That sounds like a very nice thing, OP. If I was born Japanese I bet I would have really enjoyed such internet cafes. Back when I was a youngfag with only a 486 at home and no internet or access to gaymes, hanging out at internet cafes was the highlight of my day. If they served food and provided showers, a decent environment (no cigarette smoke, not noisy/dirty etc), and made it security practical (external drive with my own OS or something) I might actually have a reason to leave my house.
Unfortunately every society is limited by its lowest common denominator. In America, there are too many trash people like niggers who would trash such places unless they were ridiculously expensive. American small business owners also often tend to be cunty and their greed would prevent them from offering such amenities. Even though in the long run, these amenities would stimulate their business, go figure.
Basically if there was a place in the US where people with fewer problem homeless, but a significant techie crowd who is also thrifty/minimalist, I bet these could work. But the only place I can think of is small midwestern towns with a major data center or something nearby, and everyone at such places would think "why bother going to a cafe, when I have a computer at my nice cheap house?"
It's a sort of gathering place for computer enthusiasts. Used to be that normies didn't care about computing at all, so e-cafe clientele was a more techie crowd. Nowadays I think this still holds, because casual computer users would get a laptop, and wouldn't appreciate the benefits of a desktop.
I have many fond memories of playing MP LAN games with my friends. Some games flat out couldn't be played online, but also internet was expensive on dial up, and physically being next to your fellow players seemed to add to the fun since you would get instant emotional feedback from them based on game events (ie. winning/losing). Voice chat is kind of like that but not quite IMO.
My dream cafe would be something between board game stores and Renaissance coffee shops, where you can show up and socialize with other like-minded strangers, play games or brainstorm projects. Basically like an IRL Holla Forums. Of course in SanFran you would get too many faggots, but in this dream all of us managed to escape that shithole somehow.
Also I really miss that brief period when internet cafes were a place you would go to take care of some urgent work and print some documents when you are traveling. Nowadays we have to torture ourselves with laptops and smartphones instead. But I suppose security was always an issue with cafes.
Well, public libraries depend on govt support, which is notoriously fickle in US. It's slightly unfair to compare Nipponese small private enterprise to a national public service.
Unfortunately LAN multiplay is an afterthought with modern games, most devs just assume everyone will do multiplayer online. A shame, I bet you could really add some value to the experience with a classy net-cafe. Serve/deliver quality food, comfy interior, good gaming hardware, good selection of games, gaming comps with prizes, regular events like the cafes private terraria/minecraft/rust/we server. Have things like minecraft builder of the month to encourage community building in the area. People would start coming just for the social aspects, and it will break the hikki cycle gamers are prone to.