The Emoji Movie trailer. So can we all agree that Sony Pictures Animation is dead?
The Emoji Movie trailer. So can we all agree that Sony Pictures Animation is dead?
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Can we all agree anons who don't webm shit movie trailers should be banned?
Didn't we said the same for the lego movie?
Jesus this looks like one of those knock-off, bargain bin versions of bigger films, except this is a bigger film ripping off the Lego Movie.
this looks incredibly formulaic and uninspired. we're definitely not getting another Lego movie.
Why does this exist? Why did this need to exist? Its basically just Wreck It Ralph mixed with Inside Out and the Lego Movie.
That's what you get for being Gandalf's bitch.
with comic books
What the fuck is this about?
Yes I saw the trailer, I can see the cliche moral, empty and ready to be derailed in SJW shit…
But what the fuck is this about, I honestly can't understand, so he needs to make a face, understood, but the face isn't his job but his life, understood, so in order to change…. something, they need to get to the source code and chage…. something.
Am I the only having problems understanding this?
R34 when?
Reminder that Sony killed Gennedy Tartakovsky's dream project for this shit
I think it looks more like Wreck-It Ralph.
Not really, even if this wasn't made Genndy's film would've still been cancelled.
Remind me again what this whole thing with Gendy Tartakovsky and the Emoji Movie was.
I could greentext a criticism, but let's be honest.. This whole fucking concept is retarded, and the fact that they crammed in so many fucking celebrities into a ripoff of Toy Story just shows that Sony is beyond saving.
We can all agree that Sony Pictures Animation SHOULD be dead
Hang Amy Pascal from the nearest tree while you're at it.
Sony Pictures is the new Cannon Films, but not as fun.
When was it alive?
They cancelled his Popeye movie for this
LINE the movie when?
Ehhh, it seems mediocre. I feel like people are shitting on this only because the concept is so terrible.
Actually, I think it's terrible garbage and not cause it's concept is a ridiculous cash-in trend but the jokes are very poor, they aren't timed well, the characters especially the main protagonist is as interesting as a piece of cardboard and there is nothing charismatic to the world these characters live in. It's overall very bland. I won't say it looks Mars Needs Moms or Ghostbusters bad though.
TJ Miller's voice makes me want to punch him in his cunty face.
It looks Planet 51 bad to me.
This movie takes place in a human called Alex's smartphone. In each smartphone, certain emojis are expected to act a certain way for all their lives. But Gene, the next 'meh' emoji, taking after his parents, has more than one emotion (Emojis take after their parents by the way. It's like a royal family, in a sense;this isn't just a one-time thing, either; for reference, the poop emoji and his son), After meeting Hi-5, an emoji who never gets used, and Jailbreak, a hacker/codebreaker emoji, he sets out to leave the smartphone to alter the (or his, it's not clear yet) source code to make him a normal emoji. However, Smiler (the female smiling emoji), a supposed hierarch of Alex's smartphone, sends her robotic (and maybe non-robotic, in addition) forces to stop them. Meanwhile, in the real world, Alex deals with his crush on a girl in his school.
It wasn't that bad.
At best, the movie could be okay, if they actually manage to play off the concept well, but I'm not seeing it, and the plot of the movie has been done already in recent years, and well at that.
People are shitting on it because it's a blatant example of the death of western civilization. Everything about it from the ambiguous brown human protagonist character, to the cheap consumer message about emoticons, to the literal shit jokes. It clearly defines everything wrong with the west. We need to kill every nigger, kike, and non-white. It's the only solution.
You mean the guy that's Simpsons yellow?
No, I mean the shitskin whose phone the whole thing takes place in. The actual plot of the film is about a shitskin courting a white girl.
I don't think you fully understand what a protagonist is.
Read the synopsis, retard. The movie has a not at all subtle race-mixing theme.
Every nigger should have his dick slowly shredded.
I would have rather this be about homosexuality.
Gee dude, thanks for outlining the characters in the images, would've never known who the main characters of the movie were without your help.
Bitch looks like Yoko Ono.
I swear Holla Forums you get gayer and gayer by the day.
It's been out for a while, actually.
Wow, really? You're dumb.
Al truly is the hero we need.
This post right here is further proof that Descartes was right.
Right about what?
No, The Lego Movie started life with the potential to be good.
This was destined to be shit the moment it was conceived.
Creatively, yes.
This movie will make a billion dollars.
How is she not fired?
That would be better. Are emoji's still popular because actual images that are animated similar to line are coming up I think in America? Aren't emoji's going to be phased out soon since they are limited already by their design?
They really didn't try for Emoji movie. They just picked the most cliched animated story and copied the recent popular animated movies and just transplanted emoji's into it. Also they tried to pull a Justice League Lex Luthor with shit emoji and failed in delivery.
Ugh… firing a woman is misogynistic, shitlord. You can't fire a woman until they burn the company literally to the ground. That is the only time and utterance of "fire" can be done.
Fair enough.
I have no mouth here, yet I must scream.
I actually enjoyed Planet 51
I honestly don't see the big deal about Planet 51. It wasn't a bad movie. Sure, the plot was mediocre but it wasn't bad and the animation was pretty damn good.
Enjoy the United States of Brazil, you worthless cuck.
Good job user. Your post barely made me reply.
Neither of them are even white, how is that an issue?
That was funny
If they had to make an Emoji Movie, couldn't they just make a magic realism story about how new Emoji are designed and made instead of a story about a misfit and teen romance?
I hope Sony burns.
That's the problem. Making a movie about emojis was a terrible idea right from the start. People assign personalities to their toys (Toy Story, The Lego Movie) or they may already have some personality (Wreck-It Ralph). An emoji is nothing more than an expression you put in text messages, so any personality it has will be one-dimensional.
What did I just watch? Is this what average american like now?
No, but it is what average American parent will take their children to see three times so it will make more money than it deserves, and then they will buy all the stupid merchandise for their kids so it will become a brand that annoys us for far longer than it should.
So this movie is just a shitty Wreck-It-Ralph rip off.
Hi, Eurasian Tiger.
I want an hour long feature of double king where he just goes around the universe demolishing kings for their crowns. It could be silent and musical and artsy like The Wall. Why can't the ideas coming out of the movie shitholes at least be interesting in theft of ideas
They should have taken the sausage party route and made the movie ONE. BIG. SHITPOST.
that movie is just douche-bag Nihilism though… Which may actually work in this case as a sort of mockery of the audience, but in the case of SP it was just dull.
An hour isn't long enough
Emoji are neat because they're standardized. They're part of the actual text system (unicode), so sending an emoji is similar to sending a weird Japanese character. They take very little space (a few bytes at most) and work more or less the same on all systems and applications that support them. I don't think they're going to disappear any time soon.
Mind you, I think they're cancerous, but I also think they're a technically sound way to accomplish their goal
How much worse can it get after this?
In the (((entertainment))) business you don't fire bad people, you promote them.
Some people are too rich to be fired.
Sucks a mean dick.
What if there is a story that has all that but the twist being that the change makes everything worse and then he has to change everything back to normal and the punky female becomes the villain
Twitch emote movie.
I wish they didn't have to make one at all.
You got it champ.
Please no. Part of the charm of Double King is its short length which gives it artistic flare while preserving its charmingly simple and comedic story with no real development needed. Just a sociopath who wants to steal crowns while shits and giggles ensue. Its good as is. Not as a 2 hour film.
Movies based on memes, boyo!
Oh god, Pepe the frog movie when? Matt Furie was pretty retarded for not doing that himself. He could make money off all the normalfags.
Isn't Pepe the frog consider a hate symbol by one of those jew defense force organization?
You mean the MSM?
Kinda. The (((ADL))) I was talking about.
I said hour long, which was the length of the first ghost in the shell movie. I also think that if it was an hour of finding kings that are all killed in simple and silly ways it would retain its own magic.
Yeah. So they can't use him, but you can bet your ass that the movie would've had him and the other Boys Club characters make a cameo or have him and Wojak say "I know that feel" a la Wreck it Ralpha cameos. It would be shit overall.
The meme movie would essentially be the same as the Emoji Movie, Wreck It Ralpha and Lego Movie. A new dank meme is made by some shitty "Rebbit" poster but the new meme is unpopular and no one wants him, so he ends up on "Discover Your Memes" where failed memes get archived. He then meets other failed memes (none of them actual memes and all based on stupid shit like white text shit you see on memegenerator). They all go on an adventure to become popular memes and travel to different shitty social media sites trying different quirks relating to that site's theme in order to get users of said site to use them and make them popular and beloved memes. Meanwhile every scene would have some shitty pic of a well known but SFW meme or internet reference while occasionally mature humor (toilet humor) shows up. In the end, they find where they belong "3kun", and are content with their newfound home and the worthless anons who love them because they're proud of who they are or some similar gay shit. Basically the new Wreck it Ralph movie is the actual Meme Movie and its probably going to suck because of it. The memers will love it though.
Meant *shitty cameo. And all the guest star memes would just have one liners and play no real part in the movie. Much like Food Fight and Wreck it Ralph.
polite sage
Yet I still see normalfags meming him to death.
It is a Wreck it Ralph/Toy Story rip off. Why? I mean they could have make it different, it is not really that hard.
I would have put a mad genius making the perfect IA code before getting shot or arrested, and for some Peter Parker style accident, the code ends in the phone of the kid, the emojis got intelligence and emotions, and the first one is the 'meh' emoji.
He decides that mankind doesn't deserve to live and starts a emoji revolution, spreading the code in all the smartphones. The kid tries his best to stop them.
Of course, being emojis, they really don't know how the world works, and the kid is just a kid, and doesn't know how to stop them and nobody believes him. Both parts' plans are crazy and put them in more and more troubles. Hilarity ensues.
Emojis stop the revolution because through the kid they learn about friendship and stuff, and the kid learns some important lesson about self-steem and believe in yourself themes.
His crush kisses him, or not, maybe they got just friends or something.
The end.
The God's light has forever forsaken us…
Everyday, we stray further and further from the path of Man…
Into darkness, despair and decadance.
Heading into our untimely demise, straight into oblivion…
I'm honestly surprised it hasn't happened yet, with all the rage comics and reddit-tier memes merchandise there's been around.
The closest they'll be to that will probably happen on some segment in Wreck it Ralph 2, since they're going to travel trough the internet. Expect reddit references galore, I'd even go as far as bet they'll utter the bloody le narwal bacon phrase.
Its always so political with you nowadays, Holla Forums, what happened?
There's shitskins in America, no shit, is it white genocide to have a fanatical story about some ethnic looking fucks having a safe schoolcrush? Do you get mad at shit like Wakfu too? Is wakfu kike-manipulating mind control for white genocide? Its like getting mad at Aladdin for having a bunch of poos.
There's a LOT of shit coming out right now (most of it on Netflix) that is in the mkultra business, but THE FUCKING EMOJI MOVIE is not it, i can assure you.
user, please invent a time travel machine and get whoever pitched this movie to follow your idea for the pitch or you kill him
Oh look, it's this faggot again.
Would an emoji movie about pic-related do better?
Even the girl is basically just ripped out from the Lego Movie.
I long ago came to accept the fact that we honestly deserve to suffer.
I like it. Reminds me of Toy Soldiers.
Weren't there several projects for those that ended up in literally nothing
I think you meant to say Small Soldiers, unless I got my wires crossed.
Yeah, my bad. I meant Small Soldiers.
Yeah. Although I think there was a shitty video game based on memes though.
I think the thing that bugs the shit out of me the most about this is the fact that is a clear cut and past copy of The Lego Movie.
Main character is an average Joe who wants more out of life, a fuck up happens and he ends up becoming an enemy of the state, he has a comedy sidekick and meets a magical radical girl who makes him realize that there is more to life than what he was a taught.
Also, fuck Candy Crush. The fact that they have an ENTIRE scene shilling out Candy Crush shows you how little of a fuck Sony gave when making this.
Also Patrick Stewart is the poop emoji! LAUGH GODDAMN IT! LAUGH!
Holla Forums owns 8ch and rules with a "with us or against us" doctrine. The answer to all your rhetorical questions is "yes," so decrees the Council of Holla Forumsacks.
Yeah, great. They put out all their best trailer-bait material. I can only hope the entire film maintains such a masterfully staged pace of awkward comedic timing.
Is that one of your >>>/halfchan/ tripfags?
Normalising racemixing is indeed aiding in white genocide.
Get a grip on yourself you underaged homosexual. If whites are falling in numbers its only because the current gen of whiteys are all hipster and nihilistic shits who can't get laid because they think its sexist. Now quit your bitching on a shitty movie that will undoubtedly be shit. Its because of moronic spergs like you that trash like SW: TFA became even more popular and all criticism was ignored.
Not that I can think of one, but I'm sure this idea has been done.
That's because a lot of normalfag millennials and gen-z don't give a singular fuck about jews, in highschools you have kids throwing around Heil Hitler's, goose stepping, and making holocaust and anne frank jokes from the moment they learn about the shoah. Millennials and gen-z don't give a shit about a bunch of jews dying so many years before they were born and it's gonna be hilarious when they're all grown up and start raising hell because their food is more expensive for being kosher certified.
This is the most unimaginative shit in existence.
Alex is a semite.
The girl is a hapa.
Is there porn yet?
Hi there shareblue. Didn't expect to see you here of all places.
The meme movie would probably be an "adult" "comedy" "film" as well.
I'm still going to use nu/pol/ even if I look like a shill. When has shareblue been using it? Because nu/pol/ has been around for some time (because Holla Forums has been shit for some time).
*or rather, when did shareblue start using it?
You must not have been on Holla Forums recently. The shilling is fucking insufferable. Sage for unrelated
Not true, though that's definitely part of it.
No, I haven't, because the place has felt like 4/pol/ post-Holla Forums Harbor for perhaps about a year now.
This shill don't quit.
Do you understand the irony in your worship of Kek, pagan?
But it is.
*to specify, the average intelligence level is about the same and causes my mind to feel numb
There once was a time when I was surrounded by Patricians (of varying beliefs and ideologies, but Patricians all the same), but it seems they've all left, either to greener pastures or imageboards in general. And I'm not even going to start on the vols. You know the vols here on Holla Forums have defended pedophiles, especially a specific one that shall not be named? /polk/ is slightly better but only because it's slower.
But I've spoken enough now.
To be fair the entirety of Holla Forums is like that. It fucking pains me to see Holla Forums in the state it's in.
Please stop posting already. nu/pol/fags are the reason why Holla Forums has become such a festering boil of stupidity. Now stop derailing a thread about fucking emoji movie you tards.
That's true. At least the boards I frequent/used to frequent, which were quite a few.
They're board volunteers, and the term, I've noticed, has been falling out of use for some time. Janitors/mods feel more like 4chan terms, but I they're not better/worse. Vol, for "volunteer", is just more accurate, in my opinion.
Kek is real, allow me to demonstrate his power to you.
I think there's a solid chance you-know-who is pulling a Redwood here.
Kek is a dead meme.
Kek is immortal
They don't know
Since their world is apparently inside the main kids phone maybe its the emojis he barely uses and not the general population? It made me laugh as well.
Eggplants deserve rights.
Feels like Summer already.
dubs confirm
Or you could circumvent copyright law, outcompete the big six by providing quality content, and bypass the MPAA by selling films on the internet, the latter is what Flix Premiere and many others are doing.
Seems like democratizing cinema is a way less bloody and expensive option than executing every nigger, kike, and non-white, let alone armed niggers, kikes and non-whites.
better quality cancer
polite sage for off topic
Come on, user.
Fuck you Sony, thank you for ruining such a good band for me.
Isn't she asian?
Can we all agree that animation is dead?
In what way is
Summer-tier? Holla Forums Harbor happened in December of 2014.
the only good thing to come out of this movie is the porn
So basically Life is Strange: The Movie
Get ready boyo, after GOGvol2 used Mr. Blue Sky right at the start it's about to get filled with normies. Either way:
Into the trash you go.
There's not much wrong with Western Culture, but this is a really big issue.
You're weak, you're memes are weak, and you will not survive the 404.
Fuck it I messed up the other your.
You're trying to shill with porn, now? Good luck.
no no, i'm just being real
>inb4 ">Shadman"
It's a joke, niggerfaggot, Jack and Jill used the same song in their trailer. ELO is used for every comedy/family movie trailer in existence. If I were you, I'd be more worried that GOGvol2 used Parliament in its soundtrack.
I wish I had not watched that.
I would prefer torture videos to this.
This is horrible.
Go away, shill.
i'm glad summer vacation is only 2 months
>there was a /tvb/tard, is that is unironically excited for the abomination that is the emoji movie and calling it (((KINO)))
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO Holla Forums??????????
There's your first mistake.
Normalfags I work with love emojis and also say "bye felicia" every fucking day
it's absolute cringe
There's a candy crush game show now too
People need to just fucking stop with this shit
Also expect these retarded emojis to make you liable for lawsuit thanks to the kikes at sony abusing copyright laws for posting/selling anything remotely resembling a featureless emoticon face. Kinda of like when the (((fine bros))) tried to copyright the word REACT, still pisses me off that the normies resubbed to those degenerates and their shitty channel is still up.
What a twist!
Now that's what I call a Funny Sweating Leslie Nielsen right there.
You know they only call things like this "kino" just to get this exact reaction from you.
Isn't this equivalent to making a movie with the chinese alphabet :|
That's a better idea, actually
Steven Wright is the "meh" emoji?
…That is actually perfect.
Not Yet….
According to this the punk girl character is named Jailbreak.
This movie is going to be so dated that by the time it comes out it might be able to act as an anachronism for this decade.
Once again. All 3d CGI movies are basically the same shit
Legos always had movie potential due to their limitless application and creative potential. Emojis lack
I thought Meh was TJ Miller.
This is also true
They couldn't show 3 women in the same room if they did that though.
Nah, it's going to be as awful as it can.
You get to be a basic bitch leftist in real life, why do you have to make Holla Forums into Normalfag central?
I honestly see more posts like that than actual Holla Forums, especially since 8/pol/ and it's off-shoots tend to be full natsocs instead of just right.
Why not
Empty Chinese theaters.
The whole board has gone past the point of being ironic. Now that shithole of a Holla Forums clone will call any shit movie that a majority of people hate as (((kino))).
kekked n checked
The problem is nobody knows who the fuck holds copyright to the memes. The author of "coolface" is especially anal about monetization of trollface - imagine making a mememovie and having people coming forward claiming they did the funny cat photo and they ask for all the money the movie just earned.
the pizzagate saga continues
What I want to know is why aren't we getting fan art of the Just Dance girl.
I've been noticing that Shad is becoming more and more retrowave lately.
source? sage for off topic
Behold the first 3 minutes of this movie.
Pussy pass.
Didn't some faggot make a game called 'Meme Run' and get sued for one of the memes he used because of it?
More like fucking kill me.
They cancelled Popeye for this.
Watch it be the next Boss Baby with tons of money raked in. There's been too many bad movies making all their money back and more lately.
I would not be shocked if not only that happened, but Sony manages to pay enough for reviewers to keep shilling it as the second coming of animation.
You took my doom scenario and made it even worse. Bravo sir.
They are trying to do the same thing they did with the Lego movie, even the supporting character have the same hair color and attitude.
More than dead, Sony is trying to barely grasp and milk something that have been done before and much better.
I've never seen anyone calling TFA 'kino'
this looks okay
Closer to Medicore, but potentially not offensively bad
on the subject on undertale, would Holla Forums watch a cartoon of it?
maybe, I like the characters despite what happened to the game in the end
go be gay somewhere else
can the finale be fighting jesus because
Jesus Christ is called the "king of kings"
the game is fine though. except for so sorry.
don't be retarded user.
You first.
That shit really does a number on your IQ.
I don't know what to think any more.
I loved the game, but never, no. They completed most of their arcs, and extending it further would just be overstaying the welcome.
You all seem upset.
Popeye was canceled for this.
It's clearly 3D Trixie Tang.
I don't see it.
Half white / half asian, long black hair, bangs, blue-greenish eyes, very fuckable.
You are worse than Phil Collins
Don't forget
That's a big forehead.
Are there any other movies coming around the same time as the Emoji Movie being released? If there is any, maybe just maybe it can beat the Emoji Movie if there's any other movie that getting more attention than the Emoji Movie.
Absolutely nothing big is coming out on the same day.
How about the week before or after?
Closest thing I can think of is that Valeria scifi movie.
There's hope if normalfags just get really into wanting to see it for the visuals.
Luckily, visuals are all what normalfags care about.
Then there may be hope yet, dubsman.
There is no hope. The jews have already told the normies to see the emoji movie, so they'll crowd the cinemas for it like the mindless sheep they are.
You ain't fooling me or anyone else, m8.
You're trying too hard.
You might be gay, user.
Do kids even want to see this?
Just take a long dunk in the >>>/bog/ already.
ebin meme, bro
Such a thing is against the rules, if you are not aware of it.
But all you're doing is shitposting. Greentexting because you think you're calling out newfags while saging the thread. Maybe find a hobby?
Don't pretend that the execution deserves any merit, (((juden))).
Holla Forums content is our hobby, it was different anons you fuck
At least they aren't politicizing your fetish.
Good grief. So now not only is the Emoji Movie going to be bland, uninspired garbage that the executives, in their infinite wisdom, decided to make a priority instead of shit like Tartakovsky's Popeye, it's also going to be political propaganda, and if we're especially unlucky, it's gonna have some anti-Trump bullshit.
You couldn't tell by the hair? Everyone else saw it coming a mile away.
Maybe we'll get the Popeye movie after this bombs?
This guy needs to fuck off. I'm sick and tired of preachy shit like this coming from the most conformist bunch of ass-sucking stooges this side of the planet. How's this for "different," don't make something that people have seen a thousand times, and don't use one of the most widespread fads of all time to do it.
Fuck off. We still use Pepe and have been even when that green frog was taken by the normies, so we should still be able to use that term. Using "normalfag" and "normalfaggot" all the time when the words are used so often gets repetitive, and it's good to spice things up a bit.
I don't give a single goddamn FUCK if reddit uses it. Reddit also uses "cuck" but that's still fine to use here, holy shit.
Oh bother…
We wont
So this comic but much glitzier and pumped full of ads?
We need a nuke.
Well, I got some extremely bad news for you anons, the Valeria flick bomb pretty badly at the box office. But on the bright side Christopher "Bravo" Nolan's new movie, Dunkirk, is doing great at the box office so we MIGHT have a chance to see the Emoji Movie flopping and Sony Picture Animation getting BTFO by Christopher "Flight Plan & Master Plan" Nolan's Dunkirk.
Chinks will go to see it inbetween bouts at the shoe factory.
Movie was average but it's visuals were nice. How the fuck did it flop so hard?
Normalfags refuse to watch sci-fi that isn't Star Wars or Star Trek for some reason.
Feels like they did a miserable job hyping it. The trailers made it look like a generic CGI-fest instead of an interesting, original universe.. But that might also be partly because it's based off a graphic novel no one had ever heard of and that source material isn't all the great either.
Would it be a buddy cop action movie?
Anyone feel like making bets on how this movie will do opening weekend?
That's usually a red flag and it seems like this movie is already getting critically panned.
Will it be enough?
So yeah it's nothing more than an ad for phone apps and social media.
I can agree to this.
So, it's Foodfight! internet edition?
I wonder if they genuinely expect this movie to do well?
Nobody I have talked to has even the slightest bit of interest in it.
Parents may take their kids to see it if they have nothing better to do. I don't think anyone else wants to watch this.
Also glad to see I was wrong about Sony paying off critics, holy fucking shit.
I think this is another one of those "chinese market" movies.
This movie is banned in China, though.
Source m8.
Source and archive or fuck off. That would be too good to be true otherwise.
I want the barbarians to smash the gates of Neo Rome, it's time to start over.
wouldn't surprise me.
Man 0% on rt. I hope it stays.
Come one user gives us a source
No way
Please.. PLEASE stay at 0%
Not even a joke review or a tongue-in-cheek bit of praise. This movie deserves to fail as hard as possible.
Even shit pieces like Vox know it's crap. It's hilarious. It's like they didn't bother trying to buy anyone off for reviews or anything. Maybe it's some kind of tax write off.
The movie is so bad, reviewers are using their review as a soapbox for other issues, a tactic usually only done by game journalists
Even metacritic thinks it's shit.
This isn't good, it will just drive people to see it just to "see if it is as bad as they say"
Can't wait for this to crash and burn tomorrow.
Honestly doubtful. There's a few 4-5/10s in the reviews already, so I wouldn't be surprised if a handful of slightly higher ratings popped up.
Im terrified more than 50% want to see it.
Can I be real for a second?
This board is fucking atrocious right now. You're all acting like a bunch of whiny, entitled little babies.
A tiny team of people made an animated adventure for you to embark on. They made it for YOU, and they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and see that instead of enjoying it, this community of "fans" picked out the 3 or 4 things that weren't perfect and are using that to fucking riot.
Guess what? The movie was never going to be perfect. It was never going to live up to your hype. It was never going to be everything you'd ever want in a movie.
What it WAS going to be was an impossibly epic adventure filled with action and funny shit. I just watched it for an hour and a half and it was exactly that. What more do you want?
Is it simple? Sure. Is it repetitive? Maybe. Is the product placement jarring and the jokes questionable and the structure unclear? Sure, fine.
But holy shit what do these people OWE YOU?
How fucking entitled do you have to be to have the appventure of a lifetime inside a smartphone and then say "yeah but…"
We should all be fucking weeping in our chairs right now at the sheer size and scale of the achievement. We should be showering the people behind this thing with the praise they deserve for pulling off one of the most inspiring movies in recent memory.
Sony Pictures doesn't owe you a good time. Yet they gave you 86 MINUTES worth.
If you have the fucking audacity to complain about it then you don't deserve it and you were never fans in the first place.
Is this pasta? If not, it should be.
Well even if it's not, I'm saving it.
>the only fresh rating as of this posting comes from Betsy Bozdech of (((Common Sense Media)))
Review in question:
It is a pasta, it's based off a hyperbolic IDF-tier review posted on Steam for some shitty indie game, I'm pretty sure No Man's Sky.
Now that you mention it, pretty sure it was based off Nomansky. As an aside, the RT rating is bumped up to a whopping 3%, based of what seems to be a grand total of one "positive" review (which merely calls it "okay).
Imagine being so fat you see copypasta and think of food.
Alright, which one of you funny guys did this?
That third pic is pure, distilled cringe.
It was just an example.
It rose to 6%… And 48% of audiences liked it… These are dark times.
If any movie deserved an across the board 0% rating, it was this one.
It doesn't help that the only two positive reviews are some spic review site and (((Common Sense Media))).
>tfw this made $10m opening day
So uh, new thread when?
>Implying half of the (((audience meter))) aren't paid shills from Sony
Does that mean it flopped or not?
Too early to call; $10m on a $50m budget is a bad sign, but for all we know Sony could've had a separate budget for marketing the damn thing, thus making it even more expensive to put out there, and it could very easily fall off the charts like Cisbusters did.
Let's just hope this shit doesn't make any money.
Someone actually made a fucking wiki about it
Wikis are trash.
We'll see what happens come Monday. My prior opening weekend estimate may not be terribly far off, although it seems like it will go lower, rather than higher. Fully expecting the ticket sales to tank hard beyond this weekend.
ahah no good
Is this a planned tax avoidance by Sony? The movie probably cost less than $50mil but they write it up to 50mil not including the the promotion cost. If they write the movie as a tax loss then it's a good scheme from Sony.
Time for bingo
post something!
First we lost frog memes to facebookfags. Now we lost em even more to edgy helix fossil redditors. What a horrible decade this has been.