governance and CO2 credit schemes.

I'd rather keep this as some sort of polarized non-scientific culturewar issue than admit it's real and basically justify jewish world goverment.

Seriously, it would be better to ignore the problem and deal with the effects as they come than let this pseudocommunist control scheme win out.

ITT: pol tries to do higschool tire athmospheric physics.

What's your point? Are you trying to say that we should leave it all to the experts and accept whatever they have planned as the remedy?

Fucking NASA's data being fake didn't immediately clue you in?

My point is this:

They say situation A is real and give us remedy B. Remedy B sucks or is impractical or pointless.

Therefore you think that or want to believe that situation A is a lie. This is faulty logic.

Come to grips with situation A (after researching for yourself to see if real) and make your own plan to deal with it.


How about taking remedial physics in your local center of higher education.

So when someone uses a big word, like CO2 EM absorption properties, you wont be clueless of what we talk about.

Best plan to save world.

Burn all the left hydrocarbons and use that energy to contruct new fusion based power system that can deliver enought cheap energy to fix earth system.

Right now, fusion is our best bet at avoiding texas becoming uninhabitable.


I have done upwards of 300 hours of laymen level research on global warming and it checks out. It is not fun, but it is the reality in my opinion.

Pretty much this, solution to GW is not going hippy green, is to get our hands on even more energy so we can use it to fix shit.

Humanity has never benefited when it starts using less energy… we need more, to do more.

Well, no shit.
The sun isn't man-made. Nobody actually cares what'shappening to the Earth's climate, they only care that we can make a difference or not.
Unless you've got some serious red pills in your back pocket.

don't people realize moar co2 means plants and trees that produce moar oxygen. green house gasses are what keep plant life green and healthy.

Fusion ain't gonna happen on earth outside of a nuke.

We don't have the gravity well that the sun has to contain the reactants at no energy cost.

You have done no research and are a paid shill. Reported for obvious kike.

I'm not even arguing about the science, my argument was "okay it's true, now what"?

So now what? Global problem obviously calls for global solution. Tell me how that's not going to be a disaster? I want to hear

Reported for believing in AGW.


Situation A is not happening.

Well, we already can make fusion on brake even scale, ITER will be on net positive.

Problem is that if we cant get it cheap and commercial in time…

It is true… as of now what? We need more energy, no less. We must find a way to do fusion or we are boned.

Rich countries will survive but we will be enriched to the brim with all the climate refugees… not fun.

False dichotomy.

What do you think this research is for?

IIRC, ITER is only net positive on the isolated reaction and barely so.

That means the energy DELIVERED by the laser is slightly beaten by the fusion heat of the pellet.

But the energy of the laser beam has losses in its making. The heat energy of the pellet will have losses when it will be harnessed.

Sorry, I missed this reply until now.

My belief is that whether or not it is true, we are dependent on fossil fuels at this point and time for bare survival. Also that we should move to renewable forms of energy and are ALREADY DOING SO again regardless of whether or not AGW is real. It makes sense either way.

We do not need any global all power hand of guidance and taxation to fix this.

Basically, the answer is to do nothing, continue on current path, we never were going to remain burning fossil fuels at the current rate forever and ever.

Then just deal with any negative effects as best as we can, same as humankind has always done to any change.

It's basically not an issue. Argue about the science all you want

This pisses me off to no end.
I dont understand why you people so strongly believe that the addition of manmade pollutants in mass quantity wouldnt effect the thermochemical cycles of the planet. Its absolutely basic thermodynamic chemistry. The introduction of new substance to the original substrate changes the thermodynamic curve, thisis fundamental science applied to the planet. We may not be the cause, but we are certainly having a massive impact.

You guys realize fusion still creates radioactive waste, right? It may not be as bad as a fission reactor, but neutron activation renders the entire apparatus radioactive.

Personally, I have more hope for Thorium reactors and pebble bed reactors.

What fucking solution
Even if Global Warming is real there is literally nothing the west can do to stop it except stop China and India and they are not doing that

Of course we're changing the atmosphere and of course that has effects on the weather, but I don't trust that it's happening on the timescale they claim and I don't trust that they're not fudging the data. I don't trust any non-whites to give a shit, which means everything we do is pointless - we'll kill our manufacturing and energy industries while Pajeet and Chingchong keep burning bear bile.

Does anyone doubt that the Pacific Ocean is becoming increasingly radioactive thanks to the nips?

You are mixing iter and national ignition labs i think.

ITER is tokamak that can sustain burning plasma reaction. No lasers or pellets, only fuel, magnetic confinment and various modes of heating (that dont involve lasers).

>globa climate change, we need to globalize also!

Message to time travelers: Don't fuck with our freewill and go back to your dystopic timeline. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Neuronic activation products are not nearly as bad as fissile chain of breakdown products, among which the iodine and cecium resides.

Fusion waste is laughably harmless in contrast to fission.



it's surely becoming more *shitty* due to Pajeets, aye.

You're an idiot. The delusional "final solution" deluge wouldn't come about, because Jews and fuckstick good goy traitor leftist whites (who completely outnumber us) would move them to our nations en masse. One dead kid opened the gates, think of millions drowing and the sob stories come sea level rises. I swear to God 90% of you here don't bother to think through the consequences of your fucking fantasies.

I think so, but I could care less?.

Based AF.

Is NASA a credible enough source?


You know nothing.

You completely misunderstood what he said.

Yeah it's getting warm, but it's not man-made. Look up climate history, temperatures shift naturally with time (see "medieval warm period", "little ice age" and the extreme colds during the second world war II), humans have very limited influence on the climate.

Single volcanoes throw out more carbon and gasses with a single eruption than the whole of industrial Europe in half a century. Pollution is a big problem but it does not affect the climate in a "global scale"

Globalists push the whole "man-made climate change" agenda to impose their power, enact regulations and things like "carbon-tax". It's a great frontline to implement globalist policies because "the climate is interconnected, it's a global issue, evil first world countries must de-industrialize" and shit like this.

The planet is in a perpetual state of climate change, this began billions of years ago and will end whenever the sun goes out.

Could be argued.

The real important thing about climate change is this:

a) it's not a justification for political action
b) the whole "manmade" aspect is an unproven hoax


Ok, then why has CO2 gone from 270 ppm to 405 ppm at the same time that we have burned a lot of oil and coal?

how fucking dumb are you?

How new are you??

Global jewing is a far bigger concern than global warming.

Save the planet, gas the kikes. We need a right wing green party.

Truly one of the great mysteries

Hooooly shit this. My family is from Norcal, and my pops was a second generation lumberjack. He logged privately owned land, and so was super selective about which trees he harvested in order to not ruin the views of rich yuppie winery owners that owned the properties he was working. Ussually something like 1 out of every few hundred trees, lookimg at a hillside you clild not see a difference. It was also a super enviromentally friendly approach, no clearcutting at all unless it was in an isolated spot so someone could build a vacation cabin or something.

Well CA regulated him out of business in the early 2000's. The entire industry got shit on hard, and was more or less shut down. The problem is that buying habits didn't change, so as the US decided that logging was evil, more and more wood had to be imported. And this wood is coming from places like Brazil, where they give zero fucks and are clearcutting the amazon.

I understand enviromental regulations, just look at places that dont have them. But so many industries are being regulated out of existence, killing the domestic supply without changing the demand. The slack is then picked up by 3rd world shitholes with zero regulation. I had to take a ton of enviromental science classes (in CA no less) for my degree, and between that and my families history with enviromentalists, I can honestly say that 99% of people who dedicate themselves to being "green" are morons. They make political amd lifestyle choices with zero research, and are literally screaming fundamentalists if presented with a dissenting opinion. They are the kind of people who cite opinion pieces on HuffPo as sources for research papers.

I have been loving Trumps cabinet picks just because I know they're just crushing the hopes and dreams of so many people I hate.


WTF does "original" mean? Like that was the forest cover when the Earth congealed into a planet? How did they get that picture? Where did this data come from?

Looks a lot more like they went around and said "there was once a forest here" therefore that area was "originally forested", ignoring the fact that forests are never permanent. They grow and shrink depending on the conditions, which do change, often dramatically, in a hurry.

Potholer54 finally got around to smacking down Molymeme:

1. Selling emission rights is like making a profit from selling air.
2. Controlling the emission market enables them to control which company gets to produce what.
3. 'Man-made global warming' fits the anti-BRICS agenda. 'We are trying so hard to save the planet, but those damn Chinese just don´t care about it.'

Temperatures drop below 0°C at night in a desert while they barely differ from day temperatures in a rainforest.
CO2 concentration in the air is the same in both places, so there are things with a much higher impact on temperatures than CO2 is said to have.



Also, what is with all these threads suddenly popping up that have a decent topic but it's laid out shitty, and OP is always a (1)?

Half of thread is

Most people are never going to understand the science. Deal with it.

Why don't you give a fucking solution for the problem that doesn't involve world government and superkike tax schemes? If you can't do that, everybody that doesn't want to be controlled is going to continue pretending to be willfully ignorant, denying the issue, or making it into a culture-war issue, because that's the best way to stonewall your insanity-tier global government.

Don't look at it as if it's real or not, that's not the important factor in this, that is what ((they)) want from us, what they gain by this. Which is very evident, monopoly and forced globalization. Roping people into a global concern-movement about saving the planet, by cutting down your own living. Preparing for the upcoming global planet communism-system. Prepare your anus climate-cuck-anons.

Because it's a tiny percentage of the atmosphere. The Warmists would have you believe that a 200 ppm increase in CO2 will destroy the planet for all eternity. We're talking hundredths of a percent, here.

It probably means 500 years ago.

Potential genocidal Quizirate Jihad possible; do prefer more peaceful options

huh, If you were to take the whole atmosphere and condense it into solid it would be about 10 meters thick. CO2 was about 280 ppm before 1750 and is now 405 ppm.

That could mean in 1750 a CO2 blanket of ~2.8 mm, and now of ~4.05 mm.

Thicker blankets make things warmer.

This would mean a

Damn, I "and a"ed that post.


This is, frankly, none of the concern of the child raping race known as Englishmen.

How is that related?


The issue is the climate deniers said the prior warming over the poles was muh weather and by current year the weather would naturally start cooling the poles against.

Because they're not driven by facts, just wishful thinking. It now appears the IPCC was too conservative, you know the organization constantly accused of being alarmist over the few predictions its gotten wrong and few bits of bunk research it publishd, in its estimate of how fast ice would melt at the poles. Things are going to happen much faster than the IPCC said.

It's just climate deniers live in an alternate reality warp where proof that the IPCCs predictions are gonna not pan out is gonna come any day now. They've given up even making up their own bullshit models because they've been proven wrong by reality every time they're attempted to. At this point they just try and discredit the IPCC as much as possible to spread FUD.

This is the redpill.

I have no fucking idea. I don't believe the official story, and I don't believe the people who say it's bullshit. You can show me all the graphs and trends, but none of it makes any fucking sense to me. I'm not a scientist. Even if it made sense, I wouldn't know if it's fake. I'm the kind of guy Yuri Bezmenov talks about. Most people think I'm totally insane if I admit that I just don't know.


Nobody has denied this, many species that are part of nature have vastly affected the climate in the past. Where you guys sort of miss the point is humans are causing climate change now, we know ways to mitigate our environmental impact, but people refuse to do anything about it.

Misled by the false hope that global cooling is just around the corner and will save us from any actual environmental fallout spread by the oil industry.

The Paris agreement is a solution that doesn't require a global government.

Carbon pricing is the most cost-efficient way to reduce emissions, more than government spending on green tech. You retards would rather get hit by drastic environmental consequences later than pay tax now though because you're right wing ideologues that don't care about common sense.

There is also a solution to mitigate superkike tax hikes, funnel the revenue from carbon pricing into tax reductions to minimize amount of taxes people have to spend as a consequence of carbon pricing.


did you not fucking read any of the information above before coming in here?

wasted, you mean like that disaster that killed all those japs? I seem to recall that roughly zero died.

top kek, this is on par with 'fbi foils fbi terror plot'

Yet it's true, IPCC didn't expect huge warm weather currents to go over the arctic.

The IPCC being too conservative just makes deniers brains explode. They cannot comprehend that being possible.

Not an argument.

Not really.
You’re still wrong, cuntrag.

lol reported

Sea ice melt suddenly accelerated, it's just truth.

Dinosaurs and giant plants could only survive because they lived in a world where the Oxygen and cO2 concentration was exponentially more than our current state. CO2 is good for the fucking planet, and kikes wanna stop it.

IPCC was like completely wrong about how fast Sea ice would melt and it's happening way faster. Holla Forums just jerks about cherry picked examples of the IPCC being wrong or publishing bogus stuff and assumes that must mean they are always alarmist.

They're perfectly capable of being dramatically too conservative

The one positive of all this is that it's going to accelerate the opening of the Northwest Passage which will be a new shipping route.

Kill yourself.

Nope, it’s not happening.

Kill yourself.
Yes, climate changes. But there is absolutely no evidence that humans are having any impact on the climate whatsoever. In order to establish an actual human impact in a statistically significant way, you must show a modern trend that deviates from a baseline of appropriate duration. Because geologic processes spanning millions of years are responsible for tremendous amounts of variation in global temperatures, an appropriate baseline must necessarily include millions of years of data to account for this variation. Not only are we not in a period of “record high temperatures,” we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years.


There is absolutely no evidence that current temperatures are outside the trend of totally natural variation, and all attempts to make it appear that way are misleading you by truncating the data to a sample of statistically insignificant size. And then they apply their misleading, exponential curve-fits and smoothing effects for dramatic purposes. The earth had had ice caps for maybe about half of the time over the past 500 million years. The picture shows rapid periods of melting and re-glaciation over periods of a few thousand years. There is nothing abnormal about current melting rates.


The sea level has been rising at a very steady and predictable rate over the past 8-10,000 years since the emergence from the last major glacial period with no deviation at all from this trend even as humans began industrializing. When environmentalists show you graphs going back 50-100 years of rising sea level data, they omit the fact that this is both on-trend and completely expected.


We have no actual data that indicates that climate is in any way behaving abnormally, much less due to human impact. The only thing we have is a hypothesis that CO2 affects climate in a meaningful way, which is what climatologists attempt to model. But those models make terrible predictions.

Kill yourself.


If your hypothesis consistently churns out inaccurate predictions–no matter how many times you tweak the knobs and change little fudge-factors here and there–then your hypothesis is shit and must be discarded. Morons who believe in this garbage have no understanding of basic epistemology, let alone science–and that goes for the so-called “scientists” peddling this mystical bullshit.
CO2 is only hypothesized to have the impact on global climate that the alarmists claim. But this has failed to be demonstrated in two major (but related) ways. First, carbon dioxide levels are currently being measured at several hundred ppm higher than measured from ice core samples. Now, it must also be cautioned that you can’t necessarily compare these two sets of data because they represent two different methods of measurement, and have other potential biases. However, even assuming that its true that CO2 levels are much higher–and that they’re caused by human activity–current temperatures are not deviating from the normal historical trends in line with CO2.
A doubling of preindustrial CO2, absent any feedbacks, would result in a maximum forcing of +1.2 ºC. Everyone agrees on this point because it’s a simple computation given the physical characteristics of CO2 which is well mixed in the atmosphere. Actual warming, again absent feedbacks, would likely be much less due to bandwidth overlap between CO2 and H2O, something that we understand but find difficult to model (H2O levels vary dramatically day to day and even hour to hour with regional weather).


The General Circulation Models, and the IPCC, predict 2-8 ºC of warming because AGW theory assumes a positive H2O feedback. They assume that if CO2 causes a little warming, the atmosphere will hold more water vapor which will lead to a lot of warming until a new equilibrium point is reached.
The warming predictions cover such a large range because everyone assumes a different average feedback rate. Again, modeling H2O in the atmosphere is extremely difficult because it varies so much with weather. Every GCM based on this assumption has failed to model temperatures for the past 15 years. They are all trending too high. In the late 1990s, the modelers themselves stated that if they missed their predictions for more then a decade that would falsify AGW theory.
There is no data to suggest a positive H2O feedback either now or in Earth’s past. Indeed, we cannot model some periods in Earth’s history with an assumed positive H2O feedback. It would appear that Earth’s atmosphere is remarkably adept at dampening forcings from either direction and does not amplify them.
If there is no positive H2O feedback, we literally have nothing to worry about. The average climate change believer knows none of this. Politicians, citizens, activists, and surprisingly even a lot of scientists are literally ignorant of the theory and the math. In their mind, it’s simply “CO2 = bad” and “experts say we’re warming faster then ever.” The more you know.


Not only are current temperatures not outside the normal trend, we are in one of the coldest periods in the past 65 million years. Also, current temperatures (at the peak of the current 100ky cycle) are actually lower than past 100ky cycles, meaning that we are expected to either warm further just by way of natural variation or we are in an unusually cold peak period.
Second, climate models that use CO2 as a major driver for global temperatures are not producing accurate predictions for global temperatures. This is at least good initial evidence that the alarmist stance on the CO2/climate hypothesis is false. Notice that current temperatures are in no way deviating from normal trends. and that the two “scary red dots” are not observed data, but “predictions.” But, as we already know, the observed data is wildly lower than the predictions. These people are completely full of shit.

Any scientist types breaking the conditioning and publicly speaking out yet? (Preferably ones I can get my normy friends to take a look at)

Every single actual scientist, since all the data says it isn’t happening. Your normalfag friends won’t believe you regardless of what you say.

lel, not sure where you got the idea that anyone is listening to you anymore


So you guys don't even deny the IPCC was completely wrong about the shrinking of arctic sea ice extent and try to disprove me by spamming your collection of irrelevant saved pictures and arguments?


I literally said you guys cherry picked the things that the IPCC was wrong about and ignored the things they were too conservative about. Which you proved. You literally did just that.

Right, because it’s not shrinking.
Zero things. Kill yourself, AGW faggot.

What do actual scientists project will happen? Or do you just criticize models whenever they are wrong while having no fucking idea what's going to happen to the climate?

Deniers go on and on about how climate projections are all wrong but never have any actual ideas of their own.

A continuation of the cycle that has been going for at least 500,000 years. See:
lol, get a fucking grip, kid. We’re not more powerful than the sun.
Take your strawmen over to Reddit’s collapse board. We don’t give a flying fuck about your lies and you can get the fellation of your dick you so richly desire there. We’ve proven your bullshit false already.


"We've proven your bullshit false"

It's OK, some psychotic US auditor will assign a value of 0.056 to your life.

Like, I'm not asking for you guys to completely reverse your positions.

I'm just asking for the intellectual honesty to admit that arctic sea ice extent is shrinking faster than expected. You guys can be honest about that without sperging out and dumping a bunch of images about how AGW is a hoax while not actually contradicting that point can't you?

Is your faith that AGW is a lie so fragile it can't handle one denialist prediction being wrong?

You said the exact opposite, you duplicitous sack of shit.

Fuck, wrong quote.

Reported. I’ve proven you wrong. Kill yourself.

The arctic ocean ice sea cap will be reduced far more languidly than projected. A militant zealous religious sect incapable of compromise might make the arctic passage a profitable venture.

Reported. We’ve proven you wrong.

You guys are awfully jewish debaters. When you can't win, try to confuse people.

Strawman. Kill yourself.
Nope, anyone can see you’re lying.

So, being proven wrong is grounds for ban now? Neat. So, what happens if you're proven wrong that being proven wrong isn't grounds for a report/ban?

I see your image, I see an image about sea ice thickness, not an image about sea ice extent. The same source where you pulled data on sea ice thickness DOES have data about sea ice extent if you don't want to be intellectually dishonest.

Slavery, war.

Kill yourself. Reported.

Look harder, then, you cocksucking faggot.

Since you can't be arsed to be intellectually honest, I will be.

November hit record lows, and sea ice extent compared to 2015 is dramatically lower and there was a big drop this year due to warm air going over the arctic. This graph only compares things to the '81-'00 mean value so the drop isn't as dramatic as in my earlier graph because it looks at less years, but the data agrees with my earlier picture.

Goddamned jewish oil company shills.

I post nothing but facts baby. You aren't posting lies either, so much as posting irrelevant information and obscufating and saying that data that isn't related to sea ice extent totally disproves my point that sea ice extent is going down faster than IPCC projections.

Because you're a jew and this is how you "win" debates.

I think you need to calm down and check IDs.


I don’t give a flying fuck about your ID, because your point is still wrong.


You LITERALLY used the SAME source I did in this post that I did in this post

But what I've said is "disproven" now because when I use your own source against you, DMI, DMI is suddenly full of shit.



like you ignoring anything pre '81?

No, Jew Tricks are like ignoring that I posted data before 1981 in this post and trying to confuse people into thinking I've only posted data from no earlier than 1981.

Jew Tricks are things like people lying about my own posts, and other people lying and saying they've posted data that contradicts my data on sea ice extent, trying to confuse people.

I think the lying conniving ways of denialists have been plenty exposed in this thread though through their own actions.

Please, for heaven's sake, provide us with an accurate climatic model!

Riddle me this, OPman: Is it easier for politicians and scientists to admit they were wrong and apologize, or to aim a few microwave-emitting satellites at the pole?


you 'when records began' kikes are hilarious

To be fair, there is literally nothing wrong with "when records began"

it is when it's set at whatever point is convenient, and not tied to actual records.

Wow holy fuck I was gonna leave the thread but I'm gonna give you kudos for, after posting 9 images all not discussing sea ice extent and then trying to confuse people into thinking you contradicted me, you FINALLY actually posting an image discussing sea ice extent.


As for why I didn't post sources that go further back in the data, NSIDC is reputable and I thought posting DMI data which only goes back to '81 would be uncontroversial given you were the first to post data from DMI. I never realised how critical you were of a source you yourself posted here

Unpossible! Records began to be collected at the time it was possible by this humble race, man.


Get the fuck out.
Reported for lies.
lol reported

Again, to be fair we are discussing the THICCness of the Ice, capacity for heat absorption and its reflectivity.

Ah, you've met the Kill Yourself poster. He comes into any climate change thread, spams it with images and posts Kill Yourself while quoting in whole or in part your sentence (which is NOT an argument by the way), and repeats until the thread is dead. He does not want a debate. It's pathetic and only makes his argument look weaker.

1. We’re discussing AGW in all its aspects.
2. Your nigger fetish is disgusting.

Kill yourself.

Negroid dome-like comparisons of lipids do not strike you in an any way as current to our situation?

do you question the Imperial Planetologist?


At this point i am going to refer you to fish face tactical dude

chaim, please…

Global warming or not, i think hydro/aquaponics agriculture is going to be the next neolithic revolution.

Especially if the maunder minimum is around the corner. Seriously its not just for growing pot, you can grow damn near any leafy green, many vegetables, and use crayfish, catfish, tilapia and sturgeon, and shrimp as a fertilizer (and food) source.

Yeah, and then turn them on russia and cook all the bears and vodka at the same time while taking over the world.

ITT: pol has Nigger tire scientific literacy,

Fuck this gay shit you dumb ass. Let us into your country, we will drill a hole right down into the center of the fucking earth and we will ask only for the return on our investment. Everything else is yours.

Holy fuck, I never thought I'd see a sentient human being spell tier as tire. Maybe I still haven't.

so a non sentient human can do math and you cant?

what that makes you?

I can spell and do math. I know for a fact you cannot do one, and I should not be entirely convinced you can do the other.


Well, there is fucktonn of languages but a few fields of math that all use same basics.

What are the odds that i am not a native english speaker?

And what are the odds that pol is not a best source for your AGW knowledge with bunch of jews jewing jews with agenda?


I don't expect anonymous forums to have compelling scientific data, but I do expect there to be a base level of competence in regards to our communication. There's nothing wrong with some typos, but you completely missed the joke the riddler-poster made and thought he was being LITERAL. What are the odds you're both a nonnative speaker and an idiot? Very high, I'd believe.


This is the part where i post "i was just joking.jpg"?


I live in the United States, user. You also don't really say why you're upset with developing an interest/industry of hydroponics. You're the one being a fag here, I'm afraid

I was on team global warming and would passionately debate just about anyone on the issue in favor of 100% man made climate change. That was before they decided to erect a bunch of windmills in my area using global warming as the justification. It's been a complete waste of money and is only helping to increase hydro prices. They've gone from 11.8 cents on peak to 18.8 cents in a matter of 1.5 years. Should mention I live in the Niagara region where we have one of the largest hydro electric dams in the world. Last I checked they deliberately have it under-performing by over 50%. I'm dead to this issue and don't trust a thing (((mainstream science))) has to say about it anymore. The amount of research I would need to do to actually reasonably inform myself of the technicalities of "man made climate change" exceeds that which I'm willing to put into it at this point.

I'm all for saving the planet, preventing pollution and keeping our oceans and lakes clear but I don't believe for a second that's the actual goal of the government or organizations associated with this movement.

These are the people who tell us race doesn't exist and that the environment is responsible for average IQ differences. Let me put it this way: when a shitlib spreads stories about the future, it's likely a hoax and an attempt to trick people into adopting their policies. When they say something is "complicated", they're attempting to place the truth out of reach so no one can see they're being fooled. When they talk about "experts", they're trying to create a group of master-shitlibs who direct and coordinate society from their central command structure.

Shitlibs don't give a fuck about the future, it's not in their biology to care about the future. Shitlibs love complications because webs of lies and deceit are complicated - the truth is usually quite simple. Shitlibs love "experts" because "experts" regurgitate the party line and create matrices of control around them where the only people who are in a position to criticize them effectively have no incentive to do so - because the up front investment cost is so great that you have a lot to lose when they inevitably ex-communicate you.

Climate science? More like climate scientology.

gibs were the only justification here

You may want to see "Revelation of the Pyramids" on YouTube. The one with less than 100K views and Chinese narrator is the real one. Raff as she tries to say massive. But really, it's the best info you will find on "climate" "change".

I think, know, that climate change is "real", but it isn't man made. It is a cover for the inevitable precession of the Earth's axis, and a coming magnetic pole inversion. It's pretty fucking simple. None of the CO2 stuff exists, it is just that (((((((they)))))) can't let everyone know that our planet is fucked over every ten or so thousand years.

Dr William Happer Destroys Climate Change Hysteria in 7 minutes

Look at him and laugh

China, it's causing Earth to lose years off it's life span. India could be next to start the carbon production. What country will be after that? There is not much time until the amount of organic life and the amount of carbon are unbalanced, then the Earth will just fuck us up to get all the carbon back under and start again. Humans need to use solar and stop pumping shit into the air! Fresh air is good, who care about the 'global warming', 'climate change' words and think about being able to breath without a mask. It will happen in your life time if you don't stop it.

Where the fuck do you even come from? Your post reeks of Reddit.

Lovely ID and dubs.