Or will she? Just how pure blooded are you anyway user? How many of you are mongrels?
And what I'm thinking about is just where is the cutoff for being white and can you purify a mongrel if they breed pure then their children do aswell etc?
Or will she? Just how pure blooded are you anyway user? How many of you are mongrels?
And what I'm thinking about is just where is the cutoff for being white and can you purify a mongrel if they breed pure then their children do aswell etc?
Other urls found in this thread:
90+% Anglo. My children could very well look like that, provided I procreate with another Anglo, even though I don't have features that light.
One drop.
Mongrel tier tbh, please gas yourself.
every great leader or scientist yet mostly consist of dark or light brown haired fellas with green or brown eyes
go fuck yourself with your "muh i'm whiter" self jerking bullshit
yeah divide the white man even more with bullshit like this
Her eyes are blue. You just cant see properly because your eyes have degenerated because of bad breeding. You're also mad she doesnt have Jew ears (C shaped like mice).
Kek lad, your comment is so fucking wrong that it's laughable.
Tbh I'd like a redhead daughter but not a son…
Nigger are you this stupid?
That is dirty blond at best, even my hair was that color when I was young and turned dark brown as I aged. Most white children do, you must not live around lot of whites.
I have younger siblings with hair so blond it is white really.
Got an Italian grandma but all of my sibs came out light to blond hair / blue eyes
I like sharp, petite features most of all, but alabaster skin is also important
Are you lefty pol retards so bored with fisting each other's ass holes you have ctr level troll here?
I'm a ginger north african berber so very pale but I'm not racially white/european.
yes, cells know which genes belong where and will on occassion separate them with built in error correction during miosis
How blonde do they have to be to stay blonde then faggot? That girl is Nordic af.
Joke's on you - North Africa was white until the mohammedans aloha snackbarred it.
most redheads of that age don't stay redheads
I was born redhead, now dark auburn
We Wuz Everywhere
That's not what I see in daily life.
SOurce doesnt matter if it defies logic. Think for yourself. Most "scientific studies" are Jewish funded to PsyOp us anyway.
Want me to tell you the story about how the aristocratic class of Rome and Greece before they turned to shit were nordics?
My daughter is whiter than that. Pretty much white hair, it turns blonde when she gets older.
I'd put the cutoff point for white at 1/8th nonwhite at this point. Worst case scenario, this "mongrel" has a child with a white person and the children are, for all intents and purposes, fully white. Visually, they're not that different from full whites, and you have to understand that if everything we want comes to pass, there will come a somewhat monolithic European (not just Swedish, English, Spainish, etc.) and American race. We can't unite against foreign enemies if we stay divided, and marriage is part of uniting things.
I'm not saying to just mix everything together amongst ourselves, but it's bound to happen. If we succeed, we will become more monolithic, there is no other option in a world with fast means of travel, both of communication and physical.
Anyways, dividing us on arbitrary shit when our total population is about 10% of the global one is fucking pants-on-head retarded.
keep away from my genes plx
That's not how proof works though.
made it seem like cells 'know' which genes to pick on account of race and correct for that. I don't know whether that was his point or not, but that's not what I see happening around here, in a country populated by a relatively large amount of mixed-race people. They come in all varieties.
I'm still interested in sources.
fuck off with your bottle colours.
This made up bullshit is disgusting
i think you can hardly find anyone who don't want to stay away from your genes
That's a relief, then.
You really don't understand how hair pigmentation works do you?
My son already is that white, his hair is a shade darker though.
Is it bad I think the darkie still looks better?
Whats your point anyway? That girl is as white as we could hope for. It doesnt really get any whiter. Yet faggots like you have something negative to say. Why?
don't post hot girls that are too pure to fap to pls
I'm 98.8% white to my intense shame
black hair, medium brown eyes (despite colored eyes on both sides of my family, fml)
I don't know where the cutoff would be for mongrels. I think 95% is probably the lowest we should go.
you kidding? If youre attracted to that youre a sick degenerate with a perverted fetish. You have to go back (into the oven)
oy vey
Being that fair is so statistically low, it rarely ever happens. Almost all white people are fair, with a rosy complexion and rosy cheeks. Why do we need this whole "true white" no true Scotsmen bullshit? There are no pure, 100% untouched white sub-species anymore.
the fuvk outta here schlomo
There is no shame at all in being 98.8% white, whatever that means. Those genetic tests are Jewish abominations, and are probably full of shit. Anybody who tells you "le blonde hair blue eyes" is a kike.
now I'm teaching them everything I know, thanks Holla Forums!
praise kek!
This focus on blonde hair and blue eyes is pretty dumb in my opinion. Whites have the full spectrum of colors. The father of King Fairhair who unified my native Norway had jet black hair. Only extremely insecure people fall for this obvious d&c.
t. blonde hair blue eyes
Fuck off, Kike.
I agree that hair and eye color have no bearing on how white/intelligent you are, but even for purely aesthetic reasons I would prefer to have colored eyes.
Medium brown is a color too and is actually more akin to yellow than other races, who have black eyes.
tbh im envious
who mentioned an e-celeb? youre a paid JIDF sage fag. Your job is to keep pol threads negative so people self destruct.
My eyes are hazel and I want my children to either have green or blue eyes. brown is literally shit tier.
You blew it, kike
The litmus test for whiteness is who your parents, grand parents and etc are. Immigration records go back a century or more in most countries. And there's birth records. Set up a database of immigration records and birth records and run a filter on country of origin. If you have alien parents you go. If you have one alien parent you go. It's simple. Obviously foreign born residents go too.
Me too. I have blue eyes and blond hair and my hair was more white than that when I was a kid. My hair is still blond but not nearly as blond as it used to be.
This shit is still going on? sage in all fields
I'm 100% white. Jealous, OP?
If a half-caste has children with a pure bred white, then their children will be quarter caste. If the quarter caste children also marry a pure bred white, then their children will be one-eighth-caste. So on and so forth. They will get closer and closer to being white with each generation but will never be purebreds.
But this only works if the surrounding population is white. If we whites become a minority in our homelands, which is what is currently happening, then your great grandchildren and their great grandchildren won't be marrying whites. They will be marrying coloureds. They will not become white, they will become coloured, just like the surrounding population. In this environment the white races of Europe, including the white genes in the half and quarter caste children, will go extinct.
No one hates niggers half as much as me but even I don't want their race to go extinct. What the Jews are doing to whites right now is really sick.
What the fuck is going on? Are we being countered-shilled by outsiders who have our best interests at heart? What the fug? Why are obvious outsiders trying to encourage us to do healthy, strong community building things?
Thule Group pls do more than just shill
Shitskin bastard detected. More of them had blond, red, to dark blond hair actually. And blue eyes are the most common pigment chosen for the ancient gods, even in shit skin lands
Worst case scenerio is we become tribalist like Jews and keep our race alive through a religion where we are Gods chosen people and everyone else is animals.
Blow your fucking brains out, Kike
user I don't think that's how genetics work
lame come back you brown dicked monkey
Good point on everything else but
They're eating up resources and shitting up the planet. There's already more than a billion of them, do you really wanna live on a planet with 2 billion niggers by 2050? I'm not saying you gotta be a Stormfag-type GAS ALL NONWHITES RACE IMMEDIATELY but logically sooner or later they gotta go.
Maybe mass sterilization so they die out or get culled with successive generations?
proof that sagefags are JIDF
Uh, oh, Schlomo!
eh, I'm sorta pale (kinda pink-ish) with bright green eyes and relly dark brown hair (my dad had raven black hair and dark blue eyes)
My wife is an almost alabaster white redhead, with Blue/green eyes (kinda hard to relly describe them)
our kids are all blonde and reddish blonde with green-ish blue eyes.
can't wait to see what my boy looks like.
Yeah he's a real paragon of scientific achievement, a giant to stand on the shoulders of for sure.
dr william pierce said it best. KILL ALL THE NON WHITES.
Hop to it then. I dare you.
Watch what happens.
Nordic on one parent's side,
Anglo on the other.
Girlfriend is asian though… so any kids will be stuck with brown eyes. Both of us are sad about that fact :/
Oh God, I hope I don't have one of those ever.
It's shilling because women are ruined now. They don't walk backwards and there is no way to entice them back. Ever.
There is No Future but Nuclear Fire.
I'm shaking in my boots nigger
inb4 you bring up the "death ray" and "wireless energy". Why don't you google "Werner Von Braun" to see what actual scientists and engineers can achieve when they don't have shitskin DNA.
William Pierce never said kill them all. This pretty much summarises his views.
Been waiting for an appropriate thread like this to pose this question, so thank you OP.
I have dirty blonde curly hair. Whenever I go to history museums I am always surprised at how similar my facial structure is to the busts of ancient Greek and roman aristocrats, with the large jaw, slightly receded chin with overbite and large but even nose. My second name can be traced to a very small town in the middle of England, to which I assume one part of my family have lived for generations, one part of my family is Dutch and were amongst the first settlers in Canada, and the other two quarters are Slovakian and Scottish…
What am I, in a pol/akcs opinion?
Why don't you fuck off back to Stormfront with this "only nords are white" type of thinking. Serbians are not shitskins, and you;d be wise to shut the fuck up about it. Serbia isn't currently being overrun with shitskins, muds, and Muslims. Have fun D&C'ing everything you don't personally like.
brown eyes should be the least of your concerns when your pissing away your genetics fucking a chink
Better to accept nature.
I am. I'm just doing it very methodically so I can succeed in genociding the inferior breeds once and for all. I may not even do it in my life time but will establish all I can so others like me can continue my work.
No Serbians ever went to the Moon. Go back to genociding the Muslims in your country, when you stopped doing that you strayed from the enlightened path.
Post a side profile if you want, from that description you could be Mediterranean, Anglo-Saxon, diluted Hellenic Greek, etc. Unless you've got Jew in there somewhere you're definitely white but who knows what kind.
Whats it like knowing you will breed but your children wont? Very short sighted of you user.
Half your genes come from your father and half come from your mother.
If a white and a black have children, the children are half white and half black.
If these children then marry a white, the children will get half their genes from a pure bred and half from a half-caste. In other words, their genes will be (50%*1.00 + 50%*0.5) = 0.75% white.
When these children marry and have kids with whites, their children will be (50%*1.00 + 50%*0.75) = 87.5% white.
When these children marry and have kids with whites, their children will be (50%*1.00 + 50%*0.875) = 93.75% white.
They will only become 100% white after an infinite number of generations. For a finite number of generations they will always be short of 100%.
I don't want animals to go extinct either. I just want them to stay in their own habitats and not bother me or mine.
sage b/c this is a shit d&c thread.
what kind of asian?
you might get lucky, i've heard you have at least a 5-10% chance to get a nice eye color with a white/asian pairing.
You can't really compare the inventions of two different scientists because they have had different circumstances which might have let them achieve more or less. Tesla was poor as shit, if he had been funded for whatever reason by any government I'm sure he could have invented things the people of the day couldn't even imagine. Although the point is that they are incomparable to begin with
A mutt, that's what most Americans are.
That's not really how human inter-racial genetics work, with some gene-sets being recessive and others dominant.
It's still throwing your genes, and theirs, down the trash. Whether they look good or not.
Ive been listening to his 300+ broadcasts and he did mention exterminating the threat once and for all. And why not? Must be keep niggers and Jews alive but in their own lands? You know whats going to happen in the future… They'll crawl back in as they always do.
This seems more like a d&c troll slide thread made by a possible pedophile.
Enjoy fighting over which race is the whitest while the jews are unified. Even though late news would give the sense that their fighting amongst each other, rememeber the jews always play both sides.
Mine is North Chinese. Very pale, almost no yellow tinge to her skin, with light brown hair and hazel brown eyes.
pic related - looks very similar to her
Nature is selection. What is your point?
What you are saying is true, but an allele that is recessive still exists in its host, even if it is not explicitly expressed in the attributes of the host. When I said "whites will go extinct" I meant that their genes will eventually cease to exist.
This a mute point tbh. If current trends continues, the white races will go extinct, even if a handful of their alleles survive. In this, I think, we are in agreement.
I think hellenic-greek is the most likely I also have the greek foot shape but who knows if that is true or a wives tale. It is funny though, as both my mother and father have dark hair that is straight, I have been given pale brown/blonde curls aswell as a mix of red/blonde/brown facial hair, where my father has black. recessive genes be funny
You'd want to get your fucking eyes checked, m80.
tfw when the point of stuying history is lost on these types…
That if you have brown eyes your descendants are pretty much stuck with it. Deal with it instead of giving in to inferiority complexes.
No it was never white. We are not whites. You can just check 23andme for instance, North african genes are separated from European genes.
I said hazel faggot. And my sister has blue eyes. Pretty sure if I just into a blue/green eyes girl my children will be master race.
Ok, whatever.
nothing new about that.
nice! very cute. I hope things workout for you both.
this gal looks abit like my wife, but my wife has nicer lips and smaller ears.
uhh, grose. how did that manage to reproduce?
I relly wish men (of all races) would bring up their standards.
Mongrel here. 1/4 black, 3/4 white. Blue eyes, dark hair and pale skin. If I breed with a white woman, will my kids have any sign of negro origin?
hmmm, I wouldn't think so. (you have straight or curly hair?)
isn't that the same racial makeup as sargon?
…why are you race mixing? Yes, its better than a white girl mixing with a negro but still… why?
Her husband is a soft cuck. I have no idea why people settle for leftovers and women their own age. Can't they see 10 years down the track? Also they both drink and most likely knocked her up by accident.
you have to go back
You talk like a kike
i'm not, that other user is.
Sure is 4chan in here.
The guy also had schizophrenia do to race mixing and it drove him insane. Freaks of nature keep evolution interesting but your shitskin genes are still inferior.
I hope I remember the story correctly:
Don't you remember the story of the woman in Greece who produced her husband a black skinned son? To save her honor it was found her father (or was it grandfather?) was actually of some descent which would yield darker skin.
So, yes, it's possible. I don't know how genetics work, but considering you get part of each parent's, you could only hope mainly your wife's genetics pass on and only your best pass on.
I am amazed you got blue eyes though. That would imply your grandmother/grandfather was a pure blue eyed lineage, married once someone of African origin, and then continued to marry pure blued people (or get lucky with another second gen. blued eyed).
who's she?
I seriously doubt that since I know about population groupings and genetics. Could you provide a source? Remember that pre-mass immigration being "dark" in nordic nations meant someone with dark brown hair. Not black. That was outside the map.
Brown hair and eyes. I'm likely not breeding anyway.
Well, I don't know if you can read Norwegian and I don't know if it's translated to English, but it's pretty much the first statement of "the saga of halvdan the black." He was of the Ynglinge dynasty too, and you don't get more nordic than that.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
This. All my siblings and I had blonde hair when we were young, now we're all light brown. And old.
Just some Russian school girl.
Post a picture of yourself. I need to see if youre salvageable for scientific purposes. (reason i made this thread).
lol theres an embed option when you post
pick one
Tesla is arguably the smartest human being that ever lived, and that's not pseduo-science, that's fact.
We need to go a little harder. Capture or eliminate the non-white men and make them serve in penal "mass-casualty" battalions. Those who serve well gain citizenship. Others simply die.
With the women, we spade them and make them serve as concubines to white households. Those us of who survive live like kings with AI, robots, non-white concubines, many white children and a white wife and beautiful home.
Those who rest, are honored ceremonially as we conquer and reach out into space.
telsa did invent things people today can't imagine
podkletnov is replicating most of his experiments and they're rediscovering the scalar waves as we speak
>tfw mischling
Sorry but the genes that give dark skin color are dominant. The greek guy got cucked. You are so ignorant that you dont even know genetics on a mendelian level. All this that we call "white" comes from recessive genes and these recessive genes are not limited to hair color or pinkness of skin. They are also present in genes that code for mental traits and it is these genes that are the most important. All of this can be seen already in half breeds between a scandinavian and a southern european (greek, italian, etc) parent. They look like, think like and behave much more like their south euro parent that their scandinavian parent. This kind of explains why southern Europe is so underindustrialized and why even the low amount of non white genetics found in southern Europe (which varies greatly depending on region and local ethnic group) is very dangerous for white civilization.
jidf confirmed
I always heard king arthur was a redhead.
So was Judas
Fuck off you nigger-eyed mongrel
Whites killing each other over whos truly white whilst the jews play both sides.
Of course they're partly white, but they're mixed to some degree
I think Vikernes explains it pretty well
https:// thuleanperspective.com/2013/10/23/red-hair/
King Tutankhamen's Y chromosome is the most common in the British Isles.
Tut was white.
uh oh….
Every "brown-eyes rule blue eyes drool" poster is a kike who wants to end the white traits.
why did you add that space?
what's with all this sexual tension with our imaginary daughters i keep seeing?
What's the next stage Holla Forums?
Poor thinking. You have no guarantee that the birth records are correct. Genetic screening is the way to go.
Proof positive that the moderation of Holla Forums has been subverted by goons and discordians
chan culture
Mediterranean people are inferior though.
I'm reading this but not believing it. I don't believe that redheads are mixed with "non europeans". If anything they are a mix of Nords and southern Europeans, but not "non europeans".
Sometimes Varg says some faggot shit like how he made a video justifying the Muslim attack in Germany then deleted it within 4 hours. Or how he made a recent video blaming national socialism for Europe today. And says the best way to be is a tribalist-minimalist. Has he never read about what happened to country folk when the bolshiviks rolled into town to take their harvest?
No one is perfect I guess.
what is the roman empire, who are the ancient greeks?
seriosly though, you have a piont if you mean modern med, because they are so mixed with shitskins all uniqueness has been lost.
Nords, like niggers, try to claim the achievements of others for themselves because they have never achieved much. They claim the Greeks, Romans, even Egyptians etc were actually blonde haired blue eyed Vikings when there is no evidence whatsoever. Look at any great European figure from history - scientist, artist etc - and almost all of them have dark brown hair and often brown eyes.
We should celebrate the achievements of all European people instead of this ridiculous blonde fetishism.
I think I'm a mix of Greco-Roman Mediterranian and Nordic. Is this the definition of Anglo?
How does eye color work anyway? I'm a really light brown and my wife from Norway is a slighter darker brown and we gave birth to a girl with icy blue eyes
They were genetically far more similar to modern day Nordics than they were to you, the bastardized subhuman garbage mutants who infest what remains of their lands.
Are you really so fucking retarded so you don't know how recessive genes function?
Show, don't tell.
I'm not sure he ever "blamed" natsoc for modern day Europa, he used to be a national socialist himself, but he argues, and he's right, that its defeat is to blame and that it's very difficult for natsoc to win in every or even most white countries at once, and therefore it will only end like it ended the first time, only today there are nukes and whites will be genocided at a much faster rate with them
Do you have that deleted video? I didn't know about that
nigger go through my post's on this thread. And your bait has worked.
Holy fuck bud scrub your face
Not at all.
I know how they work, it just doesn't seem to be as simple as dominant/recessive or mendellian genetics because of the broad spectrum of colors
My mom had blue eyes and my dad had green eyes for example, yet I came out slightly brown with green spots
meant for
we both are definitely carrying the gene for blue eyes since our parents had them, so this is what I'm assuming
I just don't understand.
Look at any research you fuckwit, or just google the busts of the Roman emperors, they were all of fair skin, had blue-eyes and light hair.
You're a fuckwit.
You're a child born of cuckoldry.
Not even kidding m8.
There's more than 1 gene for eye colour - despite many textbooks using it as an example of there only being one.
Blue and green eyes can come from the exact same allele for reasons that are not fully understood. Babies both with one colour can shift to the other in a matter of days.
Wouldn't the eyes of his grandparents or another ancestor influence his eye color? It doesn't have to be just his parents.
*born not both
Say hello to Calligular, the third emperor of the Roman empire after Nero.
His genes influence his eye colors, it's impossible for two people with light eyes to have a child with brown eyes.
Thanks for proving my point fuckwit.
Look again.
Yes I have hazel too, so? That's not exclusive to nords.
I have the same skin tone as him, again, what does this say about me?
Just remembered some ancient mummies have red hair.
Pale/white skinned native german.
Merkel wants to destroy my kind
I'm a mixed mess. Some of my more distant white forefathers were race mixers and criminals. I look white, but am something like 3/8ths non-white. Fortunately no nigger blood. Unfortunately maybe a bit of Jew. Even my white ancestry is mixed of different european backgrounds, as are my mestizo/american indian parts.
I will bide my time and see if the white race gets in dire enough straights that it warrants someone as messed up as me helping create white babies. I love blonde hair, but I'd go for a dark haired white girl who was of more than one white ethnicity and who needed some behavioral rehabilitation before she would make good child raising material, so as not to take away from the pool of proper good white wives.
My guess is whites will pull through without my help and I'll just continue to make memes and enjoy white society for as long as I have a place in it. I won't argue with anyone whiter than me if they decide I don't belong, but I'm not interested in Jews D&Cing against us while we still have kikes and niggers to expunge from these lands. I refuse to be a self hating defeatist and will do better than kill myself for as long as I can be of service to my white genes, but I don't intend to let my other genes be an undue burden on the future of white children.
Except we actually wuz.
This makes sense
Yeah, my grandma had brown eyes
This is just too simplistic, otherwise everyone would have the same shades of blue, green or otherwise when even among blue eyed people there are widely different tones
I'm not a "child of cuckoldry" I look exactly like my dad
Yes, because red hair is very common among race-mixed groups like ancient Egypt (or like the jews)
theres a few people like that on my wife's side of the family, but I fear i'm a bit too freckled for our daughter to turn out that white and blonde. It's possible though.
we'll find out in a few months
Tesla was a fucking boss, literal scientific superhero
Literal anti-science anti-progress shills who value nothing but the life and times of Kim Kardashian apparently
Don't you dare speak ill of Nikola Tesla, know your fucking place shitlords. That man in responsible for much of what we enjoy today nd was defamed because he didn't agree that profit>all, you are a fucking disgrace for not holding such a man in higher regard
ah this image, brings me back to when I was about 13 or so. Scared me straight in all honesty. Used to be worried that "the nadzees were gonna get me for muh long hair DD-:" Then my actual introduction to national socialism and white ideals was through other metal heads.
Are you retarded? I didn't say all red haired people are jews
I said red hair is common within jews BECAUSE THEY'RE HEAVILY MIXED, as it probably was in ancient Egypt BECAUSE IT WAS HEAVILY MIXED
Mixed with whites, obviously, in both cases
Have to admit blue eyes are beautiful and all but this board has become stormfront with this only colorful eyes are white shit
Holla Forums has gone to shit while I was gone, perhaps I should have just stayed away, I'm sorry for coming back.
Once again: Whiteness doesn't just depend on genetics. It's a cultural thing too. Hence why Burgers will forever just be mongrels and depending on their behavior, Southern Euros and Slavs are not white either.
4/pol/ tier threads have become too common lately
Red hair is a genetic defect that can occur in any population. Would people go DEY WUZ WHITES too if niggers had been advanced enough to mummify their albinos?
West Slavs are pretty fine though, Croats and Romanians are white too, in fact most of the Yugos are decent people And play some serious ball too
It's the future you chose.
Red hair is more common in Europeans than Jews. From Ireland, Germany to Russia.
Hey Mikey.
some people have more then one eyecolor
Slavs are white if theyre not mixed you stupid faggot. This is an anti white, jewish meme promoted post ww2 so slavs hate Germans. Only a retard thinks these people arent white.
Please define mongrel. Please define "pure blooded". Then we have a discussion.
yeah this is definitely a cuck/pol/ thread, the supposed blue eyed people are really fucking retarded itt as well
Which part of "Culture" do you not grasp?
Slavs are alcoholic, lazy, sticky-fingered and loud-mouthed. Those are not white attributes, they are nigger-tier behaviors.
Only royalty was mummified. Many of the mummies had red/blond hair. Aryans were the ruling class.
Put it together faggot.
Kek lad, how does it feel like knowing that your ancestors would consider you to be a filthy subhuman mongrel?
That's not how it works fuckface, it's impossible for two people with light eyes to have a child with brown eyes.
Are you literally retarded?
People with blue eyes were once upon a time really fucking rare, yet men with blue eyes fucked a lot of women, so it became more common.
You're a fuckwit too.
I have to admit, a lot of Slav girls are really fucking hot.
You sound like a faggot civic cuck quite honestly, do you disavow your family whenever they do something you don't like and adopt shitskins and make them act white?
Mummification can occur naturally.
Neanderthals (Aboriginal Europeans) were EXCLUSIVELY blonde and blue eyed, during the ice age some of them moved south (to africa and the middle-east) where they mixed with sapiens (africans) and the gods only know what else and then came back
That's why Europeans have some traces of sapiens DNA (like brown features or red hair), they brought it to Europe when they came back and not because, as (((mainstream academia))) would like us to believe, we have a common hominid ancestor with africans or let alone all other (sub)humans on the planet
This is pure blooded
and this is mongrel
If they act like niggers? Yes.
Impossible due to their genetics.
No, you're the fucking retard who doesn't seem to understand despite painful measures taken to give you some introspection, you also ignored most of the post
No one is disputing blue eyes are genetic and passed on or that they were a rare mutation but it isn't as simplistic as you make it sound
anyone have this image in a better resolution?
here, you stupid faggot:
also, go back to cuck/pol/ you stick out like a sore thumb
So Jewish. I'm sure youre Milo shilling. Chavs arer lazy alcoholics too. So are finns. Any white culture that has been undermined and destroyed tends to sink into degeneracy.
And look at Russian dancers and athletes. Extremely disciplined and refined. Youre a fucking kike.
1/16th poo in loo. Blue eyes, brown hair from mother but 1/8th father had black hair and blue eyes. None of my children would be blonde. I am ok with this. Thinking about moving to India, Europe and the rest of the West looks like it's going down anyway.
I could get a few Indian girls BLEACHED.
If brown eyed people are mongrels, explain this retard:
HAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!! Get the fuck in the oven you low IQ untermensch!
so thats a real thing?
Also, read this book: archive.is
Kek, you're a fucking moron, two people with blue eyes can't have children with brown eyes.
You're spawned from cuckoldry, get over it.
And I've been here ever since we fled from M00t's cuckening.
Why are you so triggered?
It's just the truth.
go back to cuckchan, you d&c kike.
that shit never happened, you historically illiterate retard.
literally a nordic masturbatory fanfic full of mysticism, half-truths, and outright lies.
you couldn't be more Jewish if you tried, Mordecai.
Annnd… fucking filtered
Kek lad, you're the one who doesn't belong here, subhuman shitskins like you need to go back to >>>/plebbit/ go poo in a loo or something faggot.
Not even if one of the parents of those two people had brown eyes?
No, blue eyes are recessive, any genes for brown eyes will cancel out the blue eyes.
Then why are there neanderthals depicted with brown hair and eyes?
Also blond hair and even light eyes can naturally occur in non-whites. For example some polynesians and indigenous australians have blond hair. Natives to central australia are exclusively blond as children.
For some reason I always hated Mara. Maybe because of the Mara spam I link resentment to her image.
Explain this faggot
this explains it pretty well
The genes that make their hair blond are different from the ones that make white people blonde.
It's completely unrelated.
Brown hair, blue eyes. I got tested.
95% European.
5% Middle eastern/north African probably turkroach…ugh
Depicted by whom? "Scientists"? Or maybe (((scientists)))?
The Melanesian mutation has nothing to do with any of this
You're not fooling anyone, Shlomo. Everyone can spot your kike d&c from a mile away.
Ok, but they can still inherit non-white traits (laziness, lack of precision) and they're still technically mongrels
At the end of the day blonde hair and blue eyes is just phenotypical
Your post literally means nothing, it's a pile of inane bullshit.
What, I've only pointed out facts, and the only response has been some group of faggot shitskins throwing a hissyfit.
If you're not triggered, and actually had an argument you would have made it.
Yet you haven't.
I don't understand what you're trying to argue.
That genetics goes further than the phenotype?
Please clarify.
1/3 German, 1/4 Japanese, then some other stuff I keep forgetting. I think it was Dutch, American, and something else.
Only 3/4 white. Am I disqualified?
Yes, fuck off.
If you have any mixed genes at any point in you genealogy these traits can come out, the further those traits are from you the less likely they are to come up.
It's like a bowl of skittles with one m&m in it, the more good genes (skittles) you add to the mix, the less likely the m&m will show up.
Yes, exactly
And that the traits that make Europeans great are obviously more than just phenotype
I always think, for example, about Switzerland and how they have that stereotypical Germanic culture of hard work and high precision in everything they do, but they actually have less blonde hair than for example a Slavic nation (like Poland) in which people are on average more lazy and less precise
No offense to Slavs or Poles, it was just an exaple
post pic
Which is why Poland is currently experiencing a brain drain of skilled individuals due to their work ethic?
Try again schlomo.
Absolutely. Either get a vasectomy, go back to Japan (they don't want you either), kys, or move to like Colombia or something and have mud babies with a mud girl.
No, it proves that Romans were never Nordic, you mentally deficient retard.
Funny how not a single one of these "facts" is sourced or backed up with anything but "because I say so". In reality everything you're spewing is complete bullshit and not based on anything but nordicist masturbation fantasies.
Matey I'm very pale with blue eyes and light brown hair. I'm not even Mediterranean so your whole "hurr hurr butthurt medi" nonsense is laughable.
You refuse to accept this evidence
I'm not white :^)
Exactly, they're leaving because their work ethics are more appreciated elsewhere
Also I was trying to make an example of how there are more important thing than appearance
A country that values work ethics and precision is more European, even if they are a little less blonde haired and blue eyed, than a blonde country of lazy retards
No reason to get offended, "schlomo"
that feeling when you are brown hair and brown eyes master race
This is entirely irrelevant to the argument.
We were arguing about the genetics behind phenotypical traits.
But about your argument, no one has claimed that blonde hair is magical and makes people blonde people automatically smart, there is however a correlation between intelligence and blonde hair/blue eyes and that's correlated to a bell-curve of intelligence, simply a person with blonde hair is on average more likely to have a higher IQ.
The cultural problems in Poland, and the specific genetic traits of the Polish population are irrelevant when arguing about Germanic peoples, which I were.
I said that the Romans of old were more similar to Nordics than modern day Italians, and that is true. I never said that they were Nordic.
You're a triggered whiny childish little faggot, get over the fact that you're a filthy subhuman mongrel, and then fuck off.
And no, the fact that Romans race mixed is not an argument against me, it's simply evidence in favor of my stance.
we're all mongrels
No we're not, fuck off Schlomo.
that link doesn't refute anything I've said thus far nor does it suggest anything about the racial makeup of ancient Egypt. Did you even read it?
Nice source you have there, faggot.
This isn't an argument, but your obvious projection is laughable.
My fucking sides! I've already told you I'm not even a Mediterranean and even if I were that wouldn't even make me close to being a mongrel
But they didn't. Like I've said, the only "evidence" you have is a nordicist masturbation fantasy and not actual facts based on research on European migratory history. See and
You have a very low IQ.
I wasn't following your conversation, really
There is to some extent, but it's not always that more blonde = more intelligent both on the level of an individual and on a national level
You mean Western China? The place that even today isn't inhabited exclusively by Chinks? Wow! Great evidence.
nice source
Sorry, but she is.
Sorry, but they are.
don't be that user.
Finns are literally Asians.
You have the reading comprehension of a non-white.
Light skin, eyes and hair are universal beauty standards and have been throughout human history.
Go home now user >>>/synagogue/ and if this post triggers you, I advice you to read my other posts, you have nothing to come with.
In Switzerland the people with Blonde hair are on average more intelligent than the people with brown hair.
The people with the genetics for high IQ are also more likely to have the genetics for blonde hair.
The issue is the prevalent post-communist corruption and the ridiculous legislation that limits any and all business ventures, thankfully they're beginning to roll back on many of these catch 22 laws.
It makes no financial sense to run a business in Poland, it's why Poles register companies outside the country and often work outside also, the legislation is back to front, not the people.
Example, to run a business in Poland you have to pay about 700zl (£135) a month even before making any money as a company, this includes working freelance as a plumber, electrician or whatever. A high school teacher makes about 4000zl a month (before tax), renting a tiny studio apartment is at a minimum 1250zl a month (without other bills) and yet there's this delusion that slavs are lazy, yeah that makes total sense.
a great example are ashkenazi jews
I already presented source and its common knowledge anyway. You seriously one of those faggots who thinks linking sources makes something true?
Its painfully obvious that you don't have the intelligence to put things together for yourself. This is the mark of a low IQ. What is your IQ btw? Mines 143. I feel like you should be euthanized.
My fucking sides.
Still waiting for a response to and the explanation in pic No. 2 here btw
between 1/6 and 1/16 nigger, not sure.
feels hue
Your picture in no way impact my argument, they do in no way strengthen your argument.
Are you literally retarded m7?
Look at it this way: You can act like a huehue all the time and people can't even fault you for it.
Sure, I agree, but you can still have a retarded blonde and a brown-haired genius, or a country that has less blondes but more hard working, precise people than another more blonde country
You shouldnt post here anymore. I shamed you to the core. If you want to just lurk, feel free to do so but you really shouldnt be posting because you just embarrass yourself fam.
I have no idea where that meme comes from, I just saw it posted here so I took it.
Which is besides the point, that nigger from the republican primaries was a fucking brain surgeon, niggers are still useless fucking subhumans.
The exception doesn't break the rule.
Are you Polish by any chance? Maybe I even picked the wrong countries as examples but focus on the general point I was trying to make
I actually like Slavs (and Poles) and despise people that consider them to be (racially) inferior
You mixed race faggots are yet to post pics of yourselves so we can evaluate you for scientific/eugenic research.
You clearly didn't read that source because it doesn't say jackshit about what you seem to think it's proving.
Yes, I'm one of those "faggots" who thinks proof is important.
oh quite the opposite.
I'm still searching for your argument. I'll I've seen so far are autistic ramblings and sourceless claims.
They completely refute your "hurr hurr ancient greeks and romans racemixed hurr" assertion because it proves that the differences in appearance of all European people is the result of the ancient migration and merging of three separate population groups in varying degrees thousands of years ago.
What a shit thread. Bye.
That's not unexpected, low IQ people like you seem to have a problem admitting when they've been proven wrong, often even to the point of self-delusion.
You're right I never said it did
So you don't think this is EVER possible? Just curious to know, not attacking you
Who is this copper-haired cutie?
nice D&C faggotry OP
no mummy was ever found in a pyramid, they all come from the valley of the kings
pyramids are not tombs
Will consider doing so when I get home, just don't expect anything containing my face
I admitted I was ignorant on the subject in the post. Also, I understand the basics of Mendel genetic things. That's why I stated the thing about the blue eyes. Due to its recessive nature for him to still have it would mean his Rr mother or father married someone who also had Rr and had some luck with a 1/4 chance of getting the rr.
That doesn't mean we're white.
This thread made me realise how easy it is to D&C the so said 'white nationalists'.
You idiots should be ashamed of yourselves.
Pic related.
A Slav.
how is dividing ourselves help achieve anything
You don't even lift
pictures of children are not sexual
remove yourself
not an argument, champ
Blue eyes, brown hair, high cheekbones. Native American/Anglo mutt.
I respect North Asians, but whites should not breed with them. It's a shame when two good races come together and make something thoroughly mediocre.