We should start a new version of this

we should start a new version of this

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we already have rojava and zapatistas.
a militant left wing group in the first world is 1. too difficult to gather any support 2. not going to stay alive for very long from cointelpro and 3. not going to accomplish shit. RAF did what they could, they were based as fuck but they were backed by fucking east germany, we dont have any modern day equivalent of that.

Sure thing FBI.


They were yesterday in the news here (Netherlands). The police are still searching for them.

Three past members*

No, we don't.

Get a new Vanguard Party instead. As is the only one somewhat functioning is Greek. And I don't know Greek.

Name one thing these terrorist organizations ever achieved aside from alienating the workers and giving the bourgies an excuse to up state surveillance.

anarchist fucks, no
they messed up and their shit doesn't take off

what we need is a party that gets involved in union organisation pushing them into fighting and proving itself to be by the workers for the workers
for now it needs to be a legal fighting organisation that organises and directs struggle and become a parliamental as well es street movement
not some frustrated idealistic individualistic hero cult and terror born out of desperation and lacking trust into collective work through party and people


Revolutionary Cells>>>RAF anyway

They were M-L fam.

no, they were not

the KPD-ML was/is ML, for example
they were retarded anarchists
read lenin

As we are Communists Entfübrung and shooting Schleyer? Why do we condemn the criminal hijacking of Lufthansa jets with holidaymakers from Mallorca on board? How is our party to 'tactics of individual terrorism?

These and ähnlicbe questions have surfaced again after the events of recent weeks in many people. Not least because the bourgeoisie with their incitement systematically tries against the " 'terrorism' to throw us Communists not only with the followers of the tactics of individual terrorism, but also with the kidnappers of the Lufthansa plane in a pot.

We have been to the last edition of the "Red Morning" Festge provides: Breaking the hijacking and the threat that passengers and crew in the air or shoot, was ver precariously because the hijackers violence against working people, against people from the people have applied. They may be called three times as revolutionaries and anti-imperialists, their action is still counterrevolutionary. Because of the revolutionary struggle and the application of revolutionary violence directed never against the people but against the exploiting classes and their henchmen, against the bourgeois state and its organs.

The hijackers of Mogadishu have come by their counter-revolutionary action also the bourgeoisie a welcome pretext for its long-standing non vile lie that revolutionary violence directed against the working people.
"Killing is no murder"

But what with the attacks on Buback, Ponto and Schleyer? The bourgeoisie cries "inhuman murder" and the modern revisionists of DKP fall into this chorus when they write of "verabscheuungswürdigem murder", for it is "no justification" give. As we are communists that? As 1916, the Austrian revolutionary Adler shot a Minister, Lenin wrote: "Killing is no murder` (killing is not murder - RM) wrote our old Iskra about terrorist attacks, but we are not against political assassination (it's just despicable what the opportunists, Vorwärts` and, Wiener Arbeiterzeitung` in this sense writing lakaienhaftes) but as revolutionary tactics are the individual attacks impractical and dangerous. Only a mass movement can be regarded as a real political struggle. Only in direct, immediate connection with the mass movement can and must also be individual terrorist actions of benefits … "(Lenin, Collected works, Vol. 35, p.217)

Lenin therefore would not dream of it to condemn the killing of members of the exploiting class morally. On the contrary. He condemned the revisionists because they curry favor of the bourgeoisie, because they also condemn all violence against the exploiting classes with the moral condemnation of such attacks.

Lenin judged from the tactics of individual terrorism from the standpoint of the revolution. And from this point of view he condemned these tactics because it is inconvenient, because they disorganized the working class, because it is objectively directed against the revolution and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. And that must be the position of each Marxist-Leninist gegentüber the tactics of individual terrorism today.
What's tactics of individual terrorism?

Lenin says that the use of terrorism as a tactic is the "systematic organization of political assassinations unconnected with the revolutionary struggle of the masses." (. Collected Works, Vol 23, p 120) The ideology behind this tactic is characterized in the "History of the CPSU (B)" as follows: "The policy of individual terror sprang from the false theory … of the active, Helden` and the passive, pile, the exploits of the expected, Helden'. This false theory was that only a few outstanding individuals who make history, the mass, however, the people, the class, the, Haufe` how the populist writers expressed contempt (the populists were supporters of the tactics of individual terrorism - RM). to conscious, organized action is incapable, that they could only blindly follow the hero " ( "History", p.16)

He continued: "Third, the Populists had an erroneous and harmful conception of the entire course of human history, neither knew they still understood it political development of society, you were in this respect completely backward people According to them the story neither of the classes… still taken by the class struggle, but only of individual outstanding personalities, heroes, where the `mass, the, crowd, the people who follow classes blind." ( "History", p.18)
Betrayal of Marxism-Leninism and the revolution

All this also applies fully to the policies of the RAF. (No. 4/75) In an interview with the RAF, which was printed in the "mirror" some time ago, it is said, for example: "There is nothing, what we build, what we rely historically what we organizationally or in consciousness could assume the proletariat, not even democratic and republican traditions. "

In order for the RAF denies directly the fact that the working class is the most revolutionary class in capitalist society, which is called to unite all other exploited and oppressed by capital classes and under their leadership to achieve victory in the proletarian revolution. She denies therefore, that the working class can realize its leading role only by their Marxist-Leninist party.

In the quote above not only the struggles of the working class with a stroke of the pen be swept under the table. With a stroke of the pen is also the October Revolution in Russia, which led to the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the construction of socialism in the history of mankind for the first time, the experience of the workers' movement, the principles of Marxism-Leninism and the struggle of the communist parties are swept aside , It is not surprising that the RAF then in the aforementioned interview in this context open attacks against the KPD Ernst Thalmann and the world communist movement starts. We certainly are not talking about the obvious contempt for the masses and the measureless overestimation of their own group, of which it apparently believes with their existence begin the history of the revolutionary struggle in the first place to.

A policy that is based on such views is, regardless of the subjective honesty that may exist in some RAF supporters, anti-revolutionary. The history is a history of class struggle, Marx and Engels wrote in the Communist Manifesto. The RAF speaks of the struggle of a small group against the bourgeoisie. Both are incompatible. The views of the RAF are anti-Marxist and anti-revolutionary. Marxism-Leninism teaches us, and history proves the accuracy of this doctrine that the overthrow of the capitalist exploiters order can never be the work of a few "heroes". The working class can liberate themselves only when it rises as a class in the socialist revolution, the rule of the capitalist class smashes violently and building the rule of the working class, the dictatorship of the proletariat. To win in this struggle, the working class needs the firm and reliable guidance by the Communist Party, that is guided by Marxism-Leninism. Not the attacks of populists and social revolutionaries led known for the overthrow of tsarism and the elimination of capitalism in Russia, but the revolutionary struggle of the run of the Bolshevik Party of Lenin vast masses of the working class at the top.

Like the RAF still so much protest that it is fighting for the revolution, for the overthrow of imperialism - who the role of class struggle as the driving force of history, who denies the leading Rolk the working class and its party in the revolution, who Marxism-Leninism hostile to, the objectivity of the bourgeoisie and the counter-revolution in the hands.

That the step of such views is quite logical for direct slipping into the camp of counter-revolution, proves the kidnapping of Lufthansa jets. From mass contempt for intuition that the masses are reactionary, and direct actions against the masses the way is not far.

To justify their tactics of individual terrorism, the RAF has developed the theory of "external impulse." This theory states that the working class and other working people, because they are unable to rise to the revolutionary struggle, must be shaken from outside. This done allegedly by the liberation struggles of the peoples and the actions of the urban guerrilla in the capitalist countries. (Without going into details, is only found here that the RAF with this theory basically the same position as the defender of revisionist "theory of the three worlds" represents who also assert that the main force of the international revolution in the so-called "third world" lie.) the theory of "external impulse" is also opportunistic and anti-revolutionary. Marxism-Leninism teaches us that the class struggle is an objective phenomenon and evolved independently of the will of the people. The class struggle between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie in the capitalist countries inevitably leads to the emergence of a revolutionary situation. The liberation struggles of oppressed peoples influence this development, but they can never play the decisive role.

Not to mention the actions of a handful of the masses of detached so-called guerrillas. Such actions shake the working class not only not to, but directly inhibit the development of revolutionary class struggle.

But the revolution is victorious not "automatically". It is crucial for the victory of the revolution if the masses are convinced of their need, whether they are prepared to take power if they are mobilized and organized in a satisfactory manner politically and ideologically. If this is not the case, the revolution will suffer definitely a defeat. The preparation of the masses for the revolution is not the work of a single day. It is the result of systematic and persistent education of the masses by the Communist Party. Without this education, without forging the revolutionary front of all the exploited classes and layers in the daily struggles without the summary and management of all of these struggles by the Communist Party is not to think of the victory of the revolution.

The followers of individual terror but neither see the necessity of the party, nor the need for systematic education of the masses for the proletarian revolution. Through its policies sabotaging downright preparing the masses for the revolution. What are you doing? Their tactics of the isolated from the masses, out of one another only loosely connected groups struggle, they carry the spirit of the fragmentation, the disorganization in the working class. Their worship of terrorism sabotaging the revolutionary education of the working class. Their claim that the Communist Party is not needed as they want to deprive the working class of their leadership. Basically put their whole theory boils down to the working class; if they would follow the RAF to disarm, so that they would suffer defeat at the decisive moment. Not for nothing Lenin pointed to the close relationship between the opportunists and the terrorists. He wrote: "The Economists and the terrorists are worshipers of different poles of spontaneous direction: the economists - the spontaneity of pure Arbeiterbewegung`, the terrorists - the spontaneity of the passionate indignation of intellectuals, who do not understand or do not have the ability to revolutionary Ar-operation to join with the workers' movement into a whole. " (Vol. 5, p 432)

The tactics of individual terrorism and the views that lie behind it are directed with Marxism-Leninism and incompatible against him. They must therefore be combated.
The revolutionary violence is necessary and justified

To make our position absolutely clear, we want to provide another quote Lenin here. He said. "Anyway, we are convinced that the experience of revolution and counter-revolution in Russia has confirmed the accuracy of more than twenty years of struggle of our Party against terrorism as a tactic but it must not be forgotten that this struggle is closely connected with the relentless struggle against opportunism, which was inclined to reject any violence on the part of the oppressed classes against their oppressors, has been done. we have always been for the use of force, both in the mass struggle and in connection with this contest. Second, we have the fight against terrorism with years … propaganda of an armed uprising united. We saw in him not only the best response of the proletariat to the policy of the government, but also the inevitable result of the development of the class struggle for socialism and democracy. Thirdly, we have not content ourselves with the recognition in principle of the use of force and the promotion of an armed uprising. We supported z. B., Four years before the revolution, the use of force of mass against their oppressors, particularly in street demonstrations. "(Works, Vol. 23, p 121)

In this connection Lenin stressed: "Basically, we have terror never rejected and we can not refuse him, he is a combat action that quite appropriate in a given time of the battle, in a particular state of the troops, and under certain conditions, and even necessary. can be." (Collected Works, Vol. 5, p 7)

The tactic of individual terror pursue, but is, as we have seen, sabotage of the revolutionary struggle and the proletarian revolution. Just because the revolution the work of the masses and not some "hero" is, everything comes down to systematically prepare the working class and other working people to the revolution, to convince them of their need to mobilize for this objective and the fight unite. Without this work, the revolution can not conquer.

KPD-ML in their Central Organ "Roter Morgen" ("Red Morning") 1977

translation by google translate

ML is specifically about not doing dumb terrorism.

I guessed as much.

sry, couldn't be arsed
feel free to work yourself through it and take credit when publishing an actual proper translation

they were MLs supported by east germany. get some facts

what the fuck is MLKP then?

supported by eastern germany in what exact regards?
come on kiddo, don't be shy, bring on all the facts and not some vague shit.
and then see how the GDR, by that time not ML itself, "supported" them.

and no, they were not ML, keep crying it all you want, i provided material against it, you're just a nazbol talking shit, as per usual.

go fuck off, bitch


read lenin

jk you're too much of a fucking retard to grasp basics

just kill yourself

you got absolutely rekt on the other thread and now proceeds to be assmad on this one too lol.
the RAF was funded by stasi, but since they werent "true marxist-leninists" i doubt i should even waste time arguing with you.

if you love lenin so much why not use the lenin hat?

as i said
you're retarded


you didnt even address what i said in this post, all you did was meme arrow and called me retarded, just like you did 5 times before that. the insult was slightly insulting the first 2 times, but now its just you projecting yourself onto me tbh


holy crap you're projecting harder and harder each time

The people in the RAF were M-L's and Maoists. Whether or not they were ideologically pure enough to be 100% in line with Lenin doesn't really matter. People are complicated.


also that thread is still up if you want to refute anything i said

Of course you can, but the fundamental concept is what's the issue here. The RAF were adventurists, that's the main reason that they didn't accomplish anything. Terrorism can only be successful as a political tactic if it has a wide base of support. Hell, even the RAF had a wider base of support in German society than an incarnation now would have.

What about the vanguard parties of India or the Philippines?
All of your posts here make me think that you really have no clue what you're talking about.

And then people are wondering what is this with all the purges.

Give me a reason why should I care about your opinion.

You didn't present any arguments to support your all-so-high opinion. Not that I consider that important, but I have problems taking seriously people who can't even pass Turing test.

- violence like that doesn't solve anything and is stupid and shouldn't be done

- they were state funded

- there were still literal former nazis in government and business at the time

Never change, tankiddies.

Are you brothers? This is, honest to Saint Marx, cringey.

You've already been told, that terrorism is not how ML works. You never addressed this and simply ignored it.

Next time you'll probably discover that Soviets gave money to painters and will announce that painting everything red to be the ultimate way to make Revolution happen. Because painters clearly got paid by Soviets and used red paint to draw pro-Socialist pictures.

What is there to discuss? Your retardation?

You haven't told me anything. That was my first post in this thread.


rebel groups will always be classified as terrorism to someone or another

This eternally buttblasted state never ceases to amuse me.

Not an [insert appropriate word].

If you wish to say that their tactics were ML - do it.

Another Tankie LARPING thread.
I'll just stay at home and watch you people keep failing.

It's just incredible how can one person claim to be so "intelligent" while making shittiest posts in the board.

The trip helps a lot, thanks.