Trump to expand the US nuke program

It's going to be great when the kikes try to pull the plug on the US and realize none of their remaining puppets are actually capable of doing so.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oy Vey, Trump's going to destroy the whole world! He should just give those new nukes to our greatest ally.

Yes, you all are.

Don't we have enough nukes?

How many nukes do we need for it to be enough?

Enough for every other nation to not use their nukes on us.


Not enough uranium on the planet for that, getting rid of the CIA is more cost effective to do that.

Liberals are going to go wild about this. It's gonna' be great.

Fuck. I swore I saw a post on here saying that nukes were a jewish invention, or something. Might be mistaken.

Don't summon that retard.


well Einstein was jewish

Reminder that the Clinton foundation has been selling uranium to Russia for over 20 years.


Really had nothing to do with it, aside for a letter he wrote stating the fucking obvious.

Is there nothing that libshits won't get salty about?

I'm sure this post was real in OP's mind.

The opposite could be said about r/the_Donald retards like you.


Try that post again, champ. I'm sure you'll name the correct acronym on your second try.


This is likely in response to Putin planning to do the same thing. Long term it increases the risk of nuclear war because combined with ABM development it creates a feedback loop of escalation. Short term it keeps MAD in check because falling behind in nuclear capability right now would be disastrous.

What's really needed is a new or updated treaty on the development and deployment of ABM systems. As long as MAD is secured, nuclear war has a minimal chance of happening.
Thanks for reminding us of your high verbal IQ. Feel free to make an argument.

I never said it would result in WW3 but OP's is acting as if it's a great thing and the user I was replying to said WW3.

My problem with the liberals is they were asking for a war with Russia which would obviously become nuclear (even though they were acting like it would be limited) the end point of which would destroy both countries for (((third-party))) benefit since there probably only enough for one decisive exchange and with an increased nuclear force like OP said the US could turn the Samson Option against them.

wrong thread retard, this is a
no seamen allowed

I want America to be on top military wise, but what does more nukes accomplish besides dick waving? And who would we wave them at besides Russia? Our only true enemies are (((ISIS))) and Israel and we are funding both.

No one is gonna fuck with an
Think of the leverage you have in any deal or negotiation with your opponents think nuclear isn't off the table. Peace through strength. Pay for the wall or get nuked. Manipulating the yuan? Nuke Tiananmen.

Maybe Russia and the USA will combine efforts in researching space travel and engineer shuttles that can make it to deep space via detonating nukes for propulsion.

If not for nukes WWIII would have already happened.

Nukes are not for war. They justify 50%+ of taxable income being stolen and wasted ala 1984. (you still havn't read it?). Nuclear cores de-molecularizes the sensitive electronic equipment housing and surrounding the weapon. They rot all electronic equipment to render the functionally useless and unable to leave the missile silos they are stored in. This requires constant and NEVER ENDING upkeep. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

It should have, look at the fucking pussyfied people and overpopulation the absence of war created. My personal wish is that it happens all over Africa and south/central Asia instead of Europe this time.

This is an accurate assessment.
Without nuclear weapons being developed during WWII, a 3rd World War would have erupted in the late 50s or early/mid 60s with the Soviet Union and the remaining western powers. (of course controlled by the (((powers at be))) )

They already hundreds of ICBMs with nuclear warheads, it wouldn't surprise me if their greatest ally sends them a few hundred more.

other countries claim to be working on hypersonic gliders that can deliver nukes that defeat our shitty missile defense. our current nuke programs consist of retrofitting existing (aging) weapon systems. we need new tech, go trump!

uhm. user…are you new? the pussification is because all the strong brave alphas died in recent wars leaving the pussies….

i'd rather spend money to upkeep nukes and create jobs than spend money to upkeep niggers/spics/rapefugees/etc

It's also because what happened after the war brought soft times, which makes soft people. hard times make for tough people. No place for Social Justice when you need to fight total war. That's not to mention the technological boost it brings because people try to outsmart eachother to beat the opponent, instead of bringing everybody down to the lowest common denominator.


You run out of weed and pozporn?

This pisses liberals off more than anything else imaginable because their pope Chairman Mao predicted that he's not worried about the bomb because "the people will destroy the bomb". Meaning that communism will triumph despite the superior weaponry of the capitalists because the proletariat in the capitalist states will eventually demand their governments to end nuke programs.

This has long been the goal of the commies, have the people elect politicians to shut down nukes thereby opening the gates for communist domination. And it was all going according to plan under Obama and would have been completed under Hillary. End the nuke programs, leave America defenseless, let communism take over.

The fact of the matter is that today's communists care about the people too much. I think America should nuke a random commie state just to remind them that we mean business. There won't be any retaliation, I assure. They'll take it, cry about it a little, then cower in terror and keep their mouths fucking shut for a generation at least. I say start with Cuba. Wipe that whole nation off the map as payback for threatening to host nukes for the commies to shoot at America in the past. No one is going to declare war on America for nuking Cuba. But the message will be sent and received. Keep up the bullshit and you're next.

We'll nuke the whole world before we let the commies take it over, whether they try to take it by force or by subversion.

If Trump conquers the planet I will be quite pleased.

Look, you don't need to write out three paragraphs to convince us to nuke China. Just say, "hey, let's nuke China" and everyone will be on board.

Wow, who would have thought?

Nukes don't really work in space though, you need to create a chain reaction of mass destruction. Pop a nuke in space and you'll get an anti-climatic little bang but that's it.

Is it actually about that… or??

America’s nuclear arsenal

Trump: “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability”

“Why”, you ask “Cold war is over. Surely we have more nukes than we know what to do with.”

America’s nuclear weapons are, for the most part thermonuclear, and need a little bit of tritium to get them to ignite.

Tritium has a half life of twelve years, and due to technological decline, we have not been able to make tritium for quite a while.

So the number of nuclear weapons that we can ignite has been halving every twelve years.

To greatly expand our weapon supply, need to resume production of tritium, which the Obama regime has been attempting to do – so far unsuccessfully We should also resume testing to try to create thermonuclear weapons that do not need tritium detonators, but if the US was unable to do that back when it could put a man on the moon, its no longer great descendants might find that difficult.

Expect universal outrage and ridicule at Trump’s statement, but when under Obama we tried and failed to resume production of tritium, greatly expanding our nuclear capabilities was what we were trying and failing to do.

The last man on the moon is now eighty two years old, the tallest building in the US was built in 1973, and when we tried to replace the two towers, we were unable to do so. Dysgenic decline, promoting women and coloreds to posts beyond their capability, “disparate impact” prohibits employers from choosing the best, and superior expertise is deemed to be mansplaining. Google has been purging its best engineers, an ailment I attribute to the problem that smart males get up the noses of dumb blue haired social justice warriors. Recall that Obama could not get its Obamacare website up until they threw in the towel and accepted an all white and east asian, all male, team to get it up.

If we are going to greatly expand our nuclear capabilities, need to send women back to the kitchen and keep them barefoot and pregnant. That is the lesson of Team Obama’s efforts to get a website up.

I call bullshit on the statement that tritium can not be made. Fusion experiments consume the stuff, and source it from existing fission reactors.

The US does need to strengthen it's nuclear arsenal. If you are going to shoot down enemy ICBMs, nuclear bombers etc you need your own nuclear surface-to-air and air-to-air weapons.

I hope this opens up for the possibility of finally building Battleship Orion.

Building more nukes is like forging more swords for the army.

The world has moved on. Complete waste of very valuable resources and expertise.

They don't work well as a weapon in space in the traditional nuke way, but for propulsion they could work pretty well. All of that energy is still released even if it isn't propagated through air, so if you can harness it and shoot a good percentage of it in a direction away from your ship, it could theoretically be a decent propulsion. Possibly. I'm dubious if it would ever be practical, but the general idea makes sense.

As far as weaponized nukes in space, yeah, the only major use I could ever see for them would be bunker buster nukes breaching the hull of a ship and then popping the entire thing from the inside. Providing you had a way to get it inside the ship, one nuke should be able to destroy a ship the size of a city, excluding the idea of bullshit sci-fi tech. But then again, how large would space ships ever even reach without bullshit sci-fi tech? I can't see a nuke being a very smart way to take out something the size of an aircraft carrier, and something that small may be able to be destroyed by a nuke just blowing up on it's outer hull, no need to penetrate.

It's not about the number of the nukes, but the quality. Nukes need maintenance that we have been neglecting and we could also modernize our arsenal by a good sight. How about some fucking drone nukes? Maybe nukes that lurk under water like our nuclear submarines, but then can fly into the air and self guide to their target, with all of the necessary safeguards to make sure they can't be stolen by mongorian ching chongs or accidentally attack without proper authorization.

It wouldn't really matter if we had a million nukes if we couodn't fire any of them. I'm not sure if we need to go Russia's route of dickwaving with ever obscenely bigger bombs (fun as that can be), but modern tech nukes that can fly if we need them too is definitely warranted in today's world.

Also, if we're talking about potential denuclearization at some point in the future, we really need to decomission the world's nuclear power plants and replace them with modern walk away safe designs. I'm for nuclear power, but I don't want a disaster to cripple the world and then nuclear fallout to wipe us out when the plants all melt down around the world. Zombie apocalypse scenarios are pants on head retarded even beyond the obvious, because intended power plants as they exist today will kill everyone if left alone for even a moderate period of time. Compared to that, I'm far more comfortable with nuclear weapons where somebody has to deliberately use them.

russia is not dickwaving, they are making smarter nukes that can penetrate missile defenses and evade MAD detection systems

Nukes are actually on the verge of becoming obsolete. Micro-drones are much, much cheaper and more effective. You could release a swarm of mosquito-sized drones with deadly poison to eliminate enemy soldiers, politicians/leaders, anyone holding a gun, or just depopulate the entire country.

You could also make sap/saboteur drones armed with a mix of gallium and mercury to degrade enemy weapons. They wake up one day to find that not only are their tanks, planes, ships, and nukes are literally crumbling, but so are their rifles and shotguns.

Only things made from plastics, ceramics, and wood would be safe from these types of attacks. Pretty much anything else can be degraded by something or another, and you can't fight a swarm of 100 billion robots.

War is about to get really fucking weird, or disappear entirely.

"[…] Putin said Moscow must “strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces, especially with missile complexes that can reliably penetrate any existing and prospective missile defence systems.”

Putin’s remarks came just ahead of President-elect Donald Trump’s own nuclear musings, on Twitter, of course. Trump, who betrayed confusion over U.S. nuclear weapons capabilities and policies on the campaign trail, tweeted his intention to overturn two decades of bipartisan U.S. policy to reduce the country’s nuclear stockpiles.

“The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” he tweeted.

While tensions remain high between the two countries over the war in Syria, Russian intrusions into the U.S. presidential election, and a NATO buildup near Russia’s European borders, the nuclear issue — and the gradual drawdown of both countries’ stockpiles — was one that had remained relatively quiet.

The unexpected comments from two men — who have expressed a willingness to work together to reduce tensions — show how tough it may be to overcome great-power rivalries, driven both by Moscow’s desire to reclaim its place and a nervous NATO bulking up against a perceived threat.

Putin’s speech at the defense ministry’s headquarters in Moscow comes weeks before NATO is slated to deploy thousands of new troops to Eastern Europe and the Baltic states in an effort to reassure alliance members looking nervously over their borders at their Russian neighbors, who are themselves moving troops and tanks to the border region.

But questions remain over the ultimate fate of the new deployments, as President Barack Obama’s $3.4 billion European Reassurance Initiative — which would put more U.S. troops in Europe — could run up against President-elect Trump’s campaign promises to cut spending on stationing U.S. troops abroad. "

" […] Putin told a news conference in Moscow on Friday he was surprised by the fuss Trump's tweet had caused and how it had been linked to his own statements about Russia's plans to modernize its own nuclear arsenal. Putin said on Thursday Russia's military was "stronger than any potential aggressor."

Putin made clear on Friday he did not regard the United States as a potential aggressor. "I was a bit surprised by the statements from some representatives of the current U.S. administration who for some reason started to prove that the U.S. military was the most powerful in the world," said Putin. "Nobody is arguing with that."

He said Trump's statement about overhauling U.S. nuclear forces was "nothing special." "He (Trump) spoke during his election campaign about the need to beef up the U.S. nuclear arsenal and the armed forces," said Putin. "

It's funny how no TV newsroom seems to be making news reports with this press conference with the world's press (I haven't seen one):

Russia to keep flat tax
Mr Putin denies plans to scrap Russia's 13 percent flat rate of income tax.
It's introduction in the early 2000s was one of Mr Putin's early successes - "I wasn't sure about it at the time but tax receipts then went up seven times," he says. We're sticking with it, he says.

and the fact that we are going into a new era of anti nuclear defence. if the enemy defence can shoot down 10 nukes then send 20.


You can make tritium on your stove if you are patient enough. Just need a LOT of water. Never mind that you can just make it directly with a glass of water and a neutron beam.

Not to mention pure-fusion weaponry.

It is a sad feeling.

Note he didn't say anything about new warheads, just expanded capability. That could mean new bombs or just improved delivery systems. Regardless, it's good to see more asshurt being doled out via Trump's twitter.




There is No Future but Nuclear Fire!

Already obsolete. Degraded by drones. Plus the fact that big explosions aren't really all that great. Can't use them at short range.

Nope. Jews wake up one morning to find their nukes and subs have all crumbled to dust, thanks to gallium-mercury bearing micro drones.

Stop posting this in every thread you stupid faggot


good goy, you be the man to destroy usa.
everyone loves you, everyone voted for you, just as the bible said. and you will be the moron going to war with russia, and russia will wipe you out.

good goy, everything is going according to our (((plans)))….

whoops. sorry. i just had a bad dream is all.
(they say dreams are the doorway to greater knowledge)

meanwhile, thne joo is busy giving the cia orders

there will be a shitstorm a brewin in the usa, and everywhere else….

That too and it's smart of them, I just mean I don't care if we make a bigger American answer to the Tsar bomb.

why antagonism with Russia ??? Did he said not that he and Putin would be great pals on a peace path … common trump can't you deliver on that

We can strengthen our nuclear arsenal and simultaneously not be hostile with Russia. We'll just use the Chinese as a boogeyman, the Russians hate them just as much as we do.



We gonna make NATO great again, boys. Putin just got cucked out of nuclear and military prowess. Nuke Israel.

Is.. is that a real word user? You just made that up on the spot didn't you?

Nate is freaking out

Never heard that term used. But it is a very descriptive / intuitive way to call a real process that happens when things are bombarded by high energy particles. Atoms (not just molecules) are shattered, effectively transmuting matter upwards through the periodic table, towards lighter elements.

The proper term for this is nuclear spallation.


That says "UN". That says "NATO" nowhere. He was right, you're grabbing at straws and missing.

I don't get his tweet…

That Trump would of won 2020 if Hillary won and started WW3?

This seems like the obvious answer, but I'm sure the kike is trying to say something anti-trump.

Thanks user. I would presume the lead casing would contain most of the particle bombardment and shield the majority of the structural components. I imagine the control electronics are of the most radhard variety devisable.

Underrated post heh

I guess. I just didn't get schizo worried like Mr. Bronzestein did.

Considering his success with prediction, we should thank him for protecting us by ensuring that there won't be nuclear war.

(((Max Roser)))

Honestly in a Nuclear war the first targets will be Alaska and Hawaii

I'll post it here.

I was looking up a lulzworty episode of a German's child show about "neonazis" to see if somebody had done a review.
(I am leaning German, and child shows use simple language, great for learning).
First result I find after video streaming websites?

The fetish blog of a kikess (Sasha Cohen), where she saves clips of bondage scenes.
This kikess gets off watching children in bondage, and is not afraid to put her name and picture to it.

Tangentially related to this thread due to her last twitter update on the sidebar thing.

One Baron off being that One hit Wonder Kike