Do we have a Candid group yet?
Does anyone here have Candid?
I literally just downloaded it. Should I make a group for commi scum?
Do we have a Candid group yet?
Does anyone here have Candid?
I literally just downloaded it. Should I make a group for commi scum?
Eh looking into it it's kinda shit. Unless there are already people on it I wouldnt bother. Sorry for making the thread preemptively.
Smh. So I just downloaded it.
Well I was thinking that's why we should try and make our own presents there. It's full of liberals ripe for indoctrination too.
It doesn't too so interesting tbh. But you might as well make one. I'll join it.
You fucked up muke
Well if anyone is interested I made the group, it's called Leftist Politically Incorrect.
I joined. probably won't ever post though, so I hope others join too.
Heh yea, I put womens issues on so the liberals will see 'Leftist Politically Incorrect' and have their curiosity sparked, maybe even learn something if we get any content on there.
What even is this. Can we use it as a propganda tool? In all seriousness though what is this looks like twitter that needed to be downloaded.
Twitter needs to be downloaded on your phone too.
Tbh it's just reddit with a different format and no post history or trip fagging between threads.
I added some properganda. Will add more later. If anyone's interested some help adding content would be appreciated
I mean you never know, it might take off. Just look at the fb page.
You're all wrong. It's a chan message board that doesn't allow for bumping threads.
Yea that's more accurate actually.
Hmm I'd join comrade. I don't even know what I am looking for to be honest on the web.
Just search up Candid on the app store or whatever.
Ohh okay I was going to try and get it on my computer let me see what I can do.
I joined Holla Forums on candid and now I'm beginning to lose faith in socialism. If only we were more active.
I just watched as one of our comrades used candid to introduce a qt to the idea of worker controlled industry. Fucking awesome.
You mean in the AMA thread? Yea that was me. She seems nice.
it was so leftist for a few moments…
Now Holla Forums runs candid too.
Its nothing but islamophobia and trump/gary spam everywhere
We can't have anything nice because Holla Forums will poison it with their nazi bullshit.
Its surprisingly easy to spread class consciousness with this
Yes we need to sow the seed of class consciousness. We shall have people more aware to the exploitative nature of Capitalism. Thank you Technology.
I already made a couple of groups, one for general leftist discussion and one for us, called "Socialism and Left-Anarchism" and "Holla Forums" respectively.
I'll delete the second group, since it has no members, but should I leave the first open as a meeting place between Holla Forums and is lol?
I meant idpol, but I'm on mobile. Can is lol be the wordfilter for idpol now?
What is candid?
A mobile app for normies that has a chan-like format.
I like the socialism and left-anarchism group. Keep up the good work comrade