Is there a more cancerous political cartoonist than Zyklon Ben?
Is there a more cancerous political cartoonist than Zyklon Ben?
Is this real?
Jesus fuck.
Red Panels.
No it's a 4chan pol edit
Horsey is much better
Top kek
the guy who does mallard filmore
Wait, he's unironically putting happy merchant in his cartoons after bitching about those edits?
No. The one I posted is a Holla Forums edit
Nice editing job
I didn't edit it, some stormfag did
LaTuff is best (albeit something of a single issue cartoonist)
I can't stand the style that most political cartoons are drawn in
Ironically low-effort.
Pic related. Same shit.
To be fair, it's an issue that needs the attention.
Why can't math/science/computer nerds have a fun comic that they enjoy?
Says a lot about a person when all they can do is criticize people who have actually created something good that people love.
I've seen so many edits and variants of Ben Garrison cartoons that I have no idea what his actual politics are.
kelly probably makes best political comics
Libertardian, not quite full ancap.
i agree
Why does he support Trump then? Trump is like a fascist Nazi
Is this guy a stormfag from Holla Forums? I only ask because he made a comic about sanic once
I legit cannot tell if this is ironic satire.
Kelly u cheeky bastard.
Its from the onion.
that's why its so good.
Kelly might just be one of the greatest political cartoonist of our era.
Jokes on you, my family is wealthy enough that my private college education was paid in full. I also had the luxury of turning down many jobs before choosing one that paid the most making me seem like the maximally productive member of society that the 'working class' on the right aspires to be.
kek, kelly is truly the best
His comics always show up in the Onion, I'm pretty sure that they're satire.
it imagines your ordinary political cartoons and satirizes that, if that overly exaggerated stereotype of millenial didnt give it away then the chubby freedom eagle and the hooker must have
Latuff can be full of shit sometimes. He glorifies Osama and the Taliban but supports the overthrow of ebil dictator Gaddafi.