Holla Forumsack here
As far as I can tell, the vast majority of you are Marxists/communists/whatever. However, few of you are the typical globalist lefties.
So, both Holla Forumss share common ground:
So tell me, why the disdain for Trump, the antithesis of the elitist system subjugating the people of the US? Even if S█████ was preferable, would not a vote for Trump at the very least express your dissatisfaction with the rigged "democratic" primaries? Also note that the media, the mouth of the elites, are constantly shilling anti-trump sentiments
Holla Forumsack here
Other urls found in this thread:
Explain what you think of "Global lefties"
If you mean "open borders muh puppy eye immigrants" then you are correct.
Just religion in general
There is no such thing, however a non modest lifestyle is associated with being bourgeoisie and exploitative. You cant be decadent without being exploitative, thus it is associated with the enemy.
Because he is a capitalist who is part of the "elite" as you call them. There is no difference between him and the next capitalist, there is no secret elite who is illuminati lizard people jews, its all just the capitalist system which produced the capitalists who's actions in their self interest in the system conjugate in the "bourgoiesie society" that works against the interests of the workers.
Its not some grand conspiracy, and trump won't fix it, he is a capitalist himself.
Also, don't even dare to bitch and moan about "muh evil muslims coming to muh country". You barely have any of them, your country fucked up the middle east and now we here in europe get fucked over by it.
If you believe this then why are you not disgusted by Trump? He is one of the most obscene, decadent people in existence.
he is just a fuckin clown, as any politician, S█████ not exception
all this voting circus is pathetic
it's like Roman Empire all over again
only modern lumpens "work" in service sector and circus is about debates between professional clowns
A da prestanes da serendas?
All-encompassing term, yes. Everyone is something or whatever.
There is a difference between globalism (cosmopolitanism) and internationalism.
Like Trump and Hillary. They are called Capitalists.
Compared to what? Islam is not that different from American Way bullshit.
No. Fuck, no. What gave you that idea? That's retarded.
I can suffer through the lack of luxury lifestyle for acceptable reasons, but would never consider it a virtue.
Because "elites that subvert nations/workers to exert control/increase profits".
Because he is one of those who are importing "Islamic ideology".
Because he wants modest lifestyle for everyone, except himself.
Because he is the embodiment of this globalism.
Are fucking high? Trump?
He was not. He always was SocDem scum.
Just say "No".
Hillary 2016.
Trump thinks climate change is a "hoax by the Chinese"
Hillary wants half a billion solar panels by the end of her first term.
Is this The Shilling we've been promised?
It is weak.
Enjoy trying to build communism with a destroyed planet.
The situation is dire and needs investment ASAP. Not voting Hillary is a vote for permanently destroying the Earth
Sure you can. I'm after full luxury communism, user. I want to eat and drink fine foods everyday while enjoying life. Fuck your 'modest' lifestyle. If you want that, then good for you.
OP, I am against trump same as any bourgeois politician, but mainly because he is a massive global capitalist who wishes to control politics to ensure things go in his personal interests. He also believes in ridiculous spooks like nation, race, and religion, and tells lies about banning Islam and building walls to drum up support from idiot Americans who think he's going to do that. I have no support for Hillary, and whilr I can at least see people liking B████ ██████ is better than the alternative, I'm not a 'socdem' lite either.
OP, you should ditch your beliefs based on childish feels, and turn to what's best for you: owning the means of your production, rather than follow the limitations the globalist elites train you in to keep you a docile worker earning them money.
Trump does nothing to answer the questions over the growing class divide, he will do nothing about low corporate taxes in america, he will do nothing about the wage stagnation going on in america; nor the student loan crisis.
but debord those fuggen burrito's :–DDDDD
Don't fall for that lie user. No, not the lie that global warming is real, the lie that settling for capitalism is something you need to do or else the real baddies will win.
They rely on you on believing they are good, but putting up with them over the alternative.
Don't accept it. Be a communist.
Did you fall asleep during your training, shill?
I take candidate's positions seriously.
Trump says that climate change is a hoax. Hillary says it isn't and wants to combat it.
I've already got banned here for eco-revisionism once.
Are you setting me up for another go?
Also, this.
By voting for someone who is a full on hypocrite?
Hilary talks about peace ans fairness, yet at the same time orders bombing on the middle east and is buddy buddy with the capitalist.
You go vote for "lesser evil", meanwhile anyone with half a brain knows there is no difference in voting. Trump won't do shit for america, and hiliary wont either, because she will not keep any of her promises.
guessing that means you agree with trump
Obama set a framework to combat climate change, do you really think it's that much of a stretch that Hillary will continue the trend?
Nationalism is only acceptable as a reaction to imperialism. Otherwise, we're internationalists.
Get fucked.
Proceed to /marx/ and read there what I mean. I will explain fully (given time) everything.
He. Did. Not.
Hiary is not going to stop capitalism from destroying the environment. Hillary is a capitalist apologist who will use her power to allow things to get worse. We have been settling for capitalism for a long time now, and we are not getting closer to actually stopping the environment from being abused.
ofc he does, he put the blame on immigrants and minorities.
its been literally thousands of times before him in various cultures.
when shit gets rough, they always go after some minority and blame them for everything.
it always work because stupid people are a constant in human history.
you'll always find them, no matter where you go
Why not when multinationals are selling out my nations future?
The same will happen if you are a protectionist capitalist country.
Socialism one country at a time is much more likely than global revolution.
You know, listening to the logic behind the pro-Trump rhetoric, why am I reminded of the story of the emperor who has no clothes?
You can still create socialism in your country without not working together to create global revolution. After all, the capitalists will try to stop you. A dead enemy cant hurt you.
that's why I said that in the end of my post, that does nothing though to remedy the actual problem, it's just a scapegoat.
NatSoc/NazBol are not inherently hostile to other nations. If one actually wants to socialism, focusing on their own country seems like the best way to do it.
are you Indian btw ?
ethnic based ideologies always end up imperialist.
they don't even consider other as humans, why would they care about their rights ?
ofc, Nazi always start with just one country
They're trying soooo hard. It's kinda cute.
Yes, I can totally see why Trump is not the embodiment of fascism.
he's gonna make america great again though.
Because he isn't even remotely close to this, but you have all convinced yourselves otherwise because you are retarded newfags that will believe anything if it's memed enough.
I had a look at your post on /marx/. It's interesting stuff. I'm certainly interested in an alternative left-wing perspective to mainstream environmentalism. There's something iffy about how successful the narrative is.
Trump isn't a solution, he's just a loud-mouthed distraction whose presidency would do little to fight neoliberalism and a lot to harm the working class
Really dude? After 8 years of Dubya and another 8 of Oboner? You sound either young, new or strawman-y.
The type of protectionism Trump is advocating first and foremost would just help boost the domestic elite against their international competition without having any real positive effect for most of the population who would have to deal with a general inflation of living costs.
You would need real radical financial reforms to change the fact that the most profitable return on investment is short term capital-gains from inflating stock and real-estate prices [which Trump profits from]… any money that is going to flow into the economy from tackling the corporate inversion issue or tax cuts on the rich won't go towards actual physical fixed-capital formation but would will just flow into financial markets.
Anyone that's not calling for a full financial reform won't really accomplish anything since it won't change the general structure of the economy.
Holla Forums actually believes trump cares about anyone but himself, can you believe this?
Wow that entire post was bad I'm impressed
Are you new?
Stranger has happened, 2000 is an example of that.
Proletarian internationalism isn't globalism but anything that isn't ethnic nationalism is globalism to you.
Except you love this.
Trump says he would roll back NAFTA but I don't think a million years he actually means it. If he gets elected I think building the wall is more probable than that.
The real question is why are Holla Forums such Trumpcucks?
There is literally no one alive who more epitomizes the globalist, elitist, Muslim and Jew cuddling, godless establishment than Trump.
This might sound a bit sjwish but i really think they just want a hyper masculine daddy figure to worship.
he is playing chess in 6D xDDDDD you just don't get it xDDD
Not far from the truth, fascism has long made use of a central figure (a father) that has to be propped up to maintain itself.
The majority of Holla Forums is just trying to be contrarian and Trump is the contrarian candidate. He's basically a walking talking nigger joke.
A significant minority of the posters on Holla Forums are from Stormfront though, and they are the ones guiding the discussion. Those types are pro-Trump because they see him blowing open the Overton Window, increasing the possibility that their views would have a chance at succeeding. So while they acknowledge that Trump has Jewish in laws and acts like a Jew, the next guy will be a real white supremacist. Socialists gave a similar reason for supporting B████.
We dont need a fucking framework. We need like a billion solar panels and wind turbines FUCKING NOW.
assuming you're not limiting their intentions to thinking some individual will replace trump but be an actual fascists, is that really what they thought socialists were doing with bonzie? because that's much too simplified. the marginal support socialists gave to B████ was for him to mainly open up dialogue and force all politics towards the left with his rhetoric. the left doesn't, unlike i believe the right does, rely on some figure to arise to come into action. the idea is now to use the agitated voter base bernardo created as leverage to form something at least a little more radical, then when that inevitably fails make it ever more radical until we have a movement of genuinely class conscious individuals that have slowly slipped into the mainstream debate. we can already see this happening, as ex-biscuiters rally around jill stein, who was forced to formally make the greens anti-capitalist to even be attractive, as well as the so-called 'political revolution' movement. this is all gaining heavy momentum and will some day find itself further than slightly less right of center than the rest, but legitimately to the left. i am myself performing this same operation on a small scale with one of the larger regional social democrat parties here in france, and it is effective.
Solar panels are terrible for the environment and are unreliable without better batteries, and wind power cannot power the world.
The only reason we don't use nuclear is because its "too expensive" and woo woo hippie shit. France gets 75% of its energy from nuclear. Instead all we get is dumbass liberals saying we should power things with their scifi fantasies while Germany plans on getting rid on nuclear and China building a handful of reactors is seen as a terrible thing.
That was basically the Labour Party's plan in the UK, and (from what I know) the Socialist Party's plan for France, and look how that turned out.
in fear of coming across as ridiculous, those parties themselves were never going to be serious about actually moving things leftwards. most crucially, the objective they define as 'socialism' more or less encompasses a reforming of the capitalist system to be more 'progressive', 'social' and 'fair'. this is not only different from the agitating goals of actual socialists, but more importantly what is happening now with those who previously supported sunday is that they themselves, and not the parties, are forming rather legitimate grassroots movements that work towards things autonomously. this is, as you yourself said different from what either labour in the UK or the PS in france did as parties.
can on a certain level, assuming you are talking about the corbynite wing, be considered legitimately socialist by virtue of the fact that corbyn has formally come out with motivations to stimulate the creation of and turning public sector bodies into cooperative enterprises. corbyn is still going strong, but who knows if we will see any of this come to fruition in the future with how the red tories are playing.
Literally, how?
He's for supply side economics, he wants to repeal the estate tax, and he's willing to plunder other lands for oil.
Sometimes I wonder if you guys aren't actually shills akin to CTR, but for Trump.
Everything you say sounds like it comes from a script.
Wew Lad
>le 12D Energy Damage Chess meem
I also am sick of that meme, it's basically a way of trying to look clever while basically saying 'I have no idea wtf he's doing and yes it makes dickshit for sense, but he is teh smrt so Im sure he knows what hes doing lol just trust him lolol'