We need to financially murder Hollywood. They produce nothing of use, peddle smut and degeneracy, and are a blight upon America and the West as a whole. I was thinking about a huge tax rate hike for any media corporation and contracted actors, producers, etc. I know Trump wants to expand liable laws but I think that's too much of a restriction on speech which will probably adversely effect regular people than Hollywood smut peddlers and their million dollar lawyers who can weasel themselves out of any legal noose. What would end them would be a tax rate hike on large media companies and their affiliates such that their work becomes unprofitable. Of course small independent media should be exempt from this such that the only people involved in media are those who genuinely want to do investigative journalism and produce art.

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Couple of problems with your idea.

1] There are no federal libel laws upon which Trump can expand. Libel laws are a State thing and for Trump to interfere with State law would be a violation of the 9th and 10th Amendments.

2] Local jurisdictions determine the cost of filming. If you want to film in New Orleans, then you pay New Orleans prices - which, again, Trump cannot interfere with.

What you need to do is talk to your city council about making filming in your city cost prohibitive or create a local ordinance that prevents filming in your city at all. If enough cities do this, then it will be a huge hit to the Hollywood movie mill.

Trump can however impose federal taxes.

Pass the National Film rights act. Just say blah blah blah, if this film is featured or can be seen in any of the following townships,states,etc then the imposed tax is an 86% premium.

It's already done. You can't even film there anymore outside of a big studio lot without being over taxed. The city of LA is a nightmare that hollywood actively hides in order to create the mystique. Portions are being sold to Asia…

The best way to kill it is to make better entertainment. Which isn't hard. You just need to be incredibly self critical, empathetic to mass audiences, and thick skinned and not have to work for a living. Executives who run Hollywood only have one of those qualities.


This can be done as well. All it takes is a little discipline and the desire to make something. Film making used to be an art and it can be again.

They can just go off to some other country, or rely on CG, etc. The problem is they still exist and are profitable enough for them to continue pumping out grab age year after year. We need to eradicate them. A tax should be imposed on all their revenue such that their trash is unprofitable.

also when I say Hollywood I really mean all MSM including the likes of CNN and Buzzfeed.

Trump should force Hollywood kikes to pay Thomas Edison's family back for all the money they owe him in royalties for using his patented cameras.

Adjusted for inflation.

Plus interest.

Trump should shadow(or overtly) support a Hollywood boycott for his working/middle class white base.
He could literally financially ass-fuck Hollywood beyond repair.

I can't think of a single way I've provided funding to "Hollywood" in the last ten years. I suppose I pay a Comcast internet bill, but that's the only service provider in my area. I don't go to movies, or pay for movies, or Netflix. Shit. I pay an Amazon prime subscription…but if I didn't I'd get raped on shipping fees.

That's comforting I guess…but why not shove the shank deep in thier stomach and look in thier dark and empty eyes while they die?

Yeah me too. The cable shekels could be the next boycott after the Hollywood episode.

anything run by jews is a fucking anti white shit show.They need to be exterminated not relocated somewhere they can continue jewing THEY MUST DIE!!!

Why not just say that every time a Jew attacks Whites or Christians, Israel's aid money get's slashed by 6 million dollars?


If that's the case then the old shareholders of KODAK need reimbursed for the 2 billion in patent infringement that Apple and Google stole.

INB4 Muh flashpoint

What patents did they infringe?

How will opening up libel laws hurt normal people more?

Normies aren't so narcissistic that their every word and action is recorded and documented.

Did you miss the last Obama administration? Do you think Trump wont use Obama's dictatorial laws against his opponents, especialy in the media? Why do you think actors and kikewood executives are all shitting their pants and making anti-trump propaganda? They will be erased from the earth, trust me.

Low energy. President Trump needs to order the FBI to lock up Pedowood. Most of the government is corrupt, so Trump will have to create a special group like the Untouchables. America needs a new Elliot Ness. Storm Hollywood mansions with helicopters and armored trucks. Swat teams versus deranged Hollywood pedo cultists. It's going to be bloody and awesome.

Napster and Bittorrent have done more to outjew the jew since Jesus Christ.

I 'member!

The best way to achieve a KO on that would be to have it so courts don't accept an IP address as identifying or even as evidence. The EU is weirdly nearly there.


King Nigger set the stage beautifully for Trump.

King Nigger set the groundwork to do just that.

I also don't think people realize that 100% of what Trump campaigned on and promised is already 100% legal, on the books, and a large amount already ruled on by SCOTUS.

just prohibit media companies, and their parent companies, from holding contracts with the government.

Trump was the best option without a doubt however his kids fucking nasty jews is a problem.Tbh it is the only thing I have against him is not being a strong white man enough to verse his kids in why you should never fuck a jew and have kids with them