Anti-Anti white proletarian whites

An interesting niche in the political Left has appeared over the last 18 months. They are a segment of the Bernie Sanders wing of the Left, socialists who oppose racial identity politics generally and the shaming of poor whites in particular. I call them the anti-anti-white Left. They are vehemently opposed to the Clinton family and mainstream Democratic figures such as Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid—whom they consider part of the exploiting class—and they attack capitalism, war, and almost every liberal pundit.
Needless to say, they are not race realists or white advocates, and they openly abhor what they call “racism.” However, they are so preoccupied with economics and class that they have little respect for theories about “white privilege,” or “authoritarian personalities.” Anti-anti-white socialists despise elite whites who live in “whiteopias” but call working class whites “racists,” and who promote economic programs like NAFTA that benefit them but hurt the working class.

Here is a statement of their worldview, taken from the essay, “Burying the White Working Class,” on the anti-anti-white socialist website, Jacobin:

[W]hy do elite liberals seem to focus so particularly on white wage-earners?

Part of the explanation is that unlike with the white working class, many of the hardships workers of color face fit neatly within an acceptable liberal narrative about what’s wrong with our society: racism. And when racism can be blamed, capitalism can be exonerated.

Liberals can delude themselves into believing that it is nothing more than the accumulation of individual prejudices stashed away in the minds of powerful white people that has destroyed black and brown communities in Detroit, Ferguson, and Chicago’s South Side.

Class stratification, capital flight, and the war against organized labor are thus sidestepped completely. The liberal elite is spared from having to question the fundamental injustices of capitalism.

Unfortunately, the miseries, hardships, and exploitation of white workers don’t fit into an easy capital-friendly framework. Liberals then have two options: blame the individual moral failings of white workers or call into question the very nature of capitalism itself.

Guess which one they choose. More and more, liberals just point and scream: “racist.”

The author’s hyperlink on “individual moral failings” points to a piece from National Review vilifying poor whites who support Donald Trump. Let it be remembered that in 2016, a socialist criticized National Review for its dismissiveness of poor white Americans.

This essay is not unique. Jacobin regularly argues against the anti-white posturing of pundits in such places as Slate and Vox. And like every political faction these days, they fight their battles on Twitter. AmRen readers may be surprised to know that there is a near constant and often heated Twitter war between anti-anti-white socialists, and anti-white liberals.

They're not actually pro-white, they just realize it isn't intelligent to agitate against the majority when you're out of power.

I hate this meme.

Then I guess the pro-white whites have the task of turning the anti-anti-white whites into true pro-white whites.

Is it good for the whites?

all leftists need to be hanged

I had a feeling this might happen. We need to get involved with this, spread it on places like Holla Forums and plebbit. With sufficient pressure we can build a double pronged effort - the right brings the nationalism and the left brings the (Hitlerian, not marxist) socialism.

A well written defense of Hitler's economic policies promoted in the right place on the left would soften them immensely to fascist thought in general. National Socialism's socialism is a genuine answer to many of the actual concerns raised about capitalism from the left, and a far better solution than Marxist socialism, which, with work, it should be possible to purge from these groups.

This is a golden opportunity to take anti-white discourse out of the Overton window for a generation, we must not squander it.

They're just Marxists with an autistic obsession over class conscious and a view that class is everything.

No. We need the left to be a coalition of aliens. We also need the anti white discourse to continue and intensify. If anti white discourse hurts your feefees you are in for a rude awakening. Whites need a slap in the face not to be placated.

Every 8 years, more or less like clockwork, control over the US government shifts from one major party to the other, because things rarely if ever get better fast enough, and people are fed up with things as they are. After 8 years of the media shitting on Trump, and likely a major economic crisis, I doubt the "Republican" party will hold onto power. If Trump does what he says by purging the illegals, and hopefully ending the voter fraud, the Democratic party will run someone who looks much more like Sanders than Clinton, since there will be much less of a minority base for them to run on.

With work now in astroturfing left wing grassroots areas, we can shift this enemy to reject gun control, to promote work-based gibs rather than direct entitlement gibs, and to be anti-Fed and anti-Israel, as well as rejecting third world immigration as harmful to the American lower class.

I would also mention that capitalism is as Jewish of a system as marxism, but that we will never succeed in getting the Republican party to criticize capitalism to a significant degree. The next best thing is working to control what the left wing criticism of capitalism looks like.

We can't stop the pendulum from swinging without entirely overthrowing the system, but we can work to guide the return swing so that it doesn't hit us in the ass.

These people are only anti-anti-white because they want to be included in the conversation about Left-Liberal bullshit. An example of this is that atheism-is-unstoppable guy on YouTube (forget that he's a Hilary fag for a second). He makes these videos where he supposedly stands up for white people from the newest SJW attack yet but then he turns around and shits on Trump. He only does what he does so his Liberal friends can talk to him again, he doesn't give a fuck about white people.

He's a bad example. I've heard some of these 'anti-anti-white' fags state that race realism is real, but 'we shouldn't legislate on it', and some discuss economic policies similar to Hitlerian socialism.

I usually counter that with the fact that Ghandi (a socialist) was racist. Called Africans "rasinheads"

also, fuck off trip/name faggot

You're thinking that everything hinges on a Trump win next election. I'm thinking everything hinges on the overthrow of this system. And for that to happen this paradigm of a pndellum has to end. Whites need to get shut out of the left so the PoC takeover of the left can run the full course.

They make some good points IMO.

That one especially. You can posture as a do-gooder while fucking everyone over, no surprise big money has often so pushed anti racist/sexist/homophobic fads.


I'm not aware of a single instance in history in which the Right has risen up in revolution against its government by any other than legal means. Accelerationism has never worked. Pushing the system into specific directions however, is extremely effective and is how the Jews have achieved the power they have. I'd rather copy their tactic of co-opting both sides with explicitly pro white and anti Jewish arguments and working to nepotistically block Jews from positions of power and influence.

Fags on social media being edgelords to stand out from the other snowflakes.

These cunts have no power. They're neither smart or hardworking or resourceful or anything and I plan to kill them the same as all the rest of the cunts. Sorry, no new playmates for you.

Shitposting about death camps (which, I'd remind you, our side has never actually built in history) does not create death camps. Forging a consensus that the Jews must be eliminated creates death camps. If they are weak willed faggots, then turn their will in accordance to yours. Right now they are fractured and vulnerable to someone with a strong will and a strong argument coming in and providing them new leadership. You can do this, or some Jew can do this.

Take Hitler's name off it and see what happens.

It's really interesting when you talk to some of these nominally antifa women after a few hours and they start naming the jew and admitting the Khazars are #fakejews

I laugh at making fun of Bernouts as much as anyone, but they can be a valuable ally with a little more knowledge. We should try to attract them to our side, or at least make use of their support on particular issues.

They arent wrong. In the sense that they have correctly identified what turned the working class against the left.

What they fail to see is that they only had powwer to begin with because said working class could in the past frame their fight in poor vs rich without race coming up.

Another lefty/pol/ shill thread


Holla Forums is pro White identity pro Western civilisation pro traditional values. Leftcucks believe a somalian nigger illegal immigrant is my comrade and brother

Because it worked out so well for Rhodesians and Afrikaners.

Church and state are different things but still obligatory tips fedora.

You're a fucking retard

It this narrative is much older than that, I have seen it reiterated across reddit for several years, I saw it within atheism+, 4chan, various magazines and news paper articles etc. It's a decades old air vent for that has been used by neocon, marxists and various arms of the Democratic Party to relieve tension and push a long white dispossesion. The narrative blurs away anti-white hatred and justifies a lot of it too. How have you avoided this canard for so long?

The cultural marxists has tamed this narrative years ago, and now use it successfully to gain ground as it is one of the acceptable oppositions to diversity that will simply cave because it grants to many assumptions and premises to the anti-white march of progressives. This is what "The Invisible Knapsack" was written to controll.

Cucking to marxists will give you nothing

Gotta gas 'em all.