Oy vey stop having kids


Other urls found in this thread:


Northern europeans have been infected with this garbage more than most i've noticed. Antinatalism comes naturally to the pessimistic northern soul. They think not having kids is stoic and striving for a higher ideal; we merely need to convince them that having euro kids and defending western civ is the real higher ideal.

are you fucking retarded? the video said no such thing… rather, it was about the patterns of human population

No shit. Read the response by .
Do you not think this shit is being foisted unto us as a means to guilt trip Europeans/whites to stop reproducing. By the way, the uploader is pro-mass immigration and pro-globalism.

Well… here in the USA we have a TPT for this one. Fucketh thy neighbor's needy wife. trailer park tradition

Did you watch your own video?
The shitty non-whites breed like insects, doesn't mean we should too. Just means we need to cull them.

It's weird how the "population bomb" doomers believe in global overpopulation, but not regional overpopulation, i.e. "Maybe we should stop cramming millions more poor people into California."

I don't want whites to breed like insects. I just want them to breed, period. Which a lot of us aren't, in part because of propaganda videos like this.

They are. Seems you aren't though.
Every baby born reduces your freedom. One or two kids is all you need. As for the non-white breeding rates, just cull them. Or keep them out.

Nuke Africa, overpopulation solved.

And today they announced a vaccine for Ebola. archive.is/AoG23
RIP Ebola-chan.

You are as retarded as OP.

The TL;DR version is that: naturally, you have many children because many are dying. Betterment in conditions allows for an explosion boom (you continue having many children without the high mortality). Eventually, you start having less children.

Social mechanism CAN parallel this mechanic. But the outcome is the same.

Infectious diseases are made weekly in Africa, no need to be concerned, another disease-chan will take her place soon, problem is we keep saving them from killing themselves, we're fighting nature's attempt to rid itself of a tumor

I'm not yet breeding because I'm not yet in the right financial state to do so. You can bet it's in my plans. The problem is the anti-natalist culture surrounding the West. You can say I am over-reacting, perhaps I am, but such a culture is both present and dangerous.

So meme a new strain?

He provided data, you're just providing your own delusions as though it mattered. It's human garbage like you who have downgraded Holla Forums.


Which is why they have so many children in the first place… it's like you want everyone to be having a ton of babies while living in pestilence.

I could get behind that.

You do realise that (((Isaac Asimov))) would call us the ignorant right?

By the time you think you're in the right financial state, your nigger neighbors will have 10 kids each.

Breed, White man. The details will work themselves out.

they're never not going to be living in pestilence, they are an archaic hominid that never was allowed to go extinct because of western aid

Did you actually watch the video?

Videos like this absolutely are propaganda. No matter how correct the data or statistics may be, the point is the entire burden always falls on the white man and never anyone else because of course they have no agency. If combating nihilism and anti-natalism makes me anti-intellectual, and I am proud to be """anti-intellectual""".

Unlike my nigger neighbors, I don't have gibs-me-dat to sustain my existence and I cannot just breed whenever I so desire.

Not me, I read physics and mathematics research papers daily. I'm even working on a real-/m/echa light novel with Holla Forums undertones.

I can discern "Holla Forums"-science and real objections to current scientific arguments. Just because you get your "science" from strangers online, doesn't mean we all do. It's HARD, but it can also be fun (interesting).

No, too much beautiful landscape. Send in the troops and nuke China and India. Especially China.

*then I am proud to be """anti-intellectual""".

bad goy reporting in with 3 white kids, 2 of whom are boys. I've done my part Holla Forums, though I realize having 3 white kids these days is a literal shoah

Luckily, the only people who fall for this shit are leftists and cucks who shouldn't be having kids anyway.

Holy shit, that was some feminist-tier retardation.

I read the rest of your post, and it only got worse:
No where in the video was it even insinuated where the burden of advancement went. Yes, the video can be construed to mean "if we help them, they'll make less children quicker" but you can also make the point of "we should let them advance as fast as they have been doing"

look at the previous paragraph

This video DESCRIBED how poor people have more children.

Traitors to humanity, whether up in some glass tower or in the mud near their trailer, should be hanged.

No, they took data, and then interpreted it however the fuck they wanted afterwards, stating a thesis without proving it.
Also the theory is easily debunked, since niggers, sandniggers and beaners still get 3-5 kids, even when they live in wealthy first world countries, so if the "stages of civilization" are the whole causation and equally affects everyone, wouldn't niggers etc also only have 1-2 kids like white people? Since that's not the case, their theory for causation of having less kids is wrong.

Here, i will also make a thesis in the same way they do.
Now i state that getting less kids is corelated with Coca colas growth, so we should fucking abolish Coca cola because it makes White people die out. But in the end, my theory makes the same amount of sense as theirs. None.

You don't need it. I don't have gibs either, but I have kids. Exactly what is the magic income number you think you need to have a kid? 15k? 25k? 100k?

Look at the comment section!

I'm 26 and even though I plan on having many children, each one of them will have a good standing economically.

I plan on getting impregnable young women from overseas. Raise them if I have to, and then raising a family.

this is the fifth thread in 2 days with fewer than 50 replies we made about this movie and we are becoming increasingly efficient at it

so how much is the bill and melinda gates foundation paying you to shill this propaganda work

to recap the earlier points made against the video: the image used at 1:29 is a total lie, there are only a handfull of countries in the world that have stable population as depicted in the 4th phase if you exclude immigration
what the video fails to show is stage 5: depopulation as fewer people have children
interestingly if we divide a countries population according to religion and political views, we see in th west that both very religious and selfdescribed rightwing people have more children while the suicidal death cult of liberalism is dying out

who would have thought, darwinian pressures work on a population, only does who like/want to breed do so and pass on this trait to their offspring

Can't see the forest for the trees, can you dumbass?

the fuck

nice pasta

If you watched the whole video, it does no such thing. It doesn't guilt white people into having less kids in any way, shape or form. It brings up a pattern we've seen in human civilization where as infant mortality drops we move, on average, from r-type to K-type reproductive selection. This much is actually true, and noncontroversial.

The part that's fucked up is near the end when the narrator basically says, "If you don't like brown people coming to your countries raping and pillaging, you should spend all your time and resources making their countries better so they stay and eventually reach that same level of infant mortality and K-selection." It's fucked up because, like all leftist propaganda, it presupposes all human genetic groups are behaviorally identical, and completely denies the truth of human biodiversity.

So you want to raise spoiled little brats who have no idea what it means to work because you'll have enough money that they don't have to. I see.

Yeah … I take it back. Cut your balls off. Never breed.

where in the video did they even said that?

stop projecting you dumb burger

I'm South American
It's not the video itself but more of a cultural feeling I've noticed when it comes to this topic.

I actually like how you're redpilled about raising children. To answer your question, no. There is this saying (I think in Mexico),that says "You need to raise your children with a bit of cold and a bit of hunger."

To elaborate, their financial standing is just a net so that they never have to pass through poverty. Furthermore, any sort of "spoiling" will be in the educational sense. Of course, even that will be a bit restricted so that they can develop a very important skill in science: work with what you have.

Sorry, but I need many children so I can disown any retard that becomes "empowered".

If you watch the whole video, it's NOT about a problem… rather, how there isn't a problem to begin with.

TD;DR: the video DESCRIBES population growth

I just said I'm not talking about the video you stupid nigger.

Oh, it's you Common Filth.

How is explaining something part of a bigger plot?

"""I can explain the mechanism of drowning to a bunch of white kids, doesn't mean I'm a jew trying to get them to drown!"""


Have fun getting "your" children from a used up slut

I just told you I'm South American, I'm not even white myself.

This is literally not an argument.
I am starting to think you might literally autistic. I'll make this simple for you: the uploader is openly pro-mass immigration and pro-globalism. Aforementioned uploader produces a video discussing overpopulation. What solution do you think this uploader, who is pro-mass immigration and pro-globalism, is going to present?

I agree, these (((intellectuals))) are traitors and deserve to be hanged. The true intellectuals who aid humanity will be saved. I have not anywhere in this thread condemned intellectualism, I condemn nihilism and the supposed (((intellectuals))) who promote it. Notice how I put """anti-intellectual""" in excessive quotation marks, you fucking autist.

People like you is why the rural birthrates of Mexico and the US are the same… The time will come where masses of poor people will be rounded up and genocided.

There is nothing wrong with having a child as soon as possible, but learn self control. Rather than to "wait" for the right moment to have a ton of babies, have a baby as soon as you know you can take care of him/her.

go to ukraine, save the white race too

No, you need at least 3 to account for the ones who do not or cannot have children. If you want to make it easier, then put more distance between the kids. That way older kids can help with the younger ones. There are also benefits to having lots of children if you can manage a family business. In western countries a white person makes around $1.5 million over their lifetime.

If anyone's the shill, it's .

I just realised I've been getting trolled

I know at least thirty people of my own age group and close ones who have decided to abstain from having children. It's a kind of slap in the face of not only my country, nation, our people's continuity but also a very big slap on those who would gladly have children but can't due to other reasons.

It's all fubar here in Spurdoland.

There is no problem to which a solution is needed. The point of the video was that overpopulation IS A MYTH! That's what the video was about.

Furthermore, being pro-mass immigration and pro-globalism means nothing. Everyone is those things unless you're a luddite. Everyone wants to eventually be able to move, naturally there is little passion for restrictions. As for globalism? you better go back in time an ensure humanity doesn't go to space nor creates the internet.

Hmm, so a video discussing the dangers of overpopulation is also guilting whites into accepting mass hoardes into their countries? That's curious, very curious.

Are you a fucking retard, it's literally in the first minute or so.

He says something like "we've been told we're all going to be packed together with crime and disease… blah blah"
But then questions if there is any truth to that, and the answer is no. Then he explains on the video how birthrates have being decreasing.

what video? the video that OP posted is about there not being an actual danger of overpopulation

that's not what the video was about, you mongoloid


Stop feeding and immunizing third world. Allow death to take its course.

Problem solved.

Finally, someone else who watched the video.

Oh my god, how am I the one downgrading Holla Forums?
I should've seen this sooner, you're a D&C faggot troll from Holla Forums. Fuck off back to that shit board, faggot.

Asimov saw the bullshit of judaism and became an atheist at a rather young age, if you read the Foundation series then you would know that he was pretty redpilled.

That's exactly how birthrates explode.

Botspam and cuckolds.
Welcome to the Current Year.

Everything about you screams Jewish subversive.

Seriously, what the fuck? Will these freaks ever shut up?

well… I did come from it… kind of…

You deserve it because you avatarfag with some kid blogger and her bird.

You are a kike shill from Holla Forums, and that photo means nothing to me.


never once in the video does the narrator say or even imply anything like "don't have children."
point out a single example and i'll eat my words.

there are legitimate criticisms over the content of the video, but armchair retards like

couldn't possibly be arsed to think about them

Quite the opposite - that's how populations implode.

These Third World nations have been functioning along a cycle, which the First World – namely the West – has sought, driven by pathologic altruism, to try and circumvent.

High birth rate eventually leads to massive die-off, and the population must replenish itself. We stepped in at that point, and don't let the die-off happen, so the numbers simply keep building, spilling out of the bounds of the lands of these mongrels and, again thanks to pathologic altruism, into our lands.

There's really no hazard to an explosion of birth in the wake of disease wiping out huge segments of the population - they've been doing it for thousands of years. All that changed was us.

Jesus Christ, at least learn english properly you fucking kike faggot.

I'm not the one avatarfagging, must be one of the others.

Show me the fucking link where you go this? All sources point to different world population having less children!

The graphs I've seen all show a smooth progression to lesser birthrates… I compared the US's birthrates to the ones from random African countries.

Must be nice sipping wine while playing smug in a thread. Regarding your objection, do you mean the notion that helping nations progress will open a plethora of benefits? OR are you less optimistic about the way the video treats jobs?

The conclusions are implicit, that's the whole point. There's no way they could explicitly state in the video "don't have children" but what do you think the lefty organization who produced the video are thinking? I somehow doubt it will be something that's in the interests of white/European nations.

Funny, it's pretty much the same armchair retard throughout the thread; he's a kike shill in fact.

Everytime they mention overpopulation but fail to mention niggers, spics, and mudslimes, it's safe to assume it's propaganda against whites.

at which point does it say that the 3rd world should have as many babies as they want?

at this point the world isn't overpopulated by europeans. You just have to keep repeating that. Overpopulation is being driven by the 3rd world and if everyone had Western-style birth rates, then everything would be fine, most likely.

Then you take them to step two, which is: hey there momma, you're tall and blonde let's pop out a legion of hitler youth

It is not the white/Western nations who are causing overpopulation, at all whatsoever. This fact is always conveniently omitted in videos like this, however.

the implication I got from the video is that african nations -who have never and will never have a stable State- will also stop over populating themselves if Western States to continue to fund them with medicine, food and infrastructure. Even if this implication is true (in it's assertion, not in its existence) it is still undesirable, as african shitholes will still grown in population before settling. By the time they settle, there will be ~2 billion undesirables occupying the largest swath of valuable land in the world.

the idea that "whites should not reproduce" is no where to be seen in this video, as far as i can tell. it posits -correctly or incorrectly- that stable States tend to have shrinking birthrates as they become successful. the video posits that this is true for both whites and non-whites. No where does it suggest that having few children is desirable or fashionable.

There are myriad sources that point to this, look it up yourself.
All sources point to one conclusion? Seems unlikely famalam.
Also, LEARN. FUCKING. ENGLISH. Its obviously not your first language, and you're rather shit at it.

Oh have you now?
Present your comparisons, and the sources from when they were drawn.

See, problem is, you have a very limited context to work with – I rather doubt you've got access to accurate data on African birthrates from, say, 1700, let alone 1100, and we're talking about a cycle that could easily have a century or more to its course.
I can easily find data going back to, say, 1950, but a 50-year sample does not a quality data set make in contexts such as these.

What conclusions? Have you watched the video? There is NO overpopulation, that was the point of the video. It explained the birthrates of populations.

By your logic, white people shouldn't study anything related to death, because they might just try it.

"Remember, video games cause crime and misogyny :^)" _ 3cf425






I would disagree.
As the other user stated, the conclusions are implicit.

Namely, the implication that development equates to 'progress' in this capacity.
They equate the conditions of the "emancipation" of women to represent a form of social "progress" borne of technological progress, yet there is nothing to suggest women entering acquiring suffrage does represent any sort of social advancement of any sort, and does its best to avoid notation of the associative traits in concert between women's "liberation" and a decline in birthrates.

Long story short, the implied conclusion is that this process is merely something that comes with "progress", that as technology advances people simply stop having large families because they no longer "need to", while totally ignoring all the secondary and inorganic efforts which have occurred to further and exacerbate this matter.
Fact is, people didn't have large families because they 'needed to because many of the children would die', necessarily, but because that was the way of our people, and most people – and with this technological progress came the capacity to push narratives at the global scale, which was done, and which is now covered for (in propaganda pieces like this one) by claim that it was simply an organic "social advancement" derivative from technological advancement, which is false.

There is no overpopulation was the point of the video… Problem is, there IS overpopulation.

The video makes the assumption that non-Whites will and can and do follow the same patterns as Whites, and theres much reason to suggest otherwise.

As this user, rather alarmedly, points out, its intent is not to espouse support for the notion that overpopulation isn't real and thus we should not worry about such things in our reproduction, but to lull concerns over the matter on behalf of Whites – essentially, its saying, "Oh, that huge swarm of non-Whites growing ever larger, by allowance of your constant influx of resources into those lands? Oh, don't worry about them, they'll just level out eventually – so don't you worry about increasing your numbers!".

Overpopulation IS real, because Whites and non-Whites DO NOT follow the same patterns in this context, and so Whites SHOULD be concerned over their population figures dwindling while non-White population figures soar (at the expense of Whites in the form of resources expended to stave off massive die-off from disease and starvation).
This shit is designed to mollify those who are concerned over the population in the context of the well-being of Whites.
The core message is basically:

Interesting they chose that terminology too – acts as nice camouflage for an attack against the changing demographics of the nation.

Finally, someone who articulates perfectly the danger posed by videos like these. I have spent this entire thread trying to drill this into the shills' thick skulls.

Some of the left has already created an excuse

Now, they provide no sources and are already wrong considering Europeans make up more like ~13% of the world population but still, that's how they claim overpopulation from turd-worlders is okay and it's really just whitey's fault again.

Between 1960 and 2015

First part is North America so that we can establish context: I picked Canada, US, Mexico, Salvador, and Belize.

Now, using information from the video, I'll try to explain their birthrates.
We'll use them as our "median"

Notice their final "average" is close to the group above. Looking at their progress, we can have an idea how their development created that.

I actually went out of my way to pick this one for 2 reasons: The country has gone through economic changes (as seen in the bumps) and currently is a magnet to many companies. When people think about outsourcing, we got infected by retards that claim it's Mexico, but great amounts of service jobs have been going to Belize.

I worked in a company that was doing just that. Not only is that untaxable, but you have a native population that speaks English well, considering many key personnel are going there to live.

> next part: the old world

Quite. To clarify:

> As this user, rather alarmedly, points out, its intent is not to espouse support for the notion that overpopulation isn't real and thus we should not worry about such things in our reproduction (ie, its intent is not to suggest we ought reproduce without concern of our contribution to over-population, as is particularly common of liberal SWPLs), but to lull concerns over the matter on behalf of Whites – essentially, its saying, "Oh, that huge swarm of non-Whites growing ever larger, by allowance of your constant influx of resources into those lands? Oh, don't worry about them, they'll just level out eventually – so don't you worry about increasing your numbers! This is all part of progress! Those other people will stop having so many children eventually too, they won't stampede into your lands, they won't bring war upon you, so you need not worry about reproduction!."
Basically, this is designed to be a pat on the back for those liberal SWPLs who seek not to reproduce or to do so in small measure, and a means of convincing them that its acceptable to be in this stance (because those people who are talking about a population influx in the Third World? They just don't understand "progress").

forgot pic


that's the most bluepilled post I've seen, the video went over that and I posted evidence in the bottom

Probably because niggers are shit at resource management in general and just fuck themselves over forever. Example is that we keep trying to build farms for them and they keep ripping them apart to sell the parts.

go back to wherever you came from

You are a troll. I am done replying to your shit posts, kike.
>>>Holla Forums

Sorry, I was hungry and for some reason I thought it was the double ones

Wuh wuh wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh

Still waiting for you to cite… Well, anything, besides this shitty propaganda video made by a German SWPL cuck.
> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Roser

dont get rekt

have a bunch of babby when can't afford, babby grows up in shit neighborhood going to shit school hanging with shit peers.
user plz, its almost like you want us to create a bunch of coalburners and whiggers.
quality over quantity. one quality white babby can overcome 5 shit skins.


He is a Holla Forums kike troll, just report him and move on.

the comment section is pure cancer, it reads like a group of 10 year olds

They're far more likely to just starve to death. Either way, it's no great loss.

I got banned for trolling Holla Forums, don't get SJW just because you got called on your bluepills

You write like a goon, so I rather doubt that's the most bluepilled thing you've ever seen.

The video went over nothing, it just spewed bullshit, and the bullshit is spewed is based on a German SWPL cuck's claims as regards XYZ.

Also, did a quick scan-through of your posts: You haven't posted evidence of fucking anything, you scab.

Yeah, I've gotten a few proxies banned from that shitbox too, doesn't mean a fucking thing, faggot.

Wow, cool story bro.
How about the data that goes past 1960?
Where's that?
Oh, you don't have any?
Neato sport.

user, that's mean… kek'd

see this

No, it couldn't be… Are YOU the German cuck SWPL?
Is that you Max?

I'm sorry, but were we making reliable world data before 1960?

Also, what do you expect to see before 1960, aliens?
SPOILER: The population was lower, birthrates were higher, and mortality was higher.

Report this thread because we already had a thread on this video, because OP has low comprehension, because it's been shilled to death by 3cf425

Report 3cf425 because faggots with an overinflated sense of self worth and who vastly overestimate their intelligence and who use Holla Forums to satisfy their need for social interaction and self importance by hyperbumping threads are literally the worst


It's funny how people like me and Trump get human garbage like you to become terrified of how knowledgeable we are.

You have to go back.

…. That… That was my point. Top Kek.

When you're examining a phenomenon which developed over thousands of years and which may take centuries to function in the context in question, I'd say that data would be quite valuable.

You're basically making a judgement as to social function based on a tiny snapshot, while assuming you've got a firm grip on the matter.
You lack the capacity to think 4th dimensionally, it would appear, a common trait of liberal-progressive SWPLs, along with an inability to process proportionality.

SPOILER: You lost track of the conversation, or else are trying to veer it off course - the whole reason you started into your sad, defensive little argument was that I suggested the process experienced by non-Whites is one of growth followed by overpopulation leading to decline and back to growth, and that Western society has altered this cycle by largely-preventing the massive die-offs which the decline espouses, the entire process of that 'cycle' potentially taking upwards of a century… To which you responded with "But check out this data from the last 60 years!". I can pull data with similar time-frame limitations which shows global warming AND global cooling are both happening at the same time, which is similarly demonstrable of the flaw in your approach.

Well, it Trump starts pushing propaganda pieces by liberal German cuckolds, I guess we'll have to take another look at him, eh?

Sage for dead thread.

nice dubs

I don't see Sage the bird on your post :(

Trump is one of the smartest white people (and therefore the planet).

Whatever he starts pushing, I will trust him more than most people who are intellectually inferior (not heir fault, it's just good genes) to him… which would include most of Holla Forums.

Can most of Holla Forums play 4D chess? No, only few of us can. Which is why if he starts doing something that is anti/pol/, then it means he has information that we don't.

giving some more serious thought to this. I concede

for the most part: ignore

We are talking about the vídeo not the uploader motherfucker

The part that's fucked up is near the end when the narrator basically says, "If you don't like brown people coming to your countries raping and pillaging, you should spend all your time and resources making their countries better so they stay and eventually reach that same level of infant mortality and K-selection."
This is a hard strawman, it did't said that you should help those people, it simply said that the berter the people ON the other side oficina the world the better you are going are going to be

It's not false at all, though. That's what democracy means.

Also if you cram everyone in the world into Australia each person would have about 150' X 150' to stand in… more than enough room for kids to play a game of touch tag.
Just think of how much empty space there would be left over.
As far as muh precious resources the whole world is retarded when it comes to that FFS every year a new iPhone comes out or some shit that everyone has to have and ditch their old one just to keep the jew modeled business cycle moving along tickey boo.

I've actually watched the video and there's nothing of this sort in there.
He's arguing for giving niggers and chinks technology and modern liberal governments so they start reproducing less.

Wow, a bunch of shitty savannahs that are either too dry for crops or too rainy for crops and are completely full of man-eating beasts and horrific diseases. Such beautiful landscape.


Then don't complain, cunts.


Ukrainian women are top tier though.
And it's pretty cheap these days with the war going on.

The creator of the video is a pretty important detail to take into account, wouldn't you say dipshit? Get fucked.

Kennedi Cotarelo is your ex? want her to get doxed?

telegony is real

Chinks already have it under control. They even ended the one-child policy not too long ago.
As for niggers, the more PC solution would be to offer booze for sterilization, but liberals wouldn't accept it.
Decades ago there was an experiment with mice where they were given unlimited food. But the space they had wasn't unlimited. In a few generations the mice turned what could be an utopia into a hellhole. It's the same with niggers. You can give them resources, but you can't change the fact they're beasts.

You do know kennedi is a leftist, so are you from Holla Forums or were you cucked?

oh no nevermind she just looks like my ex false alarm.

I can still dox your ex, for free



That user is correct though, my hue-friend. You don't have to be white to help save the white race. You can literally become a non-parenthetical Greatest Ally, and ride the updraft to spoils, noble humility, whatever you wish. The war in Ukraine is bad, bad enough to where reaching out to similar minded individuals, foreign or no, is tantamount to success, but it's not the only front.
Either way, do yourself a favor, move to a white country, try your very best to blend in, and adopt/push the culture and values, and I guarantee that it'll make you happier. The troll tells the truth sometimes.

You are the same user with a different IP. Reported.

This guy gets it

let's purge.

all good mate thanks though

no, I'm playing ygo in DevPro… why is Holla Forums slow today?

Who? What ID? I got to about that post I replied to, and didn't finish the thread just yet.
Reported for abusing the report button. In the future don't announce you've reported a post.

Sure friendo


They're right the world is overpopulated with Chinks and Street Shitters.


Why do they tell whites this? Whites aren't overpopulating anything.


Not even all Latin America is making this much kids anymore and the one child policy at China is actually working, you know who is literally shitting kids up the ass? Africans on Africa!, in the past they used to die very young and they still do, but now they live for much longer and birth deaths have been reduced a lot to.

Yeah well I blame Holla Forums, instead of making a new shitskin targeting virus, how many of you are just sitting on your ass doing nothing instead?
It's not about who is more popular and the media. It's not about who is elected or who makes the law. It's not even about the economy and who owns everything. No. You can dodge law enforcement. You can dodge taxes. You can have your own beliefs and opinions. You can produce your own things and avoid all of economy all together.

It's all about science. Who ever has more of it, rules. Youtube videos do not matter. Politicians do not matter. What is popular culture does not matter. Who has more money does not matter. What masses think does not matter. Nothing of that shit matters.

Holla Forums needs to set up a lab somewhere in the mountains and from there release viruses. One professor type can nuke trillion grunts, conservatives or liberals with a push of a button. Might simply makes right and these professor types are the mightiest.

No what is important is who can kill another in hand to hand combat, this is why blacks are superior, they can rape anyone they want.

We had a thread on this yesterday, I've been trolling the comments since then, if you see a john doe yelling at niggers then help me out.

Part of me wants to have kids, but I refuse to if I'm making under six figures per year.

A friend of mine makes maybe $12,000 and has four kids. They're turning out fine. Homeschooled, stay at home mother, they print out all the daily lessons

How the fuck is that possible? Does he live in the woods or something?

Report all John Doe comments? Ok, done.

Fuck off kike, nobody wants you here.

It's possible if you realize that you're not having a kid in a vacuum. The kid has family other than you. There are grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and all manner of family upon which can - and should - be relied upon to not only help financially, but socially.

If you've spent your life alienating your family, then good luck raising a child.

Asimov was pozzed af

Have you read any of his books?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Why does everything I like have to be tainted? why

Yeah, he’s a fucking kike. Transhumanist piece of shit like all kikes are.

All western populations have been declining, its the third world that has been growing exponentially due to whitey's gibs.

I'm ideally going to have at least 5 children since my people are reproducing below the replacement rates. If the cucks don't like it they can go fuck them selves.

You can't seriously be this blind to blatant propaganda when you see it can you?

I don't even disagree with the concept of advocating a stable birthrate for most countries, but I recognise propaganda advocating even an idea I agree with when I see it.

This channel is a very deliberately produced, relatively high budget, and obviously well marketed channel. That it produces fairly blatant propaganda on a regular basis should make anyone suspicious. This isn't "Beyond 2000" or the Discovery Channel type stuff. The videos are not simply informing on a topic. They are actively taking a position and framing the their "information" in a way that supports that position.

This is not education. This is propaganda. Learn to make the difference.

It doesn't have to be tainted, you faggot. He was Jewish before you knew he was Jewish and you still enjoyed the shit out of the Foundation Trilogy and you know it.

The books haven't changed. Only you have changed.

I'd just like to point out that male sperm has something like 8 million combination and female egg has something like 10k combinations, therefore having just 2 or 3 children would be retarded because there's no guarantee the best of even a wide variety of desirable combinations would happen….
Basically what I am saying is we should overpopulate and let the best ones succeed, and then they should overpopulate too and so on.

Overpopulation is good. It forces competition.

Well, his wikipedia also says that his father never really taught him anything about judaism and apparently his family was not in the lawyer/doctor/banker class but had been working real jobs.

I do indeed still love the foundation series. It just kinda sucks when someone who's work you love turns out to be jewish. I recently found out that infected mushroom were israeli too.

Look at this video. Blatant propaganda in support of eugenics. Privatised eugenics. A hagiography of human genetic modification of children, with naught but a smattering of lip-service paid to genuine ethical concerns.

Amoral technophilia at its most manipulative. Absolutely disgusting stuff. Even Holla Forumsacks who drone on about eugenics will see through this for what it is.

Dig this channel. You will find seriously shady connections. I guarantee it.

foundation is still 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999/10 tho so there's nothing to worry about

Tell us more lad.

Shall we do our thing to this lad? Maybe he is connected to some (((important peeps))).

If in future lifetime increase a lot, or people become immortal, population could increase a lot again.

we got rid of them we don't want them back for the sake of a few wogs.


If there is overpopulation to be had, it's purely these pet negroes that have been living off the western aid.
I say we cut the aid and instead fund tax breaks for large families and focus on domestic issues than feeding apes that then come over and want to kill you anyway. So much for fucking gratitude.

living off the western aid.

no that's you chaim and your 12 hasidic kids.



Impressive dubs, alas, I'm not who you think I am.

over polite over enunciated english is a dead ringer for jews.

look at stephen fry or the rothschilds.

>>>Holla Forums

None of those are African countries. They're all countries with significant white minorities (except Canada)..

To be honest, if white men disappeared the shitskins without gibs would soon die away as well. However, we can just stop giving gibs and the problem will be fixed without us leaving the planet first.

Honestly fewer brown people would be a better solution than more white people, but we can't implement the former without the latter.

I have three children. My eldest is 18 next month and is going to university in September. My youngest is 5 and my middle child is 11. I want more children. Being a dad is great. Wife and I probably won't have any more, though. Just because we are getting older. I'm 49 and my wife is 42.

Bringing kids into this world troubled me a bit. I can't quite describe the emotion. It reminds me of a passage from the Bible. 1 Corinthians 13:11. I'm not particularly religious but it really hit me.

I don't think that "childish ways" go away as we age. Maybe we give them up, because we have to work, pay bills, provide a nice home, food, and security. And love above all.

I'd like to have children but I'm so shit it will never happen. I'm happy for you though.

any other propaganda like this? /r/ing any state propaganda or gov officials telling whites not to breed and / or mix breed pls

Tim Kaine saying whites should make themselves the minority. (pic related)

Joe Biden praising whites being the absolute minority and never recovering:


"They're a burden anyways. Too much time & money"
t. Media


nice try porky.

So no.

Trudeau himself encouraged selling the whole country out for like a couple percent less of the budgets going to healthcare.

but seriously, the video is a lie. the reason birth rates came down is because that was enforced by elites. it was not a "natural" process due to "wealth" or "development." That's preposterous. In fact, birth rates started declining among whites in the US precisely when long-term income gains flattened, meaning they were not having children in order to maintain the lifestyle they were raised with, not bc they suddenly started living so much better. The whole fucking thing is patent jewish lolbergtardian econ lies meant to shut the naughty WN goyim up

Thanks, mate.

Don't be too sure.

that's not development dipshit; that's the imposition of markets and elite scientific management of the population. I can tell you're from Holla Forums bc ur a retarded faggot and this is exactly the same vulgar materialist economic-reductionist correlation-is-causation garbage the they shit out every time you bring up this subject.

Interestingly, they hate stats and causation the rest of the time

Population control is key to make the earth a nice place. Of course the problem is shitkins breeding like rats and not whites, but countless wars also happened among us because of lack of lebensraum.

Holla Forumsacks thinking that making babies will save whites are mistaken. We will never outbreed 6 billions non-whites. All we need is to protect our borders and deport them, and then we could have 100 millions in europe and it would be a better place, with land and ressources for everyone.

There are numerous problems, but one I find particularly disgusting are all these "if we only spent X a year we could end hunger" cunts. The whole reason theres a huge population boom in Africa is because were feeding this human trash so they can go on to have 12 more kids that also cant feed themselves, so they can make endless sob story commercials and repeat the process.

Africa needs a 1 child policy.

Tbh the west "helping" turd-world countries thus far has only exacerbated the problem. Their populations exploded because we provided them with antibiotics, housing and industrial fertilizer.

Pretty much this. In other words, Africa needs colonialism again, to enforce such policies.


Made this image-macro just now to illustrate your point.

It really is just africa


Not necessarily regarding OPs post, but:

Assuming that any of these people are thinking in terms outside of simply "dude exterminate white people lmao", how can anyone actually think that telling white people (who are, and have always [?] been a global minority) to breed less due to there being too many people in the world is the way to go about things? The people who need help simply staying alive are largely reliant on the the people who aren't even reproducing enough to keep themselves around in the long run. If you just take black Africans for example and run a scenario where white people the world over suddenly vanished, things would probably get worse for them. If you reverse the scenario though, white people may actually thrive even more at best, and at best maybe suffer minimally in the short term (only downside is a bit of labour force for large companies at first who'd just end up replacing those black Africans with Chinese workers or Indians or something).

What are you talking about retard? Nothing of the sort was said in the video. And after watching it, it was pretty good.
Kill yourself nigger.

Yes, but niggers are not chinks. You really think niggers are capable of voluntarily using birth control and renounce their slave factory? Would be to inject long term contraceptive forcibly to the whole continent, and the kikes at the UN would declare a war about this, and the niggers would chimp out.

You would have to have absolute control on the world first, and in that case, you might just have a 0 nigger child policy as well!

They just need more Unicef & UN aid.
Have you donated this Christmas?

This is true. The only way that I can really see actually being able to get them to have birth control taken is to put it in the water supply (much like we unknowingly do here in the first world) - except that wouldn't even work fully since their infrastructure is so shit that it would hardly make a dent in the issue.

nuking Africa is a god awful crime due to the local flora & fauna.

Just a few things needed:

5 years tops and there's less than 1/3 of total current niggers in Africa simply from infighting and starvation.

I wanted to be mad but I burst into laughter instead.

My family immigrated from Hungary to the U.S. in the early 60's- we're Magyar, mix of Alpine, Slavic, and Mongoloid phenotype- compared to other whites, yeah, we kinda look like aliens.

pic related

It's a matter of utility- not beauty- you fucking faggot.

There is no high-yield crop that grows uniquely in the continent of Africa. There is nothing uniquely useful that Africa has to offer other than rapidly reproducing, low IQ, laborers.

BTW image is OC, I've been shopping this ridiculous female-to-male tranny (ugly straight girls who fulfill their yaoi fantasy by taking steroids and sucking on rubber penises attached to other ugly 'roided-out straight girls) on facebook lately- lmao

She legitimately thinks she's more manly than most men, and always calls people "pussies" and tells people to "suck my dick" as a response to any real, or perceived, slight.

I didn't used to believe in corrective rape- but this girl's facebook is beginning to change my mind.





ayy lmao

Hungary is a genetic and cultural frankenstein


Stop send then suplies and they die, dumbfucks!!


We are already under population control.

What do you think birth control pills, abortion, feminism, and wormens rights is all about.

This was already in the catalog, fuck off. In a nutshell is jewish.

The only reason shitskin populations are booming is because of medicine, mainly antibiotics. Shitskins don't value their progeny the same way whites do. Imagine the colossal mortality rate for shitskin once antibiotics become completely useless. Wanna continue their downfall. Meme that vaccines are a tool of the white devil.

Whites have always had a birthrate that has rarely exceeded 2.5. And Every time it has exceeded that it's followed by a period of falling to around 1.5. This has always happened. The Japs are the same fucking way. The shitskin population is unsustainable. Imagine what will happen to them when the Ice Age comes.

The video is titled Overpopulation you fucking retard

in under a minute, fuck you jew

Ayyyyy lmao! Pretty sure the animators are subtly taking the piss here.

Fuck off. The solution to overpopulation is nuking Africa China and India.

You know, I get that antibiotic resistance is a bad thing, but I'm excited for when it comes to happen in Africa. Maybe if we're lucky alternative treatment won't come in time for them and plague will decimate their population as it's supposed to.

Reminder that Europeans are less than 14% of the world's population.

I have convinced many people like that to reconsider saying that they should pass on such genes and preferences and arguing that immigration is making the situation worse as population slowdown only occurs when overpopulation occurs locally in developing nations.

black guy here
im sorry, wish i could help you

i do plan on having kids though so maybe im making the problem worse

Ideally you'd go home and become a kang and have no children, but if you have kids at least have them with another monkey so that we can easily spot them later on

nah, ive integrated too well into this society.
ill have some half breeds

Seriously niggers?


Also I call HORSESHIT on their claims about the poor population declining.

I notice that too.
But really it's closer to

So, you're telling me I should have around 10 children?

I don't think my wife will survive the carnage. But if it means our race doesn't go extinct, all I have to say to her is: don't pucker

you know damn well us hung aryans come from space, don't lie now

Keep raiding the comments lads. Redpill those normies.

Fuck off kike, you don't get to have control over transhumanity.

Don't be fooled by the production value and its perceived objectivity. It's pozzed shit.


Strictly speaking in terms of hypotheticals, limiting our numbers via lower birthrate would not be a bad thing IF overpopulation was actually achieved, and IF there was a giant strain on resources for our people, and IF our country or the whole of western civilization was entirely white.

But none of that is this case. These messages about overpopulation, even assuming everything they say is true, does fucking nothing but harm white populations. Whites are the only ones who would listen to this message and empathetically think about the implications of such a thing. All the other races would react with a "that sucks lol" or "who cares," nignogs being the worst. Being animalistic savages, those twats would fuck anything that moves, repeatedly, without protection, regardless of any terrible consequences be it AIDS, diseases, overpopulation, etc. African countries are already dirt fucking poor and swarming with a million different diseases and illnesses, and have food shortage problems. What do the niggers do? Just fuck everything. They don't care.

So what good would listening to such a message do, even if it were true? You can't limit your own numbers via not reproducing in order to combat overpopulation if other fucking races in your own country don't do the same thing. Whites who do try to do this are directly inhibiting the number of their own people, in their own country, while the other animals breed out of control with no heed of anything.

There is certainly a point at which a people limiting their own numbers would be a smart choice. This is not that fucking point, and it will not be for a very long time.

I think the Chinese and their one-child policy may have been the only instance in modern history where overpopulation was an issue that needed to be treated.

Or rather, the only instance in modern history where overpopulation was successfully recognized and treated.

I know I'd be a shitty parent, but I don't want niggers and muslims ruining communities that other generations may want to experience.

At what cost, though? Now they have a huge generation of males who will never even experience the touch of a woman, and they know that.

What better men to use for death squads? It's essentially a government planned beta-uprising that they will direct as they please.

It also wasn't even successful. China simply lies about their population growth.

To be fair, that "cost" you mention isn't a fault of the one-child-only rule, it's a fault of China's deep seated value in seeing males as far more important than females. Since they could only have one child, many parents opted to keep "retrying" until they had a son, and disposed of anything else. They have far too many men and not enough women, relatively speaking, because of how much their culture emphasized the importance of males. The chance of having a boy or girl is obviously 50/50, so the one child rule is not responsible for their current predicament, it's Chinese parents from 30 years ago being the asian jews that they are and attempting to do whatever they can to make themselves look better.

To be a shitty parent you must be a shitty person.

webm related

Any bets on what country (((they))) will destabilize next to continue the refugee crisis now that the Syrian war is over?

Shut the fuck up, faggot.