Christ Commies, here's a challenge. Try synthesizing Stirner with Christ. Since you've managed to do it with Marx, already, shouldn't be much more of a challenge to do em all, right?
Christ Commies, here's a challenge. Try synthesizing Stirner with Christ. Since you've managed to do it with Marx...
Stirner and buddhism works much better
Market-Anarcho-Christian-Egoist-Hoxhaism-Posadism is the one true ideology.
id prefer national nihilism with posadist-third worldist tendencies tbh
stirner shouldn't be synthesized with anything but memes because the only potential his thought has lies in making spooked Holla Forumsyps butthurt enough to temporarily question their ideologies, which opens upon a time window in which we can agitate them with actually relevant and applicable rhetoric to our cause.
i say this as an incredibly butthurt leninist who is flustered at the fact that most of Holla Forums's anarchists, including the platformist ancoms, seem to take to heart his at best post-left 'philosophy' riddled with anti-materialism, individualism and anti-communism without a hint of irony.
even if this is most likely a funposting thread i simply can't contain my butthurt at Holla Forums's general appreciation of stirner because i believe it to be profoundly anti-communist in a not even dogmatically marxist-leninist conception of how we should achieve communism, but anti-communist in general.
He fucked your mom and killed your dad before you could didn't he?
You say it like its a bad thing, stay perma butthurt faggot. Your idealogy is outdated and died since it voluntary reconized capitalism as a better system in 1991. So mutch for any branch of Leninism.
This is a meme Rebel made. Idk if it applies, or if it's true, but discus.
your flag fits you well, comrade.
I think there is potential. Let me try.
Christianity talks a good game about being nice and not murdering and stuff. But in the end it's about rejecting this world and preparing for the next. You help the poor, but the motivation is to get a seat at God's table, blatant self interest.
Just think of the binding of Isaac. Abraham would murder his son, just to not risk the wrath of the big guy, egoistic as fuck.
Christian stirnerites believe God is just, but only as a direct consequence of his omnipotence. Since property is a result of might, it follows that an almighty entity can rightly claim ownership of everything, including your ego.
You just have to believe that the holy ghost is not a spook.
this board has truly gone down the drain
Rene Berthier didn't explicitly make this argument, but I read in between the lines of his book on Proudhon that basically Stirner was repeating a lot of the same ideas that Hegel was, including about individualism. And he specifically claims that Stirner was only developing Hegel's idea of self-consciousness. And so Hegel in a way, not only influenced, but actually goes beyond Stirner's egoism since that was only a part of Hegel's project. And Hegel himself thought highly of Christianity and was a Christian himself.
Both are anti-life, so I'm sure you could easily fit the pieces together
Communist propaganda has nothing to do with original East Asian doctrines
idk fam you might have been saved from being aborted at one point
kys, Or just die from the waiting for the proletariat to rise up pure negation now.
Only thing worth valueing of marxism is the theory's of the SI.
i'd rather not, as i have set my mind on strengthening the emancipatory communist movement in whatever way i can.
i know my efforts will in one way or the other be relevant to the communist cause because the contradictions of capital and class society are unraveling at an increasingly rapid pace. as such, even if i myself will not live to see the workers of the world attempt revolution again, i will have been a net contributor to the coming insurrection in various ways,
you keep rocking that flag better and better, comrade. {*|:^)
How are the Nazi planets doing?
I don't think there are actually any christcommies on here. Maybe Rebel, but he's gone now.
It's not possible to synthesize Christ with Marx which is why I don't bother with it and just decided to have my own special snowflake religious utopian socialism.
Dont you marxists call everything you disagree with in your own theory revisionism? :^)
The Communist 'movement is allready a joke, what cha ganne do? Keep spliting up Trotskyist party's or sustain the dogma of ML party's or make internet video's with a cult of personality like Maoists or stay irrelevant stuck in the academia like any marxist theorist.
The soul doesn't enter the body until the baby is ready for birth. Before then, it is just a fetus.
wew those astral demon orgies must have had a lot of unintended consequences eh? :^)
I did good and have no regrets.
I support freedom of choice for ones body. This includes abortion
What if it's Satan's baby?
Trying very hard to justify your mass murder of pure innocent Aryan babies I see. :)
The anti-christ has already been born, so that sort of speculation is not needed
People who are unable to take care of babies should not be forced to have them just because of a mishap with sexual energy. That being said, if America turned into the 4th Reich overnight, I would temporarily ban abortions, but for the purpose of increasing the population and not for some Christian moralism. Once the white population is stable, then we can allow abortion.
That information has not been revealed to me at this time. Only the high priests and priestesses know, otherwise the Jewish controlled governments would stop at nothing to try to kill him.
What do you have to do to become a high priestess? Oh and is it true that you kidnapped a jewish boy a while ago?
It's called contraception SatanNazi, lrn2use it
The druids have informed me they will kill the child and your gods this Samhain. Prepare to see your world burn.
ayyy satan-tan
nice quads
You're back
that is the definition of revising marx, yes. it's not necessarily a bad thing at all. in fact, it is usually welcomed.
the most emancipatory movement in human history is a joke? i suppose when your ideology is ontologically the equivalence of a farce, calculated judgement is probably not within your ballpark.
no, i'll do what the communist movement always has done at its most fundamental: think.
the international communist movement's only been resting for at most, like, 20 or 25 years? the lower classes of the world have historically endured much more for much longer before finally gathering the courage and rhetoric to come to action and overthrow tyranny. the difference is not just there, but in the fact that we have available to us many resources with which to agitate, rationalize, etc. all the way up to act. all we need to do is rekindle the revolutionary flame that lies dormant in all workers of the world.
the fact that you would not only be inactive, but actively theorize against any real kind of change speaks volumes about your anti-communism. so please keep being the mindless contrarian you are, with quotes and depictions of stirner in jpeg form and all. quotes, because you in all likelihood know nothing more about the idealist than his quotes, and depictions because you are still mindlessly lost in the symbolic realm of signifiers (which also quite nicely attones for your true anti-materialist philosophy and ideology).
So mutch for the whole “The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it. Amiright. Stuck in the constant torture of theorisation of the practical, stuck in the bounds of marxism. We need an emancipatory movement to release people from the bounds of Marxism, it would be the most seriouse thing ever.
Its a fucking joke, any emancipatory movement can only exist if they have invented a concept of being bound to a something, its all upon the idealogical perspective if communism is the most emancipatory movement in human history. Christianity is most emancipatory movement in human history releasing us from the bounds of sin.
Bet you are proud at following an fixed idea and spreading it in its own rhealm. :^)
Good luck going past the spectacle shouting useless slogans and trying to appeal to the apolitical stuck in a dominant idealogy wich is moving more and mroe to populism where the general population and especially the working class would instantly become hostile at any of your methods of turning them to your idea of strugle to realize your idea. The proletariat are only utility to realize the idea of communism, the revolutionary agent to be used by those with great idea's of an society in their mind.
Wew, me stupid you smart. Your interpretation is the universal truth and if i do not reconize that then i am unman, the heretic, the unbeleaver. Soon to be purged by the masses who will make your fantasy existance as they will reconize you as the foundation of idea's to be applyd to the material world.
quads confirm
satanism BTFO
If not socialism/communism, what do you even want?
Pure Negation.
by attributing to this citation your own immutable and metaphysical (almost fixed, i might add) interpretation, you are effectively missing the whole point of any kind of revolutionary politics as well as the innate prerequisite of a rhetoric to a praxis. you, yourself, attribute the particular as independent of the universal and thus will never be able to link the concept of ethics to a universal onthology. this perfectly explans why the core of your 'egoism' is so hilarious idealist: by deluding your existence as separate, like and invididual to the collective, you in fact submit yourself fully to material and post-material forces to shape you. there is no self-interest for you, only the most pure form of ideology.
see, the nice thing about a philosophical theory like dialectical materialism (marxism) is that it compliments any and all developments by virtue of its root in matter and does so out of its own framework. this is why, even today, developments in marxist theory never cease to come. it naturally develops itself as history unravels. this is also why
is such a hopelessly uneducated statement that only further cements your views as idealist. you repeat the operation by calling marxism
for which many keks can and will be had.
you bring the wine to your bread in the same sentence, saint max.
i was not aware that christianity, as the outdated ruling material force (like any religion under a system that formally kills god) from the dustbin of history it is, had managed to not only spread to every corner of the world but still continues to evolve upon itself and out of itself even at the present.
the burning opiate's fumes are resembling a sort of ghost, max.
never shying away from a challenge, are we, mr. 'supreme self'?
if there is one thing you are, it is a coward. in face of a challenge to your ideology, the ego and the own it does have, seems to do nothing but hide behind the angst it structures to even consider itself itself.
Funny coming from a Materialist wich is a form of idealism.
Implyd that i want to be seperate from these elements with idealistic delusion. :^)
The most purest indeed!
Its just pure ironic that you dont realise what you yourself write down, I indeed as a person who doesnt follow your ideas am the bad man, the idealist! *rubs hands jewishly*
So mutch for that marxist bound intellect, you sure you dont need a emancipatory movement to liberate you?
tell me about your mother, meta-max. you may do so in your usual ironically distancing fashion, of course.
Tell me more about your fetishes in mental masturbation, do you enjoy the intellectual middle class better or the apolitical working class.
Did any of you read "Stirner's critics" by Stirner? He made it so clearly that he is no way against socialists, or anyone in general, but against sacred socialists or sacred whatever else. And as marxists, or anarchists, or materialists in general it's good to get rid of the sacred.
When will this meme die
Easy. Take on part sermon on the mount, one part ego and it's own, and one part das kapital and put it in a blender. From there you can consume your creation raw, add some secondary literature to taste, depending on your preferences, or turn it into a sauce to cover whatever trash you usually eat. Recommended secondary lit to add include acts of the apostles, revelations, any of your favorite patristics, Stirner's critics, the critique of Gotha program, grundrisse, or the popular communist manifesto. Whilst your making this meal, don't forget to have some fun with it, even experiment a little if you want.
Yeah I get the feeling that some of the annils only read the ego and it's own, or base their ideas off of other's interpretations. [spoiler]either that or they're deliberately shitposting after getting bored of explaining to people[spoiler]
I liked it when annils used to explain and talk about egoism more, rather than this slew of smugposting with no content.
This, sadly enought. I have given up on this place a long while ago after knowing most of the efforts to atleast educate folk here is useless while pure retardation is still rampant. This also combined with post left/insurrectionalist/an-nih literature wich is Verry anti communist and collectivist Was planning to make some infograph's for stirner explaining the dynamics of the fixed idea and a guide to secondary literature but leftypol stands for everything i disagree with so dont expect anything but shit.
Please do it user.
Maybe i am still busy with writing down advanched notes on my second reading. Its 18, 191 words right now and im at page 160 so i still have alot to go. Have been with it for like 2 months and i think i still need a month with it.
I hope you continue working on it, user.
The fuck do you mean "The" antichrist? If you actually picked up a bible and read it you would realize it says there are multiple antichrists.
1 John 2:18, NIV. “Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come.
Well Jesus does say edgy stuff sometimes, like when he said "I have come to set fire to the earth, and how I wish it were already scorched."
The Bible is a load of horseshit, so why should it matter to Satanism what it says?
If that many anti-christ have come already I'm sure they can't be that much of a threat.
stop tarnishing the memory of the SI, can't tell if you're a legitimate pessimist or a shitposter